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Read in the Bangkok Post this week that Abhisit is now going to be taken to task,by the opposition, for not solving the violence in the south. Lets never forget one of many of Thaksins promises to the people of Thaiand on that one. First we had his "iron fist" approach and then 100's of tonnes of origami planes were dumped on the south by the Thai Air Force, at a cost of millions of baht. That realy worked didn't it ! Thaksin in my opinion is an evil ,manipulative, convicted criminal who unfortuantly, for the poor of this country is still loved by them.They will always be poor, and in debt, and he will continue to reap financial rewards whether he be here or hiding in 6 star luxury in some foreign country. The man is right up there with the likes of Mugabbe, Gadaffi and their ilk.

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unfortunately - whatever his politics or methods, he can still argue that he was a democratically elected PM who was deposed illegally - if he is a "menace" he is a "menace" created at least in part by the current ruling cabal.

Thaksin is after all just another faction of the ruling elite - a black sheep or maybe a prodigal son!?!?!?

at the time of the coup he was not an elected PM.

he wasn't anything official except in his own mind and those who permitted it

he dissolved parliament and appointed himself caretaker PM whilst hoping to get a clear national mandate of support from the electorate

when it looked like he would not get it and he had made a serious egotistical error of judgement, he let the election process lapse and did not call an election within the mandatory time demanded in the constitution

so when the coup came he was not a democratically elected PM

he was just a rich bully boy who bought and intimidated his way into being the alpha pig at the trough

much the same as he trying to do now ............


abhisit had his chance to establish a democracy,but this wimp of a politician simply hasn't get what it takes to bring about a sea-change in Thai politics.

Yes of course some interpret quietly going about your work, refraining from getting too distracted by mud-slinging, speaking softy and calmly, as being wimp like. Hopefully not the majority though.

Cobbled together fragile coalitions, such as the present one, never bring about the sea-change you mention - nothing to do with the leader either. Will be exactly the same after the next election, if the numbers are anything like is expected, and whoever is in power it will make very little difference.

If you wish to comment on my posts, it would be best if you read my posts and then get up to speed on Thai politics.


I am not really a Red Shirt supporter but I do believe that if Thailand is a democracy then there should an election and people must abide by the vote of the people. If the Pheu Thai party is victor and they bring Thaksin back here then so be it. That is what democracy is all about. The majority decides.

I really don't like the yellow shirts who are a group of wealthy thugs.

as opposed to the red shirts who are just a group of thugs........

"as opposed to the red shirts who are just a group of thugs........ " - so here it is - the epitome of TV's arguments about Thai politics - you should be proud of yourself!

i am proud of myself, i wear my red hating badge with pride

just the same as i wear my i hate bullies badge too, regardless of their color, religion or creed.......

THe poitics of hate - well I'm not surprised to see this sort of rubbish promulgated by TV expats


abhisit had his chance to establish a democracy,but this wimp of a politician simply hasn't get what it takes to bring about a sea-change in Thai politics.

Yes of course some interpret quietly going about your work, refraining from getting too distracted by mud-slinging, speaking softy and calmly, as being wimp like. Hopefully not the majority though.

Cobbled together fragile coalitions, such as the present one, never bring about the sea-change you mention - nothing to do with the leader either. Will be exactly the same after the next election, if the numbers are anything like is expected, and whoever is in power it will make very little difference.

If you wish to comment on my posts, it would be best if you read my posts and then get up to speed on Thai politics.

I do read your posts, and i am up to speed, thanks.

And since we are dishing out advice, mine to you would be stick to commenting on the post, not the poster. Your effort above failed in that regard. Miserably.


Im married to Thai - i hope he makes my wife and her family and all the relatives rich!!!! wow what a great place this would be to live - not trying to get and getting fleeced all the time!


as opposed to the red shirts who are just a group of thugs........

"as opposed to the red shirts who are just a group of thugs........ " - so here it is - the epitome of TV's arguments about Thai politics - you should be proud of yourself!

i am proud of myself, i wear my red hating badge with pride

just the same as i wear my i hate bullies badge too, regardless of their color, religion or creed.......

THe poitics of hate - well I'm not surprised to see this sort of rubbish promulgated by TV expats

Personally I tend to say 'seriously dislike', but that's just a matter of semantics ;)

(edit: found dictionary, know how to write semantics :huh: )


as ive said before emptyset emptymind or just one more naive idiot If Taksin or any of his clan ever get in say goodbye to freedom for thailand and hello Zimbabwie Libya Iraq (under Saddam) and rest of long list of despots


Why all the hypothetical concern about what a dictatorship Thaksin will turn Thailand into when things like this are happening right now?


as ive said before emptyset emptymind or just one more naive idiot If Taksin or any of his clan ever get in say goodbye to freedom for thailand and hello Zimbabwie Libya Iraq (under Saddam) and rest of long list of despots


Why all the hypothetical concern about what a dictatorship Thaksin will turn Thailand into when things like this are happening right now?

Actually, you make an excellent point. Another reason why I don't feel there is ANY organized political movement in Thailand worthy of the support of most liberal democracy loving foreigners. Certainly not the Thaksinistas, and certainly not the elite status quo EITHER.


at the time of the coup he was not an elected PM.

he wasn't anything official except in his own mind and those who permitted it

he dissolved parliament and appointed himself caretaker PM whilst hoping to get a clear national mandate of support from the electorate

when it looked like he would not get it and he had made a serious egotistical error of judgement, he let the election process lapse and did not call an election within the mandatory time demanded in the constitution

so when the coup came he was not a democratically elected PM

he was just a rich bully boy who bought and intimidated his way into being the alpha pig at the trough

much the same as he trying to do now ............

Ummm.... why do people bother posting things that are quite clearly wrong when it's so easy to check? A quick google would set you right.





Actually, you make an excellent point. Another reason why I don't feel there is ANY organized political movement in Thailand worthy of the support of most liberal democracy loving foreigners. Certainly not the Thaksinistas, and certainly not the elite status quo EITHER.

Sadly true... song mai ao... no to both.


Taken from Guan Nam Hai Sai Column, Naewna Newspaper, Page 5, March 14, 2011

Translated and Rewritten by Kongkrai Maksrivorawan

Please note that the views expressed in our "Analysis" segment are translated from local newspaper articles and do not reflect the views of the Thai-ASEAN News Network.

So what's the source of this story? Some extreamist Yellow blog?

Does this news paper also publish Red Shirt Propaganda too? or only yellow clap.

Question: If PTP win the next election does that mean the people voted for THAKSIN and not PTP???????

Imagine if Thaksin wins the election again!!!

But don't worry there won't be an election, somethings bound to get in the way and if there is it will probably be under SOE or something.

I suspect the Yellows Shirts are getting ready in Bangkok for that.

But antway I will pissss myself if Dems lose the election even after changing the law to give themselves a better chance lol.


When will he come back home and prove he is clean on a trial?......:jap: "No No No ....... I not wrong" This is what he will say..... hahaha

the "No, No, No" forming the heart of the lyrics to the hit song, Thaksin Rap...



at the time of the coup he was not an elected PM.

he wasn't anything official except in his own mind and those who permitted it

he dissolved parliament and appointed himself caretaker PM whilst hoping to get a clear national mandate of support from the electorate

when it looked like he would not get it and he had made a serious egotistical error of judgement, he let the election process lapse and did not call an election within the mandatory time demanded in the constitution

so when the coup came he was not a democratically elected PM

he was just a rich bully boy who bought and intimidated his way into being the alpha pig at the trough

much the same as he trying to do now ............

Ummm.... why do people bother posting things that are quite clearly wrong when it's so easy to check? A quick google would set you right.




thanks emptyhead but i thought my brief synposis was close enough to the truth

i had to keep it simple so reds could follow it..........


Especially the third link gives interesting information on how 'democratic' things were in the first few months of 2006. Recommended reading, also for the poster of those links :)


abhisit had his chance to establish a democracy,but this wimp of a politician simply hasn't get what it takes to bring about a sea-change in Thai politics.

Yes of course some interpret quietly going about your work, refraining from getting too distracted by mud-slinging, speaking softy and calmly, as being wimp like. Hopefully not the majority though.

Cobbled together fragile coalitions, such as the present one, never bring about the sea-change you mention - nothing to do with the leader either. Will be exactly the same after the next election, if the numbers are anything like is expected, and whoever is in power it will make very little difference.

If you wish to comment on my posts, it would be best if you read my posts and then get up to speed on Thai politics.

Telling rixalex to get up to speed on Thai politics is like telling the Pope to read up on the Bible.


begin removed ...

Does this news paper also publish Red Shirt Propaganda too? or only yellow clap.

... some in the middle removed ...

But antway I will pissss myself if Dems lose the election even after changing the law to give themselves a better chance lol.

Assuming you refer to TAN, I wasn't aware they publish a newspaper in English in Thailand. Are you sure? Now the Nation, they publish a lot including yellow and red clap as you so succinctly describe, some of it you'll find in this forum.

Just in case, Foodland sells big-size pampers for "urinary incontinence" cases ;)


begin removed ...

Does this news paper also publish Red Shirt Propaganda too? or only yellow clap.

... some in the middle removed ...

But antway I will pissss myself if Dems lose the election even after changing the law to give themselves a better chance lol.

Assuming you refer to TAN, I wasn't aware they publish a newspaper in English in Thailand. Are you sure? Now the Nation, they publish a lot including yellow and red clap as you so succinctly describe, some of it you'll find in this forum.

Just in case, Foodland sells big-size pampers for "urinary incontinence" cases ;)



Ummm.... why do people bother posting things that are quite clearly wrong when it's so easy to check? A quick google would set you right.




Especially the third link gives interesting information on how 'democratic' things were in the first few months of 2006. Recommended reading, also for the poster of those links :)

Why? (Obviously I've already read them anyway, but...) I've never tried to claim Thaksin was anything but a corrupt authoritarian scumbag. I've only tred to understand his supporters rather than outright condemn them as ignorant brainwashed buffalo. When I discuss him with red shirts, I'm the first to remind them of his human rights abuses and corruption. To my mind, I've only ever praised (to an extent and I've criticized it more than praised, in the past) his government and programs but never him himself. I just don't bother criticizing him on this board because there's already a lot of criticism so it's just adding to the chorus rather than pointing out anything new. Not much point trying to convince people here that Thaksin's bad, because everyone already hates him!


abhisit had his chance to establish a democracy,but this wimp of a politician simply hasn't get what it takes to bring about a sea-change in Thai politics.

Yes of course some interpret quietly going about your work, refraining from getting too distracted by mud-slinging, speaking softy and calmly, as being wimp like. Hopefully not the majority though.

Cobbled together fragile coalitions, such as the present one, never bring about the sea-change you mention - nothing to do with the leader either. Will be exactly the same after the next election, if the numbers are anything like is expected, and whoever is in power it will make very little difference.

If you wish to comment on my posts, it would be best if you read my posts and then get up to speed on Thai politics.

Telling rixalex to get up to speed on Thai politics is like telling the Pope to read up on the Bible.

...and there's plenty of Christians who'd do that!


Taken from Guan Nam Hai Sai Column, Naewna Newspaper, Page 5, March 14, 2011

Translated and Rewritten by Kongkrai Maksrivorawan

Please note that the views expressed in our "Analysis" segment are translated from local newspaper articles and do not reflect the views of the Thai-ASEAN News Network.

So what's the source of this story? Some extreamist Yellow blog?

Not too familiar with Thailand, eh?

It's from a Thai newspaper with a circulation in the hundreds of thousands.

Is there anything you would like to actually analyze regarding the analysis provided in the OP, or are you just here to froth?



Yes of course some interpret quietly going about your work, refraining from getting too distracted by mud-slinging, speaking softy and calmly, as being wimp like. Hopefully not the majority though.

Cobbled together fragile coalitions, such as the present one, never bring about the sea-change you mention - nothing to do with the leader either. Will be exactly the same after the next election, if the numbers are anything like is expected, and whoever is in power it will make very little difference.

If you wish to comment on my posts, it would be best if you read my posts and then get up to speed on Thai politics.

Telling rixalex to get up to speed on Thai politics is like telling the Pope to read up on the Bible.

...and there's plenty of Christians who'd do that!

and they'd be as equally absurd and ridiculous.


begin removed ...

Does this news paper also publish Red Shirt Propaganda too? or only yellow clap.

... some in the middle removed ...

But antway I will pissss myself if Dems lose the election even after changing the law to give themselves a better chance lol.

Assuming you refer to TAN, I wasn't aware they publish a newspaper in English in Thailand. Are you sure? Now the Nation, they publish a lot including yellow and red clap as you so succinctly describe, some of it you'll find in this forum.

Just in case, Foodland sells big-size pampers for "urinary incontinence" cases ;)

Thanks for nit picking!

Publish doesn't only mean print you can publish a webpage.

About the other will give it thought after the election.


Taken from Guan Nam Hai Sai Column, Naewna Newspaper, Page 5, March 14, 2011

Translated and Rewritten by Kongkrai Maksrivorawan

Please note that the views expressed in our "Analysis" segment are translated from local newspaper articles and do not reflect the views of the Thai-ASEAN News Network.

So what's the source of this story? Some extreamist Yellow blog?

Not too familiar with Thailand, eh?

It's from a Thai newspaper with a circulation in the hundreds of thousands.

Is there anything you would like to actually analyze regarding the analysis provided in the OP, or are you just here to froth?


Nope I am out of here things to do.


When will he come back home and prove he is clean on a trial?......:jap: "No No No ....... I not wrong" This is what he will say..... hahaha

the "No, No, No" forming the heart of the lyrics to the hit song, Thaksin Rap...


Yep, You are right. I have seen that clip......... haha ... amused :guitar::guitar:


From todays censure debate:

On twitter:

about 16:28 #terryfrd

Chaowarin says he will keep protesting until Suthep stops bringing up Thaksin in reference to red actions.

about 16:32 #tulsathit

Red shirts & Pheu Thai to form joint 'war room' to back PT in what promises to b heated censure debate on "men in black" tmrrw.


Actually, you make an excellent point. Another reason why I don't feel there is ANY organized political movement in Thailand worthy of the support of most liberal democracy loving foreigners. Certainly not the Thaksinistas, and certainly not the elite status quo EITHER.

Sadly true... song mai ao... no to both.

Eventually the "status quo" may no longer hold. Everyone dies. Thaksin wants to fill the vacuum. The fight for "democracy" is only being used as a tool to achieve his real goals (power and money). The news article

Arab revolts 're-energise' Thailand's Red Shirts states that Nattawut said:

Our aim is to prevail over the elite in Thailand

People who are protesting for democracy (and not for Thaksin) need to realize that they have been misled and should stop protesting with the UDD.


as ive said before emptyset emptymind or just one more naive idiot If Taksin or any of his clan ever get in say goodbye to freedom for thailand and hello Zimbabwie Libya Iraq (under Saddam) and rest of long list of despots


Why all the hypothetical concern about what a dictatorship Thaksin will turn Thailand into when things like this are happening right now?

they've got nothing else to grumble about apparently.

thaksin did more for thailand than anyone past or present. yea, so he was corrupt when it came to business... show me someone who isn't. you simply CAN'T get shit done politically, especially in thailand, without it.

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