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Flooding Today?


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At least Soi Siam Country Club experienced heavy rain today. Decorative things were flying through the garden, some trees went down and very gusty conditions. We were without power for 3 hrs and just now TMN cable is off air.

Very early start of the rainy season?

Edited by moo9
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Yes it was one helluva storm.

I have seen many many storms since I have been here, but this one was like a mini-cyclone. The wind was raging for about one hour and I felt sure some of my trees would be uprooted, but they thankfully survived.

I am sure there must have been some structural damage in the area.

My 3 dogs were terrified and I had to hold them and cuddle them. One wouldn't stop shivering in fear.

Our power was only off for about an hour max and then partially returned, before a full service was resumed after another hour or so.

BTV has not been off at all so I have plenty of TV to watch, but I also use BTV internet which was still on throughout the storm and after it, but since about 5 p.m it has been down completely. I can only assume they are doing some repair work. (I am using my standby edge connection to post this )

We often moan about the way Thais work over here, but their responses to damage to electricity and other services from storms is always exemplary. In other countries , people are sometimes cut off for days, but here you are rarely cut off for more than a few hours.

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It is mother nature's way of cleaning the dirt and slime off the streets.

Seems you never have been close to a real storm. I would not mention it if it would have fun today. Never seen like this in 5yrs here.

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My 3 dogs were terrified and I had to hold them and cuddle them. One wouldn't stop shivering in fear.

I can see why you got him the other two companions to assist with the home security duties...you must feel really secure with this crew on the job :lol:

They make great guard dogs as long as it isn't raining and there are no firework celebrations.

Last new Year my 30 kilo plus Golden retriever refused point blank to leave the house and stand guard in the yard while I went out 'New Year's Eve-ing', due to noisy fireworks. I couldn't even drag her out and she was too heavy to carry. I've never known such disobedience.... :D

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It is mother nature's way of cleaning the dirt and slime off the streets.

Seems you never have been close to a real storm. I would not mention it if it would have fun today. Never seen like this in 5yrs here.

I think I live quite close to you. It was indeed something to behold - I'm sure it was a mini-cyclone or maybe a tornado? In the middle of the storm there was suddenly a respite, the rain almost stopped and the wind abated - then it started over again with even more ferocity. Spectacular lightning as well. I have spent about 25 years of my life in the tropics and this was one of the most violent storms I have witnessed.

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Sounds bad on the darkside.I am central pattaya and it rained heavy but nthing like u mentioned.Even my Gf came home about 6.30pm from working near the lake and didnt think it was that bad.I have seen some spectacular storms in my 7 years of living Central Pattaya but this was a very small event compared to sopme.

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In Wongamat, today's storm was not as bad as yesterday's at approx. 4pm

Really heavy rains with gusty winds yesterday, but today it was just moderate rain with some wind. I guess it's a matter of chance where the storm hits and whether you are in the middle of it or not. My neighbor says storms predicted for tomorrow too, but again may be fine where you are but a bad storm rages across town.

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I had also various near misses into my ham radio antenna. In bright day light i could see the high voltage dancing on the power lines near by. Thanks Buddha no major damage just a few fallen trees, teared off paintings from outside wall and one major tree broke down behind the house not hitting our area. During the storm we and our two dogs sat inside the house for shelter...quite

unique experience. I once experienced a typhoon in sothern China, that was worse and about 100 ppl. Lost their lifes there. Yes this was a mini cyclone, no doubt.

Edited by moo9
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It is mother nature's way of cleaning the dirt and slime off the streets.

Seems you never have been close to a real storm. I would not mention it if it would have fun today. Never seen like this in 5yrs here.

Soi Country Club, Soi 13. Been here over 8 years and this was the worst I have seen.

Three medium sized trees and a large fan Palm in my garden down, and opposite on free land two very large trees flattened and broken up.

LOL, within 3 hours the trunks on the land opposite were chain sawed and taken away by two trucks leaving the branches and foliage half blocking the Soi.

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