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Thailand Rejects Foreign Election Monitors


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Reading some of my young Thai niece's schoolbooks it's no wonder they end up which such a twisted xenophobic view of reality. Taught (indoctrinated) from a very young age how special the Thai people are compared to everyone else. :(

Such a pity that such a beautiful country has such a high % of simpleminded fools populating it.

Ha Ha Ha ... You wouldn't believe how special they think they are, or maybe, were taught they are. I come into conflict with this mind set daily.. Even when I'm staying here at a Thai temple in the USA, I'm not considered to have more knowledge of whats happening and how to do something than they do. BUT, as soon as a problem shows it's ugly head, guess who they come running to. And I was born here, USA, and have worked and lived here for over 68 years. It's got so bad, that I quit helping them doing anything unless they come out and ask me point blank. Then, I make them do it the correct way, not the Thai way. Needless to say, they pretty much leave me alone. :lol: unless they have a problem.

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What a bunch of pathetic, pretentious cry babies.

Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me. I learned that when I was five. Apparently the education of farang is not all it's cracked up to be.

It is their country.

Yes, but some of us have been here 20 years and made it our home,speak fluent Thai, own a lot of land. My wife and I have over 5,000 rai of land. Although in her name, it is shared between us.

We have children who are Thai citizens with traces of royal blood. We employ many Thai people.

Sticks and stones etc may be something that we can strive toward but at the moment, i'm a mere mortal and get hurt when people call me names.

It's your ego that gets hurt not you. actually, that's not true either. your ego has no pain sensors, so can't really get hurt. It's just something you say when you don't like to hear certain things. It means nothing. it's just words. This is the kind of attitude that causes conflict and wars. If I told you that farang meant, handsome, sexy, genius man. would it make you feel better? :)

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He should be shot or in jail for saying such rude remarks about us. We're the ones bringing in the tourism and money to Thailand. Without us, who knows what Thailand would be like today. That's just like saying something bad about the King. Get him out of the office!

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Here is a pretty accurate translation of the context of Suthep's remarks from the newspaper Thai Daily News http://www.thairath.co.th/content/pol/1583

Regarding whetherthe Democratic Alliance Against Dictatorship (DAAD) leaders wanting to inviteinternational organizations to observe the elections in Thailand, would behelpful in investigating have otherbenefits, Mr Suthep said, "The (redshirt) leaders have strange (ideas). They don't respect the sovereignty of their own (country). There are many Thai organizations. (Thai) media (representatives), universityprofessors or students or whatever. Whyshould anyone esteem westerners to thatextent? I don't like this sort ofthing. The (red shirts) like to getoutsiders involved in our internal affairs. I don't think they should. Itisn't appropriate.

When asked if theoversight of Thai elections was of a sufficiently high standard to ensure thateverything was done in a fair manner, Mr. Suthep said, "I don't esteemwesterners as being better than Thai people. Don't bring westerners here to control Thai people. I think our (own) Election Commission issufficient to the task. If you want tosupplement the oversight of the Election Commission or examine the ElectionCommission itself, then make use of the views of Thai people. The media, the academic sector, the privatesector, the business sector, and students (all) can contribute. (We should) do away with the notion that one ought to run and submit (oneself) to westerners for (the solution to all one's problems). [end translation]

I think it's pretty clear that he was trying to say that he didn't want outside interference and that Thailand was perfectly capable of solving its own political problems. Imagine what American politicians might say at the prospect of giving an international body oversight of American elections! The quote that "I don't respect farangs." is not reflective of the complete quote and does not convey his meaning well.

I don't think the translation is accurate.

The original ThaiRath article refers a verbatim quote from Suthep:

ผมไม่นับถือฝรั่งก็แล้วกัน ผมไม่เห็นว่าฝรั่งจะดีกว่าคนไทย อย่าเอาฝรั่งมาข่มคนไทย

This means

I don't respect western foreigners (farangs).

I don't think that western foreigners (farangs) would be better than Thai people (in overseeing the election).

Don't bring western foreigners (farang) here (into Thailand) to control Thai people.

The controversial first sentence here is concluded with ก็แล้วกัน which could be translated as "and that's that" or "if you want to put it like that". The statement is self-contained and even separated from the next sentence with a space which would not be necessary or would even be incorrect if there was any junction with the next sentence. In the second sentence Suthep may have tried to backtrack from the first, but the meaning "I don't esteemwesterners as being better than Thai people" cannot be inferred here IMHO.

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I will concede that your translation is more literal than mine. However, the phrase นัิบถีอ does not mean exclusively respect. Esteem is a perfectly acceptable translation of this word. And one can view the next phrase as being explanatory of the first sentence. "I don't esteem farangs. (That is), I don't think farangs are better than Thai people." IMHO, the overall sense of the quote is that Suthep doesn't think outsiders should be involved in monitoring Thai elections. He thinks Thais are perfectly capable of handling this task themselves. He resents the idea of having Thais run to the international community to solve problems that they can and should solve themselves. He's not talking about whether or not he has respect for farangs as human beings or not.

Therefore, maybe I should have been more literal in my translation. But on the issue of whether his remarks can be fairly understood as being focused on his feelings for farangs as people worthy of "respect" or not, I stand by my original position. This was not what he meant. He may (or may not) be a racist, but this quote doesn't show that he is.

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I don't think the translation is accurate.

The original ThaiRath article refers a verbatim quote from Suthep:

ผมไม่นับถือฝรั่งก็แล้วกัน ผมไม่เห็นว่าฝรั่งจะดีกว่าคนไทย อย่าเอาฝรั่งมาข่มคนไทย

This means

I don't respect western foreigners (farangs).

I don't think that western foreigners (farangs) would be better than Thai people (in overseeing the election).

Don't bring western foreigners (farang) here (into Thailand) to control Thai people.

The controversial first sentence here is concluded with ก็แล้วกัน which could be translated as "and that's that" or "if you want to put it like that". The statement is self-contained and even separated from the next sentence with a space which would not be necessary or would even be incorrect if there was any junction with the next sentence. In the second sentence Suthep may have tried to backtrack from the first, but the meaning "I don't esteemwesterners as being better than Thai people" cannot be inferred here IMHO.

I think as well as respect, นับถือ can also mean 'look up to' in the sense of relative status, which isn't quite as harsh.

ผมไม่นับถือฝรั่งก็แล้วกัน ผมไม่เห็นว่าฝรั่งจะดีกว่าคนไทย could also be, 'I just don't look up to farang. Farangs aren't better than Thai', which was said in the context of the red shirt's request to bring in Western observers to monitor the elections and Suthep counters by saying that Thais are capable of monitoriing them themselves.

Just an alternative take.

[Cross-posted with mikenyork].

Edited by katana
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The bottom line is that you DO NOT have the right to any sort of active opinion toward Thailand. You are ALL only visitors here most of whom are reeping many benefits in the form of hiding assets, evading taxes, escaping lives in the west, satisfying sexual fantasy tours, maximizing meager retirement accounts by living in this inexpensive land of "wine", women, and song. A minority are actually here for humanitarian or other non- selfcentered reasons. So spare me this "I have rights" bull. Most of you skating through to the end of your lives in a place that makes it all easy and pleasurable for you without having to pay any dues at all. And before you bring up visa fees or bank account mandates, they are in reality a cheap fee to pay in the end analysis. 2000 baht for 3 months = $60 USD. Wow! Sorry but that does not qualify. I am talking more about dues societally. But no one would want to really get involved even if they could. Only complain like armchair quarterbacks.

Aren't farang paying their dues by paying money for everything they receive here? Do you think Thailand would be better off if they all left?

What is it that you do in Thailand?

No, actually that is not paying "dues", that is called "cost of living" and that will occur no matter where you live on this planet. If your post were applied to the full context of my post you would see that your question was answered already but I will reiterate for you. Societal dues in the form of being a citizen of this country and all that being a Thai national entails which almost all farang posters here clearly demonstrate does NOT apply to them. Even those who have been here for decades are still as foreign to this culture as the day they arrived and perhaps have even taken steps backward instead of forward in their acceptance of the fact that Thais have their own unique way of seeing the universe and still feel that it is the Thais who must change because these visiting farang don't approve. Get real Mr Foreigner Farang. If your opinion of anything Thai is contradictory to your view of Utopia, it is NOT your place to judge and certainly not denegrade the Thai people for it. YOU are the foreigner here even though you would like to believe that the universe revolves around your western view of things. Would the Thai way work for us in the west? Nope, but they are not taking to us in our homelands andin the process telling us we are stupid and brainless even though any reasonable person could pick apart any western country's economy and cutlure and quirky habits of the indigenous locals.

I sought a life life partner and found her here in Thailand. I have investments and business in the USA and teach English here as a sideline boredom breaker and small income generator. Let me know what problems you see with my life too. Love to hear your views. Even if it is really none of your business how I live my life or what I do on a daily basis or what political or moral values I hold.............. getting my drift?

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He should be shot or in jail for saying such rude remarks about us. We're the ones bringing in the tourism and money to Thailand. Without us, who knows what Thailand would be like today. That's just like saying something bad about the King. Get him out of the office!

My aren't we full of ourselves today. Western tourism accounts for an infinitessimal percentile of the historical timeline of Thailand/Siam but thank goodness we swooped in here and saved this poor decrepid country with our mighty western tourist money! You know that farang money does not get equally distributed among the masses here don't you? Only a select segment of Thai society gets a piece of that manna from heaven. Get over your self already...... In case you haven't noticed, there are a lot of very wealthy Thais. Spend a little time at a bank once and watch the hundred of thousands of baht flying in and out of that institution on any given morning. You are NOT important to the big picture at all.

edited out a percentile numeral as I did not want to start a debate over a specific numeral's correctness. (gotta watch everything you say here)

Edited by 61guitarman61
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You remind me of a gone-bamboo-Keith-Olbermann. Not all business operate on exports and cheap labor, but your bleeding heart mentality is far from understanding the intricacies of capitalism. I see you have a lot of hang-ups with western society. It's unfortunate.

As far as the picture of the westerners you seem to paint, I can only imagine the company you keep.

By the way, do you need to 'denounce your homeland' to become an immigrant citizen? I can see it now, all those Thai citizens in America - being asked to burn the Thai flag in front of officials in order to become 'immigrant citizens'.

So what you're saying then is that there are western business owners here in Thailand that pay western scale wages to the Thais working for them? Really?

As for any hangups I may or may not have, the only one pertinent to this discussion is jackarse comments made of a racial or cultural nature that would lead one to beleive the author is actually a white supremecist or Nazi. The picture I paint is actually a photograph that can be viewed at any walking street gogo and pub in the meccas of western decadence created specifically for westerners either by other westerners or enterprising Thais. The ugly views are not ficticious or manufactured. And posters here bear that out.

To become a citizen of another country you most certainly do need to give up your citizenship in your former country. Only those with mixed blood are allowed dual citizenship. Have you ever been to a naturalization ceremony? Have you listened to the vow a new American citizen takes? We're not talking about a retirement visa here. CITIZENSHIP. How many western Thai CITIZENS do you know? Answer: None

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To become a citizen of another country you most certainly do need to give up your citizenship in your former country. Only those with mixed blood are allowed dual citizenship. Have you ever been to a naturalization ceremony? Have you listened to the vow a new American citizen takes? We're not talking about a retirement visa here. CITIZENSHIP. How many western Thai CITIZENS do you know? Answer: None


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The bottom line is that you DO NOT have the right to any sort of active opinion toward Thailand. You are ALL only visitors here most of whom are reeping many benefits in the form of hiding assets, evading taxes, escaping lives in the west, satisfying sexual fantasy tours, maximizing meager retirement accounts by living in this inexpensive land of "wine", women, and song. A minority are actually here for humanitarian or other non- selfcentered reasons. So spare me this "I have rights" bull. Most of you skating through to the end of your lives in a place that makes it all easy and pleasurable for you without having to pay any dues at all. And before you bring up visa fees or bank account mandates, they are in reality a cheap fee to pay in the end analysis. 2000 baht for 3 months = $60 USD. Wow! Sorry but that does not qualify. I am talking more about dues societally. But no one would want to really get involved even if they could. Only complain like armchair quarterbacks.

Aren't farang paying their dues by paying money for everything they receive here? Do you think Thailand would be better off if they all left?

What is it that you do in Thailand?

No, actually that is not paying "dues", that is called "cost of living" and that will occur no matter where you live on this planet. If your post were applied to the full context of my post you would see that your question was answered already but I will reiterate for you. Societal dues in the form of being a citizen of this country and all that being a Thai national entails which almost all farang posters here clearly demonstrate does NOT apply to them. Even those who have been here for decades are still as foreign to this culture as the day they arrived and perhaps have even taken steps backward instead of forward in their acceptance of the fact that Thais have their own unique way of seeing the universe and still feel that it is the Thais who must change because these visiting farang don't approve. Get real Mr Foreigner Farang. If your opinion of anything Thai is contradictory to your view of Utopia, it is NOT your place to judge and certainly not denegrade the Thai people for it. YOU are the foreigner here even though you would like to believe that the universe revolves around your western view of things. Would the Thai way work for us in the west? Nope, but they are not taking to us in our homelands andin the process telling us we are stupid and brainless even though any reasonable person could pick apart any western country's economy and cutlure and quirky habits of the indigenous locals.

I sought a life life partner and found her here in Thailand. I have investments and business in the USA and teach English here as a sideline boredom breaker and small income generator. Let me know what problems you see with my life too. Love to hear your views. Even if it is really none of your business how I live my life or what I do on a daily basis or what political or moral values I hold.............. getting my drift?

I get your drift, what you are; and there are many like you...are nothing more than white clowns here to entertain Thais, be the butt of their jokes and provide a living for your "life partner." Perhaps you could put on some whiteface and sing mammy B) , just change the words to "farang.

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Suthep's comments might seem a bit harsh and inappropriate (they are!), but if you ask any Thai - who isn't an ardent red shirt - how they feel about foreign election monitors, you'll probably get a similar response!

I read it as, he said that he didn't respect westerners. Period. Suppose it could be the interpretation?


He is only saying what a lot of other thais are thinking, if Thailand was a first rate country like Japan, Taiwan, China, or Singapore you would hear a lot more of this kind of bribble, but as Thailand HAS to depend on foreigners for a great deal of their income, most will just snerk under their breath and take the hand outs and dual pricing instead!
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This is my last post as a European business man here for 11years. How dare this brain dead politician make such a statement about us. No doubt he is driving a high end Germam car manufactured inThailand. Abhiset should demand an immediate apology from him or replace him with Korn.

Just out of curiosity is the guy a red shirt or yellow shirt. I don't know and was just wondering

Neither, he's a Thai democrat not in PAD, but the reds would label him closer to yellow, if you insist on labels.

wasn't insisting on labels and I am extreemly sorry if it came across that way. I am so so sorry. I thought you had the reds then you had the yellows just like you have liberals/labour in Aust or Republicans/Democrats in the U.S. I am extreemely sorry again if I offended you by your thinking that I was insisting on labels. Very very sorry.

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I thing to notice is the amount of VERY successf members who own a number of business in Thailand and yet any time someone posts business related question there hardly any replies . Any time some one ask for recommendation for lawyer or accountant there is hardly any replies.

And I guess one of the best parts is that a huge number of those VERY successful business owners happen to live in Isaan, which naturally leads one to believe that Isaan is one rich region filled with cash.

Of course there is always another interesting factor, the VERY successful business owners spend most of their days on the forum and their replies come at all hours of the day and night. For some crazy reason I assumed that those be busy with running business instead of being on the forum for most if the time.

In my life all successful business owners I met always had a nice car, especially in Thailand where its all about a face, so strangely enough a few of those successful business owners on this forum( no need to name, they know who they are) advertise their cars and bikes in classifieds and let's just their cars or bikes or other things are rather of someone desperate and running out of money .

Then ALWAYS on threads like this so so so many speak fluent Thai and yet post copy/paste translations from online dictionary"s

Also with so many fluent speakers they all must be hiding when out and about. So far in 8 years I ever saw 1 foreigner who spoke fluent Thai.

Of course when there are post about Thai language all those scholars are busy with business running

But anyhow the beauty of Internet and forums is one can be anything and everything he/she ever dreamed

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To become a citizen of another country you most certainly do need to give up your citizenship in your former country. Only those with mixed blood are allowed dual citizenship. Have you ever been to a naturalization ceremony? Have you listened to the vow a new American citizen takes? We're not talking about a retirement visa here. CITIZENSHIP. How many western Thai CITIZENS do you know? Answer: None


Guitarman is so so incorrect. It may be so for the U.S but I can't comment on U.S immigration laws or Policies. In Australia you do not have to give up your former citizenship. My wife and son hold both Australian and Thai citizenship. My son obtained his by decent and my wife was granted hers. So it is total rubbish to say you have renounce former citizenship.

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This is my last post as a European business man here for 11years. How dare this brain dead politician make such a statement about us. No doubt he is driving a high end Germam car manufactured inThailand. Abhiset should demand an immediate apology from him or replace him with Korn.

Just out of curiosity is the guy a red shirt or yellow shirt. I don't know and was just wondering

Neither, he's a Thai democrat not in PAD, but the reds would label him closer to yellow, if you insist on labels.

you mean the guy who stood up at the ILLEGAL airport take-over and cheered on the yellows? and is now Deputy PM? you mean that guy? now let me think...

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The bottom line is that you DO NOT have the right to any sort of active opinion toward Thailand. You are ALL only visitors here most of whom are reeping many benefits in the form of hiding assets, evading taxes, escaping lives in the west, satisfying sexual fantasy tours, maximizing meager retirement accounts by living in this inexpensive land of "wine", women, and song. A minority are actually here for humanitarian or other non- selfcentered reasons. So spare me this "I have rights" bull. Most of you skating through to the end of your lives in a place that makes it all easy and pleasurable for you without having to pay any dues at all. And before you bring up visa fees or bank account mandates, they are in reality a cheap fee to pay in the end analysis. 2000 baht for 3 months = $60 USD. Wow! Sorry but that does not qualify. I am talking more about dues societally. But no one would want to really get involved even if they could. Only complain like armchair quarterbacks.

Aren't farang paying their dues by paying money for everything they receive here? Do you think Thailand would be better off if they all left?

What is it that you do in Thailand?

No, actually that is not paying "dues", that is called "cost of living" and that will occur no matter where you live on this planet. If your post were applied to the full context of my post you would see that your question was answered already but I will reiterate for you. Societal dues in the form of being a citizen of this country and all that being a Thai national entails which almost all farang posters here clearly demonstrate does NOT apply to them. Even those who have been here for decades are still as foreign to this culture as the day they arrived and perhaps have even taken steps backward instead of forward in their acceptance of the fact that Thais have their own unique way of seeing the universe and still feel that it is the Thais who must change because these visiting farang don't approve. Get real Mr Foreigner Farang. If your opinion of anything Thai is contradictory to your view of Utopia, it is NOT your place to judge and certainly not denegrade the Thai people for it. YOU are the foreigner here even though you would like to believe that the universe revolves around your western view of things. Would the Thai way work for us in the west? Nope, but they are not taking to us in our homelands andin the process telling us we are stupid and brainless even though any reasonable person could pick apart any western country's economy and cutlure and quirky habits of the indigenous locals.

I sought a life life partner and found her here in Thailand. I have investments and business in the USA and teach English here as a sideline boredom breaker and small income generator. Let me know what problems you see with my life too. Love to hear your views. Even if it is really none of your business how I live my life or what I do on a daily basis or what political or moral values I hold.............. getting my drift?

I get your drift, what you are; and there are many like you...are nothing more than white clowns here to entertain Thais, be the butt of their jokes and provide a living for your "life partner." Perhaps you could put on some whiteface and sing mammy B) , just change the words to "farang.

The point is Thailand cannot WAIT to be part of the 'West' - it loves it - jeans, music, cars, holidays, shopping malls - you name it - they want it! and all from those smelly farangs they 'don't respect' - no they would rather be poor, little medical services, no education - they don't care about the West at all! oh no! all those Thai girls gagging to go to Europe/America? an illusion! electing a British PM? all lies! driving farang cars? no way! they wouldn't do that

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Reading some of my young Thai niece's schoolbooks it's no wonder they end up which such a twisted xenophobic view of reality. Taught (indoctrinated) from a very young age how special the Thai people are compared to everyone else. :(

Such a pity that such a beautiful country has such a high % of simpleminded fools populating it.

More's the pity that so many of all walks of life choose to load themselves down with such delusions of inate superiority over others...

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Here is a pretty accurate translation of the context of Suthep's remarks from the newspaper Thai Daily News http://www.thairath.co.th/content/pol/1583

Regarding whetherthe Democratic Alliance Against Dictatorship (DAAD) leaders wanting to inviteinternational organizations to observe the elections in Thailand, would behelpful in investigating have otherbenefits, Mr Suthep said, "The (redshirt) leaders have strange (ideas). They don't respect the sovereignty of their own (country). There are many Thai organizations. (Thai) media (representatives), universityprofessors or students or whatever. Whyshould anyone esteem westerners to thatextent? I don't like this sort ofthing. The (red shirts) like to getoutsiders involved in our internal affairs. I don't think they should. Itisn't appropriate.

When asked if theoversight of Thai elections was of a sufficiently high standard to ensure thateverything was done in a fair manner, Mr. Suthep said, "I don't esteemwesterners as being better than Thai people. Don't bring westerners here to control Thai people. I think our (own) Election Commission issufficient to the task. If you want tosupplement the oversight of the Election Commission or examine the ElectionCommission itself, then make use of the views of Thai people. The media, the academic sector, the privatesector, the business sector, and students (all) can contribute. (We should) do away with the notion that one ought to run and submit (oneself) to westerners for (the solution to all one's problems). [end translation]

I think it's pretty clear that he was trying to say that he didn't want outside interference and that Thailand was perfectly capable of solving its own political problems. Imagine what American politicians might say at the prospect of giving an international body oversight of American elections! The quote that "I don't respect farangs." is not reflective of the complete quote and does not convey his meaning well.

I don't think the translation is accurate.

The original ThaiRath article refers a verbatim quote from Suthep:

ผมไม่นับถือฝรั่งก็แล้วกัน ผมไม่เห็นว่าฝรั่งจะดีกว่าคนไทย อย่าเอาฝรั่งมาข่มคนไทย

This means

I don't respect western foreigners (farangs).

I don't think that western foreigners (farangs) would be better than Thai people (in overseeing the election).

Don't bring western foreigners (farang) here (into Thailand) to control Thai people.

The controversial first sentence here is concluded with ก็แล้วกัน which could be translated as "and that's that" or "if you want to put it like that". The statement is self-contained and even separated from the next sentence with a space which would not be necessary or would even be incorrect if there was any junction with the next sentence. In the second sentence Suthep may have tried to backtrack from the first, but the meaning "I don't esteemwesterners as being better than Thai people" cannot be inferred here IMHO.


I don't respect western foreigners (farangs) = I am not a hypocrite and I do not use farang trained doctors or drive a farang car nor visit their countries

I don't think that western foreigners (farangs) would be better than Thai people (in overseeing the election). = they are not corrupt enough and we could not hide everything

Don't bring western foreigners (farang) here (into Thailand) to control Thai people = we do a great job of controlling the masses ourselves!

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No wonder this country goes nowhere. Over rated Baht, corrupt police and politicians, useless government, haven for foreign gangsters who support corruption, false pride...thanks goodness the normal working class is still friendly , respect culture and remain with both feet on the earth. Amazing Thailand.

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Reading some of my young Thai niece's schoolbooks it's no wonder they end up which such a twisted xenophobic view of reality. Taught (indoctrinated) from a very young age how special the Thai people are compared to everyone else. :(

Such a pity that such a beautiful country has such a high % of simpleminded fools populating it.

I think most (all?) countries teach their children in school and at home that their nationality is made up of "special" people. What's wrong with that? Anyway, I find the Thai positively receptive towards westerners, although they're not so fond of Indians.

Edited by HerbalEd
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Farang originated from French people, ie this is what Thai called them faragset. Another version of events, is farang was for the name for potato and because french ate potato they called them Farang.

Which one is more accurate or historically correct i do not know.

Neither one are accurate or historically correct

Soooo............. you will educate about historically correct?????

if you do not mind, please do not use wikipedia as a source as i can post 3 other sources that would argue their historic origins

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It´s a shame to have a man like this representing Thailand. Even though he does´nt like western people he SHOULD be clever enough to shut his mouth, but he obviously is not. And he´s working for the government. What a pitty.

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This is my last post as a European business man here for 11years. How dare this brain dead politician make such a statement about us. No doubt he is driving a high end Germam car manufactured inThailand. Abhiset should demand an immediate apology from him or replace him with Korn.

Just out of curiosity is the guy a red shirt or yellow shirt. I don't know and was just wondering

Neither, he's a Thai democrat not in PAD, but the reds would label him closer to yellow, if you insist on labels.

you mean the guy who stood up at the ILLEGAL airport take-over and cheered on the yellows? and is now Deputy PM? you mean that guy? now let me think...

I don't recall that specifically about him, but it does sound familiar. Link please. Yes, that would give credibility to a yellowish label, even if non-PAD.
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Well I don't like this Khun Suthep either as a normal brown skin who shits in holes, eats with his hands and chews bettle nut, and I would not be surprised if he took even 100 baht for tea money

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