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NATO says alliance ready to protect Libyan civilians, urges UN agreement


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I cannot support this move - Libya and Khaddafi's forces haven't threatened or committed acts of war against other countries.

Khaddafi rightly regards this as an aggression against him personally.

He threatens with terrorism, but what else can he do?

I have an uneasy feeling about this, and if the NATO misses the colonel, this could be a reciepe for disaster.

You can't support the attempted prevention of a genocide? By the U.N.? blink.gif

Genocide? Be careful with that word.

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This could get very nasty, in order to have a no-fly zone, they are going to have to attack the aircraft on the ground, and take out the airfields, radar stations, control towers. No small feat a lot of lives will be lost.

More lives will be lost if the world sits by and watch Kaddafi slaughter his own people in order to regain 100% power.

If anybody thinks he cares about many thousands of dead Libyans.....he doesn't.


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Five air forces set to attack Libya. Qaddafi threatens reprisals in Europe and ME

DEBKAfile Exclusive Report March 18, 2011, 8:42 AM (GMT+02:00)


As Qaddafi's forces advanced on the rebel stronghold of Benghazi, the US, British, French, UAE and Qatar air forces were on standby. If attacked, Libya threatens retaliation against civilian and military targets in Europe and the Middle East, according to a statement from the Defense Ministry in Tripoli.




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I cannot support this move - Libya and Khaddafi's forces haven't threatened or committed acts of war against other countries.

Khaddafi rightly regards this as an aggression against him personally.

He threatens with terrorism, but what else can he do?

I have an uneasy feeling about this, and if the NATO misses the colonel, this could be a reciepe for disaster.

You can't support the attempted prevention of a genocide? By the U.N.? blink.gif

The mad Colonel is slaughtering his own people it would only be a mad man who would not support the UN decision.

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I cannot support this move - Libya and Khaddafi's forces haven't threatened or committed acts of war against other countries.

Khaddafi rightly regards this as an aggression against him personally.

He threatens with terrorism, but what else can he do?

I have an uneasy feeling about this, and if the NATO misses the colonel, this could be a reciepe for disaster.

You can't support the attempted prevention of a genocide? By the U.N.? blink.gif

The mad Colonel is slaughtering his own people it would only be a mad man who would not support the UN decision.


Someones ears must be burning. :crazy:

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I cannot support this move - Libya and Khaddafi's forces haven't threatened or committed acts of war against other countries.

Khaddafi rightly regards this as an aggression against him personally.

He threatens with terrorism, but what else can he do?

I have an uneasy feeling about this, and if the NATO misses the colonel, this could be a reciepe for disaster.

You can't support the attempted prevention of a genocide? By the U.N.? blink.gif

The mad Colonel is slaughtering his own people it would only be a mad man who would not support the UN decision.

Al-Qaida Commander Calls For Islamic Rule In Libya

Associated Press

A top Libyan al-Qaida commander has urged his countrymen to overthrow Moammar Gadhafi's regime and establish Islamic rule, expanding the terror network's attempts to capitalize on the wave of unrest sweeping the region.

Abu Yahia al-Libi, al-Qaida's Afghanistan commander, said in a video posted on a militant website that after the fall of the regimes in Tunisia and Egypt, it is now Gadhafi's turn, as rebel fighters there press a nearly monthlong campaign to oust him.




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Al-Qaida Commander Calls For Islamic Rule In Libya

Associated Press

A top Libyan al-Qaida commander has urged his countrymen to overthrow Moammar Gadhafi's regime and establish Islamic rule, expanding the terror network's attempts to capitalize on the wave of unrest sweeping the region.

Abu Yahia al-Libi, al-Qaida's Afghanistan commander, said in a video posted on a militant website that after the fall of the regimes in Tunisia and Egypt, it is now Gadhafi's turn, as rebel fighters there press a nearly monthlong campaign to oust him.




Well knock me down with a feather :boring: how many failed states can the region hold?

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The mad Colonel is slaughtering his own people it would only be a mad man who would not support the UN decision.


Someones ears must be burning. :crazy:

more mad men:

Russia warns against military intervention in Libya


“The responsibility for the inevitable humanitarian consequences of the excessive use of outside force in Libya will fall fair and square on the shoulders of those who might undertake such action. If this comes to pass, then not only the civilian population of Libya but also the cause of upholding peace and security throughout the whole region of North Africa and the Middle East will suffer. It is necessary to avoid such destabilizing developments,” the Russian envoy to the UN warned.

... http://english.ruvr.ru/2011/03/18/47609214.html

Germany 'Very Skeptical' About Military Intervention in Libya

March 18 (Bloomberg) -- Germany abstained from a United Nations Security Council resolution on Libya because Chancellor Angela Merkel's government is "very skeptical" about the option of military intervention it contains, Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle said in a statement.

"We see significant dangers and risks," Westerwelle said in the statement, published on the Foreign Ministry's Internet site. "Therefore we weren't able to agree to that part of the resolution."

... http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/g/a/2011/03/18/bloomberg1376-LI8R0N6JTSE801-04AFKCMNSCNQCU7RUN6POCIGRD.DTL

Warning Against Wars Like Iraq and Afghanistan

WEST POINT, N.Y. — Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates bluntly told an audience of West Point cadets on Friday that it would be unwise for the United States to ever fight another war like Iraq or Afghanistan, and that the chances of carrying out a change of government in that fashion again were slim.

“In my opinion, any future defense secretary who advises the president to again send a big American land army into Asia or into the Middle East or Africa should ‘have his head examined,’ as General MacArthur so delicately put it,” Mr. Gates told an assembly of Army cadets here.


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I cannot support this move - Libya and Khaddafi's forces haven't threatened or committed acts of war against other countries.

Khaddafi rightly regards this as an aggression against him personally.

He threatens with terrorism, but what else can he do?

I have an uneasy feeling about this, and if the NATO misses the colonel, this could be a reciepe for disaster.

You can't support the attempted prevention of a genocide? By the U.N.? blink.gif

1- I don't think this is a genocide, looks more like a civil war.

2- Western intervention in a muslim civil war... makes all my warning lights go crazy. Afghanistan has not been pacified after 10 years, nor has Irak been pacified.

I think they (the Libyans) should sort it out by themselves, we can still bomb the winner of their civil war if we don't like him.

3- if the Khaddafi survives, who knows how high the western death toll in airplanes, buses and trains will be... Or an airplane crash into a nuclear powerplant?

4- if the opposition wipes Khaddafi out, we have no guarantee about who will rule after him. Al Qaida or the muslim brotherhood?

Looks to me like a classical loose-loose game.

Edited by manarak
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Al Jazeera is reporting a Libyan jet fighter just got shot down over the city of Bengazi. Not sure if it was bought down by rebel AA fire or UN sactioned NATO aircraft.:blink:

Rebel Jet Shot Down By Libyan Troops

Reports say a rebel-operated jet fighter crashed in Benghazi, as Libyan forces continue to mount attacks despite a ceasefire being announced yesterday.



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French fighter jets enter Libyan airspace on reconnaissance mission.

By BNO News

PARIS (BNO NEWS) -- Several French fighter jets entered Libyan airspace on Saturday afternoon in order to carry out a reconnaissance mission, French television reported.

BFM Television said several French planes had flown over the territory of Libya for a reconnaissance mission, without providing other details. Al-Arabiya Television had a similar report, citing military sources.

The reports come as a high-profile meeting on Libya comes to an end in Paris.

(Copyright 2011 by BNO News B.V. All rights reserved. Info: [email protected].)


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Al Jazeera is reporting a Libyan jet fighter just got shot down over the city of Bengazi. Not sure if it was bought down by rebel AA fire or UN sactioned NATO aircraft.:blink:

Rebel Jet Shot Down By Libyan Troops

Reports say a rebel-operated jet fighter crashed in Benghazi, as Libyan forces continue to mount attacks despite a ceasefire being announced yesterday.



Thanks for the link Ed. very interesting indeed.

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What ever happens many of the Libyan people will simply blame everyone else if there is a bad outcome. If there is no intervention they will blame the west. If the west intervenes they will complain afterwards no matter that the result.

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oh my Gawd

the French fighters are in the air over Lybia since hours. Everybody sleeping here? Others to follow soon.

The UN Declaration permits military action of whatever kind to prevent Gaddhafi to kill the people. Only ground troops are not allowed.

Since weeks British SAS was operating in Lybia to mark strategic targets.

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They just never learn . Strange that Gaddaffi is the only one they want to assininate. Also amazing is that the west want to support the so called rebles . These are the very same people that have been controling Libya since Gaddaffi came to power.

I am discusted with the UN . Also with the UK . Why does every prick that comes to power in the US & UK want their war ? You can bet none of their kids will be fighting in it .

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Editorial comments from Stratfor...


The Libyan War of 2011

March 19, 2011 | 2333 GMT

By George Friedman

The Libyan war has now begun. It pits a coalition of European powers plus the United States, a handful of Arab states and rebels in Libya against the Libyan government. The long-term goal, unspoken but well understood, is regime change — displacing the government of Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi and replacing it with a new regime built around the rebels.

The mission is clearer than the strategy, and that strategy can’t be figured out from the first moves. The strategy might be the imposition of a no-fly zone, the imposition of a no-fly zone and attacks against Libya’s command-and-control centers, or these two plus direct ground attacks on Gadhafi’s forces. These could also be combined with an invasion and occupation of Libya.

The question, therefore, is not the mission but the strategy to be pursued. How far is the coalition, or at least some of its members, prepared to go to effect regime change and manage the consequences following regime change? How many resources are they prepared to provide and how long are they prepared to fight? It should be remembered that in Iraq and Afghanistan the occupation became the heart of the war, and regime change was merely the opening act. It is possible that the coalition partners haven’t decided on the strategy yet, or may not be in agreement. Let’s therefore consider the first phases of the war, regardless of how far they are prepared to go in pursuit of the mission.

Read more here: http://www.stratfor.com/analysis/20110319-libyan-war-2011?utm_source=SpecialReport&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=110319a&utm_content=readmore&elq=a0fd0248c8144d4aad5b4c5aea13ce02

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