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Girlfriend Threatens With Suicide


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I'm sorry to disagree with some posters here but for me this woman isn't mentally ill just a manipulative, spiteful and nasty piece of work. Mentally ill people don't often threaten to kill themselves they tend to just go off and do it.

The fact she has " tried " a couple of times already says a lot.

I would leave her some money for rent or whatever for the next month or so and just walk away. Change your number if you feel the need but don't be held to ransom by anybody and certainly don't feel any guilt.

Tend to agree, if mentally unstable then they will jump, not threaten. ;)

That is just totally untrue. Most people who commit suicide,or threaten it, or attempt it, don't want to do it. The evidence to support this statement is overwhelming.

90% of people who try to comit suicide Do it sooner or later.

Highly suspect this is nonsense but even if not, I doubt it is a THAI statistic.

Edited by OxfordWill
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I get my 90% statistic from the NHS, When my brother in law killed himself . it took many tries over40 years. and in the End he did it , Who knows if he meant to do it , after many so called trys , of slashing his wrists, taking pills and over dosing , Jumping out of a tree at 90 ft up , he ended up with brain damage, impacted spine and a left arm that would not work. maybe he was crying out for help , it took a long time, and in the end maybe he cryed wolf once to often and nobody cared or believed him , sad but true.. Once they get some gratification from there act and attention they carry on as if its a craze for more attention and sympathy. and No amount of money would have changed his mind.

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Geez, it's been a week and if she ain't dead yet, she was just talking.

And I didn't even have to spend hours looking up the "mother-of-all-authoritative-info" source, Google, to conclude that.

Move on Googlers! There must be something fresh to use your web browser for...

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people declaring outloud that they intend to comit suicide rarely do so. Real suiciders take their lives quitely and fast as they don't want to be saved.


And women are mostly too coward to commit a successful suicide anyway. Taking an overdose of tablets from the pharmacy will make you sick, but not kill you. Hospitals have to deal with that every day.

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people declaring outloud that they intend to comit suicide rarely do so. Real suiciders take their lives quitely and fast as they don't want to be saved.


And women are mostly too coward to commit a successful suicide anyway. Taking an overdose of tablets from the pharmacy will make you sick, but not kill you. Hospitals have to deal with that every day.

More erroneous information being dispensed on this thread.

Any chance for it to get moved to the Health Forum and/or closed as to preclude further mockery and/or providing of potentially lethal bad advice/information?

Anyway, for those that are interested in accurate and real information:

"Most people who suicide give warning signs about their intentions"


Suicide Explained


special p.s. for GreenSnapper:

People die everyday from overdosing on prescription medications.

Medicine intentionally taken wrong CAN and DOES KILL.


Edited by Buchholz
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special p.s. for GreenSnapper:

People die everyday from overdosing on prescription medications.

Medicine intentionally taken wrong CAN and DOES KILL.

So? Give us concrete examples with proper dosis, if you know anything!

In most cases where people do "suicide attempts" they take some medication, get horribly sick and pain, get scared and then moved to a hospital where they pump your stomach empty.

Daily procedure in hospitals.

And one more word, my friend: you may not like free discussions, but it is quite boring to constantly ask for censorship just because most people don't agree with your opinion. You are free to post, and we are too.

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special p.s. for GreenSnapper:

People die everyday from overdosing on prescription medications.

Medicine intentionally taken wrong CAN and DOES KILL.

So? Give us concrete examples with proper dosis, if you know anything!

In most cases where people do "suicide attempts" they take some medication, get horribly sick and pain, get scared and then moved to a hospital where they pump your stomach empty.

Daily procedure in hospitals.

And one more word, my friend: you may not like free discussions, but it is quite boring to constantly ask for censorship just because most people don't agree with your opinion. You are free to post, and we are too.

Does one really need to provide examples of people dying from medication overdoses?

How about, as a starter list, a few well-known people

Marilyn Monroe

Date: August 5, 1962

Drugs: Pentobarbital (AKA Nembutal) and chloral hydrate (sleeping pills)

Dorothy Dandridge

Date: September 8, 1965

Drug: Imipramine, AKA Tofranil (antidepressant)

Jimi Hendrix

Date: September 18, 1970

Drug: Secobarbital, AKA Seconal (sleeping pill)

Freddie Prinze

Date: January 29, 1977

Drug: Methaqualone, AKA Quaaludes (sedative)

Abbie Hoffman

Date: April 12, 1989

Drug: Phenobarbital (anti-seizure sedative)

Heath Ledger

Date: February 6, 2008

Drugs: Six drugs: painkillers oxycodone and hydrocodone, sleep aid temazepam and sedatives diazepam (AKA Valium), alprazolam (AKA Xanax) and doxylamine

I agree that in most cases, overdoses don't result in death, however, that's only because hundreds of thousands of drug overdoses occur.

It still doesn't detract from that in just in the USA alone, for example:

Prescription drugs cause most of the more than 26,000 fatal overdoses each year, says Leonard Paulozzi of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.


Lastly, I don't have a problem with free discussion if it's done on some level that doesn't involve mocking serious issues and questions regarding death by suicide, posting of grossly erroneous information, or even urging others to commit self-harm (as has been the case with other posts on this thread).

If you desire some free-for-all without any semblance of good taste nor any concern that inaccurate information gets slung about, there's other forums available.

It's quite evident that you know just enough to be dangerous by slinging out a psychiatric diagnosis repeatedly on this thread, when in reality, such flippant response based on nothing more than a few words in the OP is dangerous and reckless. It is the height of irresponsibility and is something more suited in a humorous Farang Pub Forum thread instead of a serious thread with a member asking about the very real possibility of death by suicide.

It is why I suggested that this thread be moved to the Health Forum where such nonsense is not tolerated on serious topics.

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Lastly, I don't have a problem with free discussion if it's done on some level

That is your personal problem. You want to define the level of discussion and suppress unwanted opinions.

The examples you gave above, Marilyn Monroe and such, just demonstrate that you know nothing. These medications are very difficult if not impossible to get for an average person.

Modern medicines are not practical for suicides. Overdose will result in sickness, vomiting and great pain. In theory, you can die, yes, but an emotional woman will be greatly scared and quickly delivered into hospital. Jumping or hanging needs extreme courage and is rather rarely done.

People here in this thread talk about personal experiences in similar cases of emotional blackmail and abuse. Very few here say "oh she is a pity girl and need your help", because most people here are experienced and understand emotional blackmail and borderline characters.

Neither you or us have personally talked to the girl. Therefore the OP can just consider our opinions with what he has experienced himself. That's what a free discussion is about.

But your attitude of trying to suppress free speech only shows that you cannot imagine that people have other experiences than your own rather simplistic imagination of a pity victim.

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Lastly, I don't have a problem with free discussion if it's done on some level

That is your personal problem. You want to define the level of discussion and suppress unwanted opinions.

The examples you gave above, Marilyn Monroe and such, just demonstrate that you know nothing. These medications are very difficult if not impossible to get for an average person.

Modern medicines are not practical for suicides. Overdose will result in sickness, vomiting and great pain. In theory, you can die, yes, but an emotional woman will be greatly scared and quickly delivered into hospital. Jumping or hanging needs extreme courage and is rather rarely done.

People here in this thread talk about personal experiences in similar cases of emotional blackmail and abuse. Very few here say "oh she is a pity girl and need your help", because most people here are experienced and understand emotional blackmail and borderline characters.

Neither you or us have personally talked to the girl. Therefore the OP can just consider our opinions with what he has experienced himself. That's what a free discussion is about.

But your attitude of trying to suppress free speech only shows that you cannot imagine that people have other experiences than your own rather simplistic imagination of a pity victim.


At least you now admit you know nothing about the woman... perhaps it would have been best to take notice of my recommendation, which admitted the same from the git go, which was to have a professional speak to her.

You completely miss that being my point, the same as you missed a subsequent point that thousands don't have any difficulty obtaining prescription drugs AND that thousands die every year from overdosing on prescription medicine.

Lastly you miss my points in your determining that I am viewing her as a "pity victim"... I never said that nor indicated that. Why? Because I don't know her.

You, on the other hand, didn't let the fact that you don't know her stop you from inappropriately labeling her and recklessly diagnosing her as a borderline personality disorder.

You go out of your way to pooh-pooh the suicidal thoughts she's voiced...when you don't know squat about her.

Any time someone voices suicidal thoughts, that person should be referred to competent authority to properly evaluate the situation.

As for the OP, he's no doubt confused by all the balderdash and mocking but hopefully the rational and practical information to encourage her to speak with someone will get through the fog of wise-cracks, pooh-poohing, and the armchair psychiatry being thrown out at him.

If anything positive can become of all this nonsense, it is that the General Forum is no place to begin a discussion seeking advice on a health issue.


Edited by Buchholz
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