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Meltdown Likely Under Way At Japan Nuclear Reactor


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Put aside the conspiracy theory and these videos are well worth a listen for lots of real information: [/font][/size]http://vimeo.com/22003275 and http://vimeo.com/22003021. For example, why was the figure of 10,000 times safe levels of I-131 in San Francisco rainwater on April 4 not more widely reported? Why did the city of Vancouver indefinitely suspend mobile radiation monitoring units after levels of 18,100 times recorded?

I also have a couple of questions for our faithful news monitors. Do we have any recent news of the radiation plumes from Fukushima and how they are likely to be carried by the atmosphere? How about radiation in the conveyor currents of the Pacific?

Edited by Tywais
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it was a top or even ewxeeding a seven from the very beginning. The strategy was/is to delay and therefore make it even worse due to precious time that has been wasted.

image-202266-galleryV9-npan.jpg the latest fire from today

elcent, where is this fire? What are we looking at? Thx.

That's Unit 1 Tuesday morning local time.

The funny thing about this. No damage was reported.

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I thought one of us posted the actual temperature of a meltdown, in the 4000s degrees Fahrenheit with Celsius equivalent. Now I can't find it. (Might have been in a linked article.)

Can someone post this, please.


"A meltdown is when the uranium dioxide fuel melts. The melting temperature of uranium dioxide is 5,189 degrees Fahrenheit (2,865 degrees Celsius)," said Martin Bertadono, a nuclear engineer at Purdue University.

Arnie Gundersen demonstrates nuclear fuel rod meltdown - nice video demo http://modernsurvivalblog.com/nuclear/nuclear-fuel-rod-meltdown-demonstration/

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To give you an idea about the heat.

We can create heat to up to 2500 degree celsius but not 2865 degree celsius I think. This is also the reason that it can melt through everything.

There are special ovens that create about 2500 Degrees to colour Saphires and other stones to get the desired colours. Most of these stones are white in original colours.

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Released today by the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade:

The ARPANSA modelling of airborne radioactive material released from Fukushima Dai-ichi predicts that during the next 36 hours, for releases from Tuesday afternoon to Wednesday night, any plumes of airborne radioactive material would predominately be pushed to the south-east, east and north-east of the reactor site out to sea. There is the possibility of landfall over the Oshika Peninsula 100 km to the north of the reactor. Landfall in the Tokyo city area for this period is not expected.

Long-range modelling (up to 12 days) for releases during this time period show that the general plume behaviour includes movement over Korea and China, circulation over the North Pacific Ocean as well as eventual progress to Alaska. The radiation levels from these plumes would be minimal and the health consequences negligible. Due to weather patterns either side of the equator, there will be negligible plume movement to the Southern Hemisphere.

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According to PEER (Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility), the new standards would drastically raise the levels of radiation allowed in food, water, air, and the general environment. PEER, a national organization of local, state, and federal employees who had access to internal EPA emails, claims that the new standards will result in,

  • 1000-fold increase for exposure to strontium-90
  • 3000 to 100,000-fold hike for exposure to iodine-131
  • 25,000-fold rise for exposure to radioactive nickel-63 in drinking water
  • Allow long-term cleanup thresholds thousands of times more lax than previous

<BR style="HEIGHT: 4em">

Collapsenet, who first reported the details of the new EPA action, said,

Under long-established EPA policy, in conformity with long-accepted international standards on “acceptable” amounts of radiation, these proposed changes would increase the permissible amounts of radiation to levels where…

25% of those exposed to these “new acceptable levels” would develop cancer based on the EPA’s own numbers.<BR style="HEIGHT: 4em">

Once the EPA publishes the changes in the Federal Register, it is a done deal. EPA deliberations are not discussed in public or debated in Congress

The way it is done in the US to cope with the ever increasing threats. This all to protect the nuclear lobby. Think millions of $$$ have changed hands for this move to eventually become reality. - Disgusting http://modernsurvivalblog.com/nuclear/the-epa-may-kill-you-with-radiation/

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According to PEER (Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility), the new standards would drastically raise the levels of radiation allowed in food, water, air, and the general environment. PEER, a national organization of local, state, and federal employees who had access to internal EPA emails, claims that the new standards will result in,

  • 1000-fold increase for exposure to strontium-90
  • 3000 to 100,000-fold hike for exposure to iodine-131
  • 25,000-fold rise for exposure to radioactive nickel-63 in drinking water
  • Allow long-term cleanup thresholds thousands of times more lax than previous

<BR style="HEIGHT: 4em">

Collapsenet, who first reported the details of the new EPA action, said,

Under long-established EPA policy, in conformity with long-accepted international standards on "acceptable" amounts of radiation, these proposed changes would increase the permissible amounts of radiation to levels where…

25% of those exposed to these "new acceptable levels" would develop cancer based on the EPA's own numbers.<BR style="HEIGHT: 4em">

Once the EPA publishes the changes in the Federal Register, it is a done deal. EPA deliberations are not discussed in public or debated in Congress

The way it is done in the US to cope with the ever increasing threats. This all to protect the nuclear lobby. Think millions of $$ have changed hands for this move to eventually become reality. - Disgusting http://modernsurviva...with-radiation/

Or more directly to prevent food riots and people enmass abandoning the west coast for the rockies in panic.

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"A meltdown is when the uranium dioxide fuel melts. The melting temperature of uranium dioxide is 5,189 degrees Fahrenheit (2,865 degrees Celsius)," said Martin Bertadono, a nuclear engineer at Purdue University.

To give you an idea about the heat. We can create heat to up to 2500 degree celsius but not 2865 degree celsius I think. This is also the reason that it can melt through everything.

There are special ovens that create about 2500 Degrees to colour Saphires and other stones to get the desired colours. Most of these stones are white in original colours.

Thanks for giving me some ideas regarding the temperatures. What I’m aiming for with this is whether entombment in concrete is even possible. Seems logical that at these temps, the cement would flow like lava. In fact, ideal maximum temp for concrete is 100 degrees C; while there is some leeway, concrete becomes unsafe when exposed to 300 degrees C, such as in a fire.

If this hypothesis rings true, how was the Chernobyl reactor entombed???

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BBC mentioned this morning that China is suspending all activity on its nuclear plants until Dec. 2012 (20 months), and possibly beyond. China had been planning 40% of the world's new plants.

That's got to be good news for the Koreas, Japan and Taiwan, as they're the most directly downwind from China.

Now, for those of us in Thailand (and downwind from Thailand), ....if we could just get some similarly sane commitment from Thailand's EGAT.

Other news: TEPCO's expenses are getting so bloated that some biz experts think it's inevitable that Japan's gov't will have to get involved in a bail-out, which will probably mean partial or complete public ownership of the utility, which has earnings of about $6 billion/yr.

Good photo, above, of the black smoke belching mess by the ocean. Those orange spots in its depths give graphic dimension to the phrase, "...burn in the fires of hell.'

BB's note: it will be interesting to see whether other nationalities will slap lawsuits on TEPCO. The effects of radiation are spreading - through the Pacific region and beyond. Americans and Canadians aren't shy when it comes to suing people for damages. Expect to see some serious fallout (pun intended) from the N plant failure for many years.

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For those of us who are concerned about what's in the things we ingest, this radioactive stuff just adds to the toxic soup. We're already concerned about MSG, about pesticides and herbacides in Thai produce, pathogens in meat, fish, eggs.

A test was done on fish in hundreds of N.American lakes, seaboards and rivers (which are generally cleaner than the same in Asia), and all fish tested had mercury at potentially harmful levels. .....and now we've got a new issue to be concerned about: radioactive toxicity.

It would be bad enough if the radiation were the result of a one-off event, like a nuclear bomb, but the Fukushima plant is one of many N plants worldwide - and hundreds of N plants are on the drawing boards in dozens of countries.

Even in lieu of what we're hearing about Fukushima, humans are still preparing to crank out more plants!

Then there are the intentional toxifications of this small planet, like when S.Hussein ordered the Kuwaiti oil fields torched. Ok, sorry, I'm straying further off-topic.

I'm relatively lucky, as an increasing proportion of my family's food is home-grown - with zero pesticides of course. But I still buy canned and bottled items from afar. Won't be buying seaweed anytime soon, though.

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So a cancer research organisation has less of a vested interest? Please, katana, that is a good one! :D

And you would believe someone from the nuclear industry, who in the past promised us cheap, efficient, safe electricity, 'too cheap to meter', and then we had Windscale, Three Mile Island, Chernobyl and Fukushima?

Good one Jetset lol

And for the last 25 years there's been nothing.

Hmm, "Three Mile Island". So what happened there then? A meltdown? Anyone care to explain?

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"A meltdown is when the uranium dioxide fuel melts. The melting temperature of uranium dioxide is 5,189 degrees Fahrenheit (2,865 degrees Celsius)," said Martin Bertadono, a nuclear engineer at Purdue University.

To give you an idea about the heat. We can create heat to up to 2500 degree celsius but not 2865 degree celsius I think. This is also the reason that it can melt through everything.

There are special ovens that create about 2500 Degrees to colour Saphires and other stones to get the desired colours. Most of these stones are white in original colours.

Thanks for giving me some ideas regarding the temperatures. What I'm aiming for with this is whether entombment in concrete is even possible. Seems logical that at these temps, the cement would flow like lava. In fact, ideal maximum temp for concrete is 100 degrees C; while there is some leeway, concrete becomes unsafe when exposed to 300 degrees C, such as in a fire.

If this hypothesis rings true, how was the Chernobyl reactor entombed???

Well, its like this. If a lump of nuclear fuel goes "critical" (ie a nuclear chain reaction occurs), it can reach temperatures easily high enough to melt concrete. The mixture (molten fuel and concrete) is called "corium". This is heavy and moves downwards (hence melt-down). But as it goes, the radioactive fuel becomes more "diluted" (with more concrete or earth or whatever). The reaction then becomes sub-critical, and it stops generating so much heat. Then it cools and sets. It cannot go critical again, as there is no way for the radioactive fuel to become more concentrated again.

The concrete/steel sarcophagus at Chernobyl is designed to just keep the radiation and radioactive material in place. Whilst the core (buried somewhere underneath) will still be generating some heat, it is not nearly enough to melt it again.

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"A meltdown is when the uranium dioxide fuel melts. The melting temperature of uranium dioxide is 5,189 degrees Fahrenheit (2,865 degrees Celsius)," said Martin Bertadono, a nuclear engineer at Purdue University.

To give you an idea about the heat. We can create heat to up to 2500 degree celsius but not 2865 degree celsius I think. This is also the reason that it can melt through everything.

There are special ovens that create about 2500 Degrees to colour Saphires and other stones to get the desired colours. Most of these stones are white in original colours.

Thanks for giving me some ideas regarding the temperatures. What I'm aiming for with this is whether entombment in concrete is even possible. Seems logical that at these temps, the cement would flow like lava. In fact, ideal maximum temp for concrete is 100 degrees C; while there is some leeway, concrete becomes unsafe when exposed to 300 degrees C, such as in a fire.

If this hypothesis rings true, how was the Chernobyl reactor entombed???

Well, its like this. If a lump of nuclear fuel goes "critical" (ie a nuclear chain reaction occurs), it can reach temperatures easily high enough to melt concrete. The mixture (molten fuel and concrete) is called "corium". This is heavy and moves downwards (hence melt-down). But as it goes, the radioactive fuel becomes more "diluted" (with more concrete or earth or whatever). The reaction then becomes sub-critical, and it stops generating so much heat. Then it cools and sets. It cannot go critical again, as there is no way for the radioactive fuel to become more concentrated again.

The concrete/steel sarcophagus at Chernobyl is designed to just keep the radiation and radioactive material in place. Whilst the core (buried somewhere underneath) will still be generating some heat, it is not nearly enough to melt it again.

Sorry - My Nonsensometer went Full Scale Deflection there.

It really is hard to know where to begin...


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Thanks for the description. Now we know what 'corium' is!

Austrian, German, Canadian and Australian TV networks have banned eight episodes of The Simpsons which satirise nuke plant disasters.


Entertainment Weekly reports only three of those episodes: "Homer Defined" Season 3, Episode 5 (1991); "Marge Gets a Job" Season 4, Episode 7 (1992); "On a Clear Day, I Can See My Sister" Season 16, Episode 11 (2005).

If any readers find the other five banned episodes, please let us know what they are.

Seems to me I saw a TV spot promoting 'the peaceful atom' in which a nuke promoter actually drank radioactive liquid on air to show how harmless it was. Probably 1950s or early 60s. Can someone please help to find that?

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Last night I watched a documentary on the rape of Nanking which was very disturbing. It aroused my curiosity and I spent several hours trying to learn more about it. What is tragic is the Japanese's unwillingness to acknowledge that it happened or apologize to the victims. I wonder if some of the old folks in Japan believe in karma.

One thing I am sure of is that like the Exxon Valdez and BP oil spills, the victims will never be compensated and no one will ever be punished. One lie will follow another.

Nuclear power has never lived up to any expectations for cost or safety, it has only prolonged the need to develop sustainable technologies. We continue to travel down this road of increasing dependence on quick fixes that only maintain the illusion of sustainability, mostly benefits the rich and robs millions of people of their lives.

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Last night I watched a documentary on the rape of Nanking which was very disturbing. It aroused my curiosity and I spent several hours trying to learn more about it. What is tragic is the Japanese's unwillingness to acknowledge that it happened or apologize to the victims. I wonder if some of the old folks in Japan believe in karma.

One thing I am sure of is that like the Exxon Valdez and BP oil spills, the victims will never be compensated and no one will ever be punished. One lie will follow another.

Nuclear power has never lived up to any expectations for cost or safety, it has only prolonged the need to develop sustainable technologies. We continue to travel down this road of increasing dependence on quick fixes that only maintain the illusion of sustainability, mostly benefits the rich and robs millions of people of their lives.

So your argument against nuclear power is that the Japanese have not apologised for attrocities commited by their forefathers, nor have oil companies properly addressed issues arising from their industries.

I am really sorry about mis-delivered newspapers, and also about any harm that English people partticularly Northumbrians, might have suffered at the hands of marauding Scots.


I hope you are busting a gut on alternqatives to photovoltaic cells. Good luck, mate.

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Nuclear power has never lived up to any expectations for cost or safety, it has only prolonged the need to develop sustainable technologies. We continue to travel down this road of increasing dependence on quick fixes that only maintain the illusion of sustainability, mostly benefits the rich and robs millions of people of their lives.

I'm sorry - who or what has robbed millions of people of their lives?

At the last count there were 2 dead at Fukushima, and not from radiation, so where were the other 999,998 lives lost?

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Nuclear power has never lived up to any expectations for cost or safety, it has only prolonged the need to develop sustainable technologies. We continue to travel down this road of increasing dependence on quick fixes that only maintain the illusion of sustainability, mostly benefits the rich and robs millions of people of their lives.

I'm sorry - who or what has robbed millions of people of their lives?

At the last count there were 2 dead at Fukushima, and not from radiation, so where were the other 999,998 lives lost?

Maybe he meant to say 'robbed millions of people of quality in their lives' Certainly man-made/man-released radiation from fission has shortened many peoples' lives, ever since Madame Curie died young. Many other deaths and diseases have come about directly or indirectly from bomb tests and nuclear mis-haps in the past 70 years. The repercussions from Fukushima will last for decades. Many of those people may not show up in statistics. People are just one species. What about the scores of other species which will be adversely impacted?

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Thank you brahmburgers for clarifying my point. Yes quality of life is part of it, but there is no doubt in my mind that if you add up lives lost as a direct result of environmental degradation and the incompetent approach to managing resources the figure would be in the millions and we're just getting started.

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Nuclear power has never lived up to any expectations for cost or safety, it has only prolonged the need to develop sustainable technologies. We continue to travel down this road of increasing dependence on quick fixes that only maintain the illusion of sustainability, mostly benefits the rich and robs millions of people of their lives.

I'm sorry - who or what has robbed millions of people of their lives?

At the last count there were 2 dead at Fukushima, and not from radiation, so where were the other 999,998 lives lost?

Maybe this will change your mind even a bit Jetset ? :ermm:

Americans and Canadians should watch this video :-


And then read this about CESIUM-137 :-

" Virtually all the numbers you’re seeing about the radioactivity coming out of Fukushima are based on iodine-131 which only has a half-life of 8 days, not the far more dangerous CESIUM-137 which has a half-life of 30 years. So while the mainstream media reports that “radiation levels are falling rapidly”… ~ Mike Adams

. . . from the 7.5 million times reading taken a few days ago, what they’re not telling you is that the cesium-137 radioactivity will take 30 years just to fall by 50 percent. It’s the great global cover-up in all this: ( what else can we expect these days :rolleyes: ) What happens to all the radioactive cesium being dumped into the ocean right now? It doesn’t just burn itself out in a few months like iodine-131. This stuff sticks around for centuries. As part of the cover story, the FDA now says it will test “all imported food products coming from Japan”

Full article here :-


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FACTupdate: fuc_k-U-Shima and the matrix of lies

Nuclear power "too cheap to meter"!

Gentle reader, please do not take offence at the forcefulness of our language. We are not often called to vulgarity but in extreme duress. This is precisely the attitude the greedy nuclear industry and their money-hungry political cronies in many countries, including Thailand, have for all the rest of us: "fuc_k you!"

There is no escape from the critical chain reaction for our planet which began at Fukushima on March 11, 2011 − 311. Fukushima will be written in our histories as the Hiroshima of our generation long after there is anyone left to read them.

On April 12, Japan's nuclear safety agency raised the Fukushima meltdown to level 7, the highest category on the International Nuclear Event Scale. Level 7 was created expressly for the Chernobyl disaster, consisting of "a major release of radiation with widespread health and environmental impact".

A recent study was prepared for Greenpeace Germany by international nuclear safety expert Dr. Helmut Hirsch. Dr. Hirsch's assessment, based on data published by the French government's radiation protection agency (IRSN) and the Austrian government's Central Institute for Meteorology and Geodynamics (ZAMG) found that the total amount of unstable radionuclides Iodine-131 and Caesium-137 released between March 11 and March 23 has been so high that the Fukushima crisis already equates to three INES 7 incidents.

Release of radiation from the stricken reactors has reached 10,000 teraBequerels (10,000 trillion Bequerels) per hour, measured for radioactive Iodine-131. Radiactive caesium is being carried by the jetstream around the planet at precipitation levels. See http://www.youtube.c...h?v=QvMOvMK_jQA as of April 13.

Act like nothing's wrong

Radiation in milk in Hawaii is now at least 2,033% above Federal drinking water safety limits. The US safety limit is 3 pCi/l (picoCuries per litre). Note this is the minimum percentage found over EPA requirements. This figure is reached by adding together the Caesium-134 (800%); −137 (633%); and Iodine-131 (600%) levels found in milk. http://theintelhub.com/2011/04/11/japan-nuclear-radiation-in-hawaii-milk-2033-above-federal-drinking-water-limits/. It should be noted the testing was performed on samples of organic milk.

Increased radiation has been reported in the municipal drinking water of at least 14 US cities. These are not restricted to the west coast of North America but have occurred in the US midwest and east coast. Where measured, rainwater in every US state and Canadian province have elevated radioactivity. In California, Geiger counter activity has trebled, from 7.5 to 22.5 clicks per minute.

Rainwater samples taken in San Francisco April 6 measured an increase of 18,100% above Federal safety standards and included measures of radioactive caesium and Tellurium-132. The west coast Canadian city of Vancouver ordered suspended all mobile radiation testing until further notice after levels of 10,000% safe levels of Iodine-131 were detected. The Canadian Food Inspection Agency refused to test British Columbia milk for radioactivity.

Many countries have already banned the import of fresh vegetables from Japan. But what about the radioactive rain falling on your produce? Goodbye leafy greens.

This April 13 map shows the locations of North American radiation monitors. Readers report many previously active monitors are missing from west coast locations and no longer reporting.

On April 4, Japanese government also has requested the Japan Meteorological Society and Japanese universities not to release data from radiation measurement to avoid "public panic". Rainwater samples have all demonstrated elevated concentrations of radioactive Tellurium-02, Ruthenium-04 and Technetium-04.

280 sensors to measure radiation release from atomic bomb testing were established worldwide under the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty of 1996. These sensors are detecting levels equivalent to Chernobyl releases. One scientist, Gerhard Wotawa, noted, "I've never seen data like this in my career."

So how do we deal with disaster? Austria, Germany, Canada and Australia have banned eight episodes of Matt Groening's US anime series, The Simpsons, which deal with nuclear crisis. The Simpsons, now in its 24th season with 480 episodes, has been one of the few commercial outlets to show the greed of nuclear operators, groveling toadies in the industry and a complacent public to a mainstream television audience. Meltdowns caused by jelly doughnuts! See http://simpsons.wikia.com/wiki/Springfield_Nuclear_Power_Plant

Kopp Online, Xander News and other non-English news agencies are reporting that the EU implemented a secret "emergency" order without informing the public which increases the amount of radiation permitted in food by up to 20 times previous food safety standards.

According to EU bylaws radiation limits may be raised during a nuclear emergency to prevent food shortages. http://blog.alexanderhiggins.com/2011/04/03/eu-secretly-implements-large-increases-food-radiation-limits-informing-public-13636/

Japan itself has now restricted rice planting in soil with more than 5,000 Becquerels per kilogram of radioactive caesium, the first time maximum radiation levels have been set for soil anywhere. The Fukushima prefectural government announced on April 6 that rice paddies 20-30 kilometers from the nuclear plant have shown as much as 15,031 Becquerels per kilogram of radioactive caesium. Goodbye ricebowl, staple protein for half the world's population.

It would appear TEPCO dumped 11,500 tons of radioactive runoff into the ocean, 100 times the permissible amount. Although the diplomatic corps was informed beforehand and the Japanese foreign minister stated the release does not violate international law, Iodine-131 was found in seawater at 7.5 million times and radioactive Caesium at 1.1 million times the legal limit. TEPCO has announced 60,000 tons of radioactive water remain, nearly 57 million litres..

In fact, such dumping clearly violates 1972 international law, the "Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter". As Natural News puts it, "Fukushima has become the dirty bomb of the Pacific."

Fish in nearby waters are now being measured at 4,000% above the Codex Alimentarius limits for Iodine-131 and 447% of Caesium-137. Radioactive caesium has a half-life of 30 years. Radiation levels for the isotope are not considered "safe" for 10 to 20 times longer. The caesium released today will remain dangerous six centuries from now.

When one takes into account the conveyor currents of the north Pacific, all seafood will become contaminated. Radioactive seaweed has been found in Puget Sound. Goodbye, sushi!

We're poisoning the mother of all life on Earth.

The nuclear operator has offered $12 each in compensation to nearby residents. This paltry offer was refused. Economists at Tyler Durden have reported an inevitable economic collapse for Japan following a plunge from 52.9 to 46.4 in private mortgage insurance. What will bankruptcy of a financial linch-pin to the world economy mean to all the rest of us?

However, what we're seeing, according to the American NGO Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility is the application of new standards which will drastically raise the levels of radiation allowed in food, water, air and the general environment. Access to internal US Environmental Protection Agency communications has revealed a 1,000% increase for exposure to Strontium-90; a 3,000-100,000% rise for Iodine-131; a 25,000% rise for Nickel-63 in drinking water.

Any radiation has no safety threshold for human exposure and the EPA's own numbers state that 25% of people exposed to these "new acceptable levels" would develop cancers. The EPA is not required to make its deliberations public or debated by Congress; all that is required to make this Federal regulation is simple publication of the changes in the US government gazette, the Federal Register. http://www.collapsenet.com/free-resources/collapsenet-public-access/item/723-fallout

This is being accomplished, of course, to protect the nuclear lobby and its stakeholders from threats to its financial health.

Emails of protest may be sent to Lisa P. Jackson, EPA Administrator, [email protected] before this becomes reality. Sara DeCair, a health physicist with the EPA's Office of Radiation and Indoor Air closed her memo of recommendation for updated standards with a smiley and the note, "No rest for the wicked." Indeed. She should be sacked, [email protected].

In addition to cancers, any radiation exposure correlates to an increase in immune system disorders. Thyroid diseases, diabetes, asthma, AIDS, hepatitis, multiple sclerosis, myalgic encephalomyelitis and a huge spectrum of non-specific neurological conditions are expected in the human population. Radioactive iodine attacks thyroid function while radioactive caesium mimics potassium uptake.

The 'Petkau effect' for ingestion of radioactive beta and alpha particles, discovered by Atomic Energy of Canada scientist Dr. Abram Petkau in 1972, draws ominous conclusions for human exposure. Dr. Petkau found that low doses of ionising radiation are actually more efficient at disrupting human cell activity. Pet cows with radioactive udders. Goodbye dairy.

Uranium-234, previously unreported, has been detected in Hawaii, southern California and Seattle. This is likely to be a product of the alpha decay of the Plutonium-238 found in the Fukushima reactors' MOX fuel but Plutonium-238, −239 and −240 have already been released into the atmosphere at Fukushima. Uranium-234 has a half-life 245,500 years, which means that radioactivity will be detectable for half a million years. There will certainly be no people to measure it! South Korea closed 130 schools starting April 7 due to radioactive rain at levels only 1/10 of California's.

A further Richter 7.1 aftershock on April 8 in Japan, the largest since the March 11 9.0 earthquake, negatively affected at least a further five Japanese nuclear power facilities to varying degrees but some with loss of power. The epicentre of an April 12 6.0 aftershock was just beneath the Fukushima nuclear plant. Will Japan become a new Atlantis?

International shipping has also already been affected with many shipping lines avoiding Japan to prevent radioactive contamination. However, further reports indicate that some irradiated ships have been found in European ports. Japanese cars imported into Russia have been found to have high levels of radiation.

Some scientists have already declared northern Japan, including Tokyo, uninhabitable and recommended its evacuation. Radiation in Tokyo has been doubling every day since March 11. Video report: http://vimeo.com/22003275 and http://vimeo.com/22003021. Evacuated to where, exactly?

Fire at Fukushima No. 1 April 12. Note the smoke, note the proximity of the ocean. Move along: Nothing to see here, folks. It's all under control…

On March 15, Germany bowed to enormous public protest and announced it will continue to phase out nuclear power and shut down, temporarily, seven of its oldest reactors. However, the final shutdown is not planned until 2020.

On April 12, China announced it was suspending all nuclear construction for 20 months, until December 2012. China had been expected to become the world's largest user of nuclear power, supporting 40% of new development.

Thank you, but this is both too little and, obviously, too late. Nuclear power must be legislated out of existence now or the robber barons and their politician friends will just be waiting until we get lazy and forget, again.


Noah comments: The 311 event is an altogether new category, level 8. When the reactor contents in molten state melt through to ground water, the explosive hydrogen gas produced will cause a continuous series of mini-explosions, forcing radioactive plumes to rise miles into the atmosphere. The explosions will continue until all the fuel is spent. This process will take decades to complete based upon the sheer volume of fuel present at the site.

Given the circumstance, considering all known facts as revealed just on this website alone, what is underway today is unstoppable. The full spectrum of isotopes recently found in pine needles in Vietnam gives insight into what is to come for the entire Northern Hemisphere for decades to come.

All remedial actions now underway (mainly pumping water in with hoses) have only slowed the ultimate outcome. Thanks to the brave souls who have given their lives and health to buy their nation and the world some time to prepare for a new way of life.


67Mopar comments: Chernobyl had 180 tons of fuel on-site. Fukushima has over 1,724 tons on-site. They can call this a "Level 7″ all day long… Simple multiplication dictates that this is 10 times worse than Chernobyl.

And here we were all worried about a nuclear war!


Cee comments: All these people complaining. We were all going to die anyway. Why? Because people are dumb as hell, that's why. Humans can create, something that the lower animals cannot, but we cannot seem to stop shitting where we eat.

A dog or cat can do that, but a person can't. Every human being is guilty of this, just at different scales. Yeah, I'm talking about you and me.

Fake "gods". Fake "leaders". Fake "science". Fake "education". People deep down inside know this shit is fake but they keep going along with it. The destiny of man is self destruction, because we are fuc_king stupid.

I hear people talking about the "elite". This is human nature. You get rid of one group of "elites", the next one will do this same stupid shit and people will still be stupid and go along with it.

Stupid, stupid stupid. Stupid.


Don't you feel stupid? We've bought the corporate military lie hook, line and sinker. It took a nuclear bomb to wake us up. And now that we're awake, there's not a damned thing we can do to save ourselves.

Meltdown physics: Rock melts at 315°−649° Celsius (600°−1,200° Fahrenheit) depending on the rock; that's how our volcanic planet was created. Concrete melts at somewhat lower temperatures but is only safety-rated to around 200° C (392° F) before breakdown.

However, the Fukushima reactor cores and likely the fuel storage pools have now reached the melt temperature of the uranium dioxide fuel—2,865° C (5,189° F). This means there is no possibility of containing the reactors using cement for entombment—cement would simply flow like lava. http://modernsurvivalblog.com/nuclear/nuclear-fuel-rod-meltdown-demonstration/ When molten fuel and concrete combine, it becomes 'corium' beginning the 'China syndrome' effect.

Fukushima will require a containment method not invented yet. How long might this take to implement?

We're seeing a conspiracy of silence and spin from conventional corporate news media. The lords of greed are doing a way better job of nuclear terrorism than we ever might have expected of fundamentalist insurgents. People are starting to call Fukushima 311, a la 9-11. The latest generation of robber barons has stolen our future.

Coming attractions

Nuclear power is nothing less than a weapon of mass destruction. We are witnessing the beginning of a nuclear war against humanity, one which we may not survive.

No nukes for Thailand—no way!

CJ Hinke

Freedom Against Censorship Thailand (FACT)

ThaiVisa thread: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/450765-meltdown-likely-under-way-at-japan-nuclear-reactor/

2012forum thread: http://2012forum.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=22739&f=41

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I think some of you guys have finally and completely lost all sense of proportion.

Why don't you watch the news, the real news, not some web blogger trying to make a name for himself.

Here you go:

I'm very sorry if it doesn't send you hiding behind your sofa or down into the basement, but this is the real news.

Edited by JetsetBkk
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When molten fuel and concrete combine, it becomes 'corium' beginning the 'China syndrome' effect.


Wow! I'm surprised your computer could handle such an enormous copy/paste job. :D

Yes, "The China Syndrome" - great film and was released just before the Three Mile Island incident.

So everyone now thinks that the film "The China Syndrome" was about Three Mile Island.

Well, here's an interesting bit of news for you guys worried that the fuel rods may burn their way through to the centre of the earth and back out again:

A partial meltdown occurred in 1979 at Three Mile Island Unit 2 (TMI) in Pennsylvania. When the fuel melted, it pooled at the bottom of the Reactor Pressure Vessel (RPV)... the partially melted core material melted just a fraction of an inch into the RPV before it cooled and hardened.


Only a fraction of an inch? Oh, I was sure it must've been a foot or two. :blink:

Still, let's keep quoting Three Mile Island as a one of those nuclear disasters.

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I resent it when nuke plant supporters describe how those opposed to nuke plants think. A couple days ago, a letter in the Bkk Post claimed that nuke plant opponents '....don't even consider the effects of other nuclear disasters.' And now the letter above which states 'everyone now thinks that the film "The China Syndrome" was about Three Mile Island.' I'm part of 'everyone', and I certainly don't think that. I was actually driving towards 3-Mile Island when it was crippled.

The long comments copied and pasted by 'unblocktheplantet' are valid on this topic, in that they show some peoples' reactions to Japanese problem nuke plants. It's good to hear the whole spectrum, from the vested establishment who claim such things as 'nuclear power has an excellent safety record' (EGAT's 2010 report), to others' views.

I have always known nuclear has the potential to toxify the planet, and now we're seeing it, feeling it, tasting it first hand, particularly if a person is downwind from Fukushima. The genie is out of the bottle, and its poisoning the atmosphere, the oceans, landmasses, and many living things. You can call me an alarmist, but it's like Japan opened a little bottle of extreme toxicity - and now the poison is wafting to nooks and crannies all over the world.

I resent the planners who implemented Fukushima, but I have a particular disdain for the people (mostly greedy lying businessmen and politicians) who continue to lie to the general public about how clean, safe and inexpensive nuclear power is. The manipulators at Thailand's EGAT are at the top of that list.

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I think some of you guys have finally and completely lost all sense of proportion.

Why don't you watch the news, the real news, not some web blogger trying to make a name for himself.

Here you go:

I'm very sorry if it doesn't send you hiding behind your sofa or down into the basement, but this is the real news.

Unreal Jeset !

These days i would rather believe " some web blogger " any day than the MSM !! :rolleyes:

You only have to look at the BP oil disaster in the Gulf of Mexico. They were spraying

COREXIT ( 11 times more toxic than oil ) in the bloody dark at night - and why didnt the MSM report that ?

Next you will be telling us dont worry - just believe what the government is telling you :bah:

Edited by midas
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