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HIV Up Among Phuket Ladyboys

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JB & Randee,

You boys arnt playing very nicely. One might even suggest that your antics are a little bit foolish wink.gif

Be kind to each other, remember each of us here is entitled to our own opinions, no need to call each other names. rolleyes.gif

i agree. i just gave my point of view and he attacked me with an insult. i responded to him. (he started it)

Hmm. Reminds me of the playground, (he started it)?

Randee I will state again you need to do much research. The human body is full of little holes (pores) from which blood can be secreted. Hence when this happens during sexual intercourse, Vagina or Anus, the HIV or any other virus can be transmitted. I suggest you read my post again. At no point do I say that I indulge in anal sex. If I did it be my choice. When a lady boy and a guy get it together, they invariably do indulge in anal sex. Their choice. You indulge in hetro sex with a lady, yours and her choice. Be warned.


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Keep in mind that anal sex with a condom is almost definitely safer than unprotected vaginal sex with a Thai prostitute.

Next ...

anal sex is freaky unnatural sewer sex even if you wear a dozen condoms.


I've removed some insults, let's keep it civil please.

And I have just removed 4 more insulting and inflammatory posts. If you cannot keep the discussion civil then this topic will be closed. Thank you.


Keep in mind that anal sex with a condom is almost definitely safer than unprotected vaginal sex with a Thai prostitute.

Next ...

anal sex is freaky unnatural sewer sex even if you wear a dozen condoms.

One condom is the suggested method. Wearing two condoms increases the risk of friction that could cause breakage. I think modern humans are well beyond natural meaning anything. Sex is about much more than procreation; it is mostly about PLEASURE and human bonding. I reckon you would have to call BJ's unnatural also, eh? Your personal disgust about what gives others pleasure is your own business and you are welcome to it. I would probably be disgusted by what you do sexually, but really, what does it matter? The point is that everyone needs to take personal responsibility for protecting their own health in sexual matters.


Keep in mind that anal sex with a condom is almost definitely safer than unprotected vaginal sex with a Thai prostitute.

Next ...

anal sex is freaky unnatural sewer sex even if you wear a dozen condoms.

One condom is the suggested method. Wearing two condoms increases the risk of friction that could cause breakage. I think modern humans are well beyond natural meaning anything. Your personal disgust about what gives other pleasure is your own business and you are welcome to it. I would probably be disgusted by what you do sexually, but really, what does it matter? The point is that everyone needs to take personal responsibility for protecting their own health in sexual matters.

dont flatter yourself and try to put everybody in your category. dont judge all modern humans by your misgivings. just because you do it, dont fantasize that everybody does it. because they dont.

its considered freaky, unnatural and dangerous by most other modern humans.

here is some deep concerns from one modern human. quoted from the headline here on page one,

"Dr Sak Tanchaikul, chief of Phuket Provincial Public Health Office (PPHO), said he was deeply concerned about HIV infection rates among “men who have sex with men”,"


The doctor didn't insult the sex practices of MSM. That unprotected anal sex, gay or straight, is very high risk is a FACT. You should also know, believe it or not, that not all gay men enjoy anal sex. There are other options.


The doctor didn't insult the sex practices of MSM. That unprotected anal sex, gay or straight, is very high risk is a FACT. You should also know, believe it or not, that not all gay men enjoy anal sex. There are other options.

who said anything about the doctor insulting ???

i don't wish to know about gay men having sex thank you. it's most definately not something i care to think about. only when i see headlines like this

"Dr Sak Tanchaikul, chief of Phuket Provincial Public Health Office (PPHO), said he was deeply concerned about HIV infection rates among “men who have sex with men”,"

and then i see gay men trying to say that what they do is ok. not only that but they also try to inflict their ways on others.

i am 100% hetrosexual. i love ladies. i'm a ladies man and i have a blissfully wonderful sex life. healthy happiness.

p.s. your comment about bjs was really really silly.


I have just noticed that my last post has been removed. May I just add that I do not believe it either, insulting or inflamatry.

Also another valid point. You can also contract HIV through oral sex.



p.s. your comment about bjs was really really silly.

Really? I think it is spot on the topic. I reckon most all men enjoy BJs, gay, straight, whatever. Yet oral sex is totally unnatural by the orthodox standard that sex must be involved with procreative organs. For that matter, hetero genital sex between people when they are infertile or using birth control methods is also unnatural to those Neanderthals and religious fanatics who still think the only purpose of sex is reproduction.

Next ...


p.s. your comment about bjs was really really silly.

Really? I think it is spot on the topic. I reckon most all men enjoy BJs, gay, straight, whatever. Yet oral sex is totally unnatural by the orthodox standard that sex must be involved with procreative organs. For that matter, hetero genital sex between people when they are infertile or using birth control methods is also unnatural to those Neanderthals and religious fanatics who still think the only purpose of sex is reproduction.

Next ...

yes yes - i was referring to you suggesting that because i am anti-anal sex that i'm not into bjs. that is silly.

i have an awesome sex life but anal sex is taboo for me ... as you keep omitting it i will repeat the reason i don't agree with anal

Dr Sak Tanchaikul, chief of Phuket Provincial Public Health Office (PPHO), said he was deeply concerned about HIV infection rates among “men who have sex with men”,


Randee, so you like BJs? Congrats. You're a sodomite, just like me.

Going back to the science, oral sex is very low risk for HIV but not no risk. Anal sex without protection is very high risk, but it doesn't matter whether the anus belongs to a man or a woman.

Also worth noting is that you can get other very serious diseases very easily through unprotected oral sex, such as syphilis.

What makes one more disgusting or unnatural than the other? I am disgusted by the idea of eating dogs, insects, brains, and rats but lots of people in the world find that totally normal and delicious. This isn't a problem for me or them. I just don't eat those things.


I would like to point out that our Health forum already has a policy about HIV myth spreading, which I think it is now time to implement in this thread. Particularly unwelcome are claims that HIV does not exist; that it is not caused by unprotected sex; that it is a conspiracy by a government or terrorists or aliens, etc., etc.

Furthermore it would be helpful to get back to the topic which is actually related to a particular population in a particular area of Thailand.


Its a simple thing of unprotected sex with participants who regularly have sex with other people that should be of MOST concern. Whether you are taking it or giving up the blurter is neither here nor there.

Surely you guys have seen those celebrity charts that show whos been with who & the tree of lovers that two people have been involved with. Now imagine if that same task was undertaken by a Pattaya player and experienced expat ohmy.gif

You're splitting hairs here.

Anal sex is considerably more significant in the transmission of the HIV virus than any other form of sexual activity short of commingling blood in certain sexual fetishes. In addition, the more often you have unprotected sex in which a penis is inserted, either vaginally or rectally, and with someone whom you do not have an exclusively monogamous relationship with, increases the likelihood of transmission. PERIOD. This is unequivocal whether you like it, accept it, or not. Mis- and dis-information will not alter these facts no matter how much you would like them to.

The use of a condom, every single time with a semi-monogamous, non-monogamous or unknown partner is the most practical, cost-effective way to protect yourself. PERIOD.

Ignorance and/or denial will not protect you from HIV transmission. If you want facts, contact me and I'll present study after study that supports the claims that I have made.

I'm not discounting your assertion. I'm only adding to it.


If it were real, then more people would be dying from AIDS in Pattaya than from road accidents and that's just not so. Some would argue that to even question the equation 'HIV = AIDS' is dangerous - thus we must uphold the belief whether it is true or false.

This is one of the dumbest things I've seen written in a long time. Keep your jimmy unwrapped, keep on bangin', and you'll find out how real HIV is.

Could not agree more! banging anyone without a condom is pure lunacy and self denial. Its still shocking for me to hear supposedly intelligent guys recant a story where they bedded a working girl without a condom due to this reason and that reason...for me there is zero reason not use a condom. And to those guys smuggly thinking to themselves that they are married and do not need to use a condom...actually you are more at risk than the gun slinging playboy who bangs a working girl every night of the year and twice on sundays and who always wears a condom wether he is penetrating or not. Food for thought. Dont be so naive guys...if you are not going to abstain, use a rubber...ALWAYS. Anything else is just risk taking with your life and others lifes which is actually where the real criminality lies in the irresponsible use of not using protection. Bottom line...use a condom so you dont F*&k up the life of someone else regardless of their social standing.

oh really. so why haven't i got aids then?

its hard to get aids. aids comes when you start mixing blood. abnormal sex practices (gay and freaky sex) and doing hard drugs is where the problems are. do just normal healthy sex and live a healthy lifestyle and you'll be ok. dont put your life giving limb where its not supposed to go.

you cant get aids from normal body fluids and juices. it comes from blood.

That's it. No sense in pulling your head out of the sand. :whistling:



do just normal healthy sex and live a healthy lifestyle and you'll be ok. dont put your life giving limb where its not supposed to go.

you cant get aids from normal body fluids and juices. it comes from blood.

Not true. Most HIV transmission in both Africa and I think also Thailand is through unprotected penile/vaginal contact. It is true the rates are higher in MSM people, but they are a minority, so when you add it all up, it is still a primarily heterosexual, non-anal-sex, disease.

I wouldn't necessarily say "primarily..., non-anal" as many in sub-Saharan Africa practice anal sex as a form of birth control as well. That's not to negate your statement that penile/vaginal sex isn't true. Just that anal sex is also commonly practiced there as well.


Keep in mind that anal sex with a condom is almost definitely safer than unprotected vaginal sex with a Thai prostitute.

Next ...

anal sex is freaky unnatural sewer sex even if you wear a dozen condoms.

You're most welcome to having your own opinion.


The doctor didn't insult the sex practices of MSM. That unprotected anal sex, gay or straight, is very high risk is a FACT. You should also know, believe it or not, that not all gay men enjoy anal sex. There are other options.

who said anything about the doctor insulting ???

i don't wish to know about gay men having sex thank you. it's most definately not something i care to think about. only when i see headlines like this

"Dr Sak Tanchaikul, chief of Phuket Provincial Public Health Office (PPHO), said he was deeply concerned about HIV infection rates among “men who have sex with men”,"

and then i see gay men trying to say that what they do is ok. not only that but they also try to inflict their ways on others.

i am 100% hetrosexual. i love ladies. i'm a ladies man and i have a blissfully wonderful sex life. healthy happiness.

p.s. your comment about bjs was really really silly.

I don't wish to know about straights having sex, thank you. It's most definitely not something I care to think about either. Especially when it comes from someone who wears the statement, "i am 100% hetrosexual." on his sleeve. Thus I choose not to read a biased opinion.


The aids rate in Thailand is roughly three times higher than the Philippines, a country that is Catholic with a low condom usage rate. The Philippines also has a very active sex industry. Why the difference ?? I think the staggering amount of lady boys and gay men in Thailand is the problem. What the gay industry here is doing is drawing gay men from around the world to have sex in Thailand, thus bringing AIDS here. Then because so many gay Thai men are bisexual , they end up giving AIDS to Thai women. The best thing the Thai government could do to slow down AIDS in Thailand would be to throttle back the gay sex industry.


look its no secret for goodness sakes. Take it in the rear unprotected = higher chance of HIV

Or give it in the rear unprotected.

gfl hope your protected. was in the cowboy last night at you know where :D


Will we all succumb some day?

Yes! Death is not an option.

that can't possibly be right. dry.gif

no its not at all right. its bloody silly.

Death is not an option but WHEN death comes, we have some control over. ... obviously "man with man" sex will greatly reduce the control they have over when they may die. but he is choosing to shrug that off and make fun of it.

No I am not making fun of it. It is simply that you have low expectations for those who disagree with your view.

Death is not an option, and the life we live before going into the next place is only what we make of it, and what we take into that next life that can only be retained in our hearts.

The greatest journey in life is getting all that head knowledge down into our hearts. Hopefully there is a heart at the end of the journey. Regardless, some people never set out upon that journey. I have my time at taking swipes at Homosexuals and Lesbians, but at the bottom of it, if they truly have love, and not an agenda, then I am on their side. If they have an agenda, then they better avoid my doorstep.

I do not agree with men loving men simply out of animal passion, but only from the heart, if that is possible; and I believe it is. Yes, I understand that seemingly odd physical behaviors are engaged in as a result of that true love or animal passion. Whatever makes them happy, as long as they comply with the local social norm and do not upset the balance of the microcosm that they live in, respectively. Same goes for women / women. Again, I do not like it, but life is short, and if we can find love before we die, then it makes things easier on our well-being, and we all get along better with each other.

All this is no different than the Imam, or Rabbi, or Minister, or Preacher who engages in sex with their wives and only has images of the secretary running through their mind during the coupling. Living a life guilty of that is far worse than living a shorter life and having true love.

So, you think it will greatly reduce a life span if there is a man man relationship; but I disagree because your definition of being happy when life ends, and the length required to achieve that happiness is not the rule we all go by, thankfully.

My comment is directed to those who spend their time playing the thought police and who are so uncomfortable with their own existence that they have to bring others down in order to have company in their miserable, unloved lives.


Will we all succumb some day?

Yes! Death is not an option.

that can't possibly be right. dry.gif

no its not at all right. its bloody silly.

Death is not an option but WHEN death comes, we have some control over. ... obviously "man with man" sex will greatly reduce the control they have over when they may die. but he is choosing to shrug that off and make fun of it.

No I am not making fun of it. It is simply that you have low expectations for those who disagree with your view.

Death is not an option, and the life we live before going into the next place is only what we make of it, and what we take into that next life that can only be retained in our hearts.

The greatest journey in life is getting all that head knowledge down into our hearts. Hopefully there is a heart at the end of the journey. Regardless, some people never set out upon that journey. I have my time at taking swipes at Homosexuals and Lesbians, but at the bottom of it, if they truly have love, and not an agenda, then I am on their side. If they have an agenda, then they better avoid my doorstep.

I do not agree with men loving men simply out of animal passion, but only from the heart, if that is possible; and I believe it is. Yes, I understand that seemingly odd physical behaviors are engaged in as a result of that true love or animal passion. Whatever makes them happy, as long as they comply with the local social norm and do not upset the balance of the microcosm that they live in, respectively. Same goes for women / women. Again, I do not like it, but life is short, and if we can find love before we die, then it makes things easier on our well-being, and we all get along better with each other.

All this is no different than the Imam, or Rabbi, or Minister, or Preacher who engages in sex with their wives and only has images of the secretary running through their mind during the coupling. Living a life guilty of that is far worse than living a shorter life and having true love.

So, you think it will greatly reduce a life span if there is a man man relationship; but I disagree because your definition of being happy when life ends, and the length required to achieve that happiness is not the rule we all go by, thankfully.

My comment is directed to those who spend their time playing the thought police and who are so uncomfortable with their own existence that they have to bring others down in order to have company in their miserable, unloved lives.

a little while ago there was a thread on Smoking. i'm pro smoking. i love it. its an expensive luxury.

well the amount of people who reacted to my post was quite big. even some moderators joined in. everyone trying to force their opinions on me. some really ridiculous arguements came out.

my reaction was "if you drive a pollution belching car, shut up and sort your own wrong doings out before you criticize me for my tiny little cigarette. no decent arguement came back. just a load of blah blah blah that didnt convince me.

well i tell you now - i would rather be somewhere watching people smoking than be somewhere watching men have anal sex. i feel more strongly about gay sex than anyone does about smoking cigarettes.

p.s. i didnt read your reply post here. its too long and blah blah blah. i remember you by your original post.

but what is most prominent in my mind rather than what you or anyone else has to say is this ....

"Dr Sak Tanchaikul, chief of Phuket Provincial Public Health Office (PPHO), said he was deeply concerned about HIV infection rates among “men who have sex with men”."


I have deleted some HIV/AIDS denialism posts, a flame, and the replies to them.

The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. — George Bernard Shaw


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