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Thai Travel Industry Fears Effects Of Japan Quake

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The Thai TRavel industry should stop thinking about the lost baht and start thinking about the 1,000 or more who have lost the lives. Life is more important than money Thailand....

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The Thai TRavel industry should stop thinking about the lost baht and start thinking about the 1,000 or more who have lost the lives. Life is more important than money Thailand....

Watching big houses and boats travelling together, along with shipping containers,cars, all going at speed down the streets to the sea was terrible, U.k. has responded along with other big governments, our d.f.i.d. (overseas aid )will put all their efforts into helping Japan out with immediate effect, It's department Emergency Aid, (Who I worked for) is no doubt co-ordinating with the said government to help those trapped in the N/E. medical -shelter-specialists etc. == I couldn't believe the outragious statement made by this government department

Thai Travel it is the most non feeling comment I have heard of in my entire life. Afterwoods say 2 months or so --NOT NOW. Money grabbing-it's sick. How many foreign countries responded in this fashion when Thai had it's own tsunami ??? proving again where the feelings lie.

Stats and figures 555555, tourism numbers ???? they will deserve to get even less when this statement gets around.:bah:


Well the minister and association heads that released this need to be

keel hauled, and publicly have all face removed with a trowel,

and then assigned a 'white elephant' to maintain for life, it's life, not theirs.

They are utter and total embarrassments to all Thais.


It is a fact Thai tourism could feel a negative financial effect.

The bosses/boss who allowed this remark, should apologise to Japan...on Thai national t.v....and Newspapers, for their comments, I can just picture them at a top hotel in BKK. disscussing the impact problem now.....:annoyed:


It is a fact Thai tourism could feel a negative financial effect.


You may have slept with someone the night before their death, and that is a fact, but you should have the good taste to not mention it to their mother at the funeral the next day.

In this case rigor isn't even complete and they're counting their lost scheckles.


It is a fact Thai tourism could feel a negative financial effect.

The bosses/boss who allowed this remark, should apologise to Japan...on Thai national t.v....and Newspapers, for their comments, I can just picture them at a top hotel in BKK. disscussing the impact problem now.....:annoyed:

You definately will not hear even a muffled sorry from Thailand for this. To say sorry would be an extreemly huge loss of face. Where on earth are they taught diplomacy? They will come up with some excuse and blame it all on the work experience kid in the office.


I can see the the Thai Tourism Minister going into a rage throwing his glass of whiskey across the room shouting, "Bloody Japanese how dare they have a Tsunami without 1st consulting us. Do they realise just how much this is going to cost us in lost baht and kickbacks."

I think Thailand has just shown the world what it really thinks of foriegners. Cash cows and nothing else. Well they can now pack away those false smiles.


I think Thailand has just shown the world what it really thinks of foriegners. Cash cows and nothing else. Well they can now pack away those false smiles.

So you'll be leaving in protest ?


If you guys wish to take offence at the remark....please do.... though I can't see the benefit myself........I'm sure the people putting their lives back together in Japan have more important things on their minds than bother about a fact regarding tourism released in another country.......


Agreed.....what offers of aid have the Thai goverment made ?....my guess zero

$162,000 last I heard with the option open to providing more if necessary :whistling: ? :huh: With that I'm wondering what they were watching yesterday when this all happened? And where the figure of 162,000 :huh: ? Strange....

See now it was already mentioned and maybe it was 165,000 but as someone else suggested rice might be a nice gesture as well but Thailand itself just went through a rough flooding season that destroyed bumper crops itself so while it is painful to think of the reality of the future I see a bigger problem with the loss of farms and farmers then just tourism in Thailand adding to an already tight growing season and how that is going to effect the ENTIRE world given the high fuel prices as well...


please dont knock los for being stingy with haiti.

i wouuldnt give half a penny to that freakin sorry state......it all flows to those dictators. same w n korea.

Dictators?? :cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy: Surely you're not suggesting a squeaky clean admin in the donor country in question...


How ridiculous to say or insinuate Thailand is being selfish or non-caring in regards to the tragedy in Japan. Taking one BUSINESS ARTICLE about the economic effects of this tragedy that was posted in a LOCAL PAPER'S BUSINESS SECTION and pretending it is all Thais care about is beyond ridiculous when one simply needs to turn on the TV or read the newspapers to read the hundreds of other stories about this tragedy including the personal condolences expressed by various Thai groups/people from the top of society & government to common every day people .

Open any newspaper around the globe or check CNN, FOX or the BBC and you will find stories about how the quake and aftermath may impact other countries financially from oil prices, stock market to general import/export as well as numerous stories of travelers either stuck or needing to change their plans.

The Tourism sector makes up a significant portion of the GDP in Thailand ... more than any other Asian country and I believe it is either the 3rd or 4th largest percentage by sector of the GDP in Thailand. So, of course that leads to "business reporter" using that in a headline. But if you actually read the article you will find it is a typical "how will the Japan tragedy effect our country financially" that is being run in newspapers around the globe.

The Thai government is already sending search & rescue workers and has issued 5 Million baht in "initial and immediate aid" and has promised to assist any way it can moving forward. In fact, I am not aware of any other country issuing a check yet but all have just promised to help as Thailand also has ... though I am sure many of the big countries who will promise money in the future will be a no-show when it comes time to actually writing the check as was done in the Thai Tsunami and Haiti quake.

There are countless groups in Thailand now putting together donations (See Wall Street Journal among other news sources) and coordinating ways to help Japan as is being done around the globe.To sit here and read one article and judge Thailand and its people so ignorantly ... well is just plain thoughtless or ignorant and/or incredibly slanted to match ones own unhappiness in life and a developed habit of lashing out at Thais in order to feel better about themselves.

The government and people of Thailand are very understanding to disasters having gone through the Tsunami as well as being aware of the aid Japan gave to Thailand during the Tsunami here. But no matter how awful or stupid you want to think Thai people are, they also need to think about the economic consequences and how to minimize the impact on Thailand.

It is odd that some of the posters here do little but complain about how screwed up and terribly Thailand is run and how Thais can do little right but now express outrage over false beliefs that Thailand (a developing nation) should be concentrating more on Japan's (a first world nation) problems given how in their view Thailand would indicate it be more focused on its own problems if it has any hope of surviving. These of course are the same people who will find ways to complain about any actual aid promised or given to Japan as not being real, not being enough or how it is to line the pockets of politicians.


How ridiculous to say or insinuate Thailand is being selfish or non-caring in regards to the tragedy in Japan. Taking one BUSINESS ARTICLE about the economic effects of this tragedy that was posted in a LOCAL PAPER'S BUSINESS SECTION and pretending it is all Thais care about is beyond ridiculous when one simply needs to turn on the TV or read the newspapers to read the hundreds of other stories about this tragedy including the personal condolences expressed by various Thai groups/people from the top of society & government to common every day people .

Open any newspaper around the globe or check CNN, FOX or the BBC and you will find stories about how the quake and aftermath may impact other countries financially from oil prices, stock market to general import/export as well as numerous stories of travelers either stuck or needing to change their plans.

The Tourism sector makes up a significant portion of the GDP in Thailand ... more than any other Asian country and I believe it is either the 3rd or 4th largest percentage by sector of the GDP in Thailand. So, of course that leads to "business reporter" using that in a headline. But if you actually read the article you will find it is a typical "how will the Japan tragedy effect our country financially" that is being run in newspapers around the globe.

The Thai government is already sending search & rescue workers and has issued 5 Million baht in "initial and immediate aid" and has promised to assist any way it can moving forward. In fact, I am not aware of any other country issuing a check yet but all have just promised to help as Thailand also has ... though I am sure many of the big countries who will promise money in the future will be a no-show when it comes time to actually writing the check as was done in the Thai Tsunami and Haiti quake.

There are countless groups in Thailand now putting together donations (See Wall Street Journal among other news sources) and coordinating ways to help Japan as is being done around the globe.To sit here and read one article and judge Thailand and its people so ignorantly ... well is just plain thoughtless or ignorant and/or incredibly slanted to match ones own unhappiness in life and a developed habit of lashing out at Thais in order to feel better about themselves.

The government and people of Thailand are very understanding to disasters having gone through the Tsunami as well as being aware of the aid Japan gave to Thailand during the Tsunami here. But no matter how awful or stupid you want to think Thai people are, they also need to think about the economic consequences and how to minimize the impact on Thailand.

It is odd that some of the posters here do little but complain about how screwed up and terribly Thailand is run and how Thais can do little right but now express outrage over false beliefs that Thailand (a developing nation) should be concentrating more on Japan's (a first world nation) problems given how in their view Thailand would indicate it be more focused on its own problems if it has any hope of surviving. These of course are the same people who will find ways to complain about any actual aid promised or given to Japan as not being real, not being enough or how it is to line the pockets of politicians.

I do understand your acute stance and defence of Thailand but apart from your legnthy (as always) defence here is the said problem. Government departments are spokespersons for the government, if wrong the said goverment will reprimand that department.

The problem here is the timing is wrong, AND insensitive to say the least--something YOU fail to admit. All your other waffle about aid and who gives what. Giving cheques for aid is the last thing any responsible country does. YOU DO NOT pay a government, you have N.G.Os etc to deal with the care, the money therefore is accountable.

Because I have slagged off a ill timed remark, doesn't affect my happiness in life, or to feel better in myself BullS#it. You also have to take into consideration the whole attitude in society here and what is happening TO ITS PEOPLE. From the top to the bottom there is a big problem and readers express their disgust in these happenings, even to giving Thai people a bashing to wake them up, and respond to scams-police-and these stupid government remarks. Just to add I do believe the people here and as in other countries feel hurt for Japan, and as japan is one of the most generous doners of aid. Please do not sum up everytime that most posters are Thai bashing, is this your way of trying to justify how good you are as a person to Thailand when others are not.


How ridiculous to say or insinuate Thailand is being selfish or non-caring in regards to the tragedy in Japan. Taking one BUSINESS ARTICLE about the economic effects of this tragedy that was posted in a LOCAL PAPER'S BUSINESS SECTION and pretending it is all Thais care about is beyond ridiculous when one simply needs to turn on the TV or read the newspapers to read the hundreds of other stories about this tragedy including the personal condolences expressed by various Thai groups/people from the top of society & government to common every day people .

Open any newspaper around the globe or check CNN, FOX or the BBC and you will find stories about how the quake and aftermath may impact other countries financially from oil prices, stock market to general import/export as well as numerous stories of travelers either stuck or needing to change their plans.

The Tourism sector makes up a significant portion of the GDP in Thailand ... more than any other Asian country and I believe it is either the 3rd or 4th largest percentage by sector of the GDP in Thailand. So, of course that leads to "business reporter" using that in a headline. But if you actually read the article you will find it is a typical "how will the Japan tragedy effect our country financially" that is being run in newspapers around the globe.

The Thai government is already sending search & rescue workers and has issued 5 Million baht in "initial and immediate aid" and has promised to assist any way it can moving forward. In fact, I am not aware of any other country issuing a check yet but all have just promised to help as Thailand also has ... though I am sure many of the big countries who will promise money in the future will be a no-show when it comes time to actually writing the check as was done in the Thai Tsunami and Haiti quake.

There are countless groups in Thailand now putting together donations (See Wall Street Journal among other news sources) and coordinating ways to help Japan as is being done around the globe.To sit here and read one article and judge Thailand and its people so ignorantly ... well is just plain thoughtless or ignorant and/or incredibly slanted to match ones own unhappiness in life and a developed habit of lashing out at Thais in order to feel better about themselves.

The government and people of Thailand are very understanding to disasters having gone through the Tsunami as well as being aware of the aid Japan gave to Thailand during the Tsunami here. But no matter how awful or stupid you want to think Thai people are, they also need to think about the economic consequences and how to minimize the impact on Thailand.

It is odd that some of the posters here do little but complain about how screwed up and terribly Thailand is run and how Thais can do little right but now express outrage over false beliefs that Thailand (a developing nation) should be concentrating more on Japan's (a first world nation) problems given how in their view Thailand would indicate it be more focused on its own problems if it has any hope of surviving. These of course are the same people who will find ways to complain about any actual aid promised or given to Japan as not being real, not being enough or how it is to line the pockets of politicians.

I do understand your acute stance and defence of Thailand but apart from your legnthy (as always) defence here is the said problem. Government departments are spokespersons for the government, if wrong the said goverment will reprimand that department.

The problem here is the timing is not wrong BUT insensitive to say the least--something YOU fail to admit. All your other waffle about aid and who gives what. Giving cheques for aid is the last thing any responsible country does. YOU DO NOT pay a government, you have N.G.Os etc to deal with the care, the money therefore is accountable.

Because I have slagged off a ill timed remark, doesn't affect my happiness in life, or to feel better in myself BullS#it. You also have to take into consideration the whole attitude in society here and what is happening TO ITS PEOPLE. From the top to the bottom there is a big problem and readers express their disgust in these happenings, even to giving Thai people a bashing to wake them up, and respond to scams-police-and these stupid government remarks.

I really have no understanding of what you are trying to say, beyond your saying Thailand is irresponsible for giving money to aid Japan (predictable), but if you are trying to say this article makes Thailand insensitive then you need to say the same about the rest of the world whose country's papers are also all running articles about how the Japan quake will effect local economies.

As for yours/others need to "bash" Thais to "wake them up" ... I'm sure the "bashing" done here on ThaiVisa keeps Thais up at night.

Edit: a few other stories here from around the globe of how the Japan earthquake will effect economies


How ridiculous to say or insinuate Thailand is being selfish or non-caring in regards to the tragedy in Japan. Taking one BUSINESS ARTICLE about the economic effects of this tragedy that was posted in a LOCAL PAPER'S BUSINESS SECTION and pretending it is all Thais care about is beyond ridiculous when one simply needs to turn on the TV or read the newspapers to read the hundreds of other stories about this tragedy including the personal condolences expressed by various Thai groups/people from the top of society & government to common every day people .

Open any newspaper around the globe or check CNN, FOX or the BBC and you will find stories about how the quake and aftermath may impact other countries financially from oil prices, stock market to general import/export as well as numerous stories of travelers either stuck or needing to change their plans.

The Tourism sector makes up a significant portion of the GDP in Thailand ... more than any other Asian country and I believe it is either the 3rd or 4th largest percentage by sector of the GDP in Thailand. So, of course that leads to "business reporter" using that in a headline. But if you actually read the article you will find it is a typical "how will the Japan tragedy effect our country financially" that is being run in newspapers around the globe.

The Thai government is already sending search & rescue workers and has issued 5 Million baht in "initial and immediate aid" and has promised to assist any way it can moving forward. In fact, I am not aware of any other country issuing a check yet but all have just promised to help as Thailand also has ... though I am sure many of the big countries who will promise money in the future will be a no-show when it comes time to actually writing the check as was done in the Thai Tsunami and Haiti quake.

There are countless groups in Thailand now putting together donations (See Wall Street Journal among other news sources) and coordinating ways to help Japan as is being done around the globe.To sit here and read one article and judge Thailand and its people so ignorantly ... well is just plain thoughtless or ignorant and/or incredibly slanted to match ones own unhappiness in life and a developed habit of lashing out at Thais in order to feel better about themselves.

The government and people of Thailand are very understanding to disasters having gone through the Tsunami as well as being aware of the aid Japan gave to Thailand during the Tsunami here. But no matter how awful or stupid you want to think Thai people are, they also need to think about the economic consequences and how to minimize the impact on Thailand.

It is odd that some of the posters here do little but complain about how screwed up and terribly Thailand is run and how Thais can do little right but now express outrage over false beliefs that Thailand (a developing nation) should be concentrating more on Japan's (a first world nation) problems given how in their view Thailand would indicate it be more focused on its own problems if it has any hope of surviving. These of course are the same people who will find ways to complain about any actual aid promised or given to Japan as not being real, not being enough or how it is to line the pockets of politicians.

I do understand your acute stance and defence of Thailand but apart from your legnthy (as always) defence here is the said problem. Government departments are spokespersons for the government, if wrong the said goverment will reprimand that department.

The problem here is the timing is not wrong BUT insensitive to say the least--something YOU fail to admit. All your other waffle about aid and who gives what. Giving cheques for aid is the last thing any responsible country does. YOU DO NOT pay a government, you have N.G.Os etc to deal with the care, the money therefore is accountable.

Because I have slagged off a ill timed remark, doesn't affect my happiness in life, or to feel better in myself BullS#it. You also have to take into consideration the whole attitude in society here and what is happening TO ITS PEOPLE. From the top to the bottom there is a big problem and readers express their disgust in these happenings, even to giving Thai people a bashing to wake them up, and respond to scams-police-and these stupid government remarks.

I really have no understanding of what you are trying to say, beyond your saying Thailand is irresponsible for giving money to aid Japan (predictable), but if you are trying to say this article makes Thailand insensitive then you need to say the same about the rest of the world whose country's papers are also all running articles about how the Japan quake will effect local economies.

Edit: a few other stories here from around the globe of how the Japan earthquake will effect economies

Did you read what I put-if so you should have understood it. NEVER did I say Thailand was irresponsibe.That is a lie-- yes a lie

The rest of the world I dont care to mention if they are insensitive. The article was here. You read what I said ---READ it again, stop trying to make yourself look good,and post untruths about my reaction. YOU are the one that is (predictable). I again never said anything bad about Thai and aid for Japan. Your bad thoughts about T.V. posters in general.


I am quite sure, not only Thailand, but nearly all countries will feel the after effects from the disaster in Japan , however it would have been more appropriate to leave such sentiments to another time ,it's hardly worth going on, but a server reprimand from big Daddy would in this case be in order.:bah:


How ridiculous to say or insinuate Thailand is being selfish or non-caring in regards to the tragedy in Japan. Taking one BUSINESS ARTICLE about the economic effects of this tragedy that was posted in a LOCAL PAPER'S BUSINESS SECTION and pretending it is all Thais care about is beyond ridiculous when one simply needs to turn on the TV or read the newspapers to read the hundreds of other stories about this tragedy including the personal condolences expressed by various Thai groups/people from the top of society & government to common every day people .

Open any newspaper around the globe or check CNN, FOX or the BBC and you will find stories about how the quake and aftermath may impact other countries financially from oil prices, stock market to general import/export as well as numerous stories of travelers either stuck or needing to change their plans.

The Tourism sector makes up a significant portion of the GDP in Thailand ... more than any other Asian country and I believe it is either the 3rd or 4th largest percentage by sector of the GDP in Thailand. So, of course that leads to "business reporter" using that in a headline. But if you actually read the article you will find it is a typical "how will the Japan tragedy effect our country financially" that is being run in newspapers around the globe.

The Thai government is already sending search & rescue workers and has issued 5 Million baht in "initial and immediate aid" and has promised to assist any way it can moving forward. In fact, I am not aware of any other country issuing a check yet but all have just promised to help as Thailand also has ... though I am sure many of the big countries who will promise money in the future will be a no-show when it comes time to actually writing the check as was done in the Thai Tsunami and Haiti quake.

There are countless groups in Thailand now putting together donations (See Wall Street Journal among other news sources) and coordinating ways to help Japan as is being done around the globe.To sit here and read one article and judge Thailand and its people so ignorantly ... well is just plain thoughtless or ignorant and/or incredibly slanted to match ones own unhappiness in life and a developed habit of lashing out at Thais in order to feel better about themselves.

The government and people of Thailand are very understanding to disasters having gone through the Tsunami as well as being aware of the aid Japan gave to Thailand during the Tsunami here. But no matter how awful or stupid you want to think Thai people are, they also need to think about the economic consequences and how to minimize the impact on Thailand.

It is odd that some of the posters here do little but complain about how screwed up and terribly Thailand is run and how Thais can do little right but now express outrage over false beliefs that Thailand (a developing nation) should be concentrating more on Japan's (a first world nation) problems given how in their view Thailand would indicate it be more focused on its own problems if it has any hope of surviving. These of course are the same people who will find ways to complain about any actual aid promised or given to Japan as not being real, not being enough or how it is to line the pockets of politicians.

I do understand your acute stance and defence of Thailand but apart from your legnthy (as always) defence here is the said problem. Government departments are spokespersons for the government, if wrong the said goverment will reprimand that department.

The problem here is the timing is not wrong BUT insensitive to say the least--something YOU fail to admit. All your other waffle about aid and who gives what. Giving cheques for aid is the last thing any responsible country does. YOU DO NOT pay a government, you have N.G.Os etc to deal with the care, the money therefore is accountable.

Because I have slagged off a ill timed remark, doesn't affect my happiness in life, or to feel better in myself BullS#it. You also have to take into consideration the whole attitude in society here and what is happening TO ITS PEOPLE. From the top to the bottom there is a big problem and readers express their disgust in these happenings, even to giving Thai people a bashing to wake them up, and respond to scams-police-and these stupid government remarks.

I really have no understanding of what you are trying to say, beyond your saying Thailand is irresponsible for giving money to aid Japan (predictable), but if you are trying to say this article makes Thailand insensitive then you need to say the same about the rest of the world whose country's papers are also all running articles about how the Japan quake will effect local economies.

Edit: a few other stories here from around the globe of how the Japan earthquake will effect economies

Did you read what I put-if so you should have understood it. NEVER did I say Thailand was irresponsibe.That is a lie-- yes a lie

The rest of the world I dont care to mention if they are insensitive. The article was here. You read what I said ---READ it again, stop trying to make yourself look good,and post untruths about my reaction. YOU are the one that is (predictable). I again never said anything bad about Thai and aid for Japan. Your bad thoughts about T.V. posters in general.

I often am left clueless to what you are trying to say but this is a quote from your post above:

Giving cheques for aid is the last thing any responsible country does.

Would this not indicate that your are saying Thailand is not responsible (irresponsible) for issuing a check? If this was not your meaning then I apologize for not understanding your words as i stated right up front.


I am quite sure, not only Thailand, but nearly all countries will feel the after effects from the disaster in Japan , however it would have been more appropriate to leave such sentiments to another time ,it's hardly worth going on, but a server reprimand from big Daddy would in this case be in order.:bah:

If you read my initial remarks, they were very sensitive re Japans grief, the artical here mentioned was ill timed. I am following the events, and helping where I can, as are my ex government department will be doing whatever it can to help. Nisa again came in with both fists flying as usual. (some justified yes) but mostly having a go at me with UNTRUTHS as to what I posted. I dont want to go on any further with this persons attitude problem. Do excuse me at this time, for my bad timing involving my self with a poster--BUT I WILL defend myself from lies at all times. If you read what I said you will understand WHY........ hope big daddy will also understand.....now lets get helping Japan with it's enormous problems.


I am quite sure, not only Thailand, but nearly all countries will feel the after effects from the disaster in Japan , however it would have been more appropriate to leave such sentiments to another time ,it's hardly worth going on, but a server reprimand from big Daddy would in this case be in order.:bah:

Clearly the average reader could have waited to read this news but you have to remember this is a business article that came from the business section of a local newspaper. It is where people go to read current business news and predictions as they become available. But again, if you read the article tourism is actually a small part of the overall story.

It is also the Tourism Dept. jobs in each country to understand the impacts of such events and make predictions in part to help the government and business' forecast revenue which effects the entire country. Information is power and getting it as timely as possible helps people take action. It is not the job of the tourism dept. to issue aid as the government has departments that deal with this. They cannot take a day off from doing their job as much as a telemarketer or fireman can in Australia because of a tragedy in another country.

This also doesn't appear to be any kind of press release from any government agency and is simple an article written "By Business Reporters" who appeared to have tried to gather facts from various sources.

Again, these types of articles are appearing all over the globe in business sections and just not sure why some (not saying you) are making this to reflect Thai Society. Insensitive as it is, we live in a world were people don't or can't take a day off from doing their job because of a tragedy somewhere else.


Nisa, your defense of Thailand is your prerogative, of course, but most of us have proposed that this economic impact concern was expressed at a very early time frame (the dead have not had a chance to cool). The other countries/experts you mention. at least let the rescue/recovery mode enter the scenario prior to rattling on about the economic effect this will have on Japan and other countries.

I am reminded of the plane crash when the looters were pawing through the victims belongings prior to rescue/recovery of survivors/causalities. I realize this is not the case here. but the mind set seems similar.

If the article had been started with a few words of concern to the people and country of Japan, it may have been less criticized.


If the article had been started with a few words of concern to the people and country of Japan, it may have been less criticized.

On ThaiVisa forum, everything Thai is put through the wringer and manipulated to make Thais look like anti christs and Thailand is hell itself, no matter what happens here, it will be criticized.


The 36,400,000 results that google came up with will show that many many people from many many countries are talking about the economic impact of the quake, including Tourism figures.


Nisa, your defense of Thailand is your prerogative, of course, but most of us have proposed that this economic impact concern was expressed at a very early time frame (the dead have not had a chance to cool). The other countries/experts you mention. at least let the rescue/recovery mode enter the scenario prior to rattling on about the economic effect this will have on Japan and other countries.

I am reminded of the plane crash when the looters were pawing through the victims belongings prior to rescue/recovery of survivors/causalities. I realize this is not the case here. but the mind set seems similar.

If the article had been started with a few words of concern to the people and country of Japan, it may have been less criticized.

I guess if this was an editorial or press release from some government body or any agency as opposed to a BUSINESS NEWS ARTICLE then I would agree about starting off with condolences and even requesting a moment of silence.

Not sure what you are referring to about other countries not talking about economic implications of this tragedy before having people on the ground there as this is factually untrue and can easily be verified by checking the business news of most any other country. If they are not already there then Thai Search & Rescue personal will be on the ground today in Japan ... how many other countries will have people there by the end of today that are also running stories of the economic impacts this crisis may cause?

We might also want to condemn Japan and its people for being insensitive given they too are talking about the economic impact the earthquake will have in their country.

Comparing (or being reminded of) in anyway this Business News Story with looting of dead people in a plane crash is exactly what I am pointing out here in terms of where some posters minds go when it comes to bashing Thais. It clearly is not logical or rational thinking and is putting a HUGE expectation on Thais that are not put on people of other countries doing the same exact thing while at the same time having many posters constantly reminding us how ignorant, corrupt and backwards Thais in general compared to those of other countries crazy.gif.


I do not consider all Thai's in such a manner at all. But you have to admit that many of the buffoons who are quoted by newspapers and the reporters themselves may lend a little credence to the description you so aptly made.

The 'Not stolen firearms' article is probably a good example, today plus numerous others.


People are dying as we are reading this and all the tourist industry of Thailand can thank of is its pocket book.

Spot on, I don't think there is anything that can be added to that.


Considering the fact that Japan has done a lot for Thailand; car manufacturing, Hi-tech, etc etc, over the years, providing employment which they cannot create themselves, and businesses. Thai can only think of their pocket. Really sad.

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