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Golden Arches Lit Up


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A float with pretty young maidens giving away free CENTRAL eco- bags today, held up a lot of traffic close to the clocktower.

Think I'll go fill it with BigC shopping later!:lol:


Edited by lannaman
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Promotions galore so I hear on opening day from free food to free gifts. I bet you wont be able to get near the place. Someone said theres a free car for the first customer ? not sure if thats true but you can imagine the amount of people being there with pop stars singing as well , looks like a fun day out - NOT.

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Promotions galore so I hear on opening day from free food to free gifts. I bet you wont be able to get near the place. Someone said theres a free car for the first customer ? not sure if thats true but you can imagine the amount of people being there with pop stars singing as well , looks like a fun day out - NOT.

Looks to me like a good day to get your shopping done at Big C. Shouldn't be any lines at the registers for the first few weeks after the new place opens, if ever again.

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Here are the lasses giving the bags. I tried to add it to the other post but there was a problem

Seems like it was taken near Thaksin Cafe. Nice Thai food there and I like the military style serving tray approach. They always seem to be okay with Farangs and they don't scrimp on the servings. B)

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  • 1 month later...

Saw a McDonald's delivery motorcycle, set up like the Pizza Company delivery motorcycles, blasting through downtown today. Not sure but I think the call number on the rider's jacket was 1711. Who woulda guessed such a thing in CR? Not me.

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Saw a McDonald's delivery motorcycle, set up like the Pizza Company delivery motorcycles, blasting through downtown today. Not sure but I think the call number on the rider's jacket was 1711. Who woulda guessed such a thing in CR? Not me.

First thing I noticed the first time I ate there. Odd but who knows. Maybe there will be Mac attacks in CR. I guess if Pizza Company and KFC can do it, why not McD. I did notice the cheap menu (dollar menu in the US) has disapeared. B)

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