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I want to watch AFL and understand I need Australian Channel.

It is available in my area (Phetchabun province) but the problem is my house is surrounded by trees and buildings so cannot get line of sight to low down on the Eastern horizon.

I am able to put a 4 metre mast on top of a near by 2 story building, however this is about 50 metres away.

Is this OK or will I lose too much signal strength?

Can I upgrade the cable?

Really don't know much about this but desperate to watch my footy, not worried about the cost.

Any advise would be greatly appreciated.



You can easily take a C band cable feed up to 200m on RG6u cable and with aid of a line amp (satellite line amp) at 100m.

So with 50m you will be quids in.



I know your frustration with the AFL and I don't want to add to your woes but I have it on pretty good authority that as with cricket, NFL/NRL the ABC will not be able to transmit the AFL after [or maybe even during this forthcoming season]because they do not have the rights. I think Channel 9 or whoever controls the rights only allowed some matches last season and probably less [and delayed] this one.

Gone are the free to view events - nothing is free now and the commercial staions can not or will not increase their transmissions footprint outside Oz!!!

Maybe you should review the cost benefits.

In Pattaya we get ABC Network on cable which is very cost effective but not sure how you would go.



I would definately check how much longer the AFL will be shown on AUS network before you set up. In another thread here says it will not be available after June.


Content seems to come and more often "go" from the large satellite dishes. You can however easily in Thailand buy COPPER CORE RG6 for a better picture.

If you do some on line research you will see why the aluminum cable they sell you 99% of the time in Thailand is inferior to Copper core RG6 cable.

TV station "gone, can not get" that is a different issue here.


Thanks guys for your all your help

So length of cable should be no problem, probably spend a bit more and go for copper,

Not so good news about the future programming, does any one know where I could find out for sure?



You could try contacting the ABC by email or telephone and see if you can get a direct answer - I doubt it, I haven't been able to. "... we have no plans to change our current content but we are dependant obn our suppliers...."

Best of luck

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