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I Was Denied Tourist Visa-should I Go Without One?

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Hi guys,

I have visited Thailand about 5 times this year to stay my Thai fiancee who I am planning to marry in a few months.

On two occasions I used the 30-day entry permit (one time I stayed 30 days and the other one 2 months after doing a visa run to Cambodia) .In other three occasions I obtained a tourist visa good for 2 months but I stayed only 1 month each time. I have a ticket now to travel to Thailand in 2 weeks and applied for a tourist visa as this time I was planning to stay about 45 days.Unforunately my visa was denied by the Thai embassy in my country -no reason given (travelled too many times in one year ?)

My question is , should I try to enter the country by getting a 30-day entry permit at the airport or will I be turned back and refused entry and make all this long trip for nothing ?

Many thanks in advance

PS : I never overstayed my visa, never had any problem with the law, I am a Western European professional with good income and sufficient funds.

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My firend had the same experience, he worked in England, flew over Thailand every 4-5 months, stayed for 4-5 months and then went back to work in England and continued the cycle for a few years. One day he went for the tourist visa, they deinded him saying that he must be working in Thailand and unless he showed proof of work in the UK he could not have a visa. :o

How crazy really, coz he is Thailand's perfect customer, works in the UK, and brings all that cash to spend in Thailand before going back to get some more.

Anyway, what he did was just fkly in, and took the one month transit visa, it was no problem at all on entry, just an inconveinece he had to fix his visa again so soon.

I expect it depends what reason you was denied a tourist visa, but I'm sure its just some stupid reason like this and you caught the Thai embassy on a bad hair day. As long as your passport is clean and not been flagged then you should have no problems entering the country and getting a one month visa at the airport.

I would be inclined to call the Thai Embassy and find out the exact reason you was denied the tourist visa. I expect if you talk to one of the bosses there and explain the situation they will end up letting you have a tourist visa anyway as they have no legitimate reason to stop you having one.

Of course, end of the day, it is up to there discretion though, in which case, just fly in. Good luck. :D

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Lets see - eight months have gone bye and you have been in Thailand six of them - I suspect the Consulate did not believe that was normal for a tourist.

You probably will not have any problem getting a 30 day stamp but you should plan on having confirmed outbound air ticket within that 30 day period to be sure airline lets you fly. It would not hurt to have a letter from the fiancee that you could offer up if questioned.

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My firend had the same experience, he worked in England, flew over Thailand every 4-5 months, stayed for 4-5 months and then went back to work in England and continued the cycle for a few years.  One day he went for the tourist visa, they deinded him saying that he must be working in Thailand and unless he showed proof of work in the UK he could not have a visa. :o

This all sounds a bit scary

I've been here for the last 3 years, the first on tourist visa's and the last 2 on multi O's

I don't work in the UK and I certainly don't work here, although I am only 44 I receive a company pension.

I will be applying for a new visa when I go back next month, do I now need to show proof of income and the transfer of funds to my Thai bank, in the past I have only supplied a letter of guarantee stating I have enough money to support myself and repatriate myself and if necessary the guarantor would repatriate me

I have checked the Hull web site and it doesn't seam to say any thing other than I need the letter of guarantee for a multi O for the purpose of visiting friends

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I will be applying for a new visa when I go back next month, do I now need to show proof of income and the transfer of funds to my Thai bank

It all depends on where you apply. The higher up you go in the consular food chain (i.e. honorary consulates, consulates, embassies), the more strict/demanding the paperwork requirements usually become. The Thai embassy in London has always had a reputation for being less-than-helpful with visa applicants. Stick to the smaller offices and you should be fine.

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My firend had the same experience, he worked in England, flew over Thailand every 4-5 months, stayed for 4-5 months and then went back to work in England and continued the cycle for a few years.  One day he went for the tourist visa, they deinded him saying that he must be working in Thailand and unless he showed proof of work in the UK he could not have a visa. :o

This all sounds a bit scary

I've been here for the last 3 years, the first on tourist visa's and the last 2 on multi O's

I don't work in the UK and I certainly don't work here, although I am only 44 I receive a company pension.

I will be applying for a new visa when I go back next month, do I now need to show proof of income and the transfer of funds to my Thai bank, in the past I have only supplied a letter of guarantee stating I have enough money to support myself and repatriate myself and if necessary the guarantor would repatriate me

I have checked the Hull web site and it doesn't seam to say any thing other than I need the letter of guarantee for a multi O for the purpose of visiting friends

I should add that after his visit when he was denied a visa, he went though the same holiday and work cycle and next time he applied he got it without a problem.

Thats what leads me to believe he was unlucky on the day rather than it being an ongoing problem. If he could have been bothered to show his wage slips from the UK he would have got it the first time too, but he was short on time.

Basically they were just been a bit arsey with him and it was at the London office as well, I have heard the others are far more lenient. I think it must have been to do with some 'Thai living in London superiority' complex that caught him out that day. :D

He's not very assertive either, I expect if he had asked to see the boss, he could have got it sorted out pretty easily without showing wage slips.

Tufty, if your after a tourist visa you should be fine, if its another visa, then Lopburi3 is the man to talk to. :D

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Yes, getting the 30 day visa at Don Muang should be fine - but as lopburi3 points out, the initial control of visa status is done by the check in staff at your port of departure, who have on their monitors a set of rules to follow. These rules state that anyone not carrying a valid visa in their passport, and who does not have a return ticket, can be denied to board the plane. This is up to the check in staff's discretion.

Having a letter from your fiancee or some other Thai inviting you to visit them in Thailand could clear up this situation, as could clear proof of sufficient funds for your stay and a ticket back to your home country.

The instruction on the monitors of checkin staff clearly says 'Hippie' types are undesirable and can be denied entry without stating the reason. Bear this in mind when you dress for the trip.

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Thanks for all the replies.

By the way my fiancee is now 2 months pregnant.

Is there any other kind of visa that takes that into account ?

(ie to support her or something like that)

Once you have a legal marriage you can obtain a non immigrant O visa but until then having a GF who is 2 months pregnant opens no doors.

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Thanks for all the replies.

By the way my fiancee is now 2 months pregnant.

Is there any other kind of visa that takes that into account ?

(ie to support her or something like that)

Once you have a legal marriage you can obtain a non immigrant O visa but until then having a GF who is 2 months pregnant opens no doors.

When they are two months preganant it often closes some doors...... :o

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Perhaps it's just me, but I wouldn't be seen dead in a place which had denied me a visa.  You don't want me or my money?  Fine.  I'll go somewhere that does - and there are plenty of them.

Whats the guy gonna do, just because some jobsworth has denied his visa, he gonna leave his pregnant fiancee and just go to a different country instead? :o

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Basically they were just been a bit arsey with him and it was at the London office as well, I have heard the others are far more lenient. I think it must have been to do with some 'Thai living in London superiority' complex that caught him out that day. :o


Same problem at Thai Embassy in Washington D.C. Too impressed with their self deemed Imperial position and self importance.

A few years back went there for renewal of Non B Multiple and his lordship at the counter said I wouldn't be getting a new one [had probably 5 or 6 years running as Non B Multiple] as I was only using it to stay in Thailand. Mind you I had copies of work permit , company papers, tax papers, the lot.

Said I was only using it to stay in Thailand, to which I answered "yes I was as that what was required", I had to get a new visa. I asked what I should be doing to which he had no answer. I mean that in the Thai way, just didn't answer.

Two days later I just picked up the passport with the correct and normal documentation . Non Im B Multiple.

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Just a thought.

Did they put any cryptic Thai message in you passport when they refused the visa?

Otherwise I think you will be OK for 30 days at the airport.

Do have a return ticket and some money in your wallet, in case they

really want to follow the rule book.

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