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Two Brits Drug Dealers Arrested In South Pattaya

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I feel sorry for the old aged pensioner who gets whacked over the head by some spaced out low life piece of S..t who is only interested in the few coins in her purse to feed his own selfish and self inflicted drugged crazed pursuit.

Might be labeled a sub conscious attempt at  trying to emulate high flying chicken leg catwalk fashion models or baby CHAV football players..but the outcome should still be the same....... :o

"Know your dope feind!!" (every see the old 50's public info film)

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one can only chuckle with disbelief at the antics of two middle aged brits in pattaya who try and sell fake viagra and weed to a thai bloke who then shops them.

all for 100,000/month or 700 pounds a month between two , before expenses (and tax :D ). thats 170 pounds a week. christ, you can get more than that from social security without even trying .

only fools and horses indeed.

nobody , but nobody does toerags like the british do toerags.

no class at all. :o

2500 u.S. DOLLARS THATS A GOOD LIVING IN THAILAND . probably wouldnt get that in social here

Gotta wonder at what point you think that its a good business idea to start selling drugs in Pattaya.

Selling icecream to eskimos or coal to Newcastle.

Fine looking english gentlemen. If they've enough money they may be innocent.

What ugly people ! Thats why they got turned in !

why are they always topless

Because the police make them take their tops off ??

So the next question has to be why do the police do that..??? :o


The pic says it all

Prob been there long enough to know the penaltys.

Fake Cialis indeed ,I could have been most embarrassed :o

Give them a few months in Bang kwan to teah them a salutory lesson,on being a couple of pratts.

then ban them from thailand for life.

Gotta wonder at what point you think that its a good business idea to start selling drugs in Pattaya.

Selling icecream to eskimos or coal to Newcastle.

Fine looking english gentlemen. If they've enough money they may be innocent.

why are they always topless

Because the police make them take their tops off ??

So the next question has to be why do the police do that..??? :o

To make sure they have no concealed weapons, and for a bit of a laugh.

The pic says it all

Prob been there long enough to know the penaltys.

Fake Cialis indeed ,I could have been most embarrassed :o

Give them a few months in Bang kwan to teah them a salutory lesson,on being a couple of pratts.

then ban them from thailand for life.

Thionk they'll be lloking at more than a few months dude, them two fat lads are officially up sh1t creek without a paddle. :D


Well it seems its completely voluntary, and these sad muppets dont care if they are seen without their shirts or its taken on the initial search which I find unlikely.

Its entirely their choice not to wear a shirt. The Police do not require any arrestees to remove their shirt apart from an initial search of their body for weapons, drugs etc. -PCN

Well i have to admit that these two dullards are very similar in appearance to the expat clientele of a place in southern Spain called Feungorola (sp?).

The were huge numbers of dealers down there who were running bricks of hash from Morroco up through Europe.

When the Spanish authorities eventually managed to summon up the skill to flush them out, no prizes for guessing where their one way ticket generally took them :o

why are they always topless

I figure when I get a little mad, I get a little hot. I don't take off my shirt though.

But suddenly looking at a long stretch in prison? I'd be PISSED. About that and whoever ratted me out.

Yeah, the shirt would come off.


They do however seem to have more hair than most British tourists that I see in Pattaya.

Shame about the pot....I wonder if it was any good or like the fake cialis?

They will be smoking plenty of the next 20 years or so and they should lose those man tits pretty quickly on a prison diet.


They're languishing in the lock-up thinking that the expat community is lobbying to get them released...

...and we're just harping on about their nakidity !


One of them seems to be pregnant.

They're languishing in the lock-up thinking that the expat community is lobbying to get them released...

....as their mates do a mass exodus from Patty to Manila and the best friend who is now stuck in China thinking….’oh shit’….where do I dare go now?


pattaya seems to be full of ex-sex tourists who have fallen in love with prostitutes and will do anything not to go back to their own country . the maximum sentance for someone with no money maybe life , but if they've got money they should be out pretty soon , its only class 5 .

pattaya seems to be full of ex-sex tourists who have fallen in love with prostitutes and will do anything not to go back to their own country . the maximum sentance for someone with no money maybe life , but if they've got money they should be out pretty soon , its only class 5 .


pattaya seems to be full of ex-sex tourists who have fallen in love with prostitutes and will do anything not to go back to their own country . the maximum sentance for someone with no money maybe life , but if they've got money they should be out pretty soon , its only class 5 .

Not 100% sure what your on about, but if you think

you can buy people off when its this official on a drug charge your wrong.

They will go down for more than 5 years, money or not.

Silly Boys. :o


Well i have to admit that these two dullards are very similar in appearance to the expat clientele of a place in southern Spain called Feungorola


Totally OT, but I used to run an office in Fuengorola, just by the seafront. (No, not running dope!). And I have to agree - I used to see lots of Brits just like these two!!


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