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Iran accuses U.S. of approving 'Bahrain invasion'


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Dissing Jews plays big in the Muslim world. Clearly Ahmadinejad is quaking in his boots about the prospects of revolution in his own country.

I doubt he is quaking in his boots. He handled the last attempted revolt 2 years ago quite effectively.

2] Is there anyway we can leave the poor old, hard done by Jews out of this thread?

What an excellent idea, but it is your beloved Ahmadinejad who somehow managed to bring Israel into it. Perhaps you should take it up with him and since he is soo sooo intelligent according to your own words, i am sure he will have no problem understanding it.

And yes he handled the revolts really well-just killed and jailed his own people.

He set an excellent example and other nations should use him as a role modelblink.gif

Once again instead of showing warmth. You openly show your hatred. I have not seen you post a nice word about anything or anybody on this forum.

Yes I think he is intelligent. Does that make me a bad person or a less person than you for doing so? A you currently or have ever been the post as a head of state for a country the size of Iran. You don't get that job unless you are in the know and have ability.

Do not go off into some fantasy world, stick to the subject and what is written.

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Malaysia don't recognized Israel as state and so they are not recognizing Israeli passports. That makes traveling to Malaysia for Israeli national quite difficult. Jews who are nationals of other countries, countries Malaysia has diplomatic relationship with, will not have problems to travel to Malaysia because they are Jews.

That might have something to do with the fact that they have no way to tell who is Jewish and who is not. These twisted justifications of race and religion hatred are ridiculous.

Malaysia Airlines serves kosher meal on board


you are cracking me up with that one dude. B)

You mean the foolishness of it?whistling.gif

Malaysia do not recognize Israel and yet government carrier serves Kosher meals?

Ironic i saydry.gif

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You openly show your hatred.

Those who share your point of view fill the forum with fact-less nuggets of hate every single day including links to racist websites and justifications for the Holocaust of WW2. Where has scorn been for these loathsome posts?

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You openly show your hatred.

Those who share your point of view fill the forum with fact-less nuggets of hate every single day including links to racist websites and justifications for the Holocaust of WW2. Where has scorn been for these loathsome posts?

Not me. Those who share my point of view are free people and can express thier feeling however they wish. It has nothing to do with me. Personally I show nothing but good wishes towards those that seek freedom and want to live thier own way of life without Western interference. If that means " building castles in the sand" then so be it. That is who I am and what I am about. Therefore I wish nothing other than goodness for these people. I don't post any hatred comments towards any individuals, religion, race or country. I love all human beings that treat other humans as equals. If you believe that I have posted hateful comments in this forum then please provide me with correct quotations as evidence to support your claims. If not. Then thanks for your concern.

p.s: Have a nice dinner my friend.

Edited by coma
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You openly show your hatred.

Those who share your point of view fill the forum with fact-less nuggets of hate every single day including links to racist websites and justifications for the Holocaust of WW2. Where has scorn been for these loathsome posts?

i would not hold my breath for a decent or even reasonable answer.

PS. Funny enough the one complaining is the one who makes the most hatred posts.

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You openly show your hatred.

Those who share your point of view fill the forum with fact-less nuggets of hate every single day including links to racist websites and justifications for the Holocaust of WW2. Where has scorn been for these loathsome posts?

i would not hold my breath for a decent or even reasonable answer.

PS. Funny enough the one complaining is the one who makes the most hatred posts.

:D Same goes for you. Provide evidence or quotes where I have shown and open hatred toward any individual, race, religion or country. If you cannot. Then sorry. Buy your argument is an epic failure.

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You openly show your hatred.

Those who share your point of view fill the forum with fact-less nuggets of hate every single day including links to racist websites and justifications for the Holocaust of WW2. Where has scorn been for these loathsome posts?

Not me. Those who share my point of view are free people and can express thier feeling however they wish. It has nothing to do with me. Personally I show nothing but good wishes towards those that seek freedom and want to live thier own way of life without Western interference. If that means " building castles in the sand" then so be it. That is who I am and what I am about. Therefore I wish nothing other than goodness for these people. I don't post any hatred comments towards any individuals, religion, race or country. I love all human beings that treat other humans as equals. If you believe that I have posted hateful comments in this forum then please provide me with correct quotations as evidence to support your claims. If not. Then thanks for your concern.

p.s: Have a nice dinner my friend.


Let me start it off

-this thread post 24

-this thread post 59

-Same as above thread post 89

Should i go on?

Your good wishes are duly noted.blink.gif

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You openly show your hatred.

Those who share your point of view fill the forum with fact-less nuggets of hate every single day including links to racist websites and justifications for the Holocaust of WW2. Where has scorn been for these loathsome posts?

i would not hold my breath for a decent or even reasonable answer.

PS. Funny enough the one complaining is the one who makes the most hatred posts.

:D Same goes for you. Provide evidence or quotes where I have shown and open hatred toward any individual, race, religion or country. If you cannot. Then sorry. Buy your argument is an epic failure.

Ha Ha, this is like watching believe it or not.

Seems everyone's argument that show you off for what you really are an epic failure, me or Ulysses. Just in case you need a reminder post 67

Your other kind words are in post 37, i am sure others will find some more just to remind you whose argument is INFACT an epic failure

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Personally I show nothing but good wishes towards those that seek freedom and want to live thier own way of life without Western interference....

That is who I am and what I am about. Therefore I wish nothing other than goodness for these people. I don't post any hatred comments towards any individuals, religion, race or country. I love all human beings that treat other humans as equals.

Well that took all of two minutes:

The law has some merit. I for one am sickened by what I see here in Thailand all too often. Some old dude cruzing around with his young 20 something bride and the little baby in tow.

What a beacon of tolerance and acceptance you are. :lol:

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You are completely off base. I don't care if they do mile high brises, Malaysia is an EXTREMELY antisemitic country.

Consider Malaysia where authorities consider Islam “too sensitive” for non-Muslims to discuss but deem it perfectly acceptable to burn an Israeli flag and shout anti-Semitic slogans in the street after Friday prayer.


Edited by Jingthing
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You openly show your hatred.

Those who share your point of view fill the forum with fact-less nuggets of hate every single day including links to racist websites and justifications for the Holocaust of WW2. Where has scorn been for these loathsome posts?

Not me. Those who share my point of view are free people and can express thier feeling however they wish. It has nothing to do with me. Personally I show nothing but good wishes towards those that seek freedom and want to live thier own way of life without Western interference. If that means " building castles in the sand" then so be it. That is who I am and what I am about. Therefore I wish nothing other than goodness for these people. I don't post any hatred comments towards any individuals, religion, race or country. I love all human beings that treat other humans as equals. If you believe that I have posted hateful comments in this forum then please provide me with correct quotations as evidence to support your claims. If not. Then thanks for your concern.

p.s: Have a nice dinner my friend.


Let me start it off

-this thread post 24

-this thread post 59 http://www.thaivisa....28#entry4287128

-Same as above thread post 89

Should i go on?

Your good wishes are duly noted.blink.gif

thread 24 I doubt he is quaking in his boots. He handled the last attempted revolt 2 years ago quite effectively.

2] Is there anyway we can leave the poor old, hard done by Jews out of this thread? where is the hatred statement

thread 59 Kuffi. In reply to your last post:

What was before that you ask??? War, war, war and repeated incursion by Israel.Rape, killing, stealing houses and land. Lets be realistic here. It is in Israels best interest to starve of the Palestinians. A strong Palestine would have Israel shitting in thier pants. As for Egypt. That is way :offtopic: .

You can only kick a dog so many times before it bites. As I have stated before in other threads that it would be in Israels best interest to come to the party and start following popular world opinion before the Arab world, after the ongoing revolution is over, joins together and pushes Israel into the sea. If you think I am being a little over the top then that is ok. But deep down you know that this scenerio is a valid one. Soon Palestine will indeed be free with the support of the entire world sha allah[god willing] and it will be israel that finds itself without a seat when the music stops.

Once again no hatred there. It is a simply a very possible scenerio and point of view.

same thread 89: I like this. Then it is :partytime2:

Once again no hatered there.You have failed to show me ant rhetorical hatred toward an individual,race,religion or country

SO in closing You are indeed have fail.

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Personally I show nothing but good wishes towards those that seek freedom and want to live thier own way of life without Western interference....

That is who I am and what I am about. Therefore I wish nothing other than goodness for these people. I don't post any hatred comments towards any individuals, religion, race or country. I love all human beings that treat other humans as equals.

Well that took all of two minutes:

The law has some merit. I for one am sickened by what I see here in Thailand all too often. Some old dude cruzing around with his young 20 something bride and the little baby in tow.

What a beacon of tolerance and acceptance you are. :lol:

Can you show me hatred there. Please.

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Did you mean 'Sickened" in a nice way? :whistling:

Come off it dude. You know and I now the word sickened and hate are two totally different beasts. But you are trying hard and if I had to rank the three of you I would put you ahead of the other two by a long shot.

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I am starting to wonder why this board even posts Middle East news anymore. It is inevitable that every time people who are obviously pushing an antisemitic agenda will surface (which they do often try to hide but any grade school kid could see through it), and quite reasonably, others will rebut them. This could be done in ONE thread. Or maybe just post middle east news, and then close for comments. All these threads turn out the same. Would this board allow the same kind of environment to prevail if the agents of hate were directed at a different target than Israel and/or Jews? I don't see this kind of phenom happening here regarding any other nation or group.

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thread 24 I doubt he is quaking in his boots. He handled the last attempted revolt 2 years ago quite effectively.

2] Is there anyway we can leave the poor old, hard done by Jews out of this thread? where is the hatred statement

thread 59 Kuffi. In reply to your last post:

What was before that you ask??? War, war, war and repeated incursion by Israel.Rape, killing, stealing houses and land. Lets be realistic here. It is in Israels best interest to starve of the Palestinians. A strong Palestine would have Israel shitting in thier pants. As for Egypt. That is way :offtopic: .

You can only kick a dog so many times before it bites. As I have stated before in other threads that it would be in Israels best interest to come to the party and start following popular world opinion before the Arab world, after the ongoing revolution is over, joins together and pushes Israel into the sea. If you think I am being a little over the top then that is ok. But deep down you know that this scenerio is a valid one. Soon Palestine will indeed be free with the support of the entire world sha allah[god willing] and it will be israel that finds itself without a seat when the music stops.

Once again no hatred there. It is a simply a very possible scenerio and point of view.

same thread 89: I like this. Then it is :partytime2:

Once again no hatered there.You have failed to show me ant rhetorical hatred toward an individual,race,religion or country

SO in closing You are indeed have fail.

Oh Coma, you have totally and utterly failed, epic or not epic, just simple fail to defend your position of being the "nice guy"

Your reasonings are not even reasonable to read not only accept.

Your prejudice towards Israel, Jewish people and West are coming out from your nose already, you admire a man who wants to kill millions of people, you You praise a country which promotes hate and kills its own people. You admire country which promotes violence and supports it one way or another.

You post the most ridiculous historically incorrect information and then praise yourself for doing it

You create violent scenarios for nations which you hate and after all of that you are the one passing judgements on other people.

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I am starting to wonder why this board even posts Middle East news anymore. It is inevitable that every time people who are obviously pushing an antisemitic agenda will surface (which they do often try to hide but any grade school kid could see through it), and quite reasonably, others will rebut them. This could be done in ONE thread. Or maybe just post middle east news, and then close for comments. All these threads turn out the same. Would this board allow the same kind of environment to prevail if the agents of hate were directed at a different target than Israel and/or Jews? I don't see this kind of phenom happening here regarding any other nation or group.

I PM the moderators last night with a similar comment. All these threads end up with the same result And for your information. It is not just "antisemitism". The fact that you view it that way goes to show how one eyed one can be. It takes two to tango.

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Did you mean 'Sickened" in a nice way? :whistling:

Come off it dude. You know and I now the word sickened and hate are two totally different beasts. But you are trying hard and if I had to rank the three of you I would put you ahead of the other two by a long shot.

Just as always, when made to show true colors goes for the personal attacks. No news there.

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I am starting to wonder why this board even posts Middle East news anymore. It is inevitable that every time people who are obviously pushing an antisemitic agenda will surface (which they do often try to hide but any grade school kid could see through it), and quite reasonably, others will rebut them. This could be done in ONE thread. Or maybe just post middle east news, and then close for comments. All these threads turn out the same. Would this board allow the same kind of environment to prevail if the agents of hate were directed at a different target than Israel and/or Jews? I don't see this kind of phenom happening here regarding any other nation or group.

I PM the moderators last night with a similar comment. All these threads end up with the same result And for your information. It is not just "antisemitism". The fact that you view it that way goes to show how one eyed one can be. It takes two to tango.

You emailed moderators to stop post attacking Jews and Israel?whistling.gif

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Just little more for you Coma, in case you forgotten

-Post 24 and 20 http://www.thaivisa....-official-says/

-Post 121 , more of an epic failure http://www.thaivisa....s/page__st__100

-Post 250 http://www.thaivisa....s/page__st__225

Can you change your avatar please?It is starting to get on my nerves. :cheesy:

and again, once cornered with HARD FACTS-turns it into personal attack

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You are completely off base. I don't care if they do mile high brises, Malaysia is an EXTREMELY antisemitic country.

Your prejudice against what you called the 'Muslim world' is EXTREMELY.

That makes you equal with the anti-semites. Where they say "The Jews" you come with "The Muslims"

Dissing Jews plays big in the Muslim world.

One could say Dissing Arabs plays big in the Jewish World. But that would be just plain wrong to say. Even if could be illustrated with a lot of similar examples like you came forwards with. It would be anti-semitic bullshit. words of hatred.

And it are still words of hatred if subject and object in this sentence are reversed.

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Just little more for you Coma, in case you forgotten

-Post 24 and 20 http://www.thaivisa....-official-says/

-Post 121 , more of an epic failure http://www.thaivisa....s/page__st__100

-Post 250 http://www.thaivisa....s/page__st__225

Can you change your avatar please?It is starting to get on my nerves. :cheesy:

and again, once cornered with HARD FACTS-turns it into personal attack

Hahaha. I have been out for a good tastey meal and I come back and you are still here knocking away at it. Hahaha You crack me up. If these comments are now personnel attacks the the moderators would have stepped in by now. The way you continually quote my posts is bordering on obsessive compulsive. You crack me up dude. Hahaha :cheesy:

Hope you have a good night now. Take care of yourself. :mfr_closed1:

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This post by Coma, from another thread, shows a bit of rancor...


"This " Holocaust survivor " Elie Wiesel is indeed exactly that. A weazel. How dare he preach about " discrimination against Jews to live as an equal". Anybody who has ever been to Israel and Palestine [apart from the plethera of one eyed willy's] will quickly see that Israelis live a lifestyle that Palestinians can only dream of. What a joke."


From this thread, post number 40...

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No, I am not. I am referring to the TRUTH about the Muslim world. ...

Islamophobia is the fear and/or hatred of Islam, Muslims or Islamic culture.

The Runnymede Trust has identified eight components that they say define Islamophobia.

This definition, from the 1997 document 'Islamophobia: A Challenge For Us All' is widely accepted, including by the European Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia.

The eight components are:

1) Islam is seen as a monolithic bloc, static and unresponsive to change.

2) Islam is seen as separate and 'other'. It does not have values in common with other cultures, is not affected by them and does not influence them.

3) Islam is seen as inferior to the West. It is seen as barbaric, irrational, primitive and sexist.

4) Islam is seen as violent, aggressive, threatening, supportive of terrorism and engaged in a 'clash of civilisations'.

5) Islam is seen as a political ideology and is used for political or military advantage.

6) Criticisms made of the West by Islam are rejected out of hand.

7) Hostility towards Islam is used to justify discriminatory practices towards Muslims and exclusion of Muslims from mainstream society.

8) Anti-Muslim hostility is seen as natural or normal.


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Topic closed. If I see this behaviour again, all involved will lose their posting rights.Some of you involved in this childishness have had many warnings regarding these matters. I think it's time to stop warnings. Its just not worth the trouble to let you keep on posting when you take the chances we give you and just go back to your old behaviours.

We've had enough, no more.

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