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Windows Xp Professional


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Why you think that Geronimo?

All the software i use profesionally is legitimate.

I occasionally use a copy when i want to try out something or use only once in a while, if i like it i buy it.

For an OS which you use always, you should pay. If you don't want to pay, go open source. There is enough for everyone.

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Why you think that Geronimo?

All the software i use profesionally is legitimate.

I occasionally use a copy when i want to try out something or use only once in a while, if i like it i buy it.

For an OS which you use always, you should pay. If you don't want to pay, go open source. There is enough for everyone.

I agree with you 100%. All of my operatings systems and software that I rely on / use frequently are all legitimate. They may not be the newest versions (I'm still using Photoshop 6) but are the real thing. Whenever I buy a new computer (I've bought lots of DIY computers from Pantip / Fortune for our office) I always buy a genuine OS. They seem to install and run cleaner as well.

I do buy the copies for the same reason- to try something out or test a new version, and only on my home PC. I'd never have copied software in the office. I've never liked free trial downloads as they are sometimes limited in features and capabilites. If it turns out that I like or end up using something a lot, I buy it.

The software police busted the company where my GF works. They just arrived one day and started checking computers for stickers. They have over 90 computers, and most had illegal OS's / MS Office. The company was fined almost 2 million baht.

Edited by bino
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I was checking www.pantipprice.com for prices on Windows XP Professional. There is an OEM version for b7,800 and 'box' version for b26,400. Is the OEM version 'legitimate' to install on a new, built-to-order PC?

An oem Licence would be legitimate, providing that the new, built-to-order Pc came pre-installed. OEM version software is tied into a single computer, or more accurately the motherboard. So you would not be able to upgrade the motherboard, or even change it unless it was covered by a warantee. The box version has far more flexability, hence the higher price.

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Why you think that Geronimo?

All the software i use profesionally is legitimate.

I occasionally use a copy when i want to try out something or use only once in a while, if i like it i buy it.

For an OS which you use always, you should pay. If you don't want to pay, go open source. There is enough for everyone.

I agree with you 100%. All of my operatings systems and software that I rely on / use frequently are all legitimate. They may not be the newest versions (I'm still using Photoshop 6) but are the real thing. Whenever I buy a new computer (I've bought lots of DIY computers from Pantip / Fortune for our office) I always buy a genuine OS. They seem to install and run cleaner as well.

I do buy the copies for the same reason- to try something out or test a new version, and only on my home PC. I'd never have copied software in the office. I've never liked free trial downloads as they are sometimes limited in features and capabilites. If it turns out that I like or end up using something a lot, I buy it.

The software police busted the company where my GF works. They just arrived one day and started checking computers for stickers. They have over 90 computers, and most had illegal OS's / MS Office. The company was fined almost 2 million baht.


right, so very right :D both of you :D

even me :o, I bought a genuine xp(oem, coz a mouse comes with it), and I licensed most of my working programs, some are still .. hmm .. patched :D

on my other machine Suse linux is running and set me free from licensing :D

as you said, choice: win OS ..pay for it, linux and bsd download use and enjoy :D

(imho) it's a question of personal ethic.


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When you buy a computer how do you know if the Windows is legal or not....when I bought my computers no one talked about this...they just asked me what I wanted and then put it in...I'm worried whether Bill Gates got his share of my money or not.

In my extremely limited experience I'd say that either (or both) there would be a sticker on the PC, placed there by the authorized OEM (with details of the Windows OS), or you are provided with a Windows CD (and associated ptoduct key)?

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When you buy a computer how do you know if the Windows is legal or not....when I bought my computers no one talked about this...they just asked me what I wanted and then put it in...I'm worried whether Bill Gates got his share of my money or not.

In my extremely limited experience I'd say that either (or both) there would be a sticker on the PC, placed there by the authorized OEM (with details of the Windows OS), or you are provided with a Windows CD (and associated ptoduct key)?

Quite correct lomatopo... If you have an original OS, they should have given you the CD in case you ever have a failure and need to reinstall. Also, the shop should have put a sticker on the PC which has the alphabetic serial number for the software on it, or at least given you the sticker.

The sticker is located on the shrinkwrap that covers the Windows XP booklet and CD. I inadvertantly threw it away one time, and ended up having to go dumpster diving to retrieve it!

Chownah- most DIY shops don't include a genuine OS in their advertised / marked prices, and don't even consider trying to sell it to you. If they simply asked you "what you wanted" (which is normal for them), and didn't give you a Windows CD, you are probably running a copied version.

I'm not a Bill G fan to be sure (how much money does one man need?), but I do like a stable and legal computer!

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I was checking www.pantipprice.com for prices on Windows XP Professional. There is an OEM version for b7,800 and 'box' version for b26,400. Is the OEM version 'legitimate' to install on a new, built-to-order PC?

An oem Licence would be legitimate, providing that the new, built-to-order Pc came pre-installed. OEM version software is tied into a single computer, or more accurately the motherboard. So you would not be able to upgrade the motherboard, or even change it unless it was covered by a warantee. The box version has far more flexability, hence the higher price.

Not quite - the software is actually the same... - the support isn't...

i.e. The Retail box version would be the one where you would phone up Microsoft if you're having problems installing the software, and they'd actually deal with you. On the OEM version (which, in theory should only be sold along with a machine), you'd go to the machine's manufacturer for installation support, or that's what Microsoft might tell you to do.

How computer savvy you are will define which version you go for. - i.e. if you know that you can work through any installation issues yourself, then go for the OEM one. If you are a newbie, then go for the boxed one. (or buy a copy - and if you run into problems, buy the boxed one so you can call up Microsoft, and if you don't - buy the OEM one - there is a way of changing the licence stored on the computer without doing the full install all over again...)

Personally - I have a pile of legit copies of operating systems from Windows 3.1 through to, and including XP - although I will admit to running XP on some machines where I would only have a Windows 95 licence...

i.e. I am not going out and forking out more than the computer's worth for a separate copy of XP for the old computer that I gave to my 3-year old (an old Celeron 333), where the only reason I've had to upgrade the O/S is because I put in a PCI card with some USB ports so it could have a webcam, and Windows 95 doesn't handle USB.

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It is not a question if YOU are happy about it. It is illegal and someone else (the software maker) is unhappy about it. But the changes that they come knocking on your door are slim, unless you use your computer for business purposes, then they can and will find you.

Nobody really 'need' a genuine copy as the counterfeit one will work just as well. If you want people to develop their software further and you want support and you use it a lot then why not buy it. Maybe you don't know it but software makers also work for their money, same as everyone else and it is not nice to steal from them.

It is the same as using your neighbours bike because you are 'happy' to use it, and maybe even complain it is not driving comfortable. If you not have his permision then you definately are doing something wrong.

If you hate spending money, why did you buy a computer and why are you not using one of the many free OS systems that are available. Because it is too difficult? Another reason to pay, otherwise you would not even be able to use your computer.

In short you already NEED a genuine copy.

*rant over..

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I did give my share to Mr Bill when i did run my business in OZ and was running the computer with a genuine window as with other programs and from then semi retired in Thailand.

I left my old PC there.

Will I look to install my old copy and buy a upgrade? no

The buying for upgrade is a pain!

But yes when I will get my laptop I am pretty sure it will be on genuine window !

use but do not abuse ... for both way !

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There are two sides to each argument. There are people who will go on and on about why you have to pay thousands of dollars (or tens of thousands of baht) for legit software, and there are others who say otherwise. As with every argument, there is no clear cut answer for everyone.

My take on it is that if you can *afford* to pay for it, by all means do. If you make only 8 thousand baht a month, but need your computer for your livelihood, by all means *DON'T*. Legit software won't feed you when your family is starving.

One thing is that legit *games* sold here are fairly cheap, and if you can find it, you should buy it. The price difference is negligable, and for those games with online capability, you can enjoy online play.

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My take on it is that if you can *afford* to pay for it, by all means do.  If you make only 8 thousand baht a month, but need your computer for your livelihood, by all means *DON'T*.  Legit software won't feed you when your family is starving.


Classic and wrong argument. Perhaps you do not realize it, but you are unfortunately encouraging theft. The only reason why people may be tempted to believe - wrongly - in what you suggest is because it is easy and convenient to acquire pirated software here.

One could follow your premises and write: "If you make only 8 thousand baht a month, but need your computer for your livelihood, by all means break into a computer shop at night and steal the computer from the shop".

I could generalize what you said and write: "If you make only 8 thousand baht a month, but need SOMETHING for your livelihood, by all means go and STEAL IT as long as it is safe and convenient for you to do it".

Using unlicensed software is equivalent to stealing someone else's property. Whoever is doing it is a thief. Period.

Edited by TVLover
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As I said, there are differing views. I presented mine, you present yours, etc etc. Some people take it to the extremes, led into that chain of thought by some very good marketing and a very good lifestyle (born with a silver spoon, compared to people in third world countries).

It is actually easy and convenient to acquire pirated software *anywhere*, especially in western countries. Broadband internet, anyone? Bittorrent? P2P? The locals here use places like Pantip since the broadband, to put it mildly, sucks.

Again, only my point of view. I hope that I am free to express it?

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Thanks for helping me, now I understand that the OEM version does not entitle one to support from Microsoft, but rather from the OEM. And that the software is likely tied to one single system. With the full retail version one is entitled to support directly from Microsoft and that one could migrate the software from one old, inactive PC to a new, active PC.

I honestly don't mind paying for the software. I'll buy it in the U.S. and pick it up on my next trip back.

At this site the OEM version is $ 138.50 and the full retail version is $174.00.

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I have 'mostly' registered and real SW on my machine..

When it comes to OS I have one dissagrement.. I have bought so many machines that come with bundled OS (I bought a licence) I have probably bought 5+ XP licenses (I realize this is less common in Thailand).. Now when these machines come with no windows discs (common) and some funky 'back up your OS once you buy it (yes HP actually expects you to back up your own rescue discs) I consider I have the moral right to one running copy of windows for that license.. I will use one hacked version to re install (which I probably do every 3 - 6 months) over that 'paid' licence..

I currently have 3 windows desktops and 2 windows laptops (both lappys came with bundled OS but are now reformated.. the initial licences I paid for but the licence will only work on the specific OEM hardware locked install) as I have bought more licences than this I feel morally fine about just mentally using one credit per bundled OS I get stung for..

God knows how many Win98SE licences I must have bought for machines long defunct over the years.. >10 at least.. So now when I need to install a win98 (using 98lite for thin client terminals I have in my home net) I just use one of my OS mental credits..

If this microsoft forced bundling didnt happen.. I would only have to buy the few I need and use them.. Locking licences to hardware is IMHO morally a trick by them.. if so I will play by my own moral rules which still means 1 machine 1 paid for license

Lastly I also consider one machine to be ALL partitions on that machine.. For examply my Media / HTPC has 3 current XP installs.. One for DVD / Media / HiDef use connected to my theater with a front end shell so it looks like an appliance.. one 'gaming' partition.. one testbed partition for trying new drivers, audio and video tweaks and tests, building and testing control and automation scripts without compromising my 'optimum' partition.. I can only use one partition at one one time but MS wants me to pay for 3 for this.. I dissagree..

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And without wanting to discuss cracks etc I have never found unique generated serials to be any less reliable or buggy and updateable than normal ones..

If you look on ebay etc you can buy home and pro serials (and use our own install disc) with no media supplied for very cheap.. I have used this process in the past when I wanted another key code and already had the actual media and 1 key being used. I understand this to be fully legit.

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  • 5 months later...

My window update XP as been blocked again , I am not able to disable my window genuine advantage now ! from tool / menage add-ons.

use to the last 9 months !

I have few full / paid version on window, but not the XP, just said that before you shoot!

Just running a copy version on this computer !

I will purchase a original version when I do my new computer in few months , but wonder how I can disable this window genuine advantage now

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Guest endure
I'm not a Bill G fan to be sure (how much money does one man need?), but I do like a stable and legal computer!

He is giving large chunks of it away to projects that no-one else would touch because they don't produce enough profit - fighting malaria is one example. Maybe he's the new Andrew Carnegie?

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