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Pattaya Dogs Don'T Like Me


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I have been visiting Pattaya for a few days now, and I go for an early morning walk. Of the thousand or so stray dogs I pass most are ok, but each morning I have had one bad encounter (diffeerent dogs) in which they will come up to me with a growl and follow me for a few feet, then go back. I am not particularly afraid of dogs, but you never know. Each time I stopped again a few meters away and watched and they didn't seem to bother anyone else when I was watching.

Does this happen often to others? Do they sense a newby? Curious as to how big of a problem actual bites are in Pattaya.

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Ignore the idiotic responses to your post....and try the following.

If a dog makes a threatening move towards you bend down as if to pick up a stone and raise your arm as if to throw at it. Since most Soi dogs have already had some sort of human aggression shown towards them they should back off.

I have had 4 dogs at one time come at me and I had to actually pick up a cricket ball size stone and threw it at the largest and loudest attacker. Lucky for me it was a perfect "Yorker' and the stone bounced up at his back end and made them all back off.

The dangerous aspect of actually throwing stones/sticks is you might hit someone or something else i.e a car and you could be in bigger trouble...

Many others I meet talk of dogs "attacking" them on bicycles and when out walking. I have had two occassions when on a motor bike. Very dangerous as the insinct is to swerve away and you end up dodging trucks and cars instead.

By the way I like dogs. But you have to draw the line somewhere.

Thailand also has the ugliest mange riddled dogs I have ever seen anywhere on the planet.:bah:

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I never had much of an issue. Me and animals tend to get along. But two years ago when I was looking to rent an apartment just off second road and not far from TOPs, when I walked down the little side street to the apartment this one dog yapped like mad. It looked like he only barked at Farangs because many other Thais were walking up and down and not all of them could be living in that apartment or known to that dog either by sight or scent unless he has one heck of a memory!

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Dogs in Thailand are different than Western dogs. They have that natural turf protection with some trained qualities.

Acting like you are throwing a stone works 80% of the time but a club/stick works 100% of the time. If you are a

regular then you could feed them. Try pork chop bones. Eventually they will love to see you comming. They can even remember the sound of your motorbike.

A Thai told me that the reason some people have problems with dogs is: At some time in thier past they ATE dog meat. Even if they did not know....the dog knows.

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Dogs in Thailand are different than Western dogs. They have that natural turf protection with some trained qualities.

Acting like you are throwing a stone works 80% of the time but a club/stick works 100% of the time. If you are a

regular then you could feed them. Try pork chop bones. Eventually they will love to see you comming. They can even remember the sound of your motorbike.

A Thai told me that the reason some people have problems with dogs is: At some time in thier past they ATE dog meat. Even if they did not know....the dog knows.

would cetainly explain why they go mad when I walk by.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just to follow up, I am now back in the safety of American dogs, who like me and I like them. But I refuse to waste a good pork chop on a dog when I could use it for a good meal myself, and I have never knowingly eaten dog, but I did eat a lot of street food in Bangkok, where there are suspiciously a lot fewer dogs, so who knows. I think the problem in one case was that I stopped walking and was looking across Beach Road when the dog came up to me growling - maybe because he felt I was squatting in his territory.

But these are some of the ugliest dogs I have seen anywhere in the world, and I suspect that makes them a bit testy.

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Didn't happen to me in Pattaya but I have dogs following me in India, Cambodia, Laos, Bangkok and Nong Khai. I am afraid of dogs, I always thought somehow dogs can sense it.

Offcoarse dogs can sense when they are feared just like any animal they have a sixth sense. If you stand your ground to a dog that shows aggression it would mostly back down.

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I own dogs here in Thailand and i let them run free 3-4 times a day for half an hour or less. They almost never bark at people (if they do i get them back in the home). But they will follow people until they are gone from their territory. Just slowly walking after them.

Running makes dogs want to follow you... loud noises too. I had my scarey experience with dogs in Koh sa mui whit a pack of them following us at night. However now i know what i should have done.

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Just to follow up, I am now back in the safety of American dogs, who like me and I like them. But I refuse to waste a good pork chop on a dog when I could use it for a good meal myself, and I have never knowingly eaten dog, but I did eat a lot of street food in Bangkok, where there are suspiciously a lot fewer dogs, so who knows. I think the problem in one case was that I stopped walking and was looking across Beach Road when the dog came up to me growling - maybe because he felt I was squatting in his territory.

But these are some of the ugliest dogs I have seen anywhere in the world, and I suspect that makes them a bit testy.

And the Soi dogs would probably think the groomed pure bred dogs in the US are ugly. It's all in the eye of the beholder.

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I had my scarey experience with dogs in Koh sa mui whit a pack of them following us at night. However now i know what i should have done.

What should you have done? What happened? Going by what you wrote here it was just scary.

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Didn't happen to me in Pattaya but I have dogs following me in India, Cambodia, Laos, Bangkok and Nong Khai. I am afraid of dogs, I always thought somehow dogs can sense it.

Offcoarse dogs can sense when they are feared just like any animal they have a sixth sense. If you stand your ground to a dog that shows aggression it would mostly back down.

This might help. One thing to never do is run. That is what the dogs want you to do and they will attack you from the back. It often helps to simply stop moving and turn around and face them with no expression at all on your face, like a statue (show no fear). Raising your hands might also help, to make yourself look as tall as possible. That usually throws them off "instinct" and they often do not know what to do. They might come up and sniff you. They may continue to bark to see if you run. If you do nothing, often they will get bored and walk away.

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This might help. One thing to never do is run. That is what the dogs want you to do and they will attack you from the back. It often helps to simply stop moving and turn around and face them with no expression at all on your face, like a statue (show no fear). Raising your hands might also help, to make yourself look as tall as possible. That usually throws them off "instinct" and they often do not know what to do. They might come up and sniff you. They may continue to bark to see if you run. If you do nothing, often they will get bored and walk away.

I'm no expert on feral dogs but you you say they OFTEN will get bored and walk away? What about the times they don't get bored. It's hard to believe that all dogs will run away anytime they are confronted. Don't they ever attack anyone who stands their ground?

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This might help. One thing to never do is run. That is what the dogs want you to do and they will attack you from the back. It often helps to simply stop moving and turn around and face them with no expression at all on your face, like a statue (show no fear). Raising your hands might also help, to make yourself look as tall as possible. That usually throws them off "instinct" and they often do not know what to do. They might come up and sniff you. They may continue to bark to see if you run. If you do nothing, often they will get bored and walk away.

I'm no expert on feral dogs but you you say they OFTEN will get bored and walk away? What about the times they don't get bored. It's hard to believe that all dogs will run away anytime they are confronted. Don't they ever attack anyone who stands their ground?

I'd be lunging a kick to it's chops before it's gotten near enough to sniff me 'cos it'd also be near enough to bite.

They're pretty cowardly though they do back off when you face them and only try to attack when you turn your back.

The instinct is to bite the achilles / hamstring to prevent you running away.

But I don't think it really is anything to do with eating dog meat as some dogs are fine, it's only a few that are bad.

Edited by PattayaParent
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This might help. One thing to never do is run. That is what the dogs want you to do and they will attack you from the back. It often helps to simply stop moving and turn around and face them with no expression at all on your face, like a statue (show no fear). Raising your hands might also help, to make yourself look as tall as possible. That usually throws them off "instinct" and they often do not know what to do. They might come up and sniff you. They may continue to bark to see if you run. If you do nothing, often they will get bored and walk away.

I'm no expert on feral dogs but you you say they OFTEN will get bored and walk away? What about the times they don't get bored. It's hard to believe that all dogs will run away anytime they are confronted. Don't they ever attack anyone who stands their ground?

Yes, some dogs will attack from the front even if you make like a statue--trained guard dogs! And some "crazy dogs" (Thailand? Huuuuuuuummmmm). But, in general, most dogs attack from your blindside, especially in a group. The front one growls and gets your attention while the ones in the back really get your attention. In general, making like a statue works. The key words are "in general." On a few occasions I have had to use "the make like a statue defense" and it worked. If nothing else, it gives other people some time to help you. Think about it, dogs are wild animals related to wolves and hyenas, and those animals chase their prey down and attack it from the rear (ouch, beware of your coconuts :)) That is their mode of attack. If a "prey" like a large human suddenly stops running and stands there with hands up, not showing fear, it makes the attacking dogs scratch their heads and wonder what the hell is going on. They probably think, "maybe this is not such a good idea after all." Of course, if it does not work run out into the ocean or climb a tree, etc. The stick or rock in hand works too.

Let me make one thing clear, you must turn around and face the attacking dogs, show no fear, and don't move. That is, of course, what we do not want to do; we want to run away and scream, etc., but that just plays into the game the dogs want you to play.

Edited by Awohalitsiktoli
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I have walked a lot around Pattaya and the darkside.

My usual MO was to have a collection of stones at the ready. I target the first dog and run at the rest, they usually scatter. Some of the more persistant ones needed a couple of stones with the odd direct hit (my aim is not good). It was always the same dogs that gave me grief so I knew when to have a stock of throwing sized stones.

I did not get bitten, but I hit a few and kicked one or two.

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Yes, some dogs will attack from the front even if you make like a statue--trained guard dogs! And some "crazy dogs" (Thailand? Huuuuuuuummmmm). But, in general, most dogs attack from your blindside, especially in a group. The front one growls and gets your attention while the ones in the back really get your attention. In general, making like a statue works. The key words are "in general." On a few occasions I have had to use "the make like a statue defense" and it worked. If nothing else, it gives other people some time to help you. Think about it, dogs are wild animals related to wolves and hyenas, and those animals chase their prey down and attack it from the rear (ouch, beware of your coconuts :)) That is their mode of attack. If a "prey" like a large human suddenly stops running and stands there with hands up, not showing fear, it makes the attacking dogs scratch their heads and wonder what the hell is going on. They probably think, "maybe this is not such a good idea after all." Of course, if it does not work run out into the ocean or climb a tree, etc. The stick or rock in hand works too.

Let me make one thing clear, you must turn around and face the attacking dogs, show no fear, and don't move. That is, of course, what we do not want to do; we want to run away and scream, etc., but that just plays into the game the dogs want you to play.

Thanks for the explanation on dog behaviour, but do people really try to run away from dogs. What are they thinking? That they can outrun them?

The crazy dogs with rabies would be the ones to worry about. I don't walk in the park without carrying a decent pole.I must get myself a baseball bat.

Edited by tropo
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Yes, some dogs will attack from the front even if you make like a statue--trained guard dogs! And some "crazy dogs" (Thailand? Huuuuuuuummmmm). But, in general, most dogs attack from your blindside, especially in a group. The front one growls and gets your attention while the ones in the back really get your attention. In general, making like a statue works. The key words are "in general." On a few occasions I have had to use "the make like a statue defense" and it worked. If nothing else, it gives other people some time to help you. Think about it, dogs are wild animals related to wolves and hyenas, and those animals chase their prey down and attack it from the rear (ouch, beware of your coconuts :)) That is their mode of attack. If a "prey" like a large human suddenly stops running and stands there with hands up, not showing fear, it makes the attacking dogs scratch their heads and wonder what the hell is going on. They probably think, "maybe this is not such a good idea after all." Of course, if it does not work run out into the ocean or climb a tree, etc. The stick or rock in hand works too.

Let me make one thing clear, you must turn around and face the attacking dogs, show no fear, and don't move. That is, of course, what we do not want to do; we want to run away and scream, etc., but that just plays into the game the dogs want you to play.

Thanks for the explanation on dog behaviour, but do people really try to run away from dogs. What are they thinking? That they can outrun them?

The crazy dogs with rabies would be the ones to worry about. I don't walk in the park without carrying a decent pole.I must get myself a baseball bat.o

People do try to run away. I think that is normal. Most people move away from what they think is about to hurt them. But you made an interesting observation: "They can't outrun them." No way can a human outrun a dog. So, the think to do is to stop, turn around, face the alpha dog, show no fear, show no anger, show no emotion and do not move. The dogs go into shock. Dogs talking: "Fred, what the hell did that human just do?" "No idea Frank, but it sure was strange." "Jim, you bite him." "No way, that was really odd. He isn't playing our game." "OK, Fred, go get him." "No way, now I feel confused." And that is likely the key word: confused. Dogs simply do not know what to do when the "prey" stops and "faces them" and "does not move." I assure you this works 95% of the time. Yes, crazy dogs with rabies are clearly the onces to worry about and they are beyond thinking like a normal dog. Before walking around with a baseball bat (which is really not a good idea in Pattaya), try the method I am suggesting. I have actually seen dogs trip over each other in response to what I am suggesting. They go into a state of confusion and are not sure what to do.

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Why has nobody mentioned pepperspray?

I would have no problem spraying an aggressive dog who comes too close to me!!!

Better than getting bitten and having to go to the hospital for a series of rabies shots.

I heard that those shots are pretty painful.

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Before walking around with a baseball bat (which is really not a good idea in Pattaya), try the method I am suggesting. I have actually seen dogs trip over each other in response to what I am suggesting. They go into a state of confusion and are not sure what to do.

I would only carry a baseball bat around in the park for my walk, not around the streets. It could take care of the 5% that don't run away. You'll see most Farang who walk in the Pratumnak Hill park carry sticks or polls. One guy told me that when the bitches have young puppies they can be dangerous.

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Before walking around with a baseball bat (which is really not a good idea in Pattaya), try the method I am suggesting. I have actually seen dogs trip over each other in response to what I am suggesting. They go into a state of confusion and are not sure what to do.

I would only carry a baseball bat around in the park for my walk, not around the streets. It could take care of the 5% that don't run away. You'll see most Farang who walk in the Pratumnak Hill park carry sticks or polls. One guy told me that when the bitches have young puppies they can be dangerous.

I did an internet search to see if any other lunatic recommends standing still and some other things. Yes, there are many other lunatics that recommend this. Read this:

However experts say if an individual believes a dog could be intent on attacking them, there are ways to help to defuse the situation.

o.gifKEY TIPSNo sudden movementsPut hands in pocketsAvoid eye contactBack away but do not run awayChildren can accidentally provoke a dogNever try to break up two fighting dogs"Standing still and put your hands in pockets because they like to get hold of something," says Madeleine Forsyth, a veterinary surgeon and non-practising barrister based in York. "A waving arm is an obvious target."

Avoid eye contact because it is confrontational and it is always unwise to turn your back, says Miss Forsyth, so standing sideways and looking slightly away is advisable.

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i moved into a very narrow soi behind carrefoure years ago,and my neighbour,a very tough lad from yorkshire, warned me about the dogs. he told me that there were about 12 of them and they had formed a pack and actually an alpha male and female,many of the people who owned motorcycles had had encounter's of the aggressive kind,the dog's owners,mainly thai people but ,there were a few ferang's also, were asked to do something about them but no-one did.The owner of the alpha female was approached and an offer was made to pay for the spaying of the rotten animal,she refused!!After we suffered a month of dusbins being turned over,dog s##t every where and soi pedestrians being chased up the road, a saviour came(name not supplied) his daughter was scratched

by one of these animals while jumping up on her to get to the ice cream she was eating(these things had become that confident)After a week,their numbers had decreased by a third and after 2 weeks there were almost none on the soi at all and the two or three that were still still there seemed very slow and were always laying down. A few week's later whilst having drink with my neighbour,i happened to mention the lack werewolves on the soi of late,he looked at me and said "wharfarin" 8 milligram and "Zannex" in a noodle soup!

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