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Songkran - Are You Gonna Avoid It Or Join Them ?



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Just not as annoying as the Indian Holy festival where they throw colored powder at each other, but for many annoying enough to fill up the refrigerator and stay home during the day time. Many locals hate it too. A whole week dominated by people enjoy throwing water, but also by many totally irresponsible, respectless idiots who throw water at fragile elderly and the weak and fragile, open car doors to throw buckets of water inside, bring motorbike drivers in serious danger etc. It's just so annoying if you don't like to join it. Average 400 get killed each year and they call it 'tradition' so it's OK and nothing changes.

Are you the one who gonna go trough it just participate in the fun, don't like it to get wet when you go shopping or have a meeting but don't mind too much either, or you really hate it and stay home all day, or this days you are really glad having a car to protect you, or avoid it by going abroad ?

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I don't mind it, but would much prefer that it only lasted one or two days.

Now, that I am getting old, I hang out inside watching TV, reading and playing on the Internet, but I usually participate for a few hours a day as it gets too boring otherwise.

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Gonna join in!

Generally one full day, maybe two, is enough for me though. Have my fun, then just go home and stay indoors for a while.

Last year i did three days though, and had a wicked time! Even a policeman happily had his photo taken with me. Grabbed hold of my water pistol too. Was funny seeing the police intermittently remove their boots to toss out the water from them.

What i find annoying though, is people starting days before the official Songkran days, or those that throw water in the evening. A few days before I try not to go about too much, as well as a day or so after wards. That part is the frustrating part for me.

Edited by eek
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What possible fun can one get by throwing water over somebody who you don't know? Why do so many so called grown up people enjoy this childish festival? Get a life and grow up.

Couldn't agree with you more. Another traditional Thai custom hijacked by the idiots. Over Songkran,if past years are any guide, over 500 people wil die on the roads and thousands hospitalised.Some festival !

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What possible fun can one get by throwing water over somebody who you don't know? Why do so many so called grown up people enjoy this childish festival? Get a life and grow up.

Couldn't agree with you more. Another traditional Thai custom hijacked by the idiots. Over Songkran,if past years are any guide, over 500 people wil die on the roads and thousands hospitalised.Some festival !

Count me in too boys!


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Already on the hunt for the biggest, baddest water guns for me and my daughter!:D

Any tips on where in Bangkok sells the best weaponry?

China Town. You're looking for the CPS-1000. Mention this and they will respect you, because you sound like you know your shit when it comes to aquatic warfare.

http://www.google.co...images+cps-1000 Color schemes you may find also include Red/Black and Purple/Gray.

There's only so much you can get in Thailand, I have this one on order:


Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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I live in Europe 6 months of the year and Thailand the other half. I used to stay down here from November through April. However after experiencing 2 Songkrans I had had enough. So now I stay here from October through March instead. What pisses me off is that this is a festival that you are FORCED to participate in if you are in the country at the time. You WILL get soaked unless you stay indoors in your own home for 7 days. And this is just not acceptable to me. So in 5 days I am out of here. Bye!


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Already on the hunt for the biggest, baddest water guns for me and my daughter!:D

Any tips on where in Bangkok sells the best weaponry?

China Town. You're looking for the CPS-1000. Mention this and they will respect you, because you sound like you know your shit when it comes to aquatic warfare.

http://www.google.co...images+cps-1000 Color schemes you may find also include Red/Black and Purple/Gray.

There's only so much you can get in Thailand, I have this one on order:


Excellent ... thanks ..... just what I need .... :D

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you really need another category in your poll options. Really I fall into the 'I'd love to go abroad for Songkran but I'm working' category. There must be lots of others in the same boat

or what about my circumstance: I have to go abroad but I really wish I could stay for Songkran :D

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