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What Do You Feel Are The Differences Between Farangs And Thais?


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I fail to see where the more educated nations have done anything to make the world a better place.

Perhaps you should look a little harder.

Don't make the mistake that better education equates to better person. I've know many well educated people who are total a holes.

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It's a little like comparing a 1980's Skoda to a current BMW. There will be some folk that for personal reasons prefer the Skoda, which is fair enough, but to argue it is better then the BMW is surely delusional.

Nicely put summation and analogy..

So you're saying Thais are the '80s Skoda and westerners are the BMW ... and therefore westerners are "better" than Thais??? Better in what way? Are westerners more polite? More moral? Better parents? What? While Thailand and Thais have all the negatives of any country and people, overall I find the Thai people at large to be much nicer and friendlier than westerners. Of course, there are many exceptions on both sides of the equation.

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Coming from a society that commends and aspires to solving real problems, it is difficult to see and interact with folks who have such a defeatist attitude towards thinking out of the box. Still love the regular,Thai folks though. (excluding politicians and police) I just wish some would realize that they CAN improve certain things. Just have to do it.

Don't be such a pessimist. Many Thais do see the problem and are trying to improve things. Maybe not enough yet, but more and more are trying to make a positive difference.

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Agree with all of the above. It seems that these "bottom feeders" think that they can come to a developing country and be the big fish in a small pond. But when they can't even achieve that, they rant and they rave and they complain about everything Thai. And they complain. And they complain. Maybe they just need to go find a smaller pond.

I'd be happy if they just shut up.

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I fail to see where the more educated nations have done anything to make the world a better place.

Perhaps you should look a little harder.

Don't make the mistake that better education equates to better person. I've know many well educated people who are total a holes.

And downright stupid to boot! :crazy:

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Westerners are MUCH more superior at mixing drinks.

At 1-part Blend 285, 15-parts soda water I don't understand how Thais can get drunk.

And with all the sick buffalo in Issan apparently they're pretty crappy at animal husbandry.

Edited by mstribling
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"Intelligence is an umbrella term describing a property of the mind comprehending related abilities, such as the capacities for abstract thought, reasoning, planning and problem solving, the use of language, and to learn"

I suggest that one characteristic of intelligence is objectivity, the ability to evaluate facts without introducing personal bias. That's why we have double blind studies and peer review. If we farang are so much smarter than why do we have so much trouble with managing our expectations with regard to living in Thailand? I see people coming here with completly unrealistic expectations and becoming angry and resentful when their expectations are not met. The failure is not Thailand it is the farang.

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There is no one way to measure the intelligence of a society.

Providing we are talking about the average intelligence of a nation, yes there is. Quite a few, actually.

Even the value of the individual IQ test is at best a rough measure of academic intelligence as defined by western test designers. An individuals test scores frequently varies from one test to another. I've taken the test three times and scored three different results. If IQ testing is the only measure of intelligence why bother with the SAT's and other methods of evaluating intelligence?

Academic abilities doesn't have anything to do with intelligence (apart from the simple fact that ability to learn increases with intelligence (but it's not a requirement), but they should be - and are - treated as separate entities. I know several people with multiple degrees who scores very low in an intelligence test. In addition, I know several people without any degree at all who scored incredibly high.

The funniest example of this I have ever seen was the big breasted bimbo singer in the pop group "Army of Lovers". Most people looked at her as a stereotype for stupid bimbo, she behaved and sounded like one when she spoke. She scored, if I'm not incorrect, 143 on Stanford-Binet and was offered a Mensa membership.

The implication made by some was that Thai's are not as intelligent as farangs which I disagree with. Given the numbers of farangs who are outsmarted by Thai's perhaps it is the farang who falls short.

The idea that Thailand as a nation scores lower on intelligence test doesn't have anything to do with genetic or racial differences.

However, judging from the number of posters referring to ability to adapt and survive as the means of intelligence makes me concur in the conclusion that farangs aren't as smart as we think - or at least they fail completely to understand the concept of intelligence.

Edited by Forethat
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I suggest that one characteristic of intelligence is objectivity, the ability to evaluate facts without introducing personal bias. .

You said a mouthful there, trisailer. I'm not into the semantics of classifying so called "intelligence", so I won't even try. Personal bias ALWAYS seems to creep into any discussion.

From his discussions on this topic I would guess that Forethat is somehow involved in the field of studying intelligence.

I frankly don't care who is intelligent and who is supposedly not intelligent. All I'm interested in is how people treat others, and how they adapt to the society around them. I take everyone as an individual on a one on one basis. If they have something to offer that is interesting then I'll listen. If they don't then I'll just walk away. I'll also take into allowance their personal environment and how they might have been raised.

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I fail to see where the more educated nations have done anything to make the world a better place.

Perhaps you should look a little harder.

Don't make the mistake that better education equates to better person. I've know many well educated people who are total a holes.

I think he mentioned "nations" not individual people.. Semantics really..

Edited by WarpSpeed
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The problem I found about most posts here is they are based on observations on the lowest class of the Thai society. A bit like if a Thai was living in a trailer park in the USA and telling his friends back in Bangkok how life was for the average American based on what was going on in his trailer park.

One interesting point is he will be more right, statistically speaking, than the TV poster as around 15% of American live under the poverty line, compared to less than 5% in Thailand. So, on average, Thais are not doing too bad after all.

For reference of what means poverty : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poverty_in_the_United_States

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It's a little like comparing a 1980's Skoda to a current BMW. There will be some folk that for personal reasons prefer the Skoda, which is fair enough, but to argue it is better then the BMW is surely delusional.

Nicely put summation and analogy..

So you're saying Thais are the '80s Skoda and westerners are the BMW ... and therefore westerners are "better" than Thais??? Better in what way? Are westerners more polite? More moral? Better parents? What? While Thailand and Thais have all the negatives of any country and people, overall I find the Thai people at large to be much nicer and friendlier than westerners. Of course, there are many exceptions on both sides of the equation.

That's the gist, though I might've used different car models :ph34r: ... Does the OP refer to specifics or across the board in general?? I'm not going to debate EVERY semantic characteristic of respective nationalities that's not the purpose of the OP...

Wish I had a bit more time to elaborate but my afternoon student just showed up 2 hours early, unannounced without a phone call and tells me her uncle insisted she come at this time instead of her appointment time and that's the second such example of that just today and it's only 12:00PM.

So, you tell me again how much more considerate etc. etc. the people here are. She's very lucky I was here as I had taken some time to send emails and was then out the door until her appointment time..

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One interesting point is he will be more right, statistically speaking, than the TV poster as around 15% of American live under the poverty line, compared to less than 5% in Thailand. So, on average, Thais are not doing too bad after all.

Realistically speaking the bar is bit lowered though in terms of income comparison don't you think? :whistling: What about maybe China as a bit better example..

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I fail to see where the more educated nations have done anything to make the world a better place.

Perhaps you should look a little harder.

Don't make the mistake that better education equates to better person. I've know many well educated people who are total a holes.

I think he mentioned "nations" not individual people.. Semantics really..

To further elaborate most educated people I know are total aholes. It's the most common label I get, just check some of the responses to my posts :rolleyes: yes that is a double entendre :whistling:..

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The problem I found about most posts here is they are based on observations on the lowest class of the Thai society. A bit like if a Thai was living in a trailer park in the USA and telling his friends back in Bangkok how life was for the average American based on what was going on in his trailer park.

About 95% of Thais are in that class, so it stands to reason those are the people we are most likely to meet.

I also had an American renting the house next to me, in America he lived in a trailer park, here he was a teacher.

(but he and his former bar-girl wife still behaved as if they were living in a trailer park)

Edited by pjclark1
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What is interesting, though, is the number of posters playing the racist card as soon as someone mentions that there might be a difference in intelligence based on nationality.

Similar opinions that according to the same principle should render at least a racist-acknowledgement includes:

1. Thai women have a warmth and a sensuality about them that no western woman can approach.

2. Thai women smell like cookies (I haven't got a freakin clue why that is or how it happens, it's just a fact)

3. According unofficial surveys, Thai men have smaller penises then pretty much everybody but North and South Koreans.

4. Statistically, Thais have lower average IQ than Americans

5. Statistically, Thais have higher average IQ than Mexicans

There you have it - a few statistically and scientifically proven differences mixed with a few perceived and alleged ones. The only ones I give a flying fig about - the only ones that matters to me - are number 1 and 2.

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It's a little like comparing a 1980's Skoda to a current BMW. There will be some folk that for personal reasons prefer the Skoda, which is fair enough, but to argue it is better then the BMW is surely delusional.

Nicely put summation and analogy..

So you're saying Thais are the '80s Skoda and westerners are the BMW ... and therefore westerners are "better" than Thais??? Better in what way? Are westerners more polite? More moral? Better parents? What? While Thailand and Thais have all the negatives of any country and people, overall I find the Thai people at large to be much nicer and friendlier than westerners. Of course, there are many exceptions on both sides of the equation.

No. I was actually referring to the countries to be honest. However I do believe that the people make the counties however indirectly, so I guess it could cover the actual people in a way.

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The problem I found about most posts here is they are based on observations on the lowest class of the Thai society. A bit like if a Thai was living in a trailer park in the USA and telling his friends back in Bangkok how life was for the average American based on what was going on in his trailer park.

One interesting point is he will be more right, statistically speaking, than the TV poster as around 15% of American live under the poverty line, compared to less than 5% in Thailand. So, on average, Thais are not doing too bad after all.

For reference of what means poverty : http://en.wikipedia....e_United_States

I think you're correct, JurgenG. Farangs in Thailand do manage to find that bottom 5% of Thais with consistent regularity. And that's pretty much what they've based their opinions on.

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I think you're correct, JurgenG. Farangs in Thailand do manage to find that bottom 5% of Thais with consistent regularity. And that's pretty much what they've based their opinions on.

Have you ever been in a Thai persons house?

Most of those i visit barely have running water (my MIL didn't have water until I bought her a pump)

They don't have hot water, and they have squat toilets usually over a hole in the ground.

95% of Thais live in poverty, not 5%


67% in rural poverty

28% in city slums

Great to see so many posters never actually go to the homes of real Thai people.

But even so they are wannabe Thais and still call everyone else 'whitey'

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What is interesting, though, is the number of posters playing the racist card as soon as someone mentions that there might be a difference in intelligence based on nationality.

Similar opinions that according to the same principle should render at least a racist-acknowledgement includes:

1. Thai women have a warmth and a sensuality about them that no western woman can approach.

2. Thai women smell like cookies (I haven't got a freakin clue why that is or how it happens, it's just a fact)

3. According unofficial surveys, Thai men have smaller penises then pretty much everybody but North and South Koreans.

4. Statistically, Thais have lower average IQ than Americans

5. Statistically, Thais have higher average IQ than Mexicans

There you have it - a few statistically and scientifically proven differences mixed with a few perceived and alleged ones. The only ones I give a flying fig about - the only ones that matters to me - are number 1 and 2.

As moonrakers said, there's not enough brush to sweep away all these generalizations.

And statistics mean tiddly squat. You could have one foot in boiling water and your other foot in a bucket of ice and STATISTICALLY you should be comfortable.

And how can you possibly say that NO western woman can approach a Thai woman's warmth and sensuality? You can't even honestly say that MOST Thai women are more sensuous or warm than North American women. It's just not so. But, you COULD say that the Thai women that you have personally met have been warmer and more sensuous than the North American women you've met. That could be a true statement. With a few cultural differences, the Thai women are not a lot different than women anywhere. Neither are the Thai men different than men from other nations. We all want a bit of lovin, enough food to sustain us and reasonably comfortable accommodation

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I think you're correct, JurgenG. Farangs in Thailand do manage to find that bottom 5% of Thais with consistent regularity. And that's pretty much what they've based their opinions on.

Have you ever been in a Thai persons house?

Most of those i visit barely have running water (my MIL didn't have water until I bought her a pump)

They don't have hot water, and they have squat toilets usually over a hole in the ground.

95% of Thais live in poverty, not 5%


67% in rural poverty

28% in city slums

Great to see so many posters never actually go to the homes of real Thai people.

But even so they are wannabe Thais and still call everyone else 'whitey'

I think you are pretty close there, PJ. I've been in MANY Thai families homes. I've got hundreds of photos to prove it. I've also been in the homes of a few wealthy Thais that could buy and sell me 10 times over. But, wealth doesn't always relate to happiness, and my own son is a good example of that... WHILE LIVING IN CANADA!

Matthew and a friend homesteaded a piece of property in central BC where the temperature in the winter gets to 40 below. The two lads hauled their little trailers onto the property with a 4x4 truck. When the truck couldn't pull the trailers any farther that is where they stayed. Then, they built a fortress around the trailers using free trims from a local sawmill and called it home. They had no water or toilet, and the only electricity they had was long extension cord from a neighbour's house. They built an outhouse and imported water from friends, and they were happy as pigs in the mud. They lived that way for 2 years on part time employment at less than minimum wages. By statistics they were at the very bottom rung of poverty, but you never saw two happier guys.



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I've been in a lot of Thai homes. My wifes grandparents home was one of those very old wooden homes on stilts with a metal roof. They slept on mats and cooked over a charcoal fire. What they lacked in modern amenities they more than made up for with their sense of family and community. The simplicity of their living arrangements in no way inhibited their integrity or their work ethic. They are not impoverished in sprit and that's the only thing that really matters.

We in the west may have all the trappings of wealth, but I cannot think of a single farang that has the kind of community that all of the Thai people that I know have.

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What is interesting, though, is the number of posters playing the racist card as soon as someone mentions that there might be a difference in intelligence based on nationality.

Similar opinions that according to the same principle should render at least a racist-acknowledgement includes:

1. Thai women have a warmth and a sensuality about them that no western woman can approach.

2. Thai women smell like cookies (I haven't got a freakin clue why that is or how it happens, it's just a fact)

3. According unofficial surveys, Thai men have smaller penises then pretty much everybody but North and South Koreans.

4. Statistically, Thais have lower average IQ than Americans

5. Statistically, Thais have higher average IQ than Mexicans

There you have it - a few statistically and scientifically proven differences mixed with a few perceived and alleged ones. The only ones I give a flying fig about - the only ones that matters to me - are number 1 and 2.

As moonrakers said, there's not enough brush to sweep away all these generalizations.

And statistics mean tiddly squat. You could have one foot in boiling water and your other foot in a bucket of ice and STATISTICALLY you should be comfortable.

And how can you possibly say that NO western woman can approach a Thai woman's warmth and sensuality? You can't even honestly say that MOST Thai women are more sensuous or warm than North American women. It's just not so. But, you COULD say that the Thai women that you have personally met have been warmer and more sensuous than the North American women you've met. That could be a true statement. With a few cultural differences, the Thai women are not a lot different than women anywhere. Neither are the Thai men different than men from other nations. We all want a bit of lovin, enough food to sustain us and reasonably comfortable accommodation

None of these are generalisations.

The warmth and sensuality was one of the PERCEIVED differences. Does that make me a racist? Not really.

And to be really picky, the ones who are making generalisations are YOU - there's no evidence what so ever that "we all want a bit of lovin, enough food to sustain us and reasonably comfortable accommodation", that's just your general opinion (at least that's my assumption) based on your description.

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And to be really picky, the ones who are making generalisations are YOU - there's no evidence what so ever that "we all want a bit of lovin, enough food to sustain us and reasonably comfortable accommodation", that's just your general opinion (at least that's my assumption) based on your description.

Okay, I give up, you win. I guess it's just a generalization that most people want love, enough to eat and some form of shelter. By your statement they don't want any of those things. But, considering the answers on this topic I don't have a clue WHAT people want.

I'm finished bantering on this topic.

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I think you're correct, JurgenG. Farangs in Thailand do manage to find that bottom 5% of Thais with consistent regularity. And that's pretty much what they've based their opinions on.

Have you ever been in a Thai persons house?

Most of those i visit barely have running water (my MIL didn't have water until I bought her a pump)

They don't have hot water, and they have squat toilets usually over a hole in the ground.

95% of Thais live in poverty, not 5%


67% in rural poverty

28% in city slums

Great to see so many posters never actually go to the homes of real Thai people.

But even so they are wannabe Thais and still call everyone else 'whitey'

I think you are pretty close there, PJ. I've been in MANY Thai families homes. I've got hundreds of photos to prove it. I've also been in the homes of a few wealthy Thais that could buy and sell me 10 times over. But, wealth doesn't always relate to happiness, and my own son is a good example of that... WHILE LIVING IN CANADA!

Matthew and a friend homesteaded a piece of property in central BC where the temperature in the winter gets to 40 below. The two lads hauled their little trailers onto the property with a 4x4 truck. When the truck couldn't pull the trailers any farther that is where they stayed. Then, they built a fortress around the trailers using free trims from a local sawmill and called it home. They had no water or toilet, and the only electricity they had was long extension cord from a neighbour's house. They built an outhouse and imported water from friends, and they were happy as pigs in the mud. They lived that way for 2 years on part time employment at less than minimum wages. By statistics they were at the very bottom rung of poverty, but you never saw two happier guys.



Ironically I just heard a report on the radio today about a study done by A--/out of u/ mption....Ah never mind you get the idea University where as they polled a given number of provinces and asked the level of peoples happiness and to me anyway not surprisingly the farmers in the north with their simple life styles were the happiest and the most unhappy province with their dog eat dog never get enough mentality was Phuket..

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I think my country the UK is better than Thailand one of the main reasons is that we have far greater freedom, democracy and human rights in the UK.

I consider that westerners are overall more intelligent than Thais; but that's due to the above reasons and education. My Thai wife who has lived in the UK for nearly 11 years would agree with the above; but she does not like the British working class she thinks they are dickheads. However she thinks that most Thai's are brainwashed sheep.

It may not be any recommendation but I totally agree with your lady.

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Okay, I give up, you win. I guess it's just a generalization that most people want love, enough to eat and some form of shelter. By your statement they don't want any of those things.

Please show me a the post where I state that people dont want love, enough to eat and some form of shelter...?

As anyone can see I have never stated such thing.

What you're doing now is to alter your statement. According to your post you originally claimed that :

We all want a bit of lovin, enough food to sustain us and reasonably comfortable accommodation

That's actually quite far from your current statement which now reads:

I guess it's just a generalization that most people want love, enough to eat and some form of shelter.

It looks like you are trying to model some sort of Maslows Hierarchy, but love and esteem is not even on the first two levels - that wasn't a scientific analysis, BTW. Having said that, I fully agree that there are people who agrees with your hypothesis. Personally, I find it unlikely that all people want love, for instance, but I could be wrong. I do feel, however, that there a people out there who dont give a flying fig whether they are loved or if they give love - again, that was an opinion that could be wrong.

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To be perfectly frank and upfront, except for the very few that are close to me, it would not bother me if I never saw another farang again.

I would much prefer to live a among the Thais. They are a most polite, inviting people and providing we respect them, in most cases they will respect us.

Many of the farangs in Thailand are the complete opposite and with some having such low opinions of the Thais; I often wonder why these farangs are here at all?

My question is: if you are a farang and consider yourself far superior to the Thais, dislike the Thais and Thailand for whatever reasons, why are you here?


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If it was a generalization.........

Thais are pretty cool, Farangs are total azzholes full of self importance and totally unfounded superiority complexes.

Thai people di kwa.


What an incredibly stupid post to make. So monumentally stupid infact i doubt you will get the trolling impact you are after as no one will take you seriously. :)

I do.

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