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Thai PM Shows Concerns For Japan Over The Quake

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PM shows concerns for Japan over the quake


BANGKOK, 13 March 2011 (NNT)-Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva said in his weekly show"Confidence in Thailand with PM Abhisit" this morning that the Cabinet will consider donating money to Japan, adding that Thailand will provide further efforts needed to help Japan cope with the aftermath of the natural disasters.

According to the Prime Minister, Japan is still going through a tough period as reports on death tolls and injuries continue to rise as the day goes by. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has continuously coordinated rescue efforts for Japan through the Thai Embassy in Tokyo.

In the Cabinet meeting set to take place tomorrow, Mr. Abhisit said the money donation for Japan would be considered during the meeting while other resources Thailand wouldl provide for Japan had also already been prepared. The fund will exceed the conventional assistance set for foreign aid in cases of natural disasters.

The Prime Minister also added that there had been no report on the death of Thai nationals in Japan so far while assuring the public the Government would make sure Thai nationals living in Japan remained safe and sound.


-- NNT 2011-03-13 footer_n.gif

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Considering the billions of baht that Japan made available by way of low interest loans and subsidies for intfrastructure projects, PM Abhisit had better be working on a contingency plan to backstop the loss of Japanese money as well as other foreign investments. Many of the companies that have lost assets or have a vested stake in Japan's recovery are going to be directing their money to Japan. The Japanese are going to attract the foreign support due to its importance and the rebuilding effort is going to drive up the cost of cement and steel. What's the plan Mr. Prime Minister?

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The Thai MOFA is continuosuly coordinating resuce efforts for Japan through its embassy in Tokyo??? They haven't even had the meeting yet to see if Thailand is going to "donate." PM's concern is having a meeting to decide whether to donate? Donate, Mr. PM, is what you do at a church or a temple. The first Thai comments and concern were about loss of tourism revenues from Japan since it is school break time and many Japanese students visit Thailand at this time. People need to remember this insensitivity and when going out to dinner for Asian cuisine choose Japanese over Thai.

Edited by arrowsdawdle
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Donate, Mr. PM, is what you do at a church or a temple

Wouldnt the money be better directed internally to say doing something constructive for the millions of Thais working 12 hours shift in exhausting physical conditions for 180baht a day (common). Japan is financially okay to cope with this, at least in the immediate term, the debt might eventually create a situation but this along way off. The Japanese government is able to tap trillions of dollars very easily atm, they are neither suggesting or asking for financial assistance for other nations, and by all accounts Japanese are exercising any available internal resource to handle this situation. At the moment they dont even want foreign experts to contribute to the nuclear issue. So dont jump the gun..

Edited by devdrinker
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To clarify my POV this is a terrible situation, thousands and thousands of people are going to struggle and help is needed, but government to government financial aid is not required. If Thailand want to help send some of the army to help with the search and rescue, but if they do like the disgraced China and send 15 search and rescue staff that get off the airplane with a massive 6 foot China flag then its pathetic PR stunt.

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To clarify my POV this is a terrible situation, thousands and thousands of people are going to struggle and help is needed, but government to government financial aid is not required. If Thailand want to help send some of the army to help with the search and rescue, but if they do like the disgraced China and send 15 search and rescue staff that get off the airplane with a massive 6 foot China flag then its pathetic PR stunt.

Excuse me, but what planet are you living on? Tens of thousands are dead, 500,000+ homeless and/or evacuated, property damage probably in excess of 100 Billion dollars, and even before the quake, Japan's economy was the most in-debt and thus fragile developed economy in the world. Aside from being a huge tourism partner with Thailand, Japan is probably the largest foreign investor in Thailand. And if because of this natural disaster, Japan were to withdraw or significantly reduce its spending in Thailand, you will be lucky to earn 15 baht for that 12-hours of hard labor (which, BTW, is two or three times more than I have ever personally witnessed any Thai to work outside of poor farmers in rural Thailand!, or perhaps many of your Burmese, Cambodian or Lao "servants!").

Moreover, when Thailand was in need after the 2004 tsunami (which did nowhere near the damage to Thailand that this tsunami has done to Japan), Japan stepped up and provided $500 Million for tsunami relief. And now you think that Thailand should just leave Japan's disaster for the Japanese and the rest of the world to deal with? FYI: China has already stepped up to the plate, big time--and they are essentially enemies. Yet this is how you propose treating your biggest international friend and investor? I suspect that at this moment, Japan should be grateful for its enemies! Thailand seems to do a much better job of accepting international aid than it does in stepping up responsibly and trying to help when it's needed.

IMO, you should be embarrassed to express such selfish and self-centered comments in the face of a natural disaster that has already claimed the lives of tens of thousands of Japanese--many of which, no doubt, tried to help Thailand in its hour of need. But you are probably not embarrassed, so I am embarrassed and ashamed for you. I hope you are not Buddhist and do not believe in kharma.

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It just keeps getting better!

Now I'm told that even if the 200M baht in assistance to Japan is approved, it will mostly go to Thais!!! The morning news said they would give 60M for sending staff, 20M for their airplane tickets (to Thai owned airlines, of course), 100M for buying Thai things to give out in Japan, etc. So in addition to sending only THREE (3) medical people to the actual quake area, and 35 "health teams" to Tokyo primarily to help Thai citizens (I'm sure they can stay at Thai owned hotels!), the Thai MP's refusing to give 3000 baht each personally... the embarrassment that is Thai government just keeps getting better!!

And the King is watching all of this? Really?

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