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Veera Is Fine, Cambodian Prison Chief Says

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Veera is fine, Cambodian prison chief says

By Supalak Ganjanakhundee

The Nation

The government promised yesterday to multiply its efforts to seek the earliest release of activist Veera Somkwamkid from a Cambodian prison since his health was really in a critical condition, his brother said yesterday.

"The prime minister told us that his government would try its best to help my brother but we didn't ask how and when he would be freed," Preecha said in a phone interview.

The head of Prey Sar prison, however, has denied that Veera is seriously ill.

Preecha and his mother Wilaiwan met Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva at Government House to seek ways to help the high profile nationalist plus his aide Ratree Pipattanapaiboon, who were sentenced to eight and six years, respectively, for spying.

They were arrested on December 29 along with five other Thais including Democrat Party MP Panich Vikitsreth near Sa Kaeo's Ban Nong Chan while inspecting a disputed border area.

Preecha visited Veera last week and found his brother's health had deteriorating badly due to many ailments.

"It was obvious that he was very sick and weak," he said.

Abhisit said Veera's health was a priority for authorities to provide assistance to him. "His family did not ask the government to do anything special but we all know what we are doing to help him," Abhisit told reporters.

The Thai Embassy in Phnom Penh is seeking permission from Cambodian authorities to send a doctor inside the prison to check Veera's health or bring him out to see the doctor.

However, Mong Kimheng, the chief warden of Prey Sar Prison, said Veera was in a good shape and in good care.

"He just caught a cold these days due to the change in climate, but he is in good health," Mong Kimheng was quoted as saying by Xinhua news agency.

"We have provided him with special care, and our doctor has checked his health twice every day," he said.

"Veera told our doctor that he has some headaches and insomnia," he said. "It is normal that he has a headache and cannot sleep because he sleeps in prison and has to serve many years in prison."

Mong Kimheng said Veera's cell was in good condition. "In other cells, we house six inmates, but Veera's cell, we only allow only two inmates," he said.

"And for food, Thai embassy officials have been bringing it to him twice every day; he does eat food provided by the prison. The information on Veera's illness is just to call for sympathy and to catch special attention from the Thai government in order to seek a royal pardon," he said.

Abhisit informed Veera's relatives in the meeting that Veera and Ratree had already signed petitions for a pardon from the Cambodian king but he did not say if the petitions had been passed to the king.


-- The Nation 2011-03-09


A royal pardon ? Should you do a google on this subject , I doubt you will find the king has power or authority in that direction , why should he give a pardon to such a trouble making loud mouth anyway . Thailand should be happy he is locked up safe and sound instead of being a pain in their asinorums , they do not need him that badly for much else .


Just buy him some toys. He's just lonely and has no one in jail listening to his protests. I don't think he's ill either. Its just a hoax to attract attention. But a jail is a jail. He has only the mossies and cokkies to protest to, aside from that, 2 thai meals is pretty good deal for a jailbird...:jap:

"It is normal that he has a headache and cannot sleep because he sleeps in prison and has to serve many years in prison."



If Veera is sick, will Ratree catch all his diseases too?

Only if Veera' achieve the desired results. Yesterdays story said that his death was imminent, now today we find he has a cold, his brother must feel really foolish.


I assume that Cambodia would lose a few brownie points, and maybe a little face, if Veera was to snuff it while under lock and key. Ergo, they would makes sure that there is nothing seriously wrong with him. I believe the Prison Governor. Veera's supporters may be better employed having a whip round to pay for some nice chintz curtains and a chaise longue.

I do hope that the Thai taxpayers money isn't being spent by the Embassy in supplying bin fulls of food for this lunatic. I wonder if his cell mates are putting on weight?


On what grounds are the government trying to help this convicted criminal while ignoring the hundreds/thousands other convicted Thai criminals in foreign prisons?

I am sure I have never heard the Pm refer to them individually or get personally involved in helping them, clearly abhisit is more yellow that some of you think, either that or he is scared of the PAD.


He is near death, he got a cold, big difference. Why accord him any special treatment, he needs to be in a cell with 5 other criminals. The embassy is bringing him food twice a day! <deleted>. Who is paying for the food. I guess the small portion of people who actually pay Taxes.

I wonder if the embassy will keep doing this for the next 8 years.


Thailand would do well to look the state of health of inmates in Thai jails, from what I understand their jails are appalling to say the least! As to this Veera the longer he stays in jail the greater chance that he might come out a reformed character! :rolleyes:


Is not prison a place to become reformed into a better citizen or person. I am sure it is necessary to leave him in the full time of his sentence so that he can leave a better man than when he entered, and contribute to society in a positive way. Also a mouth ulcer can be created by biting the side of your mouth or chewing at areas inside the mouth. In prison many people do things just to get attention.


If he was in such fragile health he shouldn't have gone to tweak the tigers tail in his lair. But this assumes he is also thinking rationally.

Mong Kimheng said Veera's cell was in good condition. "In other cells, we house six inmates, but Veera's cell, we only allow only two inmates," he said.

He's getting VIP treatment. :)


Interesting to compare Veera and Vicktor Bout. The latter may not be a nice man, but it was difficult not to admire the bravery he showed during the 2 years or so he was in Bangkok Prison. He never whined, and never gave is enemies the pleasure of seeing him grovel. Veera is behaving like the child he apparently is, being held responsible for his bad behavior for possibly the first time in his life. Bout was never going to see freedom again, and he and everyone around him knew it, Veera will likely be freed well before the end of his 8 year term as a political gesture. What a pathetic cry baby.

Mong Kimheng said Veera's cell was in good condition. "In other cells, we house six inmates, but Veera's cell, we only allow only two inmates," he said.

He's getting VIP treatment. :)

The other guy has rickets, meningitis and bubonic plague,

but there is only on of him.

Mong Kimheng said Veera's cell was in good condition. "In other cells, we house six inmates, but Veera's cell, we only allow only two inmates," he said.

He's getting VIP treatment. :)

The other guy has rickets, meningitis and bubonic plague,

but there is only on of him.

Jeez, hope he doesn't catch anything worse from Veera - like Yellow Fever! :sick:


Interesting to compare Veera and Vicktor Bout. The latter may not be a nice man, but it was difficult not to admire the bravery he showed during the 2 years or so he was in Bangkok Prison. He never whined, and never gave is enemies the pleasure of seeing him grovel. Veera is behaving like the child he apparently is, being held responsible for his bad behavior for possibly the first time in his life. Bout was never going to see freedom again, and he and everyone around him knew it, Veera will likely be freed well before the end of his 8 year term as a political gesture. What a pathetic cry baby.

I think you forgot to also mention he is a mommas boy. He gets thrown in jail and calls his mother to help he is so pathetic. He has no shame what so ever. To someone like me he has lost all face.


Secretary to Foreign Affairs Minister to Visit Cambodia to Secure Treatment for Jailed Activist

The secretary to the foreign affairs minister will visit Cambodia to seek medical supervision for Veera Somkwamkid as soon as possible, after reports confirmed that the jailed Thai activist has fallen ill in prison.

Secretary to Foreign Affairs Minister Chawanon Intarakomansut said that he has been designated by Foreign Minister Kasit Piromya to visit Cambodia and assure medical treatment for Veera Somkwamkid, a Thai activist jailed for alleged trespassing and espionage.

Chawanon said he will try his best to get Veera out of the prison to undergo treatment, or call on a doctor to treat him in prison.

Chawanon will head for Cambodia immediately if his request is approved by Cambodian authorities.

Concerning the requests for royal pardons, the secretary said he will go ahead with the plan for both Veera and Ratri Pipattanapaiboon.


-- Tan Network 2011-03-10



His friends from Patriot Somethings don't want he asks pardon, they demand he fights his case. Of course, he wants to get out this bloody jail BUT as he does not want to lose face requesting anything from Cambodians (who "kamoyed" Preah Vihar)he has to play the fake sick-man.

Anyway, his face is lost since years. To be a yellow is already a joke.

Veera should suggest to his so compassionate friends: "Hey, let's come here to take my place. I'm pretty sure that Hun Sen would agree. What he wants is to have a yellow jersey in jail. He does not mind is the name is Chamlong or Veera."

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