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Pattaya Beach How Would You Improve It ?


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Pattaya Beach has quite a few problems at the moment and needs a face lift personally

1.I think the footpaths need re doing all the way because after heavy rain it takes ages for the water to drain and there are many pot holes.

2.Another thing would be to remove beach chairs and umbrellas same as what Krabi has done.

3.One other problem is the markets that they set up along the footpath they leave no walking space.

4. Also there seems to be quite a lot of problems with jet ski's what would you do ?

It is also good to see a Facebook page dedicated to the future of Pattaya


How would you improve Pattaya beach ?

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i would have the beach cleaned of litter and raked by a tractor at 5am

also have the refuse bins emptied at 5am not at 2pm as i see happens most days

apart from the garbage trucks being a mobile chicane on beach road at a busy time of day they are offensively smelly......

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I also think they need more safety areas for swimming and security personel telling people to stop swimming in the danger zones.

Also security personel on continue patrol would help with a lot of other problems.

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Wider beach and proper sidewalks on both sides of the road. And then keep it clean.

They DO clean it. Last time if I remember rightly was for the King's Birthday. I think Thai school children did it. Edited by fredob43
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Sounds like the city will drag their feet with the erosion problem, but since the beach is quiet narrow (and becoming jworse by the month) the city has to take actioin with dredging the bay in order to stop the erosion. Yes, it would be nice to get rid of the chairs and beach umbrellas and make it look more "natural" - but there is a lot of use with the chairs and umbrellas. i wouild say limit the amount - keep it basical 3 rows - not 9 rows of charis down to the shore packed like sardines. yes, the walkway needs to be done. Put more trash bins out -where are they????

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Ban all the puritanical types that want to to turn it into Disneyland from entering the city limits. hump.gif

Good one. I will add:

"No Disneyland-Pattaya-Puritanical Freaks Allowed" posted on the beach and at places where you enter the city.

I disagree with the poster that wants to remove all the beach chair concessions. I agree, however, that they should be reduced in number, zoned properly, and then have large beach areas with no beach chair concessions.

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I think it's good idea.

raze beach road and extend the beach (sand) out to the "sidewalk" on the other side of beach road.
All sois accessed from 2nd road would have a roundabout or u-turn area to return to 2nd road.
That's all....
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Regarding mtc's original post of markets along the footpath leave no walking space, my own opinion is that these markets are generally a good idea and do seem to attract people, but the issue of reduced walking space is definitely an issue.

So how about City Hall erect pillars or posts on both sides of the beach side walk path and add some type of roofing, maybe a slatted type roofing or stretched canvas roof covers like in the car park at HomeWorks South Pattaya. Then when the markets use the area, they can have temporary vertical or angled standing shelves that connect between the pillars instead of tables that intrude outwards into walking spaces. It would also give shelter from rain and sun, regardless of markets being there or not. Good for group tours too who visit the beach.

Cost issue? then get different companies to pay for one section each, whereby they can get their company's advert printed on the underside of the stretched canvas roof maybe. Anything other than the poor tacky looking rain covers pieced together that the beach market stalls currently use. If pillars / framework were in place, could then apply better electrical system for lighting too, instead of the current situation of hanging wires and lights at face and sometimes neck level.

If done correctly, would be a much better image.

Edited by seefah
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I have come to Thailand, I dont go round looking at things to complain about, I realised this is Thailand and its how the Thai people do it and because I have lived in the UK for years does not make it wrong how they do things here.

I accept just about everything I see in Thailand and dont want attention by complaining and wanting to change or run their country, get used to these petty little things because mostly it will be like it weather you like it or not.

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raze beach road and extend the beach (sand) out to the "sidewalk" on the other side of beach road.

All sois accessed from 2nd road would have a roundabout or u-turn area to return to 2nd road.

That's all....

Similar to what I imagined may work. Make South Beach Road mostly pedestrian zone, with odd numbered sois one-way FROM the beach and even numbered sois one-way TO the beach; this includes Pattayaland 1 FROM the beach and Pattayaland 2 TO the beach.. This would give 5 'islands' of pedestrian-only zones between Central junction and WS. Crap sellers would also be limited to 5 locations. Second Road would be 2-way and North Beach Road would also be 2-way or have similar odd-even soi restrictions. Second Road becoming 2-way would require a proper synchronised traffic lights system and get rid of half of the new pedestrian crossings.

Provide visitor parking somewhere on Sai Sahm where fleets of buses like the Samui airport ones (same as tukcom ones) run every 3 minutes to North, Central and South Pattaya. Two other routes running at 5 minutes intervals to Naklua and Jomtien. Other vehicles will need permits to operate within Beach & Second Roads otherwise use fixed-fare baht buses or METERED taxis.

Raking the beach every morning; good idea.

How about enforcing the requirement for beach chair 'licensees' to provide a <deleted>' waste basket for each table?

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Sounds like the city will drag their feet with the erosion problem, but since the beach is quiet narrow (and becoming jworse by the month) the city has to take actioin with dredging the bay in order to stop the erosion. Yes, it would be nice to get rid of the chairs and beach umbrellas and make it look more "natural" - but there is a lot of use with the chairs and umbrellas. i wouild say limit the amount - keep it basical 3 rows - not 9 rows of charis down to the shore packed like sardines. yes, the walkway needs to be done. Put more trash bins out -where are they????

Wouldn't dredging the bay allow a greater volume of water into it and therefore erode the beach quicker?

Unless you mean depositing the dredged sand onto the existing beach to make it bigger?

But I wouldn't want to imagine what's at the bottom of that bay that could end up as a new beach.

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Regarding mtc's original post of markets along the footpath leave no walking space, my own opinion is that these markets are generally a good idea and do seem to attract people, but the issue of reduced walking space is definitely an issue.

So how about City Hall erect pillars or posts on both sides of the beach side walk path and add some type of roofing, maybe a slatted type roofing or stretched canvas roof covers like in the car park at HomeWorks South Pattaya. Then when the markets use the area, they can have temporary vertical or angled standing shelves that connect between the pillars instead of tables that intrude outwards into walking spaces. It would also give shelter from rain and sun, regardless of markets being there or not. Good for group tours too who visit the beach.

Cost issue? then get different companies to pay for one section each, whereby they can get their company's advert printed on the underside of the stretched canvas roof maybe. Anything other than the poor tacky looking rain covers pieced together that the beach market stalls currently use. If pillars / framework were in place, could then apply better electrical system for lighting too, instead of the current situation of hanging wires and lights at face and sometimes neck level.

If done correctly, would be a much better image.

Sorry, but having a load of stalls selling the same crap as is already available all over Pattaya is not what the walkway was intended for, which is walking. In the past, stalls were only permitted for special occasions.

IMO, it's only been allowed as "someone" is raking off the rentals. Certainly not being used to repair the dangerous, ugly eyesore that the walkway has become.

I'd like to see al the rubbish "landscaping" removed, and go back to when it was just a wide walkway, and please get rid of those horrible red tiled benches.

IMO the best option would be to make 2nd Rd two way, like Naklua Rd, and turn the whole of Beach Rd from Central Rd to South Rd a pedestrian zone at night. If restaurants put out tables and chairs it would be quite pleasant to dine and drink in the open air, without exhaust fumes spicing the food.

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