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Speaking with some thais this morning in San Sai. They were saying they are terrified about a Tsumani hitting Chiangmai. Had to assure them that they have more chance of winning the lottery than a Tsumani hitting. They seem to think quakes and tsumani go hand in hand. I don't know who fills thier heads with all this rubbish.


I've heard my wind chimes making noise last night,after running outside...took them to the bedroom and...I woke up this morning after hearing some noise,but nothing else was shaking...it was about 7:25am...looks like a good idea of a simple earthquake indicator...BTW I'm in Mae Rim...cheers


Speaking with some thais this morning in San Sai. They were saying they are terrified about a Tsumani hitting Chiangmai. Had to assure them that they have more chance of winning the lottery than a Tsumani hitting. They seem to think quakes and tsumani go hand in hand. I don't know who fills thier heads with all this rubbish.

Thai logic.:whistling:


Felt the morning shake as well. 14th floor Condo blinds on the windows shaking.

Inspection of the condo shows many NEW hair line cracks running down entire wall.

Same along most of the Ceiling where in meets the wall.

Cracks seperating the ceiling and the Trim work.


Speaking with some thais this morning in San Sai. They were saying they are terrified about a Tsumani hitting Chiangmai. Had to assure them that they have more chance of winning the lottery than a Tsumani hitting. They seem to think quakes and tsumani go hand in hand. I don't know who fills thier heads with all this rubbish.

Thai logic.:whistling:

They teach this at school....:(


I could have swore there was a very tiny tremor just now, probably just paranoid but will keep my trainers, passport, cash and laptop case ready just in case.


I could have swore there was a very tiny tremor just now, probably just paranoid but will keep my trainers, passport, cash and laptop case ready just in case.

Good idea. I would recommend all foreigners keep their passport and wallet on them for the next few days, just in case (especially high-rise dwellers). It could save you a whole lot of anguish if the unthinkable happens and you manage to escape.


Felt the morning shake as well. 14th floor Condo blinds on the windows shaking.

Inspection of the condo shows many NEW hair line cracks running down entire wall.

Same along most of the Ceiling where in meets the wall.

Cracks seperating the ceiling and the Trim work.

Time to move out.....promptly.



Do suggest you calm down a bit, the chances of an earthquake strike seriously impacting CM are pretty slim to negligible. You are far more likely to come to grief on the roads. Keep things in perspective and worryt about things you can control.

If you are stressing, give a thought to a bunch of Japanese students who came to LOS for a fieldtrip up at Thaton, and were overjoyed to be away from all the aftershocks that are still hitting much of Japan on a daily basis, only to be shaken up by the quakes last night. No on hurt but image of Thailand as an earthquake free zone rudely corrected.


I could have swore there was a very tiny tremor just now, probably just paranoid but will keep my trainers, passport, cash and laptop case ready just in case.

Good idea. I would recommend all foreigners keep their passport and wallet on them for the next few days, just in case (especially high-rise dwellers). It could save you a whole lot of anguish if the unthinkable happens and you manage to escape.

I definitely smell a mild case of paranoid starting to go around.


Just some "Rattled Nerves" :unsure:

Some areas got hit harder than others.

Strange to see my house Gyrating like a Pole Dancer :shock1:

A bit more intense than the "BKK or Thai Shuffle".


I could have swore there was a very tiny tremor just now, probably just paranoid but will keep my trainers, passport, cash and laptop case ready just in case.

Good idea. I would recommend all foreigners keep their passport and wallet on them for the next few days, just in case (especially high-rise dwellers). It could save you a whole lot of anguish if the unthinkable happens and you manage to escape.

I definitely smell a mild case of paranoid starting to go around.

Better safe than sorry, if you have no passport and no money that is a big, big problem


Good read with great maps concerning Thailand and other SE Asian seismic zones:


that was a good article. Thanks for posting it.. Does look like a low probability for a big one hitting CM.

Do have to wonder if this one was a 9.0 versus a 7.0 then how well would the CM building code fare. Hopefully we never find out.


Speaking with some thais this morning in San Sai. They were saying they are terrified about a Tsumani hitting Chiangmai. Had to assure them that they have more chance of winning the lottery than a Tsumani hitting. They seem to think quakes and tsumani go hand in hand. I don't know who fills thier heads with all this rubbish.

Thai logic.:whistling:

They were probably thinking that the water out of the Ping river was going to rise up and bit them. B)


Good read with great maps concerning Thailand and other SE Asian seismic zones:


An excellent post! Thank you..

I was at the computer and as soon as the house began to float back and forth, I was reminded that, while I don't worry about serious earthquakes here, I need to teach my family earthquake survival techniques sooner than later.


My wife insists she felt more shudders this morning but I didn't feel them. I kind of like the sensation of what we consider solid ground becoming liquid on a moment's notice..


Good read with great maps concerning Thailand and other SE Asian seismic zones:


An excellent post! Thank you..

I was at the computer and as soon as the house began to float back and forth, I was reminded that, while I don't worry about serious earthquakes here, I need to teach my family earthquake survival techniques sooner than later.


My wife insists she felt more shudders this morning but I didn't feel them. I kind of like the sensation of what we consider solid ground becoming liquid on a moment's notice..

Thanks Dustoff....great link.....I have never been in a tremor before despite all my years of travelling to many countries......It is something I will teach my Thai wife about and I will benefit from the good advice on this website you have posted.



I could have swore there was a very tiny tremor just now, probably just paranoid but will keep my trainers, passport, cash and laptop case ready just in case.

Good idea. I would recommend all foreigners keep their passport and wallet on them for the next few days, just in case (especially high-rise dwellers). It could save you a whole lot of anguish if the unthinkable happens and you manage to escape.

I definitely smell a mild case of paranoid starting to go around.

Well, I have no doubt whatsoever that the high rises are not build to Japanese standards.......and one wonders just how much of a tremor they really can withstand? I wouldn't want my passport buried underneath rubble, goodness knows how much immigration would charge me per day. "It must be on you at all times naughty boy".


Speaking with some thais this morning in San Sai. They were saying they are terrified about a Tsumani hitting Chiangmai. Had to assure them that they have more chance of winning the lottery than a Tsumani hitting. They seem to think quakes and tsumani go hand in hand. I don't know who fills thier heads with all this rubbish.

Thai logic.:whistling:

The problem is their heads are not filled with anything !


I could have swore there was a very tiny tremor just now, probably just paranoid but will keep my trainers, passport, cash and laptop case ready just in case.

Good idea. I would recommend all foreigners keep their passport and wallet on them for the next few days, just in case (especially high-rise dwellers). It could save you a whole lot of anguish if the unthinkable happens and you manage to escape.

And if you don't manage to escape it will make it easier for the authorities to find out which pile of mincemeat you are !


Comparison of 6.8 Myanmar Quake with major California quakes.

Note that the USGS and many other sources do not report current earthquakes or aftershocks less than 4.5 richter scale.

A Sampling of California's Largest Earthquakes

(Since 1800, ranked by magnitude)

  • Magnitude Date Location Comments7.9
    Jan. 9, 1857Fort Tejon2 killed, 220-mile surface scar7.9April 18, 1906San Francisco3,000 killed, $524 million in property damage, including fire damage7.8March 26, 1872Owens Valley27 killed, 3 aftershocks of 6.25+7.5July 21, 1952Kern County12 killed, 3 aftershocks of 6+7.3Jan. 31, 1922West of Eureka*37 miles offshore7.3Nov. 4, 1927SW of Lompoc*No major injuries, slight damage7.3June 28, 1992Landers1 killed, 400 injured, 6.5 aftershock7.2Jan. 22, 1923MendocinoDamaged homes in several towns7.2Nov. 8, 1980West of Eureka*Injured 6, $1.75 million in damage 7.2April 25, 1992Cape Mendocino*6.5 and 6.6 aftershocks7.1Oct. 16, 1999Ludlow (Hector Mine Quake)Remote, so minimal damage 7.1May 18, 1940El Centro9 killed, $6 million in damage6.9Oct. 17, 1989Loma Prieta63 killed6.7Jan. 17, 1994Northridge61 killed, $15 billion in damage6.6Feb. 9, 1971San Fernando65 killed, $50 million in damage

  • appologies that it did not print out same as the list copied. Here is a better to read link:



Channel 5 News just announced over 600 dead from this with over 100 injured. They showed some pictures of the incredible damage up in Myanmar.

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