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Israeli strike kills two in Gaza, Israel deploys anti-missile system


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Israeli strike kills two in Gaza, Israel deploys anti-missile system

2011-03-27 21:55:42 GMT+7 (ICT)

GAZA (BNO NEWS) -- Israeli warplanes on Sunday raided Jabalya refugee camp, north of Gaza, killing two Palestinians and wounding a man critically, Palestine News and Info Agency WAFA reported.

Medical sources announced the death of two Palestinians, 22 and 26. According to the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), the Air Force aircraft targeted a terrorist cell preparing for firing rockets toward Israeli territory from the northern Gaza Strip.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said after the incident that Israel will not tolerate the attacks, the Jerusalem Post reported.

"In the last two weeks there have been parties attempting to disturb peace and security," he said. "We don't want to escalate the situation but we will not hesitate to activate the strength of the IDF."

The incident comes after leaders of Palestinian factions in Gaza announced Saturday their commitment to the ceasefire if Israel does the same.

Meanwhile, the IDF announced that the Iron Dome missile defense system, which is expected to protect Israel's southern communities from rocket threats coming from the Gaza Strip, had been deployed and will begin its operational trial on Sunday.

The order was given by Defense Minister Ehud Barak in light of the recent rocket attacks in southern Israel. The missile defense system is currently in an accelerated process of assimilation in the Israeli Air Force in order to becoming fully operational.

The Iron Dome uses sophisticated radar to track incoming missiles, intercept and destroy them away from its targets, manufactured by Israel Aerospace Industries. It also includes 20 Tamir missile interceptors.

According to the IDF, over 130 mortar shells, Qassam rockets and Grad rockets have been fired from the Gaza Strip into Israeli territory since January. From this amount, more than 56 rockets were fired last week.

Israeli forces escalated their aggression against the Gaza Strip during the last two weeks, killing 8 Palestinians in air raids on March 23, and injuring 12, mostly children.

The Palestinian leadership warned from an imminent aggression against Gaza and urged the international community to prevent Israel from attacking Gaza.


-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2011-03-27

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Israeli forces escalated their aggression against the Gaza Strip during the last two weeks, killing 8 Palestinians in air raids on March 23, and injuring 12, mostly children.

Way to bring peace to Palestine.


I wonder why they 'escalated their aggression' perhaps it was down to the alignment of the planets. :whistling:

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I wonder why they 'escalated their aggression' perhaps it was down to the alignment of the planets. :whistling:

Some other kind of schmegegges, it is some ideology that makes them think its their right to take actions that kill people. Its an ideology that needs to be put it in the trash bin of history.

Peace for Palestine without any segregation and discrimination by an ethnic or religious group.

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Perhaps if this new rocket defense system works really well, Israel won't NEED to try to root out the terrorists so much. The deaths of children and innocents on any side is indeed very tragic.

Edited by Jingthing
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Perhaps if this new rocket defense system works really well, Israel won't NEED to try to root out the terrorists so much. The deaths of children and innocents on any side is indeed very tragic.

It will not make the problems go away. The system isn't 100% operational, and even if it was - there are limitations.

Anyway, only one will be deployed, so most of the area isn't covered at all. It's seen as a PR move more than anything else.

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Never mind. I reckon both sides are getting sick of this, and so is the world hearing about it.

Well, not really. People are fed up, sure, but it just makes them more hateful and aggressive.

There process of growing up and recognizing each other's legitimate rights is painfully slow.

Such conflicts always take time, take the anglo-french wars for example.

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It's really a VERY long conflict by modern standards. There was conflict even before 1948 and now it's 2011 and I don't see a solution in sight.


Abolition of segregation and discrimination.

yEAH, that :blink:

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Israeli forces escalated their aggression against the Gaza Strip during the last two weeks, killing 8 Palestinians in air raids on March 23, and injuring 12, mostly children.

Way to bring peace to Palestine.


I wonder why they 'escalated their aggression' perhaps it was down to the alignment of the planets. :whistling:

Nah, most likely those flying saucers that keep landing in Israel

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Israeli forces escalated their aggression against the Gaza Strip during the last two weeks, killing 8 Palestinians in air raids on March 23, and injuring 12, mostly children.

Way to bring peace to Palestine.


I suppose beating women journalists, raiding CNN and Reuters is even a better way to bring peace to Palestine. or perhaps attacking university students is another way :whistling:

Gaza cops use ‘beatings, stun guns’ on women reporters

Hamas security personnel raid offices of media organizations, including Reuters and CNN, confiscate equipment and documents.

A number of Palestinian women journalists complained on Sunday that they had been beaten and tortured by Hamas security forces in the Gaza Strip.

They said the assaults occurred in recent days when they and their colleagues tried to cover pro-unity rallies in different parts of the Gaza Strip.


Hamas policemen raid Gaza university office

University says policemen entered campus, attacked students who were demonstrating in favor of unity between Islamist movement and Fatah.


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Yes, it are the haters who are against these unity talks.

You do mean Hamas, the same one which keeps firing rockets? Are those the haters you referring to? or someone else?

I meant that those who are against the unity talks are haters.

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Yes, it are the haters who are against these unity talks.

You do mean Hamas, the same one which keeps firing rockets? Are those the haters you referring to? or someone else?

I meant that those who are against the unity talks are haters.

That would be Hamas, do not be shy say the word....

or are you suffering from superiority complex, xenophobia and hatred?

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Any nation has a right & responsibility to defend itself.

The "agression" originates in Gaza. They reap what they sow.

I guess these Muslim kooks have nothing better to do but kill Israeli women & kids.

The aggression started with the colonialists and their occupation.

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This thread here is about: Israeli strike kills two in Gaza, Israel deploys anti-missile system

there is another topic called: Abbas, Hamas hold unity talks

Isn't that comment a tad hypocritical considering your very first post on the Iran complain against Universal Human rights monitor thread was about universal human rights and Israel. :whistling:

Edited by Steely Dan
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The aggression started with the colonialists and their occupation.

Which colonialists and occupiers? The Turks with their Ottoman Empire held control over the region for centuries. Bits and pieces were lost in various wars with other empires with the culmination in 1922 with the Treaty of Lausanne. Or do you mean the Egyptians that annexed the Gaza strip or do you mean the Hashemites that seized Transjordan? Which colonial powers and occupiers are you fingering here, since there has been quite a history of muslim and arab colonialism and occupation?

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This thread here is about: Israeli strike kills two in Gaza, Israel deploys anti-missile system

there is another topic called: Abbas, Hamas hold unity talks

Isn't that comment a tad hypocritical considering your very first post on the Iran complain against Universal Human rights monitor thread was about universal human rights and Israel. :whistling:


Right next to this thread exist a thread with the topic Abbas, Hamas hold unity talks. perfect to discuss the issue there, meanwhile here is a risk that all our talk gets suddenly deleted because its off topic.

The other thread is about: Iranian lawmakers criticized the United Nations Human Rights Council for adopting an anti-Iran resolution

And i brought an example how others see the UNHRC. And that was something i learned here on this board. Aren't you one of these poster who don't get tired to point out that the UN/HRC are anti-semites or at least anti-israeli and bought by the Muslims?

What is now wrong when i raise the same point using the same source than other here when it comes to some UNHRC resolution?

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Sorry my bad, spelling was bad. Using iPhone .

It was meant to say

But it was you who brought up aggression was it not???

Any reasonable reason why NOW you trying to change the subject, besides NOT wanting to accept the facts

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Sorry my bad, spelling was bad. Using iPhone .

It was meant to say

But it was you who brought up aggression was it not???

Any reasonable reason why NOW you trying to change the subject, besides NOT wanting to accept the facts

Yes, i quoted a sentence from the OP containing the word aggression:

Israeli forces escalated their aggression against the Gaza Strip during the last two weeks, killing 8 Palestinians in air raids on March 23, and injuring 12, mostly children.

Way to bring peace to Palestine.


with your words: any reasonable reason why you trying to change the subject, besides NOT wanting to accept the facts?

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You really should stop relying on Hamas supporter websites for your "facts". Yo did blow it with your comment on colonial occupiers didn't you? Did you forget that the colonial occupiers as you termed it were actually muslim and from the region?

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Sorry my bad, spelling was bad. Using iPhone .

It was meant to say

But it was you who brought up aggression was it not???

Any reasonable reason why NOW you trying to change the subject, besides NOT wanting to accept the facts

Yes, i quoted a sentence from the OP containing the word aggression:

Israeli forces escalated their aggression against the Gaza Strip during the last two weeks, killing 8 Palestinians in air raids on March 23, and injuring 12, mostly children.

Way to bring peace to Palestine.


with your words: any reasonable reason why you trying to change the subject, besides NOT wanting to accept the facts?

I say tomato, you say tomato, in the end of the day its the same veg.

You chose to quote the sentence and do some more follow up in post 4- deal with the consequences.

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