wotaplonker Posted March 3, 2011 Posted March 3, 2011 A good start might be taking a bulldozer through places like Pattaya. Round up all the bargirls on the streets. Quality tourists don't flock to Thailand for ladyboys and the sex industry. umm but are not the major uses of prostitutes in Thailand as a whole, Thai men? thats what i have been led to believe, perhaps thats wrong?
Tiffer Posted March 3, 2011 Posted March 3, 2011 Ok, now that you have written 1000 words, please provide a link where countries you had mentioned WANT and INVITE and WELCOME and PREFER backpackers.Just because backpackers go to Australia it really does not mean they are wanted, liked or welcomed, they are simply tolerated. Newcastle [ UK ] The prime ministers home town I am sure he has had a few good nights out with our Sandra and her pals they welcome backpackers and millionairs and they are all treated the same equality like. Oh dear. Given your absolute views, perhaps you would prefer to sumbit your argument for appraisal... After all, it is as incumbent on you to prove yourself right as it is me to prove you wrong.
kuffki Posted March 3, 2011 Posted March 3, 2011 Just because there isn't a strict equivalent to the IRS in the US, doesn't mean these small operations are not paying taxes. A small hotel or restaurant either is, or is part-of a piece of real-estate, which means someone is paying property taxes. Those overheads are reflected in the price of the rooms or meals. Taxes have already been levied on the food they buy, the fuel they buy to transport that food, or the pick-up truck they bought to transport what-ever. As long as money is changing hands the government will always find a way to tax it, whether it be overtly or covertly. i hate to tell you but only foreigners and those to register the property with land department(hardly anyone) pay property or land tax. They simply do not. Any income under 250 000 per month does not even need to be declared, not to mention that a huge number do not even register as a business or a company and while they do receive the money and spend it(that contributes to economy) but not so much to the big picture(taxes and stats) I suppose I should be happy you're not criticizing my spelling and grammar anymore, instead you've resorted to a new technique which I would define as "Baffle them with Bull$hit." So you're saying that Thailand is like the wild-wild-west where you can just go out, stake out a piece of property, and slap a building on it, while the government remains totally oblivious? Anything under 250,000/mo is non-taxable? Have you read the labor laws lately? You can download the PDF, in English, on this site if you're interested. I'd be willing to agree that many small businesses may not be registered, but they still end up paying taxes indirectly when they purchase the products and services required to run them. Any money that comes into the country that wouldn't otherwise be there, increases the amount of money in circulation within the country. The more money, and the more often that money changes hands, the more revenue the government collects through sales and services. I'm starting to believe that your avatar is actually a self portrait. Can you please point out where and when i criticized your spelling?since your comment and i quote "I suppose I should be happy you're not criticizing my spelling and grammar anymore" Have you been to Thailand? do you know anything about its tax laws, i suggest you visit nearest accountant in Thailand and ask them the questions Ask them when the owners of the land or building pay tax Also ask them when small business pay tax when they purchasing products. Unless you shop from a retail chain, no one pays any taxes. there are too many things to list here when tax is not paid VAT included. Unless business is registered for VAT, VAT is not paid or collected. Yes it is wild wild west when it comes to Taxation and it is the reason why now government is starting to talk about tax reforms. I suggest you do little more research on the matter before you start your personal attacks, and while you at it, please get your facts right again before you start your personal attacks. PS. Just a reminder for you to reply to point out where and when i criticized your spelling?since your comment and i quote "I suppose I should be happy you're not criticizing my spelling and grammar anymore" PPS. What does labor law has to do with tax law?
inmysights Posted March 3, 2011 Posted March 3, 2011 I think the prime minister has it wrong - but I imagine he is a 5 star traveler. Once I saw a documentary on TV showing how backpackers and the "thrifty" tourist actuallly help the local economy out more than the 4-5 star traveler. This was because the frugal trourist would get a room at a B&B or a small locally runned hotel than staying at a place that would be owned by some big corporation or international company., Next, the food would also be purchased from some "ma and pa" runned restaurant than at some chain hotel or restaurant. Also, the program I watched brought out how the young traveler is usually into learning about the culture more than the older traveler. So I always thought Thailand had it correct - to attract both kinds of tourists... (and when there were political problems in Thailand, who were the first establishments to suffer? - the international hotel chains. Hmmm, how do backpackers help the economy? They stay in small cheap hotels who do not pay taxes They eat in small cheap places, who do not pay taxes They shop in small cheap shops who do not pay taxes, So how do they help the economy? considering that hotel chains, retail chains, malls and larger food chains all pay taxes and employ people. They put cash directly into the hands of the people who need it the most..... Thats correct they put cash into the hands of the people which does not always translate into economy. Once again hotel chains, retail chains, food chains pay tax. Individuals and small operators do not. I loathe soulless 'chains' and would prefer my money go to those struggling to survive, which I posit might the reason behind this silly speech (or part thereof) insofar as Mark's mates are hurting. Good.
Tiffer Posted March 3, 2011 Posted March 3, 2011 A good start might be taking a bulldozer through places like Pattaya. Round up all the bargirls on the streets. Quality tourists don't flock to Thailand for ladyboys and the sex industry. umm but are not the major uses of prostitutes in Thailand as a whole, Thai men? thats what i have been led to believe, perhaps thats wrong? ...are not the major uses of prostitutes in Thailand as a hole... I have no comment... but yes, Cohen certainly demonstrated that the major users of the industry as a whole are Thai men.
janverbeem Posted March 3, 2011 Posted March 3, 2011 Not that it has anything to do with the thread but yes i have travelled through 30 plus countries and am fluent in 2 languages( as in native speaker fluency) If we are comparing to see whose is biggest, I have been to over 100 countries, have a Ph.D., (but while I speak 4 languages, I am only native fluent in one, so you have me beat there.) Actually we were not comparing anything. Another member whose quoted text you left out asked the questions which i answered. @Bonobo Kuffki is quite right. I had a little dig at him for seemingly making the assumption that I am a backpacker (Post #223) on a horse no less... Unfortunately I only speak 5 languages... (1 fluently, 2 moderately well and 2 very badly) and stopped at an MSc so it would appear he and I are pretty even in the old life experience / education pissing contest And we got 5.........................Do I hear 6 ?...................Anyone
kuffki Posted March 3, 2011 Posted March 3, 2011 A good start might be taking a bulldozer through places like Pattaya. Round up all the bargirls on the streets. Quality tourists don't flock to Thailand for ladyboys and the sex industry. umm but are not the major uses of prostitutes in Thailand as a whole, Thai men? thats what i have been led to believe, perhaps thats wrong? Oh God, your moniker says it all. Those 'Thai men' do NOT parade their prostitutes around under the delusion they are their 'girlfriends'. That's what pisses the Thais off, fairly or no. DO get up to speed with the ways things are viewed differently here. Would you take a prostitute to a restaurant/club/bar in your 'home country'? No. Then why here? And THEY ARE PROSTITUTES. However you may delude yourself otherwise. Personally, I couldn't give a toss. Just wish these shit holes they call bars here did not way outnumber somewhere to have a quiet drink with more interesting types than the mongers who infest these 'establishments'. You right, they call them mia nois and they try to keep them locked up in rented rooms, then get them pregnant and leave them shortly after. The richer ones keep them in a better rooms but the finale is usually the same. Back home there are prostitutes who accompany men to big business meetings(and charge accordingly) and back home prostitutes would want to be paid by the hour should one wish to take her to dinner or bar. the cost of having one would be more then monthly salary for most people, and those who can afford it buy them cars, rent units and DO take them everywhere as a girlfriend. However saying all that, if one can afford to have a prostitute for 24 hours plus, usually will not have a problem to have so called "girlfriend" who really in a way is also a prostitute and money talks the same language all over the world
inmysights Posted March 3, 2011 Posted March 3, 2011 A good start might be taking a bulldozer through places like Pattaya. Round up all the bargirls on the streets. Quality tourists don't flock to Thailand for ladyboys and the sex industry. Thailand should not look a gift horse in the mouth. Very few "Quality" tourists are likely to bother with Thailand at all. The South of France is so much more inviting. I would agree. Most tourists come to Thailand because its cheap Not any more it's not.
inmysights Posted March 3, 2011 Posted March 3, 2011 A good start might be taking a bulldozer through places like Pattaya. Round up all the bargirls on the streets. Quality tourists don't flock to Thailand for ladyboys and the sex industry. umm but are not the major uses of prostitutes in Thailand as a whole, Thai men? thats what i have been led to believe, perhaps thats wrong? Oh God, your moniker says it all. Those 'Thai men' do NOT parade their prostitutes around under the delusion they are their 'girlfriends'. That's what pisses the Thais off, fairly or no. DO get up to speed with the ways things are viewed differently here. Would you take a prostitute to a restaurant/club/bar in your 'home country'? No. Then why here? And THEY ARE PROSTITUTES. However you may delude yourself otherwise. Personally, I couldn't give a toss. Just wish these shit holes they call bars here did not way outnumber somewhere to have a quiet drink with more interesting types than the mongers who infest these 'establishments'. You right, they call them mia nois and they try to keep them locked up in rented rooms, then get them pregnant and leave them shortly after. The richer ones keep them in a better rooms but the finale is usually the same The overwhelming majority of Thai men can't afford a mia noi. You really should get out more.
inmysights Posted March 3, 2011 Posted March 3, 2011 A good start might be taking a bulldozer through places like Pattaya. Round up all the bargirls on the streets. Quality tourists don't flock to Thailand for ladyboys and the sex industry. umm but are not the major uses of prostitutes in Thailand as a whole, Thai men? thats what i have been led to believe, perhaps thats wrong? Oh God, your moniker says it all. Those 'Thai men' do NOT parade their prostitutes around under the delusion they are their 'girlfriends'. That's what pisses the Thais off, fairly or no. DO get up to speed with the ways things are viewed differently here. Would you take a prostitute to a restaurant/club/bar in your 'home country'? No. Then why here? And THEY ARE PROSTITUTES. However you may delude yourself otherwise. Personally, I couldn't give a toss. Just wish these shit holes they call bars here did not way outnumber somewhere to have a quiet drink with more interesting types than the mongers who infest these 'establishments'. You right, they call them mia nois and they try to keep them locked up in rented rooms, then get them pregnant and leave them shortly after. The richer ones keep them in a better rooms but the finale is usually the same. Back home there are prostitutes who accompany men to big business meetings(and charge accordingly) and back home prostitutes would want to be paid by the hour should one wish to take her to dinner or bar. the cost of having one would be more then monthly salary for most people, and those who can afford it buy them cars, rent units and DO take them everywhere as a girlfriend. However saying all that, if one can afford to have a prostitute for 24 hours plus, usually will not have a problem to have so called "girlfriend" who really in a way is also a prostitute and money talks the same language all over the world Ah Christ you're funny. How many of your mates 'back home' have a 24 hour 'on call' whore? You been reading to many 'Maxims' LOL!
kuffki Posted March 3, 2011 Posted March 3, 2011 The overwhelming majority of Thai men can't afford a mia noi. You really should get out more. LOL, Almost all Thai men have one or had one, you should take off the dark glasses or speak with girls little more
kuffki Posted March 3, 2011 Posted March 3, 2011 Ah Christ you're funny. How many of your mates 'back home' have a 24 hour 'on call' whore? You been reading to many 'Maxims' LOL! You are not from the big city are you?! Actually a few, all girls are 18 years of age, live in a penthouse and all drive a porche, of course everything is registered to HIS name. Then some are "dating" $600-$1000 per hour girls and loving it.
bangon04 Posted March 3, 2011 Posted March 3, 2011 How many men who initially came here for the sand, sea and sXX are now sending money to support Thai girls they met in bars? I'd like to know the ammount transfered to Thailand from overseas every year. The men who send this money would not have been considered as "quality tourists" but I'm sure now make up for a good chunk of the GDP. Right, like the govt. really cares if bargirls are making money; the pm is working for his investors and with remarks and policies like that its no wonder the divisions we are dealing with now exist and are boiling If lovestruck Farang ATMs were not supporting whole Isaan families, plus the building trade, car dealerships, motorcycle shops and Buffalo hospitals, then the government would probably have to do something about the welfare of a large number of Isaan families, who might need handouts to supplement their subsistence farming traditions. This would inevitably involve some degree of cost to the richer levels of taxpayer. After all it wouldn't look good if substantial numbers started dying from malnutrition - it might look like Thailand is a third-world country....
Ulysses G. Posted March 3, 2011 Posted March 3, 2011 A good start might be taking a bulldozer through places like Pattaya. Round up all the bargirls on the streets. Quality tourists don't flock to Thailand for ladyboys and the sex industry. Thailand should not look a gift horse in the mouth. Very few "Quality" tourists are likely to bother with Thailand at all. The South of France is so much more inviting. I would agree. Most tourists come to Thailand because its cheap Not any more it's not. You can still get a comfortable room with toilet for 3,000 baht monthly and eat decent Thai food for about 3,000 per month. Try that back in Farangland.
inmysights Posted March 3, 2011 Posted March 3, 2011 The overwhelming majority of Thai men can't afford a mia noi. You really should get out more. LOL, Almost all Thai men have one or had one, you should take off the dark glasses or speak with girls little more I was married to one (Thai man) for ten years before he sadly passed a year ago. And pretty sure he didn't have a 'mia noi'. As to 'the girls'. I count many of them amongst my closest friends. Certainly beats the godawful neurotic 'ladies who lunch' brigade making up the vast majority of the expat women here.
kuffki Posted March 3, 2011 Posted March 3, 2011 The overwhelming majority of Thai men can't afford a mia noi. You really should get out more. LOL, Almost all Thai men have one or had one, you should take off the dark glasses or speak with girls little more I was married to one (Thai man) for ten years before he sadly passed a year ago. And pretty sure he didn't have a 'mia noi'. As to 'the girls'. I count many of them amongst my closest friends. Certainly beats the godawful neurotic 'ladies who lunch' brigade making up the vast majority of the expat women here. Sorry to hear about your loss, but not knowing does not mean not having.
johncat1 Posted March 3, 2011 Posted March 3, 2011 Okay, if Thailand wants more tourists then perhaps the mildy anti - foreigner attitude needs to be buttoned up & put away by a lot of Thais. One gains the impression that many see tourists as "walking wallets" or as I heard one young group of farang call themselves "ATM's". The land of smiles is fast becoming the land where one gains the impression that the inhabitants would be happier if we all just arrived on a plane emptied all our available money into a waiting bin and then got back on a plane leaving. You must be new to LOS because EVERYBODY knows we are thought of as walking ATMs And yes the Thais would be happy if we just emptied our wallets and left with the exception of some bar girls who would want to leave with us. I think the PM is mistaking Quality / Class with money flashing tourists . To begin with " Quality " tourists most certainly would not be buying any of that tacky Thai gold for themselves or any Quality Thai ladies ( if they could find any ) Pattaya would have to close losing millions in Thai police tea money Quality tourists used to come to Thailand But the Thais and their greed drove them away because Thais believed in a quick easy buck that they could get from sex tourists. When people in the West look at the news what do they see apart from the sex scene ? Mass riots where law and order has broken down , Mob rule ( Red and now Yellow so called protesters ) A country that cannot even keep it's own people safe.... Political instability .... Border conflicts ...................... frequent murders of Westerners. The PM should look after the Westerners who have chosen to live here now They spend a lot of money on housing alone . But of course Thais only want money NOW they are so short sighted they cannot think ahead ( This was said to me by an educated Thai person )
AllanB Posted March 3, 2011 Posted March 3, 2011 "Thai has had decades to set up the infrastructure for its tourist business and time and again they have chosen the cheep and sometimes cheerful option. To suggest that they can alter this by choosing different "classes" of customers is a joke. It's not up to them anymore........You have to have the facilities , eco awareness etc etc to attract them. Thailand has made its bed now they can lie in it" Thailand didn't choose to be cheap and cheerful and refuse to establish an infrastructure, it was and is a poor country. So Thailand has made it's bed? well most Thais don't have beds to lie in and even if they did, they are too busy looking for their next rice bowl. This has nothing to do with money, or even infrastructure, it has to do with corruption on the negative side and the people on the positive side. I believe the people are genuinely friendly and inherently happy and Abby is merely trying to help project a slightly better image. But the sex trade is different here, not only in Thailand but in Asia as a whole and that attracts certain westerners. Perhaps Thailand in particular simply because it is safe and friendly. I would also add that Thailand is Eco-Aware, they take the family out on a 200mpg moped, we in the west drive 80 miles to work every day in a 15mpg 4x4.
roamer Posted March 3, 2011 Posted March 3, 2011 The manager of the Oriental should know a thing or two about "quality" tourists. I can recall him saying after last years riots that his type of guest have too many other choices and the situation in Thailand was putting it off their radar big time.
ginjag Posted March 3, 2011 Posted March 3, 2011 "Thai has had decades to set up the infrastructure for its tourist business and time and again they have chosen the cheep and sometimes cheerful option. To suggest that they can alter this by choosing different "classes" of customers is a joke. It's not up to them anymore........You have to have the facilities , eco awareness etc etc to attract them. Thailand has made its bed now they can lie in it" Thailand didn't choose to be cheap and cheerful and refuse to establish an infrastructure, it was and is a poor country. So Thailand has made it's bed? well most Thais don't have beds to lie in and even if they did, they are too busy looking for their next rice bowl. This has nothing to do with money, or even infrastructure, it has to do with corruption on the negative side and the people on the positive side. I believe the people are genuinely friendly and inherently happy and Abby is merely trying to help project a slightly better image. But the sex trade is different here, not only in Thailand but in Asia as a whole and that attracts certain westerners. Perhaps Thailand in particular simply because it is safe and friendly. I would also add that Thailand is Eco-Aware, they take the family out on a 200mpg moped, we in the west drive 80 miles to work every day in a 15mpg 4x4. We in the west drive round the corner to work in a morris minor. apart from that most of the post is good..BUT it's not so safe and not so friendly.
MAJIC Posted March 3, 2011 Posted March 3, 2011 Here is the list of the10 most visited Countries in the World 2009 1.France.......74 Million 2.USA...........54.9 Million 3.Spain.........52 Million 4.China.........50 Million 5.Italy............43 Million 6.UK..............28 Million 7.Turkey........25.5 Million 8.Germany.....24.2 Million 9.Malasia.......23.6 Million 10.Mexico......21.5 Million Considering most of the above Countries are expensive for Tourists (compared to Thailand),and the quantity that still Holiday in these Countries. Then Thailand has a long way to go, before it even reaches the Top Ten. Somewhere around 40% extra Tourists are needed,(around 6 million more) to beat Mexico,in Tenth Place. To Cap it all the "Quality Tourists" (those with more money to spend) are already Visiting the above Countries and ignoring Thailand,so presumably,they get the quality they want from these Countries,and don't mind paying extra for it. So I can't see where PM Abhisit,is going to get his Quality Tourists from without some Major changes in Thailand and their Tourism Structure etc.....
mizztraveller Posted March 3, 2011 Posted March 3, 2011 While Thailands premier tourist island cant even tackle a few taxi drivers or thug jetski rentors they want to rebrand (in words not deeds) for quality tourists. Real quality will come when offered real quality.. Not corrupt official burying garbage on the beaches, selling portions of public land for private use, and due to backhanders and payments allowing sections of the society to beat up and otherwise threaten those sections not yet paying. Simply raising prices doesnt attract the 5 star crowd. When Thailand has 2 star governance they will appeal to 2 star arrivals.. Asking for 5 star prices while having 2 star administration doesnt cut it. Got it in one! Well said.
Evolare Posted March 3, 2011 Posted March 3, 2011 Also consider people who buy houses and stuff is not calculated in this considering it doesnt go under tourism so foreign capital to the thai economy in total would if you include Business visa holders, and foreign citizen with residential permits then you are looking att much higher figures than 7% I wouldnt be suprised if it was closed to 20-25% or higher this is me guessing of course. This not counting Multinational company investments... You think farang paying for sick buffalo and buying houses in Isaan is generating about 70 billion dollars a year? Yeah I don't think so not generating but turning around 70 billion dollar per year yes quite possibly GNP doesnt account for pure profit but revenue. and im not only talking about people buying a house for their wife and not only farang buying houses but also other asians (chinese,korean,japanese, Sinagaporean), arabs and such wealthy individuals investing and establishing businesses in thailand. agreed maybe my estimates where a little high but I know a group of farang living in thailand with a joint revenue well over 2 billion baht alone and there are tens of thousands if not more of wealthy foreigners living in thailand besides my connections. Im not saying this is the 20-25% would total income or revenue in Thailand but of the accounted revenue ie what is counted in the GNP we all know most small business owners in thailand dont even have bookkeeping, but some still can turn over millions every year and hence their income is not presented in the GNP.
rammis35 Posted March 3, 2011 Posted March 3, 2011 Yet another thread brings out the Pattaya knockers. While I know this may be off topic, I can not let certain comments go without commenting myself. The opposite to 'quality tourists' is 'low quality tourists', and I therefore take great exception to the Pattaya knockers here, e.g softgeorge and samran, though there are no doubt others who agree with them, like craigj7, for saying that Pattaya should be bulldozed down or that an atomic bomb should be dropped on it. Shame on you all. In making such stupid comments, and in agreeing with them, you are insinuating that I and my many friends who live here are low quality human beings, and likewise all those who come out to visit us must be as well, I and my friends who live here were tourists once, before we decided to retire and live here in Pattaya. p.s I see that craigj7 is knocking the Americans as well now. Jeez, what is wrong with you? I am British and know many really decent Americans here in Pattaya. Grow up will you, please. Oh, get a grip...I am sure they don't mean it literally. I too live in Pattaya and I too have visitors come visit me. But we are realistic to be well aware of Pattaya's reputation...it does not bother me generally what others think. And I can understand why some suggest bulldozing the town, let's face it, it's not a pretty sight when the ALMOST entire Central Business District's main theme is devoted to the Big Hansum Man. It only bothers me in one aspect: that the focus on "adult entertainment" is at the expense of the other main asset, the beach. Pattaya should develop and focus on both (they are complementary and unique to this city) and it will attract all types, low and high quality which is fine...cos who needs another Hong Kong/Singapore here. Now if it bothers you that you are viewed as low quality scum (wrongly, of course), then you need (1) to stop associating with PAttaya or (2) grow a thicker skin or (3) try to support any government attempts at rebalancing the tourism here to expand to other segments. There is no point getting upset when someone points at some obvious truth about the people in your town. Try to understand why that general perception exists. Now can you understand why the PM is hinting at getting a another type of tourist...because once the perception and reputation sticks, it is very hard to shake it off. As for those who say NOBODY comes to Thailand for high end stuff, have you been to the Banyan Tree, the Anantara resorts, the Oriental (one of the best hotels in the world for years), and others where you are not expected to leave your room and service is delivered to your pool villa? Many western expats who work in China/Japan do holiday here as it's close and convenient for a quick getaway to be pampered. So is that what is considered a Quality Tourist, someone who comes here stays at one of the few extreme high end hotels and lays by the pool and order drinks all day.... I can go out to my back yard and do that. The closest tourist like this get to real Thai culture is talking to the bartender or the waitress when ordering their drinks.... And expats working in China/Japan can't find high end hotels to relax at in China/Japan? I am sure it would be closer than Thailand and I am sure you could stay there with out having to be bothered with their culture also..
TAWP Posted March 3, 2011 Posted March 3, 2011 Is Hollywood movie-stars and highly paid football-players from European top-teams quality tourists? Since someone mentioned bulldozing away BG's as if that should be any focus...the gentleman above often go with girls for pay too...but yes, they are not bargirls, they are expensive models/escorts... And a note: 15 pages since yesterday, meh...how much could this topic generate?
PingManDan Posted March 3, 2011 Posted March 3, 2011 <FONT size=6>Surely this is a joke right<IMG class=bbc_emoticon alt= src="http://static.thaivisa.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/blink.gif"> </FONT>
MUYTHAI Posted March 3, 2011 Posted March 3, 2011 Thailand needs visitors with all budgets, not just the ones staying at corporate upmarket hotels. A variety of visitors provides opportunity for a wide variety of Thai businesses and vendors. Very correct and true!
MJP Posted March 3, 2011 Posted March 3, 2011 "A smattering of Russians and no one else" was how the tourist numbers on Koh Samet were described to me yesterday. "Even the staff are getting worried", said the restaurateur of eleven years in a prime location on the island. "Low season hasn't even begun and I've never seen it this bad, even the Scandinavians have vanished." This is the reality and these business owners are not expecting any growth in trade for the foreseeable future, particularly now with very high oil prices on the horizon with the revolutions across the Middle East, continuing global economic turmoil and the resilient strength of the Thai Baht. So I think they need to be concentrating on quantity. Not quite sure how you control quality unless consulate interviews are conducted to get a 30 day holiday visa. Or as a friend of me said when he told me he had been to Thailand: "There was only one thing really bad about it - To many russians, they spoil the atmosphere with their behaviours" - just to put it in perspective. My friend is Russian! We used to say the same about the British thugs a few years back, only thing that was bad about the place. I'm British. I guess we always recognize our own. Lot of negative talk about Americans and backpackers on this thread. I've always found American visitors to be the finest of people here, courteous and kind. I also once saw a young American backpacker couple spend most of the day cleaning a beach on Koh Samet. Brought bin liners the lot.
MaiChai Posted March 3, 2011 Posted March 3, 2011 I might be missing something here, but surely Thailand needs 'quantity' to fill up all those empty hotel rooms? Quality is just going to direct high profit business to a few hotels? Thus not much of a benefit to the whole tourism business in Thailand?
MJP Posted March 3, 2011 Posted March 3, 2011 I might be missing something here, but surely Thailand needs 'quantity' to fill up all those empty hotel rooms? Quality is just going to direct high profit business to a few hotels? Thus not much of a benefit to the whole tourism business in Thailand? . . . you would think. Not sure if we've yet defined within any tolerance of precision exactly what 'quality' is. Thinking Thai now, is it exclusively measured in weight of satang upon arrival minus weight of satang on departure, as an inverse index?
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