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Internet Connectivity In Burma (Myanmar)

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Internet connectivity in Myanmar (Burma)

February 21st, 2011 | by Sajal Kayan |

Last weekend ( Feb 19th & 20th) I was in Yangon for BarCamp Yangon.

It probably had an attendance of > 4k participants… Probably one of the largest BarCamps ever, despite the fact that the internet connectivity in Myanmar sucks big time…. Really unusable…

I used internet at the free “wifi” internet at the hotel and the wifi arranged by the organizers. Both places, the speeds I’ve seen range from 0 kbps to ~50 kbps…. most of the time around 0 kbps

Internet access

Most locals use internet at cafes/internet shops. The average shop would have 512 kbps connection shared between 15 to 20 computers charging 300 to 500 MKY ( US$ 0.3 to 0.5 ) per hour for usage. Some give discount if you bring your own laptop, some don’t. I didn’t get a chance [full story...]

Source: SajalKayan.com


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