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Israeli PM Netanyahu slams Palestine's unity efforts


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If BOTH a "Zionist" Jewish site and a neo-Nazi site agree that Louis T. McFadden was an antisemite, I think you can bet the house he WAS an antisemite.

I am embarrassed that I used that right wing white power type site, but somehow I think I'll get over it.

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My mistake, that would be an inappropriate source. However, his fed reserve "foreigner" rhetoric does sound classically antisemitic.

One could argue his "foreigner" rhetoric does sound classically Zionist.

Lieberman: 'World supporting creation of terror state'

By JPOST.COM STAFF 03/19/2011 12:43


All others, the world, the foreigners, against Israel.

Or look at all the xenophobic anti-islam rhetoric at this board the pro-zionist flood every middle east topic with.

Western hate speech against Muslims. disgusting.

No surprise that some of them browse around on a white nationalist and extreme right-wing online encyclopedia and get their facts from there.


Funny enough all the hate speeches are coming from you and towards the West.i guess watching video's even proven to be a hard task, not mentioning reading.

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Or look at all the xenophobic anti-islam rhetoric at this board

Some people have the nerve to complain about radical Islamic terrorism. What is the world coming to? cry-blow.gif

Nothing wrong with that, but some people are unable to differentiate between some Islamist extremists and terrorists and the 'Muslims world'.

Please explain the difference between Islamist extremist and a terrorist.? For some crazy reason i always thought terrorists were Islamic Extremists or at least supported terrorism

Almost forgot, please explain in YOUR OWN WORDS.

Thank you in advance

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Or look at all the xenophobic anti-islam rhetoric at this board

Some people have the nerve to complain about radical Islamic terrorism. What is the world coming to? cry-blow.gif

Nothing wrong with that, but some people are unable to differentiate between some Islamist extremists and terrorists and the 'Muslims world'.

You seem to be one of them as almost all the complaints are against radical terrorists, but you keep pretending that they are against all Muslims.

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Isreal is for democratic elections untill they do not go thier way. If they were smart they would be pro-active and quickly embrace a 2 state solutiong given current events and stop treating the 23% of Arabs living in Isreal as second class citizens. They are outside of the UN and the IAEA. Very intersting interview with helen thomas on AlJerzzerra yesterday stating that the 2 biggest lobbierst in the US were by far Israel and the gun lobby. I am paraphrasing here

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Isreal is for democratic elections untill they do not go thier way. If they were smart they would be pro-active and quickly embrace a 2 state solutiong given current events and stop treating the 23% of Arabs living in Isreal as second class citizens. They are outside of the UN and the IAEA. Very intersting interview with helen thomas on AlJerzzerra yesterday stating that the 2 biggest lobbierst in the US were by far Israel and the gun lobby. I am paraphrasing here

Helen Thomas, lovely lady, certifiable antisemite:


Lanny Davis, the former White House Counsel for President Bill Clinton, weighed in on the Helen Thomas controversy today, calling her an “an anti-Semitic bigot.”

“Helen Thomas, who I used to consider a close friend and who I used to respect, has showed herself to be an anti-Semitic bigot. This is not about her disagreement about her criticisms of Israel. She has a right to criticize Israel and that is not the same as being an anti-Semite,” Davis said in a statement.


“If she had asked all Blacks to go back to Africa, what would White House Correspondents Association position be as to whether she deserved White House press room credentials -- much less a privileged honorary seat?,” Davis asked.

David Nesenoff

Any comments on Israel? We're asking everybody today, any comments on Israel?

Helen Thomas

Tell 'em to get the hell out of Palestine.

David Nesenoff

Ooh. Any better comments than that?

Helen Thomas

Remember, these people are occupied, and it's their land, not German and not Poland's.

David Nesenoff

So where should they go? What should they do?

Helen Thomas

They could go home.

David Nesenoff

Where is home?

Helen Thomas

Poland. Germany.—

David Nesenoff

So the Jews— You're saying Jews should go back to Poland and Germany.

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Isreal is for democratic elections untill they do not go thier way. If they were smart they would be pro-active and quickly embrace a 2 state solutiong given current events and stop treating the 23% of Arabs living in Isreal as second class citizens. They are outside of the UN and the IAEA. Very intersting interview with helen thomas on AlJerzzerra yesterday stating that the 2 biggest lobbierst in the US were by far Israel and the gun lobby. I am paraphrasing here

Helen Thomas, lovely lady, certifiable antisemite:

David Nesenoff

Any comments on Israel? We're asking everybody today, any comments on Israel?

Helen Thomas

Tell 'em to get the hell out of Palestine.

David Nesenoff

Ooh. Any better comments than that?

Helen Thomas

Remember, these people are occupied, and it's their land, not German and not Poland's.

David Nesenoff

So where should they go? What should they do?

Helen Thomas

They could go home.

David Nesenoff

Where is home?

Helen Thomas

Poland. Germany.—

David Nesenoff

So the Jews— You're saying Jews should go back to Poland and Germany.

Her last qoutes cost her job. I merly said her most recent interview (in that she regrets some of her statements) was interesting and worth a look. I am very aware of her track record and prefer you qoute from that one in response to my reply. your respones are appreciated as I do enjoy your opinion.

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I saw some recent video of her more recent statements. She is pouring it on more than ever. Classic antisemitic dogma straight out of the Elders of Zion. Also a presumably intelligent lady like her trying that lame idiotic line that she can't be an antisemite because she's a semite. Any grade schooler understands well the term antisemite is about Jews, and not about Arabs. It's pathetic. I am sure she is the hero of the so called anti-Zionists now, but I find her hatred of Jews clear and obvious. Yes, like Lanny Davis, I used to like her, but she has come out of the closet for what she really is and there is nothing left to like.

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I saw some recent video of her more recent statements. She is pouring it on more than ever. Classic antisemitic dogma straight out of the Elders of Zion. Also a presumably intelligent lady like her trying that lame idiotic line that she can't be an antisemite because she's a semite. Any grade schooler understands well the term antisemite is about Jews, and not about Arabs. It's pathetic. I am sure she is the hero of the so called anti-Zionists now, but I find her hatred of Jews clear and obvious. Yes, like Lanny Davis, I used to like her, but she has come out of the closet for what she really is and there is nothing left to like.

Well, you bring her statements and interview quotes here to the topic. no one else.

On the next page you will complain that there is so much antisemitic propaganda is in this threads.

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I saw some recent video of her more recent statements. She is pouring it on more than ever. Classic antisemitic dogma straight out of the Elders of Zion. Also a presumably intelligent lady like her trying that lame idiotic line that she can't be an antisemite because she's a semite. Any grade schooler understands well the term antisemite is about Jews, and not about Arabs. It's pathetic. I am sure she is the hero of the so called anti-Zionists now, but I find her hatred of Jews clear and obvious. Yes, like Lanny Davis, I used to like her, but she has come out of the closet for what she really is and there is nothing left to like.

Well, you bring her statements and interview quotes here to the topic. no one else.

On the next page you will complain that there is so much antisemitic propaganda is in this threads.

I am not the one who suggested that Helen Thomas is someone that deserves an ounce of respect. Someone else did, so when that person is brought up, the reality of what she has become merits exposure. When she did the go back to Poland thing, at first I thought maybe it was senile dementia, but now much later, she keeps pouring it on, it is clear she is finally showing her REAL self.

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. When she did the go back to Poland thing, at first I thought maybe it was senile dementia, but now much later, she keeps pouring it on, it is clear she is finally showing her REAL self.

Well, i read here people suggesting the Palestinians could go to some rich Arab country and questions why the rich Arabs don't help the poor Palestinians.

I read also that the Palestinians don't have any rights to ask for a country because they never had one before. But there were still born there. Were does Golda Meir come from?

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Again, i merly said her last interview was interesting. I have had many Israeli freinds who are sympathetic to the Palestinisan's that continue to suffer. Yes, thier's a good part of the PLO that is corrupt but also a good number of Isrealis who do not support BN. <deleted> they didnt want the world to see Munich(a Speilberg flick) or the current one being screened by the UN made by a jewish American. There are two sides to every story and I like to take a look at both

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Again, i merly said her last interview was interesting. I have had many Israeli freinds who are sympathetic to the Palestinisan's that continue to suffer. Yes, thier's a good part of the PLO that is corrupt but also a good number of Isrealis who do not support BN. <deleted> they didnt want the world to see Munich(a Speilberg flick) or the current one being screened by the UN made by a jewish American. There are two sides to every story and I like to take a look at both

Two sides, huh? Sometimes one side is so wrong it isn't worth taking seriously. Like the bozos in the planes crashing into NYC. They had a side. Do you think their "side" deserves your consideration.

You don't need to watch Helen Thomas, just read the Elders of Zion and you know where she is coming from, the Jews control the world, yada, yada, yada.

You are twisting this. I certainly never said don't see any film you like or that Israeli policies don't deserve criticism or that Palestinians don't have legitimate beefs. I hope you don't think by dissing the bigot Helen Thomas, that means a person necessarily endorses Netanyahu. They aren't related things at all.

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Or look at all the xenophobic anti-islam rhetoric at this board

Some people have the nerve to complain about radical Islamic terrorism. What is the world coming to? cry-blow.gif

you can't have a meaningful discussion with people who have no shame to twist the words in your mouth. in the blink of an eye "anti-islam" becomes "radical islamic terrorism".

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Again, i merly said her last interview was interesting. I have had many Israeli freinds who are sympathetic to the Palestinisan's that continue to suffer. Yes, thier's a good part of the PLO that is corrupt but also a good number of Isrealis who do not support BN. <deleted> they didnt want the world to see Munich(a Speilberg flick) or the current one being screened by the UN made by a jewish American. There are two sides to every story and I like to take a look at both

Two sides, huh? Sometimes one side is so wrong it isn't worth taking seriously. Like the bozos in the planes crashing into NYC. They had a side. Do you think their "side" deserves your consideration.

You don't need to watch Helen Thomas, just read the Elders of Zion and you know where she is coming from, the Jews control the world, yada, yada, yada.

You are twisting this. I certainly never said don't see any film you like or that Israeli policies don't deserve criticism or that Palestinians don't have legitimate beefs. I hope you don't think by dissing the bigot Helen Thomas, that means a person necessarily endorses Netanyahu. They aren't related things at all.

Zionist never do anything wrong. And if you doubt that you are with the bozos who attack WTC on 9/11 or must get your stuff at least from the "Elders of Zion". nothing less.

There aren't two sides if you dare to criticize Zionists.

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. When she did the go back to Poland thing, at first I thought maybe it was senile dementia, but now much later, she keeps pouring it on, it is clear she is finally showing her REAL self.

Well, i read here people suggesting the Palestinians could go to some rich Arab country and questions why the rich Arabs don't help the poor Palestinians.

I read also that the Palestinians don't have any rights to ask for a country because they never had one before. But there were still born there. Were does Golda Meir come from?

Well my opinion is that the Palestinians most certainly deserve their own sovereign state. However, at this point in history, it is too much for them to insist on the entire land that is Israel. They may have a historical rationale for why Israel should never have been established as a Jewish state, but it was in 1948, and it is now well established, so it is too late now to undo that. If the Palestinian leadership continues to spout "full liberation" rhetoric they aren't helping make a negotiated two state solution happen any quicker.

Golda Meir was born in the Ukraine (Russian Empire), then her family moved to the USA; she later made Aliyah to British Mandate Palestine in 1921. Why do you ask?

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Again, i merly said her last interview was interesting. I have had many Israeli freinds who are sympathetic to the Palestinisan's that continue to suffer. Yes, thier's a good part of the PLO that is corrupt but also a good number of Isrealis who do not support BN. <deleted> they didnt want the world to see Munich(a Speilberg flick) or the current one being screened by the UN made by a jewish American. There are two sides to every story and I like to take a look at both

Two sides, huh? Sometimes one side is so wrong it isn't worth taking seriously. Like the bozos in the planes crashing into NYC. They had a side. Do you think their "side" deserves your consideration.

You don't need to watch Helen Thomas, just read the Elders of Zion and you know where she is coming from, the Jews control the world, yada, yada, yada.

You are twisting this. I certainly never said don't see any film you like or that Israeli policies don't deserve criticism or that Palestinians don't have legitimate beefs. I hope you don't think by dissing the bigot Helen Thomas, that means a person necessarily endorses Netanyahu. They aren't related things at all.

Where in my post did I say you are against people watching movies whixh were directed at the IDL btw and not you for the purpose of rational disscussion and not tanting? You have yet to qoute from the interview i merly said was interesting. Twisting? Chubby Checkers has nothing on you. :cheesy:

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. When she did the go back to Poland thing, at first I thought maybe it was senile dementia, but now much later, she keeps pouring it on, it is clear she is finally showing her REAL self.

Well, i read here people suggesting the Palestinians could go to some rich Arab country and questions why the rich Arabs don't help the poor Palestinians.

I read also that the Palestinians don't have any rights to ask for a country because they never had one before. But there were still born there. Were does Golda Meir come from?

Well my opinion is that the Palestinians most certainly deserve their own sovereign state. However, at this point in history, it is too much for them to insist on the entire land that is Israel. They may have a historical rationale for why Israel should never have been established as a Jewish state, but it was in 1948, and it is now well established, so it is too late now to undo that. If the Palestinian leadership continues to spout "full liberation" rhetoric they aren't helping make a negotiated two state solution happen any quicker.

Golda Meir was born in the Ukraine (Russian Empire), then her family moved to the USA; she later made Aliyah to British Mandate Palestine in 1921. Why do you ask?

Well, these people just revealed their REAL self with their comments.

But Zionists and pro-Zionist supporters cannot be racist, right?

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Well, these people just revealed their REAL self with their comments.

But Zionists and pro-Zionist supporters cannot be racist, right?

Some are. I never said any differently. But YOU have made it clear you're in the Zionism equals Racism crowd, which is a big fat lie.

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Where in my post did I say you are against people watching movies whixh were directed at the IDL btw and not you for the purpose of rational disscussion and not tanting? You have yet to qoute from the interview i merly said was interesting. Twisting? Chubby Checkers has nothing on you. :cheesy:

You find a rehash of classic antisemitism that could have been taken right out of the Elders of Zion INTERESTING, do you? Chacun à son goût. That isn't a "side" even worthy of consideration; it's simple old school bigotry.

“[The Jews are] using their power, and they have power in every direction,” she told Playboy. “Power over the White House, power over Congress … Everybody is in the pocket of the Israeli lobbies, which are funded by wealthy supporters, including those from Hollywood. Same thing with the financial markets. There’s total control … It isn’t the 2 percent. It’s real power when you own the White House, when you own these other places in terms of your political persuasion. Of course they have power. [To the interviewer] You don’t deny that. You’re Jewish, aren’t you?”

recent Playboy interview

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Well, these people just revealed their REAL self with their comments.

But Zionists and pro-Zionist supporters cannot be racist, right?

Some are. I never said any differently. But YOU have made it clear you're in the Zionism equals Racism crowd, which is a big fat lie.


Israeli columnist: Media dehumanizes Palestinians

Senior Haaretz writer Gideon Levy claims Israeli 'occupation' is 'tyranny' that won't last forever, says settlements are crimes, slams media for legitimizing attacks against Palestinians


"The Israeli media is dehumanizing the Palestinians systematically year after year, decade after decade and that is, in my view, the best explanation to this unusual phenomena in which the Israelis... live so much in peace with themselves," he explained.

He went as far as saying that an Israeli "propaganda machine" undermines any anti-Israel opinion. The few groups that dare to take a stand against the occupation by holding rallies and refusing to serve in the army are delegitimized.

According to Levy, this phenomenon has lead to a situation in which "five million Israelis are deeply convinced today that they are right and seven billion people of the world are wrong".

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Or look at all the xenophobic anti-islam rhetoric at this board

Some people have the nerve to complain about radical Islamic terrorism. What is the world coming to? cry-blow.gif

you can't have a meaningful discussion with people who have no shame to twist the words in your mouth. in the blink of an eye "anti-islam" becomes "radical islamic terrorism".

"you can't have a meaningful discussion with people who have no shame to twist the words in your mouth."

The complaints are not about "Islam', they are about "radical Islamic terrorism". Quit twisting people's words to fit your agenda.

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"The Israeli media is dehumanizing the Palestinians systematically year after year,..

It is starting to look like we have a visitor from the PRC.

Palestinian Return Centre: anti-Israeli Propaganda Center Affiliated with Hamas and Muslim Brotherhood

The Palestinian Return Centre: London-based center for anti-Israeli propaganda, affiliated with Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood, outlawed in Israel. It promotes the demand of the Palestinian refugees to return as a way of destroying Israel. Senior PRC figures send flotillas and convoys to the Gaza Strip and transfer funds to Hamas.


The Palestinian Return Centre (PRC) is a Palestinian center for anti-Israeli propaganda, established in London in 1996. It is affiliated with Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood and some of its senior figures are Hamas activists who found refuge in Britain.

Its foundation was based on rejection of the Oslo Accords, a strong denial of the right of the State of Israel to exist and the concept of the "right" of the Palestinian refugees and their descendents to return to the places abandoned in 1948, all to be used as tools to fight Israel and the peace process. The PRC holds intensive anti-Israeli propaganda activities in Britain, Europe and other countries around the globe and is an important factor in the network of organizations participating in the international campaign to delegitimize Israel.


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It is starting to look like we have a visitor from the PRC.

The appearance of the word Zionism in every second sentence is a bit of a giveaway. I wonder if this flare up of septic bilge is anything to do with Mubarrak being ousted to be replaced by the democratic :unsure: Muslim brotherhood in Egypt?

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... And if you doubt that you are with the bozos who attack WTC on 9/11 or must get your stuff at least from the "Elders of Zion". nothing less.

It is starting to become very apparent what your agenda is.

Think tank: Israel faces global delegitimization campaign

Report cites protests at campuses and sporting events, moves in Europe to boycott Israel, arrest threats.

By Barak Ravid Israel is facing a global campaign of delegitimization, according to a report by the Reut Institute, made available to the cabinet on Thursday. The Tel Aviv-based security and socioeconomic think tank called on ministers to treat the matter as a strategic threat.

The report cites anti-Israel demonstrations on campuses, protests when Israeli athletes compete abroad, moves in Europe to boycott Israeli products, and threats of arrest warrants for Israeli leaders visiting London.

Reut says the campaign is the work of a worldwide network of private individuals and organizations. They have no hierarchy or overall commander, but work together based on a joint ideology - portraying Israel as a pariah state and denying its right to exist.

Reut lists the network's major hubs - London, Brussels, Madrid, Toronto, San Francisco and the University of California, Berkeley. The network's activists - "delegitimizers" the report dubs them - are relatively marginal: young people, anarchists, migrants and radical political activists. Although they are not many, they raise their profile using public campaigns and media coverage, the report says. The "delegitimizers" cooperate with organizations engaging in legitimate criticism of Israel's policy in the territories such as Amnesty and Human Rights Watch, blurring the line between legitimate censure and delegitimization. They also promote pro-Palestinian activities in Europe as "trendy," the report says.


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Can you tell me any country that supports Israel with the settlements? There you must start to count.

Or is in all your open mind attitude just Obama who counts and all other getting it wrong?

Zionists are Israels problem, left or right. The bunker mentality and the phobia and disrespect of the others.

Golda Meir is a prime example for this.

The poll results I showed on page 46 had nothing to do with settlements. It was about the majority goal of Palestinians about what should eventually happen to ALL the land there.

Specifically --

Second Statement: The real goal should be to

start with two states but then move to it all

being one Palestinian state.

Why bother including a quote when your reply has NOTHING to do with it?


I think voices critical of Israel should be very welcome here. I am very critical myself of many Israeli policies. However, it would be better if this was limited to COHERENT voices, rather than classic dodgeball players.

Is it that difficult to understand?

If you check and look only for data that prove your alarmist worst scenario paranoia, the "TRUTH" (in your caps) and muslimphobia you will fail to see those you can held peace talks with.

Don't be surprise if with such arrogant bunker partisans nobody wants play no more.

And i just checked if on the international level anybody believes Netanyahu is willing for peace talks. Found nobody.

I do believe Netanyahu is eager to have peace in the region but he wants an Israeli twist to it and unless he steps down a notch or two, and accepts the elected government of Palestine as with whom he must negotiate as an equal player, it will not happen. It would be quite a legacy to be able to say he was the person who brought peace to the region.

Palestine has to know that when they send a leader with a terrorist history to the negotiations, it will be next to impossible to succeed. Palestine has an internal problem it must resolve before any of this can really move forward. They need a credible government and it is up to them to bite the bullet and elect one.

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Since firing rocket into Israel is acceptable because there is no damage, there should not be a problem with continuing settlements since Israel does not do ant damage and there really is NO need for 2 state solution because there is no damage. And no need to recognize Palestine BECAUSE there is no damage

Israel has a history of "false flag" activity for political gain. The motto of Mossad "By way of deception, we wage war" is born in Israel and in the back of every critical thinker's mind every time a few rockets are fired into the desert and strike nothing. Cui Bono, who benefits when a bunch of random rockets land in the desert and do no damage? Now, with that said, these were likely Palestinian rockets but there are other ways to look at it.

So yes, it does matter whether or not there was damage.

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Yes. But Netanyahu is not allowing the Palestinian players to negotiate between each other. That is the title of this thread.

Furthermore News article : Israeli jets have carried out a series of airstrikes in Gaza, wounding 17 people, mostly lightly, Palestinian emergency workers say.

They said that two women and seven children were among those hurt on Monday night and Tuesday morning.

An Israeli military spokesman said aircraft attacked a total of six targets."

And with more news headlines overnight like the above, he aint going about establishing peace in the Middle East the right way.

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Since firing rocket into Israel is acceptable because there is no damage, there should not be a problem with continuing settlements since Israel does not do ant damage and there really is NO need for 2 state solution because there is no damage. And no need to recognize Palestine BECAUSE there is no damage

Israel has a history of "false flag" activity for political gain.

Is Mossad sneaking into Gaza and shooting off 50 rockets into occupied areas of Israel? What a load of complete nonsense.

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