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Was just told that someone who talked to the tessaban today was informed that from 15-20 Sept there will be a major power cut on the island for repair work to be carried out.

Apparently big hotels have been informed they will have to run generators during this period and extra generators will be brought in by the tessaban to assist.

I find it hard to believe the whole island will be without power for the full 5 days - more likely to be different areas at different times.

When I asked why this wasn't widely publicised I was told it was 'Thai style'.

Has anyone else heard anything about this? It does seem a bit far fetched but the source was reliable !

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Indeed it is true. They are bringing in generator trucks to supply energy and everyone is being asked to conserve power ie don't turn on your ac etc etc. Koh Phangan will also have the power problem. The problem lies in the generator trucks being unable to supply full power. So, instead of 220 (hah! like that is normal anyway) it will be around 180.

And, according to the meeting my husband attended yesterday, it will be 3 days starting the 15th. The power will be switched off at 9am and switched over to the trucks. That is when you will see the power dip. The generator trucks will be supplying both islands all power for those three days. (I have heard Koh Samui gets quite a few of these while Koh P only gets about 5--must be big darn trucks).

The underwater powerline from Khanom is being turned off and undergoing repairs.


Yeah, I love the way they check their power usage and pick peak usage time of the month on Koh Phangan to cut the power. Probably another plot to get rid of the FMP.


The underwater cable is oil filled for protection, it is leaking hence the need for the repairs.


Quite right

My husband works for one of the large resorts in Lamai and reckons they are repairing the lines under the sea? But 5 days is what he's been told. He also just said to me it may be different areas at different times, but this is just speculation. The Resident Manager is going to a meeting about it later on today so I may be able to pass on any extra news later...

They heard first today as a car was driving around notifying the individual resorts.

Was just told that someone who talked to the tessaban today was informed that from 15-20 Sept there will be a major power cut on the island for repair work to be carried out.

Apparently big hotels have been informed they will have to run generators during this period and extra generators will be brought in by the tessaban to assist.

I find it hard to believe the whole island will be without power for the full 5 days - more likely to be different areas at different times.

When I asked why this wasn't widely publicised I was told it was 'Thai style'.

Has anyone else heard anything about this? It does seem a bit far fetched but the source was reliable !


Sorry - just read your post SBK. Do you know whether the trucks will be supplying all "phases" of electricity (for example my husbands resort is a phase 4) as opposed to people's houses which are on a separate loop or phase?

For example we were getting power cuts just on phase 4 every Thursday for a time. The big resorts and businesses such as Samui cable had no power, but small homes had no problem due to the different phases.

Indeed it is true. They are bringing in generator trucks to supply energy and everyone is being asked to conserve power ie don't turn on your ac etc etc.  Koh Phangan will also have the power problem. The problem lies in the generator trucks being unable to supply full power. So, instead of 220 (hah! like that is normal anyway) it will be around 180. 

And, according to the meeting my husband attended yesterday, it will be 3 days starting the 15th. The power will be switched off at 9am and switched over to the trucks. That is when you will see the power dip. The generator trucks will be supplying both islands all power for those three days. (I have heard Koh Samui gets quite a few of these while Koh P only gets about 5--must be big darn trucks).

The underwater powerline from Khanom is being turned off and undergoing repairs.


I don't know, my husband went to a meeting yesterday at the Amphur and it was mostly local business owners. They didn't discuss any particular place, my impression it was all over. And he told me they said 3 days on the trucks starting the 15th. That doesn't mean they won't continue to work on it after that. I heard that thing about off 5 days on the Samui radio too. All I know is what my husband learned from the engineers at the meeting yesterday.

Koh P has far lower electricity requirements than Samui so perhaps we need less restrictions, so maybe that is why they didn't say anything about areas or phases. But, they also said that if people don't cut their power usage and it blows out the trucks then we won't have any power at all. I am sure they wouldn't give Samui the same ultimatum.

And Thaibairn, don't you have a UPS???


Oh right, sorry. Try telling them that your UPS isn't powerful enough to hold a charge for the whole period and you need a couple of days off. That oughta work.

Oh right, sorry. Try telling them that your UPS isn't powerful enough to hold a charge for the whole period and you need a couple of days off. That oughta work.

I'll give it a try but I can't see anyone believing me !! Just have to wait and see what happens on Thursday I suppose, can't see it going off without any hitches.


Below is a direct translation of the paper given out at the meeting with PEA yesterday in Natorn.

"Because of tourism growth, Koh Samui has been required a lot of electricity demand. Therefore, the Provincial Electricity Authority (PEA) has planned to run a new underwater cable (the third one) from Khanom district (Nakhon Sri Thammarat province) which will be finished by the end of next year (2006). The cost of the new cable is 900 million baht. And it is believed to efficiently increase more power in Koh Samui.

Due to this plan period, the PEA has set up the dates of annual maintenance for the underwater cable (115 kilovolt) 1 phase on September 15 – 20, 2005. During this time, the PEA will be able to distribute the power for 1 phase (33 kilovolt), and will use 30 generators to produce the power which will be only 50% of the normal rate.

To have sufficient power for everyone during the maintenance, the PEA would like to ask for your cooperation to reduce the unnecessary power as low as possible (half of the normal usage).

If should you have more information, please contact PEA Koh Samui at 0 – 7742 – 0159, 0 – 7742 – 0995 or 0 – 1978 – 6297 (24 hrs. service)."

No comments or speculation from this EE, just the facts as provided by PEA.

To have sufficient power for everyone during the maintenance, the PEA would like to ask for your cooperation to reduce the unnecessary power as low as possible (half of the normal usage).

and what are the chances of "cooperation" by the good folk of samui? :o


Taxexile, I have kept mouth shut for a very long time LOL. But mate you have a lot to contribute about a place you supposedly hate ( but still own land here).Mate if I was you I will just mind my own business & stop being such a sour puss about a place that didn't work out for you.


My husband's resort hasn't got generators and he says he can't imagine what a nightmare it's going to be in terms of guests. The type of people that they get in his resort has changed a huge amount (actually in line with what the government planned) from backpacker and budget travellers to families, wealthier customers, Americans used to great service and lots of asian residents on holiday. Unfortunately for him, as he is the manager, this means people have a lot higher expectations than they did, he's going to get a lot of earache from people if there is no running water or cooling systems...

He really doesn't understand the way people complain like crazy and are so rude about it, never having lived in the West, he doesn't get why people aren't "happy with their lot", and want free this that and the other to compensate. I must admit after 3 years here, it embarasses me now to hear people go on and on.

I guess they are serious about keeping these people here though as they really do seem to be getting sorted in terms of water and power.

Oh and sorry to be off topic, but on Samui radio the other day there was a programme about the tessaban having done loads of tests on Lamai beach only to find that the sea was comtaminated in many places with waste water - raw sewage was being pumped out into the sea. The good news is that they acknowledged it and were investigating to find out which resorts were causing the problem. I guess that's the next problem on the list.


I cant see how telling guests that are here on holiday paying mega bucks, that they have to turn off their air conditioning units is going to work. It just isnt going to happen. I know if I was on holiday in a hot country, ok so I might turn the extra lights of, but the aircon would have to be on all night.

Well I suppose we will just have to wait and see :o

Taxexile, I have kept mouth shut for a very long time LOL. But mate you have a lot to contribute about a place you supposedly hate ( but still own land here).Mate if I was you I will just mind my own business & stop being such a sour puss about a place that didn't work out for you.
i certainly dont hate samui , we chose not to live there for a variety of reasons , reasons that i have elaborated on (too) many times on this forum.

yes , we have land there and its certainly in our interests to see the place prosper and be successful.

but lighten up and accept the fact that samui , beautiful as it is (or was) is just another example of the way thailand has a habit of biting the hand that feeds it.

with just a little bit of control and forward planning samui could have been a world class paradise , to the benefit of all who visit and all who live there.

but not to worry , i'm sure we will be back someday.

our plans for a 24 hour fish paste recycling and garlic pickling plant are at an advanced stage now , finance has been arranged , palms have been greased , the vinegar storage facilities will only entail the cutting down of about 30 magnificent coconut trees and that exciting venture could very well be located in the middle of a high end beachside development near YOU soon.

what was that you said about zoning ?? :D


but on Samui radio the other day there was a programme about the tessaban having done loads of tests on Lamai beach only to find that the sea was comtaminated in many places with waste water - raw sewage was being pumped out into the sea.


I cant see how telling guests that are here on holiday paying mega bucks, that they have to turn off their air conditioning units is going to work.  It just isnt going to happen.  I know if I was on holiday in a hot country, ok so I might turn the extra lights of, but the aircon would have to be on all night.

Well I suppose we will just have to wait and see  :o

well, good thing it is cool, cloudy and windy as heck. I still wonder if they will be able to work what with the big waves. BTW our 4 (count em 4 as opposed to Samui's 20 odd) generator trucks arrived today. We will see how it goes tomorrow at 9am I guess. :D


Lmao Tax you have a way with words I love it......

Are you still putting us all up whilst they fix our electrics?

Are you still putting us all up whilst they fix our electrics

if it was just for three days then you would be welcome , but what with the weather etc. and the general laid back nature of the samui "workforce" my moneys on at least a week. :o


These guys aren't coming from Samui. Last time they repaired the line they had to bring in an outside contractor (another country, can't remember where). According to hubby they said they are going to try and do it in 3 but could be as long as 5.

Lets all pray for 3, shall we?


Well, power went off at 9am came back on about an hour later, earlier for some places later for others as they had to repair things that went wrong. So far, ok but the power does seem low.


Just had a truck come round with a loudspeaker saying they will turn off the electric soon, hope not all night :o

How will I get my thaivisa fix without any power :D


So far so good. Only this morning a powercut at 9 a.m. Lastet for about one hour and a half. This evening went to Lamai to avoid eventual powercut in our town. When we came to Lamai it was pitch dark!! Powercut!!! :o When we came back at 10.30 p.m. our town was fully dark! Luckely power went back on really fast.


Okay, we're doing okay!

We went to Chaweng to get something to eat as Lamai didn't have power. Half of Chaweng had power and the other half didn't, we had just ordered something in the half that had power when the power went off we couldn't be served and had to go eat in the half of Chaweng that did have power LOL :o

From what I have been told the power is being shut on and off according to the phases and areas every two hours, but whether this will continue tonight now that most places won't be consuming as much I don't know. Whether it will continue this way tomorrow I don't know either...

Love eating by candlelight though, makes everyone look miles more attractive too!


They can't cook in candlelight? Wimps. We are used to it and generally have no problem.

Anyway, our power went out from 7pm to midnight last night :o While the Thong Sala pier area had electricity all the time. They only went out for 2 hours yesterday while the truck's gas was being refilled. HMPH!!!!! Apparently they have finally brought in 2 more trucks for Koh P realizing that 3 trucks wasn't going to cut it. Amazing!!! The lack of foresight and planning, at least on our island, is amazingly poor.

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