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A Good Area To Rent A Condo.


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<br />Stop shouting I'm not deaf!<br />
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He means: please don't use capital letters like that. It's known in this 'ere electronic world as "shouting" and deemed to be rather rude.

Your budget would give you quite a lot of choice around here. A 1 year period even better.

I don't know about vacancies but it's worth researching Rimping Condo, Royal Lanna (condotel), Floral Condo and Galae Tong Tower (my personal favourite - as a casual visitor to residents in these various places, I hastily add).

Hillside 4 is older and maybe cheaper, but the lifts are small and slow, the atmosphere is rather dismal and in the rainy season water blows in through the window frames. South facing.

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<br />Stop shouting I'm not deaf!<br />
<br /><br /><br />

He means: please don't use capital letters like that. It's known in this 'ere electronic world as "shouting" and deemed to be rather rude.

Your budget would give you quite a lot of choice around here. A 1 year period even better.

I don't know about vacancies but it's worth researching Rimping Condo, Royal Lanna (condotel), Floral Condo and Galae Tong Tower (my personal favourite - as a casual visitor to residents in these various places, I hastily add).

Hillside 4 is older and maybe cheaper, but the lifts are small and slow, the atmosphere is rather dismal and in the rainy season water blows in through the window frames. South facing.

Galae Thong tower is AWFUL no pool, little parking, poor management - have to drive past karaokes at night to get to it. There are far better. I would suggest H4 or Supanich depending where you want to be but avoid Nimman as it's too noisy.

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I've also been trying to work out what would be a nice area to rent in for a while (or to buy in for that matter), but I certainly wont be paying 30K or anywhere near it.

I would like to be no more than 30 minutes walk from the night market (or similar area with a bit of life), or be on a regular bahtbus route to get to the centre easily and cheaply. Not interested at all in taking tuktuks, motorbike taxis, chartered bahtbuses, dog sleds, wheelchairs, roller-skates etc.

I would also like to have a decent view (decent being a river or mountains or some greenery, but not a view of the next-door condo or local karaoke bar).

Not bothered about big shopping centres or Western food or beer bars or nightclubs, but would like a good selection of cheap Thai eating places nearby, and also to be in an area that is nice/interesting to walk around in. I do a lot of walking.

Any suggestions? I've been wondering about the Riverside condo, the Chang Klan area, and also the Hillside buildings previously mentioned, but I'm not sure about the area surrounding those.

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I've also been trying to work out what would be a nice area to rent in for a while (or to buy in for that matter), but I certainly wont be paying 30K or anywhere near it.

I would like to be no more than 30 minutes walk from the night market (or similar area with a bit of life), or be on a regular bahtbus route to get to the centre easily and cheaply. Not interested at all in taking tuktuks, motorbike taxis, chartered bahtbuses, dog sleds, wheelchairs, roller-skates etc.

I would also like to have a decent view (decent being a river or mountains or some greenery, but not a view of the next-door condo or local karaoke bar).

Not bothered about big shopping centres or Western food or beer bars or nightclubs, but would like a good selection of cheap Thai eating places nearby, and also to be in an area that is nice/interesting to walk around in. I do a lot of walking.

Any suggestions? I've been wondering about the Riverside condo, the Chang Klan area, and also the Hillside buildings previously mentioned, but I'm not sure about the area surrounding those.

Riverside apartments have a desolate and depressing atmosphere, and heavily overpriced. Been there once it's terrible, like a ghost town... Rimping Condominiums overpriced as well and very old, out of time. The river view is not always nice, like when they open the gates to let the stinky black city water flow into it.

East of the city are the best apartments if you ask me. How about the few brand new bldg's half way the Sunday market ? They look very good from the outside, not sure if buy or rent. Nimanhemin area has few nice buildings too.

Edited by bangkokcitylimits
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Hi Julie, if you are new to Chiang Mai, then hello and welcome! Hope you will enjoy your time here.

Welcome too to the Chiang Mai forum. Dont get put off ;) Hope you stick around.

I would say look around the Nimmenheimen area. Of course, it depends what kind of atmosphere you like, but Nimmenheimen is generally classed as a more upmarket trendy area of the city. Has a nice vibe to it.

I personally think you should check out Hillside 4.

I think you will also be surprised what you can get for half of your budget to be honest. 15,000 can get you something very nice.

You could also give your details to several estate agents, saying what your budget is, and what area you are interested in. Most agents also have online sites where you can view photos.

Best of luck!

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Thanks for the suggestions. Not sure that I'm exactly suited to a "trendy" area but it certainly gives me something to think about.

A very quick search revealed quite a few decent-looking studios in Hillside 4 available for around 10,000B.

The night market seems to be some distance from that area though: well over 3km if I read Google Maps correctly.

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