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This is interesting, just found it.

China Criminalizes Internet Telephony

This week, subscribers to China Telecom's broadband access service in Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, found that they could not log on Skype any more. When they complained to China Telecom, the carrier said that Skype was not allowed.

An executive from the technical department of China Telecom disclosed that, from now on, customers of China Telecom that use Skype to make long-distance calls will be fined and even cut off from their connection to the Internet.

Full story here.


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This is interesting, just found it.

China Criminalizes Internet Telephony

This week, subscribers to China Telecom's broadband  access service in Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, found that they could not log on Skype any more. When they complained to China Telecom, the carrier said that Skype was not allowed.

An executive from the technical department of China Telecom disclosed that, from now on, customers of China Telecom that use Skype to make long-distance calls will be fined and even cut off from their connection to the Internet.

Full story here.


Bad news for eBay...

I guess that phone tapping is more difficult with Skype than with a regular phone.

Ps: hi Pandit, how does NZ handle your evil nature?

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Just as a backup it might be a good idea to get Google Talk (which is only usable for free comp to comp telephony). The phone companies may feel less threatened by this than Skype since you can not call a telephone with this (at least not yet).

The clarity with this is as good and often better than Skype. However a broadband connection may be more necessary for GT to function than for Skype.

To get Google Talk you must first have a Gmail account ( no big deal, since it is free and IMHO one of the best email providers going). However the hitch is that while they are still in their "beta" stage, to get an account, you need someone who already has a Gmail account to send you an invitation (also no big deal).

Ok, I really do not want 1,000 requests for an invitation, but if you really want GT and you do not know anyone else and can not find anyone else with a gmail account then go ahead and email me.


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I call England, US and Australia a fair bit and most of the time it's fantastic, clear as if I was on a regular line or better. I do find that it works so much better with headphones but trying to convince people to use them is sometimes hard to do. I just wish I could get all my rellies and friends to sign up for it but all seem leary of using as they think there is spyware, adware or the possibility of viruses. Knock on wood, but I have NEVER had any of this happen to me. It is better than Yahoo or MSN for sure.

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I agree with Kringle....Skype has worked fine with me...never ever had any problems and the quality of audio is excellent....but remember to wear headphones for goodness sake...!!

especially when on the laptop...if u dont us the headphones the caller on the other end will hear his/her voice bouncing back to them......

so many people forget this and discard skype......its excellent....free calls saves me and the mrs a fortune when calling thailand.. :o

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I agree with Kringle....Skype has worked fine with me...never ever had any problems and the quality of audio is excellent....but remember to wear headphones for goodness sake...!!

especially when on the laptop...if u dont us the headphones the caller on the other end will hear his/her voice bouncing back to them......

so many people forget this and discard skype......its excellent....free calls saves me and the mrs a fortune when calling thailand.. :o

I agree totally. The freebie is absolutely great :D

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Finally found Skype :o

K.wife spent all day yesterday on Skype and forgot to go shopping.

Recon it will save me a fortune. :D

She kept saying are you sure its FREE ...answer yes...reply sure?...yes-yes-yes.....

Only downside (not really) is that one of her friends got engaged to a yank and gonna get hitched next year in ....Indiana....wheres Indiana?...know its in US somewhere but who comes from there?..seem to remember a song about it...indiana wants me...de de de....

As long as I can get my air miles .... :D

anyway Skype...great :D

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