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Cost Of A Night Out

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Hello All,

I'm just curious about how much a typical "night out" of hitting the bars costs on Koh Samui. I realize that will vary depending on whether you drink 4 beers or a dozen, and also if you have a date or not, so just a ballpark would do.

Also what are some scams an inexperienced male might encounter during a nightout on Koh Samui?



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How do you expect people to give you a ball park if you realise it depends on whether you have a " date " or not & depending on how much you drink ??

What scams does anyone expect to encounter ?? None if you have a brain..

You say yu're inexperienced but no offence, if you're inexperienced in life itself you probably shoudln't be in Thailand & away from your Mum &/or Dad's home..

Edited by MSingh
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1000 baht is good enough if you hit the bars without a date. Go for beers and avoid the drinklist since the drink will cost you a beer and ca 100 baht more.You want longdrinks in the bar and perhaps buy a few ladydrinks then better have 2500-3000 Thb in your pocket when heading out. Very good "drinkingfreedom" and perhaps pay bf and have some leftover next morning for the chick then you should have no less then 6000 Baht when u start the crusade... Good luck mate.

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Scams, a well known late hours establishment in Soi Green Mango (what's in a name!) tends to short change you later in the evening, especially in the back area where the techno music is played. They tried this a few time on me, a reason why I can do very well without this establishment.

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after reading this thread twice i have come to the realization that i am not, in fact, saving money by staying home at night rather than going out.

"joe, i need..."

"joe, i want..."

"joe, can i have..."

been a while now since i've been to lady boxing, looks like i'll actually save a thousand or two by going!

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it'll cost you 996 baht,

get into the premier bar in bangrak and drink 10 bottles of beer before 7pm that'll cost 600 baht then get 4 long island iced teas down your neck

before 9pm and that'll cost 396 baht, it'll take 2 days to recover so its not bad value once you stop feeling ill.

ohh and if its on saturday there's a free BBQ at 8,30 to help soak up the alcohol.

now how cheap is that

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it'll cost you 996 baht,

get into the premier bar in bangrak and drink 10 bottles of beer before 7pm that'll cost 600 baht then get 4 long island iced teas down your neck

before 9pm and that'll cost 396 baht, it'll take 2 days to recover so its not bad value once you stop feeling ill.

ohh and if its on saturday there's a free BBQ at 8,30 to help soak up the alcohol.

now how cheap is that

If one day costs 996 but it takes another 2 to recover, that averages out to 332 baht/day. Not bad.

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it'll cost you 996 baht,

get into the premier bar in bangrak and drink 10 bottles of beer before 7pm that'll cost 600 baht then get 4 long island iced teas down your neck

before 9pm and that'll cost 396 baht, it'll take 2 days to recover so its not bad value once you stop feeling ill.

ohh and if its on saturday there's a free BBQ at 8,30 to help soak up the alcohol.

now how cheap is that

If one day costs 996 but it takes another 2 to recover, that averages out to 332 baht/day. Not bad.

what about 2 days worth of lost wages?

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it'll cost you 996 baht,

get into the premier bar in bangrak and drink 10 bottles of beer before 7pm that'll cost 600 baht then get 4 long island iced teas down your neck

before 9pm and that'll cost 396 baht, it'll take 2 days to recover so its not bad value once you stop feeling ill.

ohh and if its on saturday there's a free BBQ at 8,30 to help soak up the alcohol.

now how cheap is that

If one day costs 996 but it takes another 2 to recover, that averages out to 332 baht/day. Not bad.

what about 2 days worth of lost wages?

Who works?

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it'll cost you 996 baht,

get into the premier bar in bangrak and drink 10 bottles of beer before 7pm that'll cost 600 baht then get 4 long island iced teas down your neck

before 9pm and that'll cost 396 baht, it'll take 2 days to recover so its not bad value once you stop feeling ill.

ohh and if its on saturday there's a free BBQ at 8,30 to help soak up the alcohol.

now how cheap is that

If one day costs 996 but it takes another 2 to recover, that averages out to 332 baht/day. Not bad.

Not too good for business tho'? :lol: :lol:

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A small Sang Som set (300ml + 2 mixers) will cost in the area of 300 baht. Go for two of those over the course of the night, get something to eat, play some free pool and your night comes in under 1000 baht.

:) Yes and you can share with the girls.They appreciate sharing one of the straws and everyone enjoys, sure beats buying separate ladies drinks at Baht 150 - 180 a pop !

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A small Sang Som set (300ml + 2 mixers) will cost in the area of 300 baht. Go for two of those over the course of the night, get something to eat, play some free pool and your night comes in under 1000 baht.

:) Yes and you can share with the girls.They appreciate sharing one of the straws and everyone enjoys, sure beats buying separate ladies drinks at Baht 150 - 180 a pop !

yep when i am on a budget buckets seem to be the way to go having said that, john and tina have a pretty good offer going with the long island ice teas and bbq. :)

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it'll cost you 996 baht,

get into the premier bar in bangrak and drink 10 bottles of beer before 7pm that'll cost 600 baht then get 4 long island iced teas down your neck

before 9pm and that'll cost 396 baht, it'll take 2 days to recover so its not bad value once you stop feeling ill.

ohh and if its on saturday there's a free BBQ at 8,30 to help soak up the alcohol.

now how cheap is that

If one day costs 996 but it takes another 2 to recover, that averages out to 332 baht/day. Not bad.

what about 2 days worth of lost wages?

Who works?

after a night like that? apparently only time share touts and taxi drivers.

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'Also what are some scams an inexperienced male might encounter during a nightout on Koh Samui?

wouldn't worry yourself samui is lame for scams,

not sure what your budget is but a night on the beach in lamai as a reasonable drinker (5drinks) wont cost you more than 450, if drinking cocktails 750.

i'm not reasonable though and spend 5-7k a night haha

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Dinner for 2, nice place -- 3k

Drinks and show --- 2k

Street food for one with 2 bottles of Chang from 7-11 130Baht

Go out alone and meet a nice girl --- start with the 5k listed first --- then add in the chance of your camera, phone, cc's, passport, laptop etc if you are drunk and stupid enough ;)

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Thanks for all the info. (although I'm not sure why msignh bothered to post). Apparently, the cost of drinks are not too bad, provided you don't buy them for the ladies (or looks-like-a-lady).:whistling:

As for scams, every place I've been too (over 42 countries), seem to have their own local 'rip-offs', that locals know how to avoid and tourists don't. I know you are not allowed to name places (bars, etc) to stay out of, but I'm sure many expats have learned the hardway some of the more common scams that abound on the island.


:jap: RickThai

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Thanks for all the info. (although I'm not sure why msignh bothered to post). Apparently, the cost of drinks are not too bad, provided you don't buy them for the ladies (or looks-like-a-lady).:whistling:

As for scams, every place I've been too (over 42 countries), seem to have their own local 'rip-offs', that locals know how to avoid and tourists don't. I know you are not allowed to name places (bars, etc) to stay out of, but I'm sure many expats have learned the hardway some of the more common scams that abound on the island.


:jap: RickThai


Never realised you were being serious....ok let me see....

Breakfast of toast and ten Tigers...700 Baht.

Afternoon beach bar with friends....1000 Baht.

Dinner at a restaurant you won't remember....500 Baht.

Taxi to Chaweng...100 Baht each or more if your friends have collapsed incohernt already.

Drinks in Chaweng around Green Mango....increasing as the night wears on....maybe 2000 Baht each(including the lassie you picked up and whose name seems really easy to remember).

Back to the gaff with yer remaining mates for some fun....recreational activity plus sangsom and beers from your fridge...minimum 5000 Baht.

Skinny dipping in the pool electricity for music etc.....1000 Baht.

Next day bill for the lady(who's name you couldn't remember if your life depended) her 'taxi home' 1000-2000 Baht How soft are you?

Some of the soft lot will have to add alka seltzer and paracetamol to the bill....for me a pint of bacardi and fresh orange ....cheers!


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Last night was a good example at the lady Thai boxing in Lamai. Six Saeng Som sodas, one ladies drink, shish kebabs with baked potatoe and roast corn cob, total Baht 900. As an old friend would comment with a girl on sitting on each leg and sucking on a cigar, "is this a great country or what"!:)

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pay as you go on the beers then you will not get scammed, been in Thailand long time and still when i decide to check the bill its wrong, not only Samui every where, better if bins were put innfront of you on the bar then you can see them, better still get in the 21st Century and have electric bins which print out what you had how much for that drink, bill total and who served what drink and its placed in front of you. or keep your empties in front of you if on the beer. maybe a bill for each drink you have had would be good so you can count them as well. so easy to put 1 more stroke of the pen on the bill and thats another 90 baht for the tip box

samui has the habit of keeping the check bins out of reach, wonder why :whistling:

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