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When Whitening Propoganda Goes Too Far


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So yesterday I grab a bottle of pink Oishi amino drink stuff for wifey and I. I figured it was like Gatorade or something and I didn't want a bunch of sugar. She looks at it and says "Thank you honey, I appreciate the drink, and I know you didn't know, but don't ever buy this again.." And I was kinda shocked I asked her why and she explained that this company has advertisements for this so called "Britening" drink on the BTS sky train that says "these seats reserved for WHITE people only"blink.gif

I was like your kidding me right?

Nope, check it out:


The Thai discussion carries on here:


So I was sickened about that untill I hit up the translator and read through some of the hundreds of comments. these girls are pissed off, saying how wrong it is, some are saying that if this was America this company would never get away with such garbage, ect. Some even got together and petitioned the BTS web forum themselves to complain against this outrage...


And low and behold they may actually be listening, if you translate the last comment it is from BTS personnel saying they will get with their marketing team on that. Who knows if anything will be done, but it's nice to know these girls haven't lost all self respect and that they don't all buy into that white is right BS.

Thai girls are pretty just the way they are in whatever shade they are IMHO :D

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Wow Pantip works fast, they just shut it down. I guess they get way to many advertising baht from Oishi and other whitening products they wouldn't dare bite the hand that feeds them. But there is another forum about it here:


And if you go on the skytrain you'll no doubt see it.

Amazing how long they stand for this.

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Don't get me wrong about this. I think it is clear that Thailand is a VERY racist society internally with a bias toward lighter skinned Thais and these often toxic skin whitening products take advantage of that commercially. However, I don't really understand the product in question. Is it meant to be for people already with lighter skin to enhance that? If so, offensive though the ads might be, is that really illegitimate, as why would a darker skinned person want to consume that particular product? Also, compare to "black hair" products in the west, surely a multi-billion dollar business.


BTW, just had a look at that Skytrain ad. Yes, I think that ad DOES go way too far. Amazing.

Edited by Jingthing
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Don't get me wrong about this. I think it is clear that Thailand is a VERY racist society internally with a bias toward lighter skinned Thais and these often toxic skin whitening products take advantage of that commercially. However, I don't really understand the product in question. Is it meant to be for people already with lighter skin to enhance that? If so, offensive though the ads might be, is that really illegitimate, as why would a darker skinned person want to consume that particular product? Also, compare to "black hair" products in the west, surely a multi-billion dollar business.


BTW, just had a look at that Skytrain ad. Yes, I think that ad DOES go way too far. Amazing.

Exactly, WAY to far. Thats a good example you mentioned with the Black hair care products, even products like this perm that are meant to straighten out the natural curliness of black hair dosn't do so in a manner to offend or belittle anyone.

Infact it complements their natural skin tone.

What Oishi is doing is downright divisive and ignorant.

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There's a big difference with this sign and a sign on a 1950's bus in the US that might have said "reserved for white people only". I doubt that anyone would comment if an Isan person sat in that Skytrain seat......while on the other hand, if a black person sat in the front of the bus back in the 50's, she/he was taking their life in their hand.

I view the whole 'white skin' obsession in Thailand as being snobbish........not the same as I'd view a KKK person upholding the benefits of his white skin.

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No, this isn't a trivial matter for Thailand. Huge economic decisions are made here based on the color of Thai people's skin by other Thai people, damaging millions of Thai lives (and unfairly giving advantage to millions of others). The effects of racism are never trivial.

This is deep in Thai society and most of the victims of this racism have internalized the racism themselves.

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There's a big difference with this sign and a sign on a 1950's bus in the US that might have said "reserved for white people only". I doubt that anyone would comment if an Isan person sat in that Skytrain seat......while on the other hand, if a black person sat in the front of the bus back in the 50's, she/he was taking their life in their hand.

I view the whole 'white skin' obsession in Thailand as being snobbish........not the same as I'd view a KKK person upholding the benefits of his white skin.

Yes I think your right, “the whole 'white skin' obsession in Thailand is snobbish” ……….It is, but IMHO it’s the thin end of the wedge. As some Thais are very self conscious about this issue. I feel it’s a very dumb way to advertise.

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I guess you guys haven't seen the "light skinned only" employment ads.

It's a complex thing here. Part of it is class based disdain for people who do hard work in the sun which explains why so many Thais cover up at the beach.

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When disaster hit Haiti Thailand pledged a few million. As can be expected this was not forthcoming and pledges9 which mean very little) can be in goods which equal value. So, what was sent?, million's of ( outdated) skin whitener cream!

I'd be banned if I wrote what I'm thinking . . . but you get the idea.

No shame.

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When disaster hit Haiti Thailand pledged a few million. As can be expected this was not forthcoming and pledges9 which mean very little) can be in goods which equal value. So, what was sent?, million's of ( outdated) skin whitener cream!

Maybe check that source again: NOT The Nation ;)

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Don't get me wrong about this. I think it is clear that Thailand is a VERY racist society internally with a bias toward lighter skinned

This is worldwide.

In the old time white skin was also very fashionable in Europe ? Why ? Because poor people were peasants working in the field and were tanned, so having a white skin meant you're not a peasant. Nowadays poor people work in factory and are very pale, while rich people can afford holidays in the tropics, so having a nice tan all year long is the new fashion.

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Don't get me wrong about this. I think it is clear that Thailand is a VERY racist society internally with a bias toward lighter skinned

This is worldwide.

In the old time white skin was also very fashionable in Europe ? Why ? Because poor people were peasants working in the field and were tanned, so having a white skin meant you're not a peasant. Nowadays poor people work in factory and are very pale, while rich people can afford holidays in the tropics, so having a nice tan all year long is the new fashion.

The human race never fails to disappoint.

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Don't get me wrong about this. I think it is clear that Thailand is a VERY racist society internally with a bias toward lighter skinned

This is worldwide.

In the old time white skin was also very fashionable in Europe ? Why ? Because poor people were peasants working in the field and were tanned, so having a white skin meant you're not a peasant. Nowadays poor people work in factory and are very pale, while rich people can afford holidays in the tropics, so having a nice tan all year long is the new fashion.

The human race never fails to disappoint.

I think its just natural to go for the best partner. Guys go for the prettiest girl. Girls think white skinned ppl have more money so its a better partner. Its all natural just like how animals choose their partner on bases of certain traits.

When i say natural i don't say that i approve but it can be explained. Either people want nice fashion clothes to be in a group now they want to lighten their skin. Same thing only problem the color of the skin can only be changed that much. I rather not have a girl that is too white myself because i like outdoor things and if i were to have one of those white girls im sure she would never join me or be covered up.

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I thought it sad that so many are brainwashed into wanting to lighten their skin, until I realised how many bottle-blondes there are around. Guess it's the hope of making oneself more attractive. But have to say I've seen the plainest kiwi white gals improve a bit once they hit that bottle.

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I think its just natural to go for the best partner. Guys go for the prettiest girl. Girls think white skinned ppl have more money so its a better partner. Its all natural just like how animals choose their partner on bases of certain traits.

When i say natural i don't say that i approve but it can be explained. Either people want nice fashion clothes to be in a group now they want to lighten their skin. Same thing only problem the color of the skin can only be changed that much. I rather not have a girl that is too white myself because i like outdoor things and if i were to have one of those white girls im sure she would never join me or be covered up.

You are a ignorant bastard seriously, so your saying:

1) You compare some women to animals who are simply out looking for a mate with money (chances are these are just Issan girls for whom a Thai man with money is out of the question, so those money minded amongst them will turn to what ever white man they can get)

2) It's just natural to view being white as better.

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No, this isn't a trivial matter for Thailand. Huge economic decisions are made here based on the color of Thai people's skin by other Thai people, damaging millions of Thai lives (and unfairly giving advantage to millions of others). The effects of racism are never trivial.

This is deep in Thai society and most of the victims of this racism have internalized the racism themselves.

What huge economic decisions are they then ?

and the last time I looked Thai people were all Thai. Thai people may be prejudiced against other Thais but they are not racist.

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There's a big difference with this sign and a sign on a 1950's bus in the US that might have said "reserved for white people only". I doubt that anyone would comment if an Isan person sat in that Skytrain seat......while on the other hand, if a black person sat in the front of the bus back in the 50's, she/he was taking their life in their hand.

I view the whole 'white skin' obsession in Thailand as being snobbish........not the same as I'd view a KKK person upholding the benefits of his white skin.

Yes I think your right, "the whole 'white skin' obsession in Thailand is snobbish" ……….It is, but IMHO it's the thin end of the wedge. As some Thais are very self conscious about this issue. I feel it's a very dumb way to advertise.

mostly women are self conscious about it, white Thais. For everyone else I don't think they are losing too much sleep over it. For men I don't think it matters so much.

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You are a ignorant bastard seriously, so your saying:

1) You compare some women to animals who are simply out looking for a mate with money (chances are these are just Issan girls for whom a Thai man with money is out of the question, so those money minded amongst them will turn to what ever white man they can get)

2) It's just natural to view being white as better.

Your a black guy with a serious reading problem.

Much studies have been done about what is attractive and what is not. Some things are just instinctual and other things are caused by upbringing.

You are calling me an ignorant bastard while i said i did not approve of it. Later i said i like dark skinned Thai girls. So please read my whole post. Then make stupid remarks.

If a Thai girl is brought up thinking to bag a rich white farang then its natural she goes for one of those instead of a black guy. If thais are brought up believing whiter Thais are superior then its natural that they think so. Why the hell are you so sensitive. Natural does not equal right or wrong.

I have seen this before with my black sister in law always thinking someone is out to discriminate her. Grow a thicker skin man. Im sure you dont have a problem if i said its natural for a girl to think a black guy has a bigger pecker.

All i am saying its a natural or normal response to upbringing and perception.

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You are a ignorant bastard seriously, so your saying:

1) You compare some women to animals who are simply out looking for a mate with money (chances are these are just Issan girls for whom a Thai man with money is out of the question, so those money minded amongst them will turn to what ever white man they can get)

2) It's just natural to view being white as better.

Your a black guy with a serious reading problem.

Much studies have been done about what is attractive and what is not. Some things are just instinctual and other things are caused by upbringing.

You are calling me an ignorant bastard while i said i did not approve of it. Later i said i like dark skinned Thai girls. So please read my whole post. Then make stupid remarks.

If a Thai girl is brought up thinking to bag a rich white farang then its natural she goes for one of those instead of a black guy. If thais are brought up believing whiter Thais are superior then its natural that they think so. Why the hell are you so sensitive. Natural does not equal right or wrong.

I have seen this before with my black sister in law always thinking someone is out to discriminate her. Grow a thicker skin man. Im sure you dont have a problem if i said its natural for a girl to think a black guy has a bigger pecker.

All i am saying its a natural or normal response to upbringing and perception.

I know what I read and I stand by what I said. Especially the ignorant part. There is a difference between nature and nurture. What you describe, in the section I put in bold above, is a woman who is Nurtured to become a whore. While what would be natural, is for her to want a young attractive man her age that loves her.

Roughly, Nature is what our instincts hard wire us to believe from birth. And Nurture is what our environment and those in it, teach us as we grow. Trust me, Thais don't pop out of their momma's thinking ghost white is pretty, no more than the child of a Nazi pops out hating blacks and jews. They gotta be taught that crap and it's messed up.

But no, you think it's natural.

Hence I'm not the one with the reading problem, and my skin is thicker then you may think. Though admittedly I do have a low BS tolerance.

Edited by Huey
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You are a ignorant bastard seriously, so your saying:

1) You compare some women to animals who are simply out looking for a mate with money (chances are these are just Issan girls for whom a Thai man with money is out of the question, so those money minded amongst them will turn to what ever white man they can get)

2) It's just natural to view being white as better.

Your a black guy with a serious reading problem.

Much studies have been done about what is attractive and what is not. Some things are just instinctual and other things are caused by upbringing.

You are calling me an ignorant bastard while i said i did not approve of it. Later i said i like dark skinned Thai girls. So please read my whole post. Then make stupid remarks.

If a Thai girl is brought up thinking to bag a rich white farang then its natural she goes for one of those instead of a black guy. If thais are brought up believing whiter Thais are superior then its natural that they think so. Why the hell are you so sensitive. Natural does not equal right or wrong.

I have seen this before with my black sister in law always thinking someone is out to discriminate her. Grow a thicker skin man. Im sure you dont have a problem if i said its natural for a girl to think a black guy has a bigger pecker.

All i am saying its a natural or normal response to upbringing and perception.

I know what I read and I stand by what I said. Especially the ignorant part. There is a difference between nature and nurture. What you describe, in the section I put in bold above, is a woman who is Nurtured to become a whore. While what would be natural, is for her to want a young attractive man her age that loves her.

Roughly, Nature is what our instincts hard wire us to believe from birth. And Nurture is what our environment and those in it, teach us as we grow. Trust me, Thais don't pop out of their momma's thinking ghost white is pretty, no more than the child of a Nazi pops out hating blacks and jews. They gotta be taught that crap and it's messed up.

But no, you think it's natural.

Hence I'm not the one with the reading problem, and my skin is thicker then you may think. Though admittedly I do have a low BS tolerance.

You are right about nature and nurture. However im not a native English speaker and from the context you could have understood what it means. Also you can use the word natural outside the the whole nature nurture debate. I was talking about upbringing and influence from the rest of the group clearly that is nurture. So booo fuc_king hoo i made an error. I bet your Dutch or even German isnt up to scratch either.

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