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Thais Warned Of Six Diseases In The Coming Summertime

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Does anybody know if there is a place you can bring a sample of your tap water to have it tested for free or minimal price? I know in some place I lived in the US they had agencies that did this for free or for a very small fee.

I have read numerous reports that the tap water in BKK actually leaves the treatment facility very clean and exceeding world guidelines for drinking water as well as either matching or beating European standards. However it is the pipes where the water can become contaminated. I'm not sure why but in many places the drinking water will have problems during the rainy seasons or after big storms and not during other times. I wonder if this is why the reminder is being made now.

I would think as long as there is pressure in a water pipe then clean water can escape while also keeping containments out even if the pipe has cracks. Maybe what happens in the wet season is the saturated dirt around the pipe has more pressure than the water in the pipe causing containments to sink in. All I know for sure is they actually do a very good job of treating the water in BKK and the problem lies somewhere between the treatment plant and your faucet.

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Sawasdee Khrup, TV Friends,

Why isn't dengue fever (kai luat och) on the list ? Surely much more widespread than rabies from animal bites, and often fatal to children ?

best, ~o:37;

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funny warnings, when you are in the public toilet and you see some people working in your favorite restaurant, not washing hands after going to do nr 1 or nr 2 ... that for me is an incentive never to go eat there again

what about water/ice you get in your drink ? it will not be from bottled water, so maybe running tab water (which is not drinkable ?)

But at least it is common to see a women attendant in the mens room who has no problem cleaning the urinal as you pee in the one right next to her. Always wondered if this is common in any other countries especially anywhere in the west. No way would an employer get away with having a women clean the men's room while it was still open for use.

This tradition to remove shoes before entering the house, Cleanliness/not sure, as the lovely detatched place opposite my home, I noticed that the shoes were outside, and the lady took the motorcycle in the house at night. Logic--??

Edited by ginjag
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Does anybody know if there is a place you can bring a sample of your tap water to have it tested for free or minimal price? I know in some place I lived in the US they had agencies that did this for free or for a very small fee.

I have read numerous reports that the tap water in BKK actually leaves the treatment facility very clean and exceeding world guidelines for drinking water as well as either matching or beating European standards. However it is the pipes where the water can become contaminated. I'm not sure why but in many places the drinking water will have problems during the rainy seasons or after big storms and not during other times. I wonder if this is why the reminder is being made now.

I would think as long as there is pressure in a water pipe then clean water can escape while also keeping containments out even if the pipe has cracks. Maybe what happens in the wet season is the saturated dirt around the pipe has more pressure than the water in the pipe causing containments to sink in. All I know for sure is they actually do a very good job of treating the water in BKK and the problem lies somewhere between the treatment plant and your faucet.

In my local area, the amper provincial admin. my friend is the health and environmental officer, if I wanted info like this I would approach her. In your area Bkk, you have an amper provin/office. Try there sure they would do it for a small fee.

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funny warnings, when you are in the public toilet and you see some people working in your favorite restaurant, not washing hands after going to do nr 1 or nr 2 ... that for me is an incentive never to go eat there again

what about water/ice you get in your drink ? it will not be from bottled water, so maybe running tab water (which is not drinkable ?)

But at least it is common to see a women attendant in the mens room who has no problem cleaning the urinal as you pee in the one right next to her. Always wondered if this is common in any other countries especially anywhere in the west. No way would an employer get away with having a women clean the men's room while it was still open for use.

This tradition to remove shoes before entering the house, Cleanliness/not sure, as the lovely detatched place opposite my home, I noticed that the shoes were outside, and the lady took in the motorcycle in the house at night. Logic--??

LOL ... That is my point. Traditions or habits are done here without much thought (any) to the reason for them. I would at least think originally the removing of shoes was to keep dirt and mud out but now it seems more about respect. As it seems clear it never occurred to this women as she took off her shoes outside (probably next to a welcome mat designed to wipe your shoes before entering) just how absurd it is to worry about taking your shoes off before hauling in the motorcycle in the house.

Even when my wife forgets something, like the keys, as we are leaving the house she will take her shoes off to walk 1 or 2 meters back into the house to grab the keys off the table.

But I do find it interesting in the US you typically don't remove your shoes even though most houses are carpeted where as Thailand is almost always tile and any dirt/stains can be easily mopped away. Makes me wonder what they are putting in the water in the US because I'm sure a carpet would last a very long time if people did take off their shoes before going inside.

Somebody mentioned they needed to to public service announcements on TV to get these health messages out but I honestly wonder if instead of talking about washing your hands to not get sick they instead mentioned ghosts leave people alone with clean hands would work better. Same with wearing motorcycle helmets in terms of how it helps your spirit to stay intake going through winds at fast speeds or how a seatbelt will help keep your spirit in your body in a crash.

As you know I am usually a big defender of Thai society but lately I have run across some very intelligent rational people who in a split second seem off their rocker when they get into talking about certain traditions or rituals where ghosts and spirits are involved. Of course it could be me and they are right but it just seems a very large portion of Thai people have incorrectly incorporated ghosts and superstition into Buddhism to the point these beliefs trump worrying about things we know to be facts like how germs spread.

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funny warnings, when you are in the public toilet and you see some people working in your favorite restaurant, not washing hands after going to do nr 1 or nr 2 ... that for me is an incentive never to go eat there again

what about water/ice you get in your drink ? it will not be from bottled water, so maybe running tab water (which is not drinkable ?)

But at least it is common to see a women attendant in the mens room who has no problem cleaning the urinal as you pee in the one right next to her. Always wondered if this is common in any other countries especially anywhere in the west. No way would an employer get away with having a women clean the men's room while it was still open for use.

This tradition to remove shoes before entering the house, Cleanliness/not sure, as the lovely detatched place opposite my home, I noticed that the shoes were outside, and the lady took in the motorcycle in the house at night. Logic--??

LOL ... That is my point. Traditions or habits are done here without much thought (any) to the reason for them. I would at least think originally the removing of shoes was to keep dirt and mud out but now it seems more about respect. As it seems clear it never occurred to this women as she took off her shoes outside (probably next to a welcome mat designed to wipe your shoes before entering) just how absurd it is to worry about taking your shoes off before hauling in the motorcycle in the house.

Even when my wife forgets something, like the keys, as we are leaving the house she will take her shoes off to walk 1 or 2 meters back into the house to grab the keys off the table.

But I do find it interesting in the US you typically don't remove your shoes even though most houses are carpeted where as Thailand is almost always tile and any dirt/stains can be easily mopped away. Makes me wonder what they are putting in the water in the US because I'm sure a carpet would last a very long time if people did take off their shoes before going inside.

Somebody mentioned they needed to to public service announcements on TV to get these health messages out but I honestly wonder if instead of talking about washing your hands to not get sick they instead mentioned ghosts leave people alone with clean hands would work better. Same with wearing motorcycle helmets in terms of how it helps your spirit to stay intake going through winds at fast speeds or how a seatbelt will help keep your spirit in your body in a crash.

As you know I am usually a big defender of Thai society but lately I have run across some very intelligent rational people who in a split second seem off their rocker when they get into talking about certain traditions or rituals where ghosts and spirits are involved. Of course it could be me and they are right but it just seems a very large portion of Thai people have incorrectly incorporated ghosts and superstition into Buddhism to the point these beliefs trump worrying about things we know to be facts like how germs spread.

Nisa did you get my post #35--also try the local uni/tech coll. itle give them a mini project !!

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Street food vendors

ah yes an old chestnut, yet strange how little evident food poisoning there is?

Even given the amount of street dust (largely composed of dried powdered dog pschitt) that is blown on to the open pots of luke warm food - does it give that special piquancy?

BTW Thais do get sick from food poisoning. I witnessed a junior school where the young pupils all good a severe dose of salmonella which came from the popular rice jelly sweet cakes sold by a granma outside the gates. The local hospital was inundated with 50+ children all vomitting etc all over the place and in hysterics.

Did the vendor get so much as a slap on the wrist did she F***

She was there the following day selling the same old <deleted>.

Personally I rarely get sick, maybe 5 times a year, some tom tits, take some Disento and its gone in a couple of hours

Some one mentioned door knobs, what about public hand rails? Your hands are the dirtiest part of your body (along with your mouth), Think where all those thousands of other hands have been and as for spit swapping, what has her mouth been on besides your face?

Oh I think I will stay in bed today its too dangerous to get up.

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I have seen them put the spoon in their mouth, before putting it in the communal pot :sick:


You say this as if you witnessed something odd. They are simply licking the spoon clean of other food before digging into a fresh communal dish. ;-)

When I go out with the Thai extended family it is the norm to use the same spoon you are eating with as your own personal serving spoon. The family is by no means hiso types but all live comfortably and have new clean homes. They also all follow the standard traditions of typical Thai cleanliness such as removing shoes before entering a house.

I've wondered if the eating things shows a type of intimacy and trust or if it is just lack of awareness of how germs are spread. It could also be tradition such as removing your shoes. I go to a dentist office in BKK where they want you to remove your shoes and put on the slippers/shoes they have in a shoe stand by the door. When you leave you put the slippers back in the shoe rack for the next person. The first time I went I was a little taken back that here is a medical office where they want you to share shoes/slippers with God knows how many other barefoot people as opposed to taking a chance your own flip flops may bring in some dirt on their floor which I am sure is cleaned daily. Yet, the shoe-slippers where a leathery type and there is no way they were washing those daily (if ever) and doubt very much they had disinfectant spray as a bowling alley has since you literally put the shoes back in the rack for the next customer.

I truly think there is a lack of awareness in terms of how germs are spread and if it comes to tradition then even if there is an awareness the tradition wins out. This is also very surprising given all the different flew epidemics that have broken out in Thailand. I've even seen them use a dry rag on the escalator railings to dust them as opposed to having some kind of damp alcohol/disinfectant rag since this is clearly one surface that has to be responsible for spreading tons of germs from those infected sneezing or using their finger to clear their nose.

I've never been one of those people worried about diseases from doorknobs but have become radically more aware of where of washing my hands and where I put my hands given the flu scares in Thailand combined with so many people cramped in small places here.

Nisa, You say that about the shoe/ slippers. We went to Kanchanaburi last week for a couple of days. Booked into a really nice hotel by the river. Two house coats in the cupboard nd two pairs of slippers, white on the outside,, black inside, showed them to my g/f. She cracked up.


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Why say hydrophobia instead of rabies?

Since neither fits, perhaps they meant the other usage of the term hydrophobia as the psychological fear of water, otherwise known as aquaphobia.

The certainly fits with Songkran around the corner. Time for me to lock the doors and stay inside. :lol:

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It would make a tremendous difference also if the Public Health Ministry, checked on the condition of public toilets, as well as the many food halls and street vendors, where hygiene is non existent. Not just in the coming months, but throughout the year.



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Is this some kind of a joke? Nothing will ever be done about it. They need to start at toddler level and work up so even if they took it seriously now, It would take at least two generations to stop the nose picking, Spot squeezing food venders. I remember on a daily basis the Rajdamri Big C male food hall vendors would be in the toilet and every time whether it was a piss or a shit there would be no hand washing. just a bit of water to straighten up the pathetic space helmet Korean boy band hairstyles was the only time the taps would be run.

Edited by sunnyrolfe
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='GarryP' timestamp='1299492828' post='4264616']

Why say hydrophobia instead of rabies?

^Dengue fever is more a rainy season problem than hot season.

More people worldwide die from mosquito transmitted diseases than any other cause and yet little is done to help prevent this problem , they breed in any available static water 5/6 times in the life of the female , temperature does not affect them , they survive even in freezing temperatures . Sprays and those burning coils have little effect in the overall occurrence of being bitten , mozzies feed on many alternatives , the only reason the female seeks blood is to help propagate her young , the male is an incidental necessity for breeding , he only live for a week where-as the female can survive up to 3 months .

All of this and yet the intilectual finds no reason to bring these facts to life in times of rampant sickness , go figure who knows what .

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This tradition to remove shoes before entering the house, Cleanliness/not sure, as the lovely detatched place opposite my home, I noticed that the shoes were outside, and the lady took the motorcycle in the house at night. Logic--??

There are a lot more bikes stolen here than shoes.

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This tradition to remove shoes before entering the house, Cleanliness/not sure, as the lovely detatched place opposite my home, I noticed that the shoes were outside, and the lady took the motorcycle in the house at night. Logic--??

There are a lot more bikes stolen here than shoes.

:cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy: sure

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My wife leaves cooked food out for up to two days and eats it and never gets sick! I eat it after one hour left out and well lets just say it doesn't sick around long. My Thai friends think nothing of leaving cooked food outside on a table in the yard for 12 hours and eating it. Are they immune to the bacteria and fly vomit? I think they are crazy slash stupid but they do not seem to get sick.

This is something I have seen so many times and it still astounds me . I am sure they do not have the same digestive system as other humans . :) Only time I ever saw my lass sick along with her cousin was at the crocodile farm and they consumed a dish with those small CRABS in it . I warned against it as it smelled rather bad and they used no ice to keep it fresh , so I am guessing that at 3 PM it was well and truly OFF . They were sick for 3 or 4 days and couldnt stay off the loo , but seemed to show little concern other than to complain that they couldnt go out :) hehehehe

They are very cautious with seafood now and wont eat it unless it is on ice and then freshly cooked :)

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Thongs/flip=flops , another notorious spreader of multiple germs/bacteria etc , just think where they have been in many instances , dirty market places where rats urine is quite prevalent , animal excrement to name only a couple . Take them off at the door , then walk around in bare feet embedded with all said bacteria and possible planters warts , very , very hygienic to be sure . what of small children crawling around on the floor who have a propensity to put everything in their mouths not even having time in life to have built up any immunity . Ever wonder why so many babies never make it past 5 years old ? The motor-cycle is far safer a bed mate despite the fumes emitted because Thai drive them in on many occasions , then start them up to paddle them backwards to exit the room , observed it many times , pure laziness and not the least bit informed o

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Hydrophobia, maybe it's just me but I had to look this up. Why don't they just say rabies. When is the last time some one heard of hydrophobia shots?

The topic is about food safety?? When is the last time someone caught Rabies from bad food?

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'featography' timestamp='1299596696' post='4267833']

'BuckarooBanzai' timestamp='1299466538' post='4263710']

Hydrophobia, maybe it's just me but I had to look this up. Why don't they just say rabies. When is the last time some one heard of hydrophobia shots?

The topic is about food safety?? When is the last time someone caught Rabies from bad food?

When some-one tried to feed a rabid dog food he could not stomach , the dog decided to bite the hand that fed him , close enough to be PC ?

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I'm no Doctor,but I have always believed/been taught,warmth is a Breeding ground for Bacteria,

If so why eat warm food,as recommended by the Doctors,instead of piping hot food which kills the Bacteria?

People digging into foods with their fingers is another disgusting habit,or each using their spoon to eat from a communal dish/bowl .

Thais are normally very clean people bodily,but leave a lot to be desired in other aspects of food Hygiene.

Stirring a drink with a finger is not unheard of either. :bah:

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B) I remember one of my first observations when I first came to live and work in Thailandin 2000, was the communal drinking water cup at the water cooler in Thai offices. I thought to myself there must be someone in this country that understand basic biology and public health. I also had to teach my wife basic food sanitation that you dont put raw chicken meat on the chopping board then cut vegetables. Also that cooked food can't be left out all day and night in 90 degree heat.

However; I must say that after more than 7 years living in Thailand I never contracted any serious disease other than an occasional bout of the "Bangkok Belly".


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The canteen in our factory had a health department's sign of food safety. "Clean food good taste" The date was something like 3 years ago. The sign post is still up and there're flies everywhere!!!:blink:

Can't blame the flies if they like clean tasty food. :rolleyes:

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The canteen in our factory had a health department's sign of food safety. "Clean food good taste" The date was something like 3 years ago. The sign post is still up and there're flies everywhere!!!:blink:

Can't blame the flies if they like clean tasty food. :rolleyes:

Eat shit a hundred, thousand, billion flies can't be wrong.


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The canteen in our factory had a health department's sign of food safety. "Clean food good taste" The date was something like 3 years ago. The sign post is still up and there're flies everywhere!!!:blink:

Can't blame the flies if they like clean tasty food. :rolleyes:

Eat shit a hundred, thousand, billion flies can't be wrong.


Love it jb1!

Where do I get the t-shirt?smile.gif

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The canteen in our factory had a health department's sign of food safety. "Clean food good taste" The date was something like 3 years ago. The sign post is still up and there're flies everywhere!!!:blink:

Can't blame the flies if they like clean tasty food. :rolleyes:

Eat shit a hundred, thousand, billion flies can't be wrong.


You're convinced then? :rolleyes:

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The canteen in our factory had a health department's sign of food safety. "Clean food good taste" The date was something like 3 years ago. The sign post is still up and there're flies everywhere!!!:blink:

Can't blame the flies if they like clean tasty food. :rolleyes:

Eat shit a hundred, thousand, billion flies can't be wrong.


You're convinced then? :rolleyes:

With a flies 16 day life cycle, I wouldn't take their word for eating healthy foods! :D:bah:

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I think western people are just too worried.

My gf always makes delicious food and sometimes we eat the same food for up to 3 days , wrapped in plastic and its stored in room temperature . Then we reheat it in the microwave. Never had any problems


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