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that I have to 'give up' my 75ml of Davidoff at the security check point at Savarnapum - then buy it again just past it?

happened to me - I had to throw away a bottle - then walk 10 paces and there's a shop selling it - what's the point???

Edited by ChiangMaiFun
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Do I understand you correctly, you have a bottle of spirits with you land-side, you get found with it at the security check and you are not allowed to take it through, as would be the case at any airport throughout the world?

You then visit an air-side shop and find the same brand of spirits on sale, here the bottle would have been subject to vigorous security procedures and will be placed in a secure pack and you would be allowed to take it on board to most, though not all destinations.

Have I totally misunderstood your post?

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Have I totally misunderstood your post?

I think so as the last time I used Davidoff it was right after having a shave and I splashed it on all over

I hope you realise that this was all done for your own safety. :huh:

None of the safety measures in place are there to stop a terrorist. They are simply there to make you feel like they are doing something, to keep you scared and to control you more easily.

Not many people know that there hasn't been 1 instance where a search or full body scan has stopped anybody from getting on the plane with anything that could damage it or bring it down. Not 1

As you say the fact you can walk 10 yards and buy the exact same thing makes a mockery of the safety issue.

If all this was to do with safety then they would nbot give the job to the company with the lowest tender now would they ? :o:huh:

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It's still a liquid though, though I did miss the the size of the container.

There are international standards that airports have to adhere to, and that includes Thailand. I don't agree that security is only in place to keep the travelling public in order, though I will accept that any security operation is only as good as the operatives and a potential terrorist only needs to be lucky once.

A British guy oversees security procedures at Suvarnabhumi, and I doubt very much if his company got the contract because they were the cheapest.

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A while back the wife and I were in the US. I purchased a bottle of Crown Royal to bring back to Thailand. Due to a major brain fart on my part the wife had put it in my carry on. You guest it, into the bin it went by costumes. Arrived at Chiang Mai International and guess what the same bottle of CR was to be had in duty free for the same price I had paid in the US

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To the OP: The point is that liquids carried from landside may possibly have been substituted with explosives by a terrorist. The same liquid sold within the security area of the transit lounge is considered to be safe.

Someone pointed out that no one has ever been caught at security carrying explosives this way, but there has been at least one major threat stopped before the perpetrators could get to an airport.

Aircraft Terrorist Plot

I don't find it a problem to travel without bottles of stuff (I can buy grog airside).

What gives me a pain is having to take my shoes off all the time because some deluded pommy, wouldbe terrorist tried to blow up his Raoul Mertons on a plane !

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I was stopped by security at Macau international airport on my way to BK . I was carrying a tin of olives in salt water in my carry-on bag .

The security officer said , no liquids.

I said, it's a can of olives .

The security officer shook the can and said , no liquids .

I said , ok but can I keep the olives ?

The security said , OK .

I had to open the can a little bit and pour the water into the big bin . I was then allowed through and onto the plane .

It was the same on the way back , I had to throw a jar of homemade pa la sap , in a skippy peanut butter jar , into the big bin . The guy said , good pa la sap .

I should have learned the first time .

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I was stopped by security at Macau international airport on my way to BK . I was carrying a tin of olives in salt water in my carry-on bag .

The security officer said , no liquids.

I said, it's a can of olives .

The security officer shook the can and said , no liquids .

I said , ok but can I keep the olives ?

The security said , OK .

I had to open the can a little bit and pour the water into the big bin . I was then allowed through and onto the plane .

It was the same on the way back , I had to throw a jar of homemade pa la sap , in a skippy peanut butter jar , into the big bin . The guy said , good pa la sap .

I should have learned the first time .

Allowed through with the can of olives I might add .

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Have I totally misunderstood your post?

I think so as the last time I used Davidoff it was right after having a shave and I splashed it on all over

I hope you realise that this was all done for your own safety. :huh:

None of the safety measures in place are there to stop a terrorist. They are simply there to make you feel like they are doing something, to keep you scared and to control you more easily.

Not many people know that there hasn't been 1 instance where a search or full body scan has stopped anybody from getting on the plane with anything that could damage it or bring it down. Not 1

As you say the fact you can walk 10 yards and buy the exact same thing makes a mockery of the safety issue.

If all this was to do with safety then they would nbot give the job to the company with the lowest tender now would they ? :o:huh:

And just to add: what is the sense in all the body checks and scans etc ?? When air cargo in the belly of the plane is NOT scanned.

So the terrorist can get on the plane with his remote detonator and just sned stuffby cargo which is underneath.???

Sooy but there is a degree of "control" and "jobs for the boys" in all this screening stuff.

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