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What Do You Feel Are The Differences Between Farangs And Thais?


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Thais are much better at sleeping on a bus than we are.

I'm envious of the ability to nod off so easily, on a bus or a plane I find it very difficult to impossible to sleep, many Thai people I have noticed are soon asleep.

Why are so many Farangs, including me, unable to do this, Maybe us Farangs ' Think too Much ' and don't get enough sleep ?

It's no wonder we're miserable bastards. biggrin.gif

Edited by MrsMills
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People who are successful are people who believed in themselves.

Eeehhh, your post almost put me in the mood for a game of bullshit-bingo...

You're victim of one the most common clichés, dont listen to overpaid business consultants or read in too much from authors of books who claim to hold the key to all secrets.

You don't need much to succeed, and self-belief is certainly not required. Talent, luck, money, persistence etc. imagination will do nicely.

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Just to pull out one of the many questions at the top.

"Do they know so much more than Thai people do about their own country, the planet or life in general?"

I would suggest that, in very broad terms, foreigners in Thailand do know more about the wider world than the locals (although there are bound to be exceptions). For financial reasons, most Thais have never left their own country; the education system does not equip them with a deep knowledge of the wider world, nor does the Thai media. Those who do leave often fail to take advantage of their travels: they go as part of a Thai organised tour group or, if they go for educational purposes, many of them make a point of hanging around with other Thais. Even if they leave their own country, they don't want to leave their own comfort zone.

As for knowing about their own country, that's rather more complex. Yes, obviously, one would expect Thais to know their own language and culture and geography well. But I've found many startling gaps in the knowledge of supposedly educated Thais, especially about their own recent history. When did Siam become Thailand, and why? What side was the country on in World War II? What does the Victory Monument commemorate? When did the tradition of standing for the Royal Anthem in cinemas begin? What can you tell me about the Thammasat massacre, or the events of 1973 or 1992 - or, for that matter, 2010?

I think it would be unfair to say that Thais are less clever than foreigners; but their lack of intellectual curiosity is often quite astounding.

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Just to pull out one of the many questions at the top.

"Do they know so much more than Thai people do about their own country, the planet or life in general?"

I would suggest that, in very broad terms, foreigners in Thailand do know more about the wider world than the locals (although there are bound to be exceptions). For financial reasons, most Thais have never left their own country; the education system does not equip them with a deep knowledge of the wider world, nor does the Thai media. Those who do leave often fail to take advantage of their travels: they go as part of a Thai organised tour group or, if they go for educational purposes, many of them make a point of hanging around with other Thais. Even if they leave their own country, they don't want to leave their own comfort zone.

As for knowing about their own country, that's rather more complex. Yes, obviously, one would expect Thais to know their own language and culture and geography well. But I've found many startling gaps in the knowledge of supposedly educated Thais, especially about their own recent history. When did Siam become Thailand, and why? What side was the country on in World War II? What does the Victory Monument commemorate? When did the tradition of standing for the Royal Anthem in cinemas begin? What can you tell me about the Thammasat massacre, or the events of 1973 or 1992 - or, for that matter, 2010?

I think it would be unfair to say that Thais are less clever than foreigners; but their lack of intellectual curiosity is often quite astounding.

This could easily be for almost any country. Nobody seems to give a shit anymore.

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Here's a difference between Farang's and Thai people. Thai people are not so insecure that they sit around talking about the differences between Thai's and Farang's looking for reasons to cast them in a negitive light. They seem to be intelligent enough to be able to distingush between the actions of an individual and those of an entire country.

I think that they are well adapted to their society. I've seen many examples of their competency. I think Thailand is in a period of significant rapid change and this creates imbalance. A huge challange is going to be managing peoples expectations. I don't think that a western style education would be appropriate for the average Thai.

I don't think I would hold up the US as an example of a intelligent society considering that farangs there appear to be trying to eat themselves to an early grave, over half the population is on antidepressents and suffers from sleep disorders. They have the worlds second highest prison population. The middle class is dissappearing and on and on.

Ultimately, the real indicator of a society's intelligence will be measured by its ability to survive over the long haul and we won't know the answer to that question until the fat lady sings.

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Just to pull out one of the many questions at the top.

"Do they know so much more than Thai people do about their own country, the planet or life in general?"

I would suggest that, in very broad terms, foreigners in Thailand do know more about the wider world than the locals (although there are bound to be exceptions). For financial reasons, most Thais have never left their own country; the education system does not equip them with a deep knowledge of the wider world, nor does the Thai media. Those who do leave often fail to take advantage of their travels: they go as part of a Thai organised tour group or, if they go for educational purposes, many of them make a point of hanging around with other Thais. Even if they leave their own country, they don't want to leave their own comfort zone.

As for knowing about their own country, that's rather more complex. Yes, obviously, one would expect Thais to know their own language and culture and geography well. But I've found many startling gaps in the knowledge of supposedly educated Thais, especially about their own recent history. When did Siam become Thailand, and why? What side was the country on in World War II? What does the Victory Monument commemorate? When did the tradition of standing for the Royal Anthem in cinemas begin? What can you tell me about the Thammasat massacre, or the events of 1973 or 1992 - or, for that matter, 2010?

I think it would be unfair to say that Thais are less clever than foreigners; but their lack of intellectual curiosity is often quite astounding.

This could easily be for almost any country. Nobody seems to give a shit anymore.

That's what seems to be vacant here. The fact that the description above could easily characterize any society in the world today.

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It's a little like comparing a 1980's Skoda to a current BMW. There will be some folk that for personal reasons prefer the Skoda, which is fair enough, but to argue it is better then the BMW is surely delusional.

No, it's the ignorant bigots like you who are deluded.

orpheus454, I'm totally agreed, this degenerate has been spewing hate rhetoric over & over like he is retarded, the thing is, this "richardhead" is so thick he had no idea. I hope one day someone can come up with a cure for the defective genes.

Edited by a51mas
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Thais are much better at sleeping on a bus than we are.

I'm envious of the ability to nod off so easily, on a bus or a plane I find it very difficult to impossible to sleep, many Thai people I have noticed are soon asleep.

Why are so many Farangs, including me, unable to do this, Maybe us Farangs ' Think too Much ' and don't get enough sleep ?

It's no wonder we're miserable bastards. biggrin.gif

I'm even more envious that they do so without ever missing a stop.

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One of the many differences between us, is while I sit and ponder life,what it means? Why are we here? Is there a God?

My wife on the other hand can debone a fish in her mouth, similar to the handiwork of a racoon.

She can quickly identify every edible plant in the region and incorporate it into a dish.

She can toil in most weathers and seldom shirks a task.

Were all different. Thankfully.

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Ultimately, the real indicator of a society's intelligence will be measured by its ability to survive over the long haul and we won't know the answer to that question until the fat lady sings.

Say what..?

We're talking intelligence here, not ability to survive. By using your method of measuring intelligence the smartest creature on earth would be a cockroach, or why not a virus.

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Do you consider yourself more intelligent than most Thai people ?

I have a degree and postgraduate qualification from very good universities. I'm also off the IQ scale (if you believe in IQ testing).

I consider myself more intelligent than most everyone!

No need to be racist about it thought.

Do you think that you are genetically better equipped for life than Thai people?

To survive in a civilised world, I would again claim supremacy (over everyone).

But when/if the end of the world strikes, I'm pretty sure that most Thais will have a better chance of surviving than most westerners (including me)

If your IQ is so off the scale I would have thought that you would know the word THOUGH does not end with a T.

Are you supreme to everyone else. I doubt it

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Do you consider yourself more intelligent than most Thai people ?

I have a degree and postgraduate qualification from very good universities. I'm also off the IQ scale (if you believe in IQ testing).

I consider myself more intelligent than most everyone!

No need to be racist about it thought.

Do you think that you are genetically better equipped for life than Thai people?

To survive in a civilised world, I would again claim supremacy (over everyone).

But when/if the end of the world strikes, I'm pretty sure that most Thais will have a better chance of surviving than most westerners (including me)

If your IQ is so off the scale I would have thought that you would know the word THOUGH does not end with a T.

Are you supreme to everyone else. I doubt it

Is it worth pointing out the irony in that reply?

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One early poster mention Thailand could have been India if Thais just tried harder! <deleted>!?! Obviously, none of us chose to live in India. In two decades, I have seen Western consumerism overtake Thailand but at least we can hope it’s on the wane.

If we’ve chosen to make Thailand our adopted countries, we have a duty to respect Thais—they have no more foibles than other nationalities. Learning Thai, even just some, is a big part of that respect.

The expats here who whinge and complain would be whinging and grousing no matter where they lived. It’s really our responsibility as humans to make where we live better for everyone.

If one can’t really commit to Thailand and Thai people, why stay here?

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If your IQ is so off the scale I would have thought that you would know the word THOUGH does not end with a T.

Are you supreme to everyone else. I doubt it

.... and if you knew how to type you would understand how the extra T got there!

Spelling police RULE.

I just thought of differences between Thais and western people.

Married Thai men generally think it's OK to go whoring, and most Thai wives allow it.

Many Thai women pray every day, few western women pray.

Edited by pjclark1
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It's a little like comparing a 1980's Skoda to a current BMW. There will be some folk that for personal reasons prefer the Skoda, which is fair enough, but to argue it is better then the BMW is surely delusional.

No, it's the ignorant bigots like you who are deluded.

Right. So, to you everything is equal is it? All things are equal are they? Nothing is better than anything else right? Or is it that we are not permitted opinion? What is it that qualifies me as a bigot? Is it my opinion that a developed European country like the Uk is generally better than a developing country like Thailand? Have I really stretched my reasoning so far?

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In the context of this thread, your comments are the very definition of racism.

Do you think? Well they weren't intended to be. I think that in most comparisons there will be something that comes out on top. It's not often that you can say two things are exactly equal. In my opinion in this case the Uk is in almost ever way, and certainly overall, better than Thailand. To me it's clear cut. Ask me which is better between Germany and the Uk, or Canada and the Uk and I would not be able to answer because the difference I believe is not enough. Similarly ask me which is better between Thailand and India or Thailand and The Philippines and I would not be able to answer because they are on a similar level. I think the debate over these comparisons is valid and healthy and can be argued both ways convincingly. I realize that 'better' is a little vague.

I don't think my car comparison or analogy was that far out in my opinion.

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In the context of this thread, your comments are the very definition of racism.

Do you really think they are M ??

What one's specifically ??

I'm not so sure they are personally especially taking them in context, like you said

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In the context of this thread, your comments are the very definition of racism.

Do you think? Well they weren't intended to be. I think that in most comparisons there will be something that comes out on top. It's not often that you can say two things are exactly equal. In my opinion in this case the Uk is in almost ever way, and certainly overall, better than Thailand. To me it's clear cut. Ask me which is better between Germany and the Uk, or Canada and the Uk and I would not be able to answer because the difference I believe is not enough. Similarly ask me which is better between Thailand and India or Thailand and The Philippines and I would not be able to answer because they are on a similar level. I think the debate over these comparisons is valid and healthy and can be argued both ways convincingly. I realize that 'better' is a little vague.

I don't think my car comparison or analogy was that far out in my opinion.

I'm not so sure it is that clear cut Rich to be honest, if it was i'd be living there to be honest Mate & wouldn't have laft the Country at 17, only spending maybe 2 Years at most there since then..

& i'm as Patriotic as they come, but teh truth is the UK isn't that great anymore, not from where i'm from anyway, Inner London..

But as Phil Harries correctly pointed out to me yesterday, London isn't the whole of the UK, but it does so happen to represent it big time in teh eyes of many..

& as jingthing said, it all depends how you define the word " better " i suppose..

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In the context of this thread, your comments are the very definition of racism.

Do you think? Well they weren't intended to be. I think that in most comparisons there will be something that comes out on top. It's not often that you can say two things are exactly equal. In my opinion in this case the Uk is in almost ever way, and certainly overall, better than Thailand. To me it's clear cut. Ask me which is better between Germany and the Uk, or Canada and the Uk and I would not be able to answer because the difference I believe is not enough. Similarly ask me which is better between Thailand and India or Thailand and The Philippines and I would not be able to answer because they are on a similar level. I think the debate over these comparisons is valid and healthy and can be argued both ways convincingly. I realize that 'better' is a little vague.

I don't think my car comparison or analogy was that far out in my opinion.

I'm sure it wasn't your intention mate, but in relation to the thread content and title, it is. I can see what you are getting at and agree with you but the context is there

Although, even if I am talking out of my arse (which won't be the first time), it is easy to see why others might think your comments are racist.

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"We're talking intelligence here, not ability to survive. By using your method of measuring intelligence the smartest creature on earth would be a cockroach"

The OP's question was:"what do you feel are the differences between farangs and Thai people? Do they fall short?"

There is no one way to measure the intelligence of a society. Even the value of the individual IQ test is at best a rough measure of academic intelligence as defined by western test designers. An individuals test scores frequently varies from one test to another. I've taken the test three times and scored three different results. If IQ testing is the only measure of intelligence why bother with the SAT's and other methods of evaluating intelligence?

The implication made by some was that Thai's are not as intelligent as farangs which I disagree with. Given the numbers of farangs who are outsmarted by Thai's perhaps it is the farang who falls short.

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Lack of criticism and complaint is at the root of many problems in Thailand I feel. Many of the annoying problems for me in Thailand could all be rectified so easily and with little expense. That is what is so distracting. However as Thais are adverse to complaining and raising their voices as well as taking advise nothing ever improves. They continue to carry out tasks badly year in year out, even when it is obvious to most westerners that there are much better ways of doing things. Thais don't go out of their way to drive me mad, even though it sometimes feels that way, it's just that they don't know any better. In the west if a guy is doing a job badly or giving bad service they soon end up out of work. Here because no one will complain that guy can continue doing the exact same bad job for years to come.

Correct, that's the same way i feel about it too, still someone will try to deny the undeniable.....:lol:

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I am Thai and join today and feel bad as i dont know so many farang hate Thailand and speak about us so bad I am shocked

when i see farang they seem nice and dont feel liek this

Hello krup. I'm sorry that you have to read and see how farangs behave amongst themselves.

I am sorry too, as a representative of the other end ( i am an openly declared complainer :lol: ), believe me we don't just like to be argumentative, we only believe that to make the world a better place, it is necessary to take some action, it's nothing personal, we just think that the "baaa-baaaa white sheep take it all" tactic isn't going to work, i am aware of the value that inertia cover in the physic world, but for social matters perhaps is better to use a different approach

As you suggested, many are what we like to refer to as "two-faced," i.e., they are nice to you to your face, but behind your back (or on anonymous message boards) they say rather horrible things.

And now your thaier than thai newly acquired friend is going to explain you how comes so many of the so called "two faces" well hidden horrible people get in troubles...there is a spy between us?:D

Many are certifiable idiots that hate Thais and Thailand, as you may have already noticed. I'm sure you and your countrymen would then wonder why the heck they are still here (I ask that same question often). I would like to say these kinds of farangs are in the minority (although, not so sure about TV members) and that their unseemly behavior shouldn't reflect on all farangs. Unfortunately, I think it does.

I can confirm that at least for my own country, yes we are a minority, we like to stay as far as possible from the majority of people that elected our government and made us ashamed of our country, which could be a great place to live, so many of us chosen to come here and by this point should be clear that we haven't choose it because of the high moral standards or widespread honesty we see around, let's just say that despite all the krapp, it is still way better here than there, so you have an indication of how bad things are there after reading all our complaints and still wanting to stay :D :jap:

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"We're talking intelligence here, not ability to survive. By using your method of measuring intelligence the smartest creature on earth would be a cockroach"

The OP's question was:"what do you feel are the differences between farangs and Thai people? Do they fall short?"

There is no one way to measure the intelligence of a society. Even the value of the individual IQ test is at best a rough measure of academic intelligence as defined by western test designers. An individuals test scores frequently varies from one test to another. I've taken the test three times and scored three different results. If IQ testing is the only measure of intelligence why bother with the SAT's and other methods of evaluating intelligence?

The implication made by some was that Thai's are not as intelligent as farangs which I disagree with. Given the numbers of farangs who are outsmarted by Thai's perhaps it is the farang who falls short.

That's generally because the Farang's Penis rules his head on a very high % of those ocassions you talk about, not a lot more than that if we're brutally honest..

& i hpnestly don't believe the type of " Farang " comes to Thailand is a fair reflection on Farangs in Farangland as a very high % of Farangs that come to Thailand do so to subsidise the S*x industry & aren't exactly beacons of their home society anyway.....

Edited by MSingh
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The implication made by some was that Thai's are not as intelligent as farangs which I disagree with. Given the numbers of farangs who are outsmarted by Thai's perhaps it is the farang who falls short.

Intelligence does not indicate the ability to make, or keep, money (people with high intelligence rarely make significant amounts of money, usually because they don't find it all that important)

Intelligence does not indicate the ability to avoid confidence tricksters (again people who are highly intelligent are often not very worldly wise and trust others too much)

As one girl once said to me "It's amazingly easy for me to take money from a man much brighter than me, if I just tickle him in exactly the right places"

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