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Where Can I Get A Great Steak Central Bkk?


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i panned roadhouse cause did not look convenient. home run perfect save for not wed eves. trajai sounds like id give a try if i could get a 2nd 3rd on it.

so outback by default. she can eat @ ruths if her visa comes thru.

Outback is shut at the moment as they are re-locating, at least they were last week.

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Believe post 3 to be valid although have not eaten there since it was located in Siam Square in the 70's. Too much service for my liking but the food was great.

Neil’s Tavern , the house of the best steak and seafood, first opened for

business in 1969. The restaurant was originally located at the famous

Siam Square, Bangkok.

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Believe post 3 to be valid although have not eaten there since it was located in Siam Square in the 70's. Too much service for my liking but the food was great.

Neil’s Tavern , the house of the best steak and seafood, first opened for

business in 1969. The restaurant was originally located at the famous

Siam Square, Bangkok.

Went to Neil's on my birthday back in October, looking forward to a nice meal as we have had there many times. Unfortunately, the place seems to have gone downhill considerably IMHO.

Lots of items removed from the menu- blacked out with a magic marker. (You'd think that with the prices they charge they could spring to re-print the menu after making so many changes.) Despite what previous posters say about sauce on a steak, I like mine with Bearnaise, which was one of the removed items.

They served my steak with a meager portion of french fries; I had to make a bunch of noise in order to get a baked potato, and they wanted to charge me extra for it. The steak was cooked beyond the medium rare that I ordered, which only served to aggravate me further.

The best part of the whole experience was the fact that the valets washed the car while we were having dinner!

I guess it is true that nothing lasts forever, and that Neil's has become complacent after a few decades of being the best. Sad really, because in the more than half dozen times times that I have been there over the years, it really was a great meal worthy of the accolades.

I'll be looking at some of the choices mentioned for the next birthday!

Edited by bino
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thanks. lots of choice. can i narrow it down? sorry.

something like ny strip or sm filet. us style steak house. id settle for outback quality. id pay ruth chris prices if i was certain of that quality.

casual to super casual

2 drinks 2 meals B2500

not near any p4p scene

yes she is very thai. you know many thais that dont like beef? i dont?

Thanks four more to go.

Ha, right on. Didn't think you'd want to spend your evening meal with your girlfriend watching the action on soi cowboy :lol:

Some people have been here too long.....

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Ha, right on. Didn't think you'd want to spend your evening meal with your girlfriend watching the action on soi cowboy :lol:

Some people have been here too long.....

If a restaurant is good, i really couldn't care where it is. There's a very famous French restaurant right in the heart of Patpong, that has a very goof reputation.

In my experience, guys who avoid taking a date anywhere near P4P places, aren't the guys living by some sort of a higher moral code than the rest of us, rather the guys who have spent the last however many years shagging their way through countless bar girls, and who daren't risk going anywhere they might be recognised by a prostitute, whilst with their first genuine date in ages. Maybe you haven't been here long enough to have noticed this....

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Ha, right on. Didn't think you'd want to spend your evening meal with your girlfriend watching the action on soi cowboy :lol:

Some people have been here too long.....

If a restaurant is good, i really couldn't care where it is. There's a very famous French restaurant right in the heart of Patpong, that has a very goof reputation.

In my experience, guys who avoid taking a date anywhere near P4P places, aren't the guys living by some sort of a higher moral code than the rest of us, rather the guys who have spent the last however many years shagging their way through countless bar girls, and who daren't risk going anywhere they might be recognised by a prostitute, whilst with their first genuine date in ages. Maybe you haven't been here long enough to have noticed this....

I wouldn't say its any, as you put it; "moral code," as I have no problem with prostitution being legal (although it is illegal here), I also believe in the decriminalization of drugs, doesn't mean I want to eat dinner watching junkies shoot up :blink:

Edited by Kilgore Trout
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If a restaurant is good, i really couldn't care where it is. There's a very famous French restaurant right in the heart of Patpong, that has a very goof reputation.

In my experience, guys who avoid taking a date anywhere near P4P places, aren't the guys living by some sort of a higher moral code than the rest of us, rather the guys who have spent the last however many years shagging their way through countless bar girls, and who daren't risk going anywhere they might be recognised by a prostitute, whilst with their first genuine date in ages. Maybe you haven't been here long enough to have noticed this....

I wouldn't say its any, as you put it; "moral code," as I have no problem with prostitution being legal (although it is illegal here), I also believe in the decriminalization of drugs, doesn't mean I want to eat dinner watching junkies shoot up :blink:

You are what I call here in LOS a "reverse moralist," so get of your high (or low, whatever you want to call it)horse and come back to reality........

Your analogy about not wishing to eat dinner whilst watching people shoot up would be valid were the eating establishments suggested offering a clear view of prostitutes engaged in various acts involved in servicing their punters. They do not. If having to pass by the distant sight of some flashing neon signs is too much for your sensibilities then fine, up to you, but don't judge others who simply accept these scenes as being part of Bangkok and don't let those scenes determine where they can and where they can't go.

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If a restaurant is good, i really couldn't care where it is. There's a very famous French restaurant right in the heart of Patpong, that has a very goof reputation.

In my experience, guys who avoid taking a date anywhere near P4P places, aren't the guys living by some sort of a higher moral code than the rest of us, rather the guys who have spent the last however many years shagging their way through countless bar girls, and who daren't risk going anywhere they might be recognised by a prostitute, whilst with their first genuine date in ages. Maybe you haven't been here long enough to have noticed this....

I wouldn't say its any, as you put it; "moral code," as I have no problem with prostitution being legal (although it is illegal here), I also believe in the decriminalization of drugs, doesn't mean I want to eat dinner watching junkies shoot up :blink:

You are what I call here in LOS a "reverse moralist," so get of your high (or low, whatever you want to call it)horse and come back to reality........

Your analogy about not wishing to eat dinner whilst watching people shoot up would be valid were the eating establishments suggested offering a clear view of prostitutes engaged in various acts involved in servicing their punters. They do not. If having to pass by the distant sight of some flashing neon signs is too much for your sensibilities then fine, up to you, but don't judge others who simply accept these scenes as being part of Bangkok and don't let those scenes determine where they can and where they can't go.

I think the tables described were right on soi cowboy so more than just a distant sight, but ok, shooting up may be a bad analogy, how about openly buying it, I wouldn't want to eat watching the Vietnam vets line up for methadone either :bah:

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No such thing as a 2 inch thick, Angus prime steak in BKK. BBQ one yourself or go to Singapore; Morton's in Singapore has the best steaks in the world outside the US or Oz. Period.

I just love this post. The poster clearly knows everything there is to know in the world which is steak related.

Therefore I'll have to ask him....what did you think of Chadwick's in Balham?


Steak is way overpriced in Bangkok. Take a trip to Samui and eat top quality for under 1000 Baht. Its a promise. ;)


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I think the tables described were right on soi cowboy so more than just a distant sight, but ok, shooting up may be a bad analogy,

The person who mentioned the restaurant to which you refer also made the point that if one wished, one could take a seat inside where one's eyes are protected from all the nasty sights.

Anyway, as i said before, horses for courses. Can we not just respect that somebody likes something we don't, or might do something that we wouldn't, without looking down on them?

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No such thing as a 2 inch thick, Angus prime steak in BKK. BBQ one yourself or go to Singapore; Morton's in Singapore has the best steaks in the world outside the US or Oz. Period.

I just love this post. The poster clearly knows everything there is to know in the world which is steak related.

Therefore I'll have to ask him....what did you think of Chadwick's in Balham?


Steak is way overpriced in Bangkok. Take a trip to Samui and eat top quality for under 1000 Baht. Its a promise. ;)


;) Or at Orgasmic. :D

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I think the tables described were right on soi cowboy so more than just a distant sight, but ok, shooting up may be a bad analogy,

The person who mentioned the restaurant to which you refer also made the point that if one wished, one could take a seat inside where one's eyes are protected from all the nasty sights.

Anyway, as i said before, horses for courses. Can we not just respect that somebody likes something we don't, or might do something that we wouldn't, without looking down on them?

Perhaps you are referring to another forum :o

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I have never ever heard of a Thai not eating beef for religious reasons unless they were a Hindu Thai or vegetarian. Rubbish. Thai's do not eat beef because it is expensive. They eat loads of pork because it is cheap.

MY gf does not come out of the P4P scene but knows well enough about all that nonsense as most Thai women. Could have a great steak, but we won't be there. I'm not shy nor she - just not my thing. If it were I would be single. I would far and away rather go somewhere to see beautiful and well dressed proper women than the sluts tramping around any of the p4p area. Steak could be B100, we won't be there.

SO ... Outback is closed. Maybe its sushi. Not like we are going to Landmark on Sat or flying to SIN to grab a slab at Mortons.

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I would far and away rather go somewhere to see beautiful and well dressed proper women than the sluts tramping around any of the p4p area. Steak could be B100, we won't be there.

"If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,

' Or walk with Kings - nor lose the common touch,"

You sir, will never be a man.

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I have never ever heard of a Thai not eating beef for religious reasons unless they were a Hindu Thai or vegetarian. Rubbish. Thai's do not eat beef because it is expensive. They eat loads of pork because it is cheap.

I would have to say that your exposure to a wide cross-section of Thai people is rather limited. :rolleyes:


Anyway, could we please stay on topic "great steaks", rather than surrounding attractions/distractions.

Thanx. B)

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Check-In Garden, Soi 7 Suk, not as ridiculously expensive as some places, but a really good steak, excellent range sauces (I like the Londoner mustard sauce) good live, but not too noisy, entertainment most nights.

Only place I eat steak in BKK. 450bht

shouldnt be spreading the secret they only have 6 tables.

Its crap dont go there :bah:

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I would far and away rather go somewhere to see beautiful and well dressed proper women than the sluts tramping around any of the p4p area. Steak could be B100, we won't be there.

"If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,

' Or walk with Kings - nor lose the common touch,"

You sir, will never be a man.

Thanks for the Kipling quote. Eloquent and so true.

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I'm no stranger to that scene most certainly. If I wanted to have anything to do with it I wouldn't have a girlfriend. Further, when I left that scene behind I was finding it increasing - finished. Full of drugs, big problems and really bad people. But sorry if this sounds so haughty - the notion of us going into one of these holes that no self respecting Thai would be seen in - and drag my gf there is just folly. For my 50th birthday no less. I mean why would my girlfriend even find this acceptable?

Lower Sukumvhit is not my thing, but thanks for that tip.

As for Thai's eating beef and the cross section I am exposed to - My girlfriend just told me "Thai people eat everything". But she also told me that about 15% don't eat beef out of some Buddhist/reincarnation thing - which I am sure is influenced by the Hindus. She also told me some Chinese don't eat beef - but I don't know because Chinese eat EVERYTHING.

Anyway, I called Outback right now 1240hrs and no one answered so they may very well be closed.

Wish I could get one of those hotel deals on the weekend. B1400 quite acceptable.

Looks like sushi....

OK, so I told her we were eating steak BUT...Outback seems to be closed. She suggested Sizzler (I love her), then she starts thinking and tells me she wants to go to this simple Thai restaurant chain so she can get somtam. But I pry a little bit.... "expensive". No problem...REALLY!! smile.gifsmile.gifsmile.gifjap.gif Even after over one year, I still find her lovely.

Edited by bangkokburning
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I'm no stranger to that scene most certainly. If I wanted to have anything to do with it I wouldn't have a girlfriend. Further, when I left that scene behind I was finding it increasing - finished. Full of drugs, big problems and really bad people. But sorry if this sounds so haughty - the notion of us going into one of these holes that no self respecting Thai would be seen in - and drag my gf there is just folly. For my 50th birthday no less. I mean why would my girlfriend even find this acceptable?

Were we talking about the bars and go-gos themselves, absolutely i would agree; no self respecting Thai would be seen in them. But we are not. We are talking about restaurants, not "holes", restaurants... restaurants that happen to be near certain entertainment areas. Thais in general tend not to frequent these establishments, not because of where they are near, but because they happen to be in areas known to cater to foreign tastes. If i happened to invite any of the many Thais i associate with in Bangkok to one of these places, i'm one hundred percent certain that not one of them would refuse on the basis of taking some sort of a moral stand. If the food was good they simply would not care - better things to worry about. Draw whatever conclusions from that about them and about me that you care to.

All that said, hope you and your gf enjoy a good birthday meal, wherever you decide to go. Happy 50th.

P.S. And on the subject of beef, i would say the percentage of Thais who don't eat it is much higher than 15%. Reasons tend to vary, but one that i have certainly never heard given is cost. Beef is more expensive than pork but not by that much.

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... a really good steak, excellent range sauces (I like the Londoner mustard sauce)

A good steak does not need any kind of sauce and it is a waste of a good steak to use one.:o


Nothing wrong with a dab of mustard, as long as it is real mustard of course, not that yellow namby pamby puppy pooh that Americans put on hot dogs.

I wonder if that is why they are called 'dogs'

Some people seriously do need to learn how to enhance or compliment the taste of some foods.

called 'hot dogs' cos sausages by law (even in USA) have to contain xx% of meat -- hotdogs not covered by statue and can contain yyyyyy

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