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What Are They Lugging Around


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What a sheltered, (substitute sheltered with bored, if you like) life some people seem to live, the "what's in the bag debate" Who cares? Hang in there guys, there must be a "socks and sandals"….Do there really go together topic coming soon.

I have no idea what you are talking about. But ,after reading your previous topics, I understand :whistling:

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What a sheltered, (substitute sheltered with bored, if you like) life some people seem to live, the "what's in the bag debate" Who cares? Hang in there guys, there must be a "socks and sandals"….Do there really go together topic coming soon.

Thanks, mate. I would have never realised that there could be more to life than puerile and facile bickering on the internet, unless you had pointed it out.

I think your "Do there really go together" topic sounds a bit five-pints, though, but we could give it a go.

Don't knock it till you've tried it, as the ladyboys say.

Straying back on topic; maybe in the bag they've got all the chips they can't fit on their shoulders.

Or cats.


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What a sheltered, (substitute sheltered with bored, if you like) life some people seem to live, the "what's in the bag debate" Who cares? Hang in there guys, there must be a "socks and sandals"….Do there really go together topic coming soon.

Thanks, mate. I would have never realised that there could be more to life than puerile and facile bickering on the internet, unless you had pointed it out.

I think your "Do there really go together" topic sounds a bit five-pints, though, but we could give it a go.

Don't knock it till you've tried it, as the ladyboys say.

Straying back on topic; maybe in the bag they've got all the chips they can't fit on their shoulders.

Or cats.



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What a sheltered, (substitute sheltered with bored, if you like) life some people seem to live, the "what's in the bag debate" Who cares? Hang in there guys, there must be a "socks and sandals"….Do there really go together topic coming soon.

I have no idea what you are talking about. But ,after reading your previous topics, I understand :whistling:

That’s OK “S emper” after reading some of your posts I understand why you don’t get it! :rolleyes:

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of course im a cheap charlie. im poor. so i prefer to take my food /drink from home if i have to go to a large city for beurocracy reasons (renewing passport/id /drivers liscense whatever)... its not a shopping spree. and here, the weather is totally different within a half hour bus ride hence the backpack: food/snack/water/sweater/and tthe usual stuff a girl takes iwth her in her purse (what we call third aid i.e. personal hygience stuff, headache /allergy meds/tissues/tp/ handlotion/makeup/chewing gum/small note pad/pen/the annoying small change needed for bus rides/small calenadar notethingy/wallet with all the members' only cards etc/various keys and stuff -- and i pack light for a woman. so many of us go with giant pocket books instead of a backpack/day pack... its a matter of fashion and practicality. since we mostly use busses and shopping is often in a open market, u need the day pack plus various bags for carrying back all the veggies, meat etc in a comfortable fashion (just dont lean back on the bag if u put your eggs in there, like i did once.)....

ahhh, the famous sock and sandal debate. definately not. never.

so semper, u are thinking like a man, living in a decent hotel. keys, wallet, papers. you buy your latte, lunch at food places, u borrow pen and paper from others when u need them in some offical place, u buy your drinking water along the way and toss the bottle (i dont as we get cash on return), u dont wear lipstick or menstruate nor do u like to put lotion on your hands while waiting in a waiting room somewhere, nor do u need your toiletpaper/tissues, u dont suffer from allergies and need meds with u, you dont suffer from the freezing cold air conditioning when on a bus, u dont shop for stuff along the way to your destination, u have a blackberry or whatever its called to keep all your appointments/phonenumbers, calculator etc in... but some of us dont. which is why we use packpacks/day packs.

or for taking the python to the reptile vet expert in the city. a two foot python in a net laungerie bag still has to be put in a backpack when going on a bus or u cant get on the bus. B)



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of course im a cheap charlie. im poor. so i prefer to take my food /drink from home if i have to go to a large city for beurocracy reasons (renewing passport/id /drivers liscense whatever)... its not a shopping spree. and here, the weather is totally different within a half hour bus ride hence the backpack: food/snake/water/sweater/and tthe usual stuff a girl takes iwth her in her purse (what we call third aid i.e. personal hygience stuff, headache /allergy meds/tissues/tp/ handlotion/makeup/chewing gum/small note pad/pen/the annoying small change needed for bus rides/small calenadar notethingy/wallet with all the members' only cards etc/various keys and stuff -- and i pack light for a woman. so many of us go with giant pocket books instead of a backpack/day pack... its a matter of fashion and practicality. since we mostly use busses and shopping is often in a open market, u need the day pack plus various bags for carrying back all the veggies, meat etc in a comfortable fashion (just dont lean back on the bag if u put your eggs in there, like i did once.)....

ahhh, the famous sock and sandal debate. definately not. never.

so semper, u are thinking like a man, living in a decent hotel. keys, wallet, papers. you buy your latte, lunch at food places, u borrow pen and paper from others when u need them in some offical place, u buy your drinking water along the way and toss the bottle (i dont as we get cash on return), u dont wear lipstick or menstruate nor do u like to put lotion on your hands while waiting in a waiting room somewhere, nor do u need your toiletpaper/tissues, u dont suffer from allergies and need meds with u, you dont suffer from the freezing cold air conditioning when on a bus, u dont shop for stuff along the way to your destination, u have a blackberry or whatever its called to keep all your appointments/phonenumbers, calculator etc in... but some of us dont. which is why we use packpacks/day packs.

or for taking the python to the reptile vet expert in the city. a two foot python in a net laungerie bag still has to be put in a backpack when going on a bus or u cant get on the bus. B)



Maybe its time to go Lady Godiva?

Maybe I could meet people sober as well?

Maybe we could stand the great turtle A Tuan on his shell?

I reckon they are carrying naive preconceptions....


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Maybe its time to go Lady Godiva?

Maybe I could meet people sober as well?

Maybe we could stand the great turtle A Tuan on his shell?

I reckon they are carrying naive preconceptions....


are u referring to my carrying a python around in a laundry net bag? ... cause in that case, i can tell u about the time we had to take a king snake to the vet and it slithered out of its laundry bag and made its way to the back of the bus ... gosh, the things ive had in my backpack........ or the things that grow on the leftover sandwhiches in my youngest daughter's backpack (she forgets to clean it out between times--leftover dorito type chips of various types crushed and crumbled, used tissues in amazing amounts (she's allergic to everything), pieces of clothing just in case, hair things, brushes, bodyspray deoderant, water, adn all the sandwhiches/oranges/apples that i give her and she doesnt eat, moldering away........ all in a backpack used almost daily.

i seem to always be living in a parallel world to most of u on here... oh, hubby takes his sticky rice with him in a plastic baggy, all sorts of tools, hat, water, and varius amounts of other stuff, all in a backpack. and he's thai. andhe often bangs into other people on the bus with his backpack as he hasnt got the "walk down the aisle witha backpack on you and not bash people in the face" thing down yet. gonna get us in fistfights one day because of this.....



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of course im a cheap charlie. im poor. so i prefer to take my food /drink from home if i have to go to a large city for beurocracy reasons (renewing passport/id /drivers liscense whatever)... its not a shopping spree. and here, the weather is totally different within a half hour bus ride hence the backpack: food/snack/water/sweater/and tthe usual stuff a girl takes iwth her in her purse (what we call third aid i.e. personal hygience stuff, headache /allergy meds/tissues/tp/ handlotion/makeup/chewing gum/small note pad/pen/the annoying small change needed for bus rides/small calenadar notethingy/wallet with all the members' only cards etc/various keys and stuff -- and i pack light for a woman. so many of us go with giant pocket books instead of a backpack/day pack... its a matter of fashion and practicality. since we mostly use busses and shopping is often in a open market, u need the day pack plus various bags for carrying back all the veggies, meat etc in a comfortable fashion (just dont lean back on the bag if u put your eggs in there, like i did once.)....

ahhh, the famous sock and sandal debate. definately not. never.

so semper, u are thinking like a man, living in a decent hotel. keys, wallet, papers. you buy your latte, lunch at food places, u borrow pen and paper from others when u need them in some offical place, u buy your drinking water along the way and toss the bottle (i dont as we get cash on return), u dont wear lipstick or menstruate nor do u like to put lotion on your hands while waiting in a waiting room somewhere, nor do u need your toiletpaper/tissues, u dont suffer from allergies and need meds with u, you dont suffer from the freezing cold air conditioning when on a bus, u dont shop for stuff along the way to your destination, u have a blackberry or whatever its called to keep all your appointments/phonenumbers, calculator etc in... but some of us dont. which is why we use packpacks/day packs.

or for taking the python to the reptile vet expert in the city. a two foot python in a net laungerie bag still has to be put in a backpack when going on a bus or u cant get on the bus. B)



Fair enough, but why do men use backpacks for a short walk in a city? Assuming they don't need all the stuff you mentioned. :rolleyes:

Edited by Semper
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I consider as long as you see them lugging around their backpacks, they are still looking for a decent hotel or guesthouse ! Or would you go for a drink at happy hour dragging your stuff around ? You see what you see, and it's not what you thought it is . . . . . .

I believe these nutters tend to be on the slight paranoid {cautious} side and are afraid to leave their worldly possessions unattended for the thought of theft and whatnot.........that's not a relaxing holiday.

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