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Would You "Out" A Person With Hiv?


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A friend recently received a letter from a hospital confirming he has HIV. Fortunately, the letter was misaddressed. The envelope had his name and the letter had the name of the HIV person. My friend knows this person and pointed him out in a local bar.

I have seen this person at several bars barfining girls. I saw him tonight at a go-go I frequent and he barfined one of the dancers.

This is an interesting dilemma. My initial thought is that the dancers know the risks they are taking and they are being compensated for it, and I should keep my mouth shut. Legally, I will keep my mouth shut because I do not have the letter to back up my claim. However, I have known my friend for over 6 years and he is a very responsible person and would not make an accusation without proof.

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As you not have seen this letter i would be careful. Even if you know your friend for a long time, in such a case i wouldn't burn my fingers.

If you know that person just pass the information to him. Responsible enough. The fact that he barfine girls does not mean he have sexual intercourse with them unrotected.

An HIV infected person has the same right to have sexual intercourse as anybody. Of course with the HIV infection a lot more responsibility comes with that as well.

Taking morale responsibility the least you could do as i said is to informe the infected person. He might not know yet. Everything else i wouldn't see in my responsibility.



Edited by Morpheus73
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An HIV infected person has the same right to have sexual intercourse as anybody.

Interesting statement. If a human being has the right to sexual intercourse then other human being(s) have the duty to provide it to them. Does the HIV status of the individual not change the dynamic at all?

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It was a general statement in terms of that an HIV infected person still can have sex. Protected of course as with knowledge anything else would be attempted murder as Wallaby stated correctly.

Don't forget that there are as well a few people out there who carry HIV and have not received it from unprotected sex. Some of them might be married and if with a supportive wife they might even have sexual intercourse.

What i wrote was not pointing towards a coward that knows he is infected and try to let other innocent people participate in his infection without telling them. I do not have any kind of respect and understanding for those people.



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I guess some Girls will do it without a Condom, however I do not know if they would go with a Customer at all, if they know that this Person has HIV. His duty has to be to inform a Girl about this. If he does it and she goes with him, then its her decision and her taking the risk.

If he knows the diagnose by now (I guess he does) I may talk to him and ask him if he is telling the Girls. If he does not, I would probably tell the Girls to be careful. As you did not read that letter it may be better your Friend is taking this in his hand as he was reading the letter.

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difficult one but really if you knew a serial rapist or murderer was out there would you keep stum, if he is having unprotected sex he is committing manslaughter, guys here have been locked away for it. as a member of the community who attends go gos i would like to think he was outed, if he is so unconsiderate about passing on a killer disease to the girls and people like me he deserves outing. he needs stopping one way or another and getting treatment which is not cheap here.

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I guess some Girls will do it without a Condom, however I do not know if they would go with a Customer at all, if they know that this Person has HIV. His duty has to be to inform a Girl about this. If he does it and she goes with him, then its her decision and her taking the risk.

If he knows the diagnose by now (I guess he does) I may talk to him and ask him if he is telling the Girls. If he does not, I would probably tell the Girls to be careful. As you did not read that letter it may be better your Friend is taking this in his hand as he was reading the letter.

i think most girls will do it without a condom, i used to work in a go go with about 30-40 girls we had a pot with hundreds of condoms in for the girls to take to the room, we rarly had to top it up, in fact dont think we ever did. the girls prefered not to as the customer was quiker to deal with and they could get back on the stage quicker. so even if a girl agrees witha HIV customer which i doubt, if she contracts it she will pass it onto others. then they pass it on and so on. condoms can come off and break

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Certainly an interesting question, but in no case it is your business to out him. We are all responsible for our own life and doing sex here without proper protection is kind of weird.

But that's a personal attitude. Seems like there are many Junkies around who do not care at all. :-(

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If a sex worker doesn't use condoms, (assuming not a slave being forced), that is a personal decision, so if HIV is contracted that way, it would be the sex worker's bad decision that was the cause. Sexually active people, especially in a high rate of HIV country like Thailand, should assume every new sex partner is HIV positive, no matter what they say. No, this person should not be outed. That's absurd and wrong. What are you going to do, pass out flyers at every sex for sale venue in town, often giving the flyers to sex workers who are positive themselves, and know it?

Edited by Jingthing
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An HIV infected person has the same right to have sexual intercourse as anybody. Of course with the HIV infection a lot more responsibility comes with that as well.

Depends. In some countries failure to inform your partner that you are HIV positive is a crime, regardless of whether condoms are used, so they don't have the same rights.

I'd tell the chicks at the bar

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If a sex worker doesn't use condoms, (assuming not a slave being forced), that is a personal decision, so if HIV is contracted that way, it would be the sex worker's bad decision that was the cause.

Isn't it the law that someone who knowingly has HIV/AIDS must disclose this to his/her partner before engaging in sexual acts? If that be the case, I would think it'd be irrelevant whether she was a sex worker or not. Of course, it should work both ways, i.e., an infected sex worker must inform her client. I doubt the latter would ever happen.

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This is not an attack on the original poster --------

I do not know of ANY hospital or other testing facility that informs patients of HIV results via mail.

I actually don't find the story in the OP at all credible. But it raises an interesting question anyway.

For this hypothetical question, having sex with bar workers doesn't mean a person is necessarily having unprotected sex.

Edited by Jingthing
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If a sex worker doesn't use condoms, (assuming not a slave being forced), that is a personal decision, so if HIV is contracted that way, it would be the sex worker's bad decision that was the cause.

Isn't it the law that someone who knowingly has HIV/AIDS must disclose this to his/her partner before engaging in sexual acts? If that be the case, I would think it'd be irrelevant whether she was a sex worker or not. Of course, it should work both ways, i.e., an infected sex worker must inform her client. I doubt the latter would ever happen.

I have heard of some laws like that in certain USA jurisdictions but have NEVER heard of any law like that in Thailand. So if I had to guess, I would say there is no such law here, but it's just a guess.

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Personally I wouldn’t say anything and keep out of it.

If and when we decide to go with one or more of these prostitutes, there is no way of knowing who was in there before or how far the girl is willing to go with no protection.

Any customer who has any kind of disease, even just a mild cold or a bout of flu, there is a high risk that this will be passed on via the girl onto the next client.

For example, kissing and oral sex can contract incurable herpes. What if a customer has TB or swine flu?

These prostitutes can be walking culture banks for all sorts of viruses and bacterial infections.

So if your friend has the HIV virus then it makes no difference because it`s only a matter of time before the girls further encounter customers with HIV or other deadly infections.

They should be aware of the risks and we should know the risks. After all the reality is that these girls are public receptacles for bodily fluids.

You pay your money, boom boom and take the chance. Something like a game Russian roulette.

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A letter posted to the wrong room number in an appartment is not unheard of. Many years ago when I lived in an apartment I often got mail meant for other tenants and I knew who all of them were. However, I never opened those letters as while the room number was mine, the names on the letters were not. I just gave them to their rightful owners.

But yes, in this case, it does seem a little too far fetched.

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especially in a high rate of HIV country like Thailand, should assume every new sex partner is HIV positive, no matter what they say.

Slightly Off-Topic but this is an oft repeated allegation which is simply not true.


I have friends working, indeed running, NGO's directly involved with monitoring the spread of STD's in Thailand - including, obviously, HIV - and all confirm that the prevalence of the disease in Thailand is nowhere near so bad as the rumour mill makes out – and, incidentally, most credit Khun Meechai Viravaidya for a large part in that success.

That is not to claim HIV it is not a danger here, but to say Thailand is a "high rate ............ HIV Country" is certainly an overstatement.


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A letter posted to the wrong room number in an appartment is not unheard of. Many years ago when I lived in an apartment I often got mail meant for other tenants and I knew who all of them were. However, I never opened those letters as while the room number was mine, the names on the letters were not. I just gave them to their rightful owners.

But yes, in this case, it does seem a little too far fetched.

But did any of those letters have your name AND Address on the envelope but the enclosed letter was addressed, by name, to someone else in the Apartment building?

That's the point.


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