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Neighbour Threatened To Kill My Cat


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I am having problems with my next door neighbour, I have lived in this house for 9 Years, recently this guy has moved in next door.

My cat keeps going on the roof of his car when I let her out, his car is parked in his garden.

I understand he must be angry but what can I do, I cannot tell the cat not to go there, she will not listen to me.

The other day he saw her and was shouting threatening abuse, he said he was going to kill her.

Today, he has gone out into the Soi and bought a big freshly cooked fish, I can see it in his garden, I fear he has put poison in it. Now I am petrified of letting her out.

Does anyone have any decent advise about what can be done here, I have a feeling this problem is going to escalate. I know there are some cat haters out there, but there are also some animal lover’s too.

If it was my car, I would put a cover on it if it was annoying me so much. If my cat dies of a result of being poisoned, is there anything I can do. No sarcastic comments please.

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Pattaya girl,

Although I do see your point about how difficult it is to control your cat, I would have to sympathise more with your neighbour on this matter.

Don't get me wrong here, I am not agreeing with his threats to kill your cat but why should he have to put up with a pet that you own.

Since living in Thailand I have had 4 cars scratched to pieces by cats( 2 of them brand new).

I do not own cats as I am allergic to them.

Even so I would not own any pet and then force them onto other people (who have chosen not to own pets).

Your suggestion that you would put a cover on the car if it were yours is a typical jack answer.

Why should your neighbour have to mess around covering his car just because you cannot house train your cat.

Serious answer, keep your cat on/in your property.

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I secondthat tonytigerbkk. I don't hate cats or dogs, being a dog owner myself.

The OP asks:

I understand he must be angry but what can I do, I cannot tell the cat not to go there, she will not listen to me?

Here is what you do. You confine your cat to indoors and you train it to do its business in the kitty litter. Or when you let it out, you supervise it so that it does not cause a nuisance to anyone else. "I cannot tell the cat not to go there" is not a solution, it's an excuse.

And when you have done it, go next door and apologise to your neighbour!

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Yes, I thought of that myself, my mum's cat has a habit of jumping on her slimline TV, and she has to threaten with a water pistol.

This guy wants her dead though, and he is not very friendly, he will not speak to us at all.

Thank you for your advise anyway.

At the risk of sounding sarcastic, you should warn your mum about the dangers of mixing water with electricity.

As for the cat, I have to side with your neighbour. Life isn't always fair, and there's not much we can do if a stray animal damages someone's property, but you know your cat is habitually trespassing and going where it definitely should not go. The onus is on you to remedy the situation by keeping the cat inside (house-trained) or removing it from Pattaya to a more cat-friendly environment like a farm. The fact that you've lived there for 9 years gives you and your pet absolutely no extra rights. Regardless if your neighbour moved in 1 day ago or 9 years ago, you both have equal rights to protect your property and assets. Sorry to say it, but I'd be shocked and thought you've lost your marbles if you came to my door with duvet and water pistol, asking me to take some responsibility for your cat. So, although you may not care for my suggestions, there they are -- keep the cat inside at all times or give a nice and more appropriate home in the countryside.

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Yes, I thought of that myself, my mum's cat has a habit of jumping on her slimline TV, and she has to threaten with a water pistol.

This guy wants her dead though, and he is not very friendly, he will not speak to us at all.

Thank you for your advise anyway.

At the risk of sounding sarcastic, you should warn your mum about the dangers of mixing water with electricity.

As for the cat, I have to side with your neighbour. Life isn't always fair, and there's not much we can do if a stray animal damages someone's property, but you know your cat is habitually trespassing and going where it definitely should not go. The onus is on you to remedy the situation by keeping the cat inside (house-trained) or removing it from Pattaya to a more cat-friendly environment like a farm. The fact that you've lived there for 9 years gives you and your pet absolutely no extra rights. Regardless if your neighbour moved in 1 day ago or 9 years ago, you both have equal rights to protect your property and assets. Sorry to say it, but I'd be shocked and thought you've lost your marbles if you came to my door with duvet and water pistol, asking me to take some responsibility for your cat. So, although you may not care for my suggestions, there they are -- keep the cat inside at all times or give a nice and more appropriate home in the countryside.

This is GREAT advice and should be heeded, I also am not anti domesticated animal but as you say Pattaya Girl things could escalate and WILL, a similar situation happened 2 weeks ago in my moo ban and the cat hasn't gone to a farm it is now in HEAVEN R.I.P

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Why oh! Why do cat owner/lovers think it is Ok for there cat to enter someone Elsie’s garden/property with impunity, I for one are fed up of my neighbors cats crapping in my flower borders .running up the walls and leaving there dirty paw print all over there place and also sitting on the roof of my pick-up truck..

Then when you talk nicely to the owner you get a stupid answer “what came I do I’ve put a bell on it’s collar"…(as if a chuffing bell would stop it crapping and leave it’s flithy paw prints everyway) and don’t get me onto the subject of tom cats straying its foul pee everywhere…….

I am at the end of my tether too and I am now looking to buy a dog and I will be training it to dislike cats but I will put a bell on it collar after all “what else can I do”...At the end of the day the cat is a uninvited unwanted guest.

I am with the irate neighbor on this one cats are a bloody nuisance.

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Yes, I thought of that myself, my mum's cat has a habit of jumping on her slimline TV, and she has to threaten with a water pistol.

This guy wants her dead though, and he is not very friendly, he will not speak to us at all.

Thank you for your advise anyway.

At the risk of sounding sarcastic, you should warn your mum about the dangers of mixing water with electricity.

As for the cat, I have to side with your neighbour. Life isn't always fair, and there's not much we can do if a stray animal damages someone's property, but you know your cat is habitually trespassing and going where it definitely should not go. The onus is on you to remedy the situation by keeping the cat inside (house-trained) or removing it from Pattaya to a more cat-friendly environment like a farm. The fact that you've lived there for 9 years gives you and your pet absolutely no extra rights. Regardless if your neighbour moved in 1 day ago or 9 years ago, you both have equal rights to protect your property and assets. Sorry to say it, but I'd be shocked and thought you've lost your marbles if you came to my door with duvet and water pistol, asking me to take some responsibility for your cat. So, although you may not care for my suggestions, there they are -- keep the cat inside at all times or give a nice and more appropriate home in the countryside.

Wavefloater - My mum THREATENS the cat with a water pistol, she does not spray water onto her television.

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Hm, what a lot of cat haters on this thread.

What will you do about birds crapping on your car? Cats are not dogs, you can not train a cat to stay away from a certain area, as little as you can prevent birds from flying over your property. You can not keep a cat indoor in a climate like Thailand where doors generally are left open all day (assuming you live in a house and not in a condo. A condo is of course a different situation).

BTW, it is a crime to kill cats in Thailand, including poisoning them. BM/mod Raro checked it out with Soi 9 once one of his cats was shot by a neighbor. There's a tread about it somewhere on TV.

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One uncalled for remark removed from view, Be warned I like cats and have ten of them.

Keep you cat indoors or if that is not possible buy or have made a 1 by 1 1/2 meter cage for her to live, when she is not in the house. Cats spend a lot of time sleeping and are quite happy going outside once a day with you walking with them, we do it all the time every day with ten of them.

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One uncalled for remark removed from view, Be warned I like cats and have ten of them.

Keep you cat indoors or if that is not possible buy or have made a 1 by 1 1/2 meter cage for her to live, when she is not in the house. Cats spend a lot of time sleeping and are quite happy going outside once a day with you walking with them, we do it all the time every day with ten of them.


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I too dislike cats as they have ruined a couple of new cars and my flower beds.

My solution was to get a couple of dogs. They keep the cats and other individuals

out. Might want to offer to buy a dog for your neighbor.

Other than that, I believe it is your responsibility to keep your cat of his property.

Imagine if you have a car that is being ruined by somebody else's cat, you would

be quite upset as well.

And if he does kill your cat, there is nothing you can do. My dogs get periodically

poisoned. I am quite sure about who is doing that. I talked to the police, and they

just smiled and made some empty promises, never really investigated or did

anything about it ...

Good luck,


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Pattaya girl,

Although I do see your point about how difficult it is to control your cat, I would have to sympathise more with your neighbour on this matter.

Don't get me wrong here, I am not agreeing with his threats to kill your cat but why should he have to put up with a pet that you own.

Since living in Thailand I have had 4 cars scratched to pieces by cats( 2 of them brand new).

I do not own cats as I am allergic to them.

Even so I would not own any pet and then force them onto other people (who have chosen not to own pets).

Your suggestion that you would put a cover on the car if it were yours is a typical jack answer.

Why should your neighbour have to mess around covering his car just because you cannot house train your cat.

Serious answer, keep your cat on/in your property.

Absolutely! I have 2 cats adopted as stray kittens and they stay in doors they're my responsibility and NOT my neighbors also not their responsibility to train them either...Be a responsible and considerate pet owner and not a lazy one and buy a litter box and clean it as necessary :jap: ..

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Why oh! Why do cat owner/lovers think it is Ok for there cat to enter someone Elsie’s garden/property with impunity, I for one are fed up of my neighbors cats crapping in my flower borders .running up the walls and leaving there dirty paw print all over there place and also sitting on the roof of my pick-up truck..

Then when you talk nicely to the owner you get a stupid answer “what came I do I’ve put a bell on it’s collar"…(as if a chuffing bell would stop it crapping and leave it’s flithy paw prints everyway) and don’t get me onto the subject of tom cats straying its foul pee everywhere…….

I am at the end of my tether too and I am now looking to buy a dog and I will be training it to dislike cats but I will put a bell on it collar after all “what else can I do”...At the end of the day the cat is a uninvited unwanted guest.

I am with the irate neighbor on this one cats are a bloody nuisance.

Not all do, nice generalization, but I agree many do certainly believe it's up to you to tolerate their pets unchecked behavior. Very similar to many parents who think their child is so cute it's ok for them to run rough shod over and impose on you in public with poor behavior and they're so cute to you no matter <_< overlooking the fact that they're THEIR children and not yours....

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I secondthat tonytigerbkk. I don't hate cats or dogs, being a dog owner myself.

The OP asks:

I understand he must be angry but what can I do, I cannot tell the cat not to go there, she will not listen to me?

Here is what you do. You confine your cat to indoors and you train it to do its business in the kitty litter. Or when you let it out, you supervise it so that it does not cause a nuisance to anyone else. "I cannot tell the cat not to go there" is not a solution, it's an excuse.

And when you have done it, go next door and apologise to your neighbour!

:intheclub::thumbsup::wai: Actually fact of the matter is you can train them to potty on the toilet as I'm doing...

Toilet train your cat

I made one of those trays with a plastic pan and a heat gun..

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I find that the water pistol is very humane, totally harmless and very effective. When we had cats in Europe and were bothered by strays hanging round (and coming in through the pop-hole), it only needed a few squirts to teach them to stay well away.

In this instance it may be a bit late to talk to your neighbour about it though.

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I have 3 cats was 5 always from rescue situations.My neighbours mostly have dogs big dogs at that , 2 have been killed by them over the last 10 or so years.

Cats do wander I have them all nutured as soon as they can be, most of the time they just hang around in my garden.If they go into someone elses property and get harmed (dogs) not much I can say or do.Buggers some times intentally sit on a wall and look at them.

If my neighbour purposely threatend to kill my cats , I would keep them inside for sure or sit by his car with water until they get the hint and go elsewhere.

If you make a decison to adopt or buy an animal you have to be responsible for them.

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Years ago in England I had a friend who worked at Windsor Safari Park. He had a great side line going: he sold lion dung. This keeps cats off your property if you spread it around your borders. They smell it and know it's from a much bigger cat than them. How about going down to Nong Nooch and getting some tiger dung, put it where your cat goes through to next door?

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Sorry but its down to you, if you cant stop your cat doing it then the only mistake I guess he made was that he told you he was going to do it.

To me cats are vermin, I know they are pets also but pets some of the time and out killing song birds when they get the chance and crapping in someone else's garden and peeing all over the place.

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Agreed, cat owners should make sure their cat do their business at home and are neutered. (Neutered cats don't "pee all over the place").

But to have heart palpitations because a cat sleep on the bonnet of your car. Someone suggesting a cat could scratch the paint? Come on now!

Cats killing birds. Yes they do. That's called nature. They also kill rats and in some cases snakes and in general make sure your area is free of vermin. Real vermin.

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