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Read these 2 comments amongst others in another thread that is now locked....but wanted to comment on them...

:mark45y:..It is obvious that a Thai goodgirl wife still takes off her clothes under a towel with her husband after 20years of marriage so it is more cultural than any other issue'

:andrewbkk:.. Some gentlemen here in Thailand seemnot to understand that many whores really are whores. They love it.

Ultimately the proof is in the pudding. Go to bedwith a "proper" girl and try putting your finger into her bottom. Shewill almost certainly express surprise or shock or disgust.

You guys have no real idea.

As in any society, there are all sorts and your generalizations here are allowing your lack of experience shine through.

Edited by Nawtier
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And you somehow DO know?

Mark's comment is true for the most part, and with no slurs on anyone. Tell me how what he said is wrong.

Andrewbkk's comment was the reason why the topic was closed... because it went against forum rules.

I started the original topic as a bit of fun, and that is how most people took it with their replies. It only takes one person to derail an otherwise fun thread.

We are all entitled to our prejudices because we are a product of the environment we've grown up in. If you disagree with any one statement then debate that. It is you that has made a sweeping generalization.

If you know the meaning of life and all its intricacies then please enlighten us with your knowledge.

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The OP has altered my original quote to make it look as though I don't know how to use the space bar.

On some forums it is against "the rules" to do this.

And if you are on someones hit list you'll get a suspension for doing so. .

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As in any society, there are all sorts and your generalizations here are allowing your lack of experience shine through.

The first part of the qoute should be obviously true and it's self-evident to me (indeed, a proven fact). And while the latter part is speculative, I'm inclined to mostly agree (though perhaps I might have said something like "relative lack").

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Mark's comment is true for the most part, and with no slurs on anyone. Tell me how what he said is wrong.

Really...you think most normal healthy females that have been married for 20 years...or even less.....still go to bed in a towel ?

I can state first hand that mine does not and has not for 99% of our time together...in fact i could count on one hand the number of times she 'might' have done so.

You lot seem to think that there are no normal uninhibited girls out there.

Mark also has a horrible habit of big noting his times spent with bar girls and hookers.....like he is some kind of HookaLeaks source of universal know it all knowledge on them.......

Edited by Nawtier
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You know part of my last post was too presumptuous even for me and I apologize for it: what do I know about the posters' experience or lack thereof?

I simply meant that anyone who happened to have had certain kinds of experiences with Thai women (including those of both the "professional" kind and "good girls") would know that there exceptions to the absolute and broad statements made: and it wouldn't seem -- going by decades of personal experience and that of those male residents whom I've known (Thai and foriegn) over those decades -- that the exceptions are necessarily all that rare.

Edited to change "that" to "my".

Edited by SteeleJoe
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Surprise, shock or disgust Andrew...which one is it to be.

I would probably deliver one of those emotions if you did the same to me.......doesn't mean I do not like it.....but if i was not expecting it.....you might end up with more than egg on your face

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I would probably deliver one of those emotions if you did the same to me...

For that matter there are plenty of "working girls" who'd have the same reaction -- some simply out of surprise and some who don't like that sort of thing and some who only like it or permit it when a certain level of trust and/or arousal is achieved -- which also applies to "good girls"; and this applies to virtually any and all sexual activities to one degree or another. Just as would the case be (to a greater or lesser extent and varying proportions) in virtually any other country.

Surprise -- people are people and certainly there are cultural norms that make a difference there's a wide range of individual tastes or tolerance -- especially when it comes to sex and relationships. But don't we all know that already? (Why do people apparently think that's the case in their countries but not here?)

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Mark's comment is true for the most part, and with no slurs on anyone. Tell me how what he said is wrong.

Really...you think most normal healthy females that have been married for 20 years...or even less.....still go to bed in a towel ?

I can state first hand that mine does not and has not for 99% of our time together...in fact i could count on one hand the number of times she 'might' have done so.

You lot seem to think that there are no normal uninhibited girls out there.

Mark also has a horrible habit of big noting his times spent with bar girls and hookers.....like he is some kind of HookaLeaks source of universal know it all knowledge on them.......

Are you talking about normal, healthy THAI females, or western women? Mark and I are ONLY talking about Thai women. Western women ARE different in that regard and are usually less inhibited... delightfully so.

And, just how would you know what other women do if you have been married for 20 years to the same woman? ;) I don't know many married men to discuss the intimate details of their sex life, even with good friends. Women are more inclined to do that than men. Married men just say their love life is good or bad and leave it at that.

On the subject of how the majority of Thai women act in the privacy of their own home, I would believe a man like Mark who spent the past 20 years with a variety of working gals, before I'd believe a man who has been married to the same woman for 20 years.

I can only go by the few hundred Thai women I've been with during the past 15 years. I discovered, for the most part, that Thai women don't walk around naked anywhere... except in the shower. Of course, there are always exceptions, and I currently have a few that are quite uninhibited while with me, but they are the excceptions..

However, the original topic was about Thai working girls and their ingrained modesty. I first noticed it with a gal who put on one of those fake sex shows at a bar in Pattaya where she was totally naked in front of strangers. Then, later in the bedroom she came from the shower wrapped in a towel which she didn't take off until under the sheets. I just thought it a bit odd at the time, and later discovered it was quite normal for Thai females to act that way.

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Mark's comment is true for the most part, and with no slurs on anyone. Tell me how what he said is wrong.

Really...you think most normal healthy females that have been married for 20 years...or even less.....still go to bed in a towel ?

I can state first hand that mine does not and has not for 99% of our time together...in fact i could count on one hand the number of times she 'might' have done so.

You lot seem to think that there are no normal uninhibited girls out there.

Indeed. Broad generalizations extracted from personal experience. My good missus {of 15 years} has long shed the towel in the bed or the towel over the changing of clothes stereotype. And she's from the old school traditional modesty.

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Thats the problem with guys like you IF and Mark.....you spend your life with working girls and then everyone in the country must be same same.

The posts I referred to express their opinion of all thai woman being the same.....very few exceptions......I differ in my experience and so do most if not all of my married friends....except one who is married to a porn star.

I never said I was married to the same woman for 20 years.....hope old timers disease is not setting in.

My wife walks around naked a lot in the house and we did not have any curtains in the old house we lived in.......it would be a gross generalisation for me to think that other thai woman did not do the same.....such as yourself and 'Andrew of Bkk' have made about all thai woman.

I might even conduct an experiment tonight......oil my my finger in the ready and just aim it away for a full knuckle insertion without warning and see what happens.

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I'm quite happy when I hear of people who have a great sex life with their partner. It will help to keep a relationship together for a long time. I know a lot of couples that DON'T have a good sex life, even though everything else is very good. It all depends on what someone wants in life. But, that was NOT the original topic. It was about the little oddities in life that somehow don't make sense... unless you study the background a bit... like the built in modesty of Thai women that is ingrained starting at a very early age.

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Seems more like the "attack Ian and Mark for no good reason thread" to me. Call me a contrarian if you must, but thank you Ian for your consistently interesting and honest posts. And thank you Mark for your consistently thought-provoking posts that make me look at things from a different perspective. This being an Internet forum, I promise not to treat your posts as graduate school dissertations, but rather as I would treat our respective utterings were we sitting around shooting the shit over a cold or hot beverage.

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That's Ok, Kuhn Nawtier -- when I read a world weary comment on Thai women from guys who write as if they have discovered something unknown to others -- like the fraternity of those who have walked on the moon -- with their key sentences of either "That reminds me of the time back in 1983 when I ..." or " I've met many/ lots / hundreds/ thousands of Thai women, and ..." I just remember this interplay from Woody Allen's Annie Hall (1977)

Woody Allen as Alvy; Super Model Shelley Hack as the YW

ALVY ... You-you look like a really happy couple. Uh, uh ... are you?


ALVY Yeah! So ... so h-h-how do you account for it?

YOUNG WOMAN Uh, I'm very shallow and empty and I have no ideas and nothing interesting to say.

YOUNG MAN And I'm exactly the same way.

ALVY I see. Well, that's very interesting. So you've managed to work out something, huh?



ALVY Oh, well, thanks very much for talking to me.

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There are people who have actually DONE things, and then there are people who watch movies or Television of people doing things. I can't speak for Mark or anyone else for that matter. I can only speak from what I"ve seen and done. And, having lived to the ripe old age of 71 I've done more than most guys in their 30s or 40s. By the time they are in their seventies then young folks should be listening to them... providing they've actually got off their butts and done something other than sit in front of a computer screen. And, if someone with more experience than me tells me something then I'm willing to listen and keep my mouth shut until I know whether it's true or not. I don't question mechanics, doctors or airline pilots. I leave it up to their skills and I trust in their abilities until they let me down.

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Simple common sense should tell you they are not all same same........same as in your home country....wherever that is.......do they all do the exact opposite as here in Los ??....ALL of em ??........doubt it cos if you are American I dun think they make towels big enough.

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That's OK ... lots of people DO lots of things and still watch movies ... If I ever wanted to learn about tying fly fishing lures -- instead of maybe watching James Stewart in Anatomy of a Murder -- you would be my guy... as far as the game of love goes I'll rely on the skills of The Ladies Man' (Leon Phelps) on SNL ...

I don't see how someone with 7000+ posts on ThaiVisa in a little over 2 years should talk about others getting off their butts and not sitting in front of a computer screen. My activities these days in helping disadvantaged persons around the world however requires my DOING just that.

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Mark's comment is true for the most part, and with no slurs on anyone. Tell me how what he said is wrong.

Really...you think most normal healthy females that have been married for 20 years...or even less.....still go to bed in a towel ?

I can state first hand that mine does not and has not for 99% of our time together...in fact i could count on one hand the number of times she 'might' have done so.

You lot seem to think that there are no normal uninhibited girls out there.

Indeed. Broad generalizations extracted from personal experience. My good missus {of 15 years} has long shed the towel in the bed or the towel over the changing of clothes stereotype. And she's from the old school traditional modesty.

Same here.

Plus she leaves the bathroom door wide open when taking a dump so she won't miss anything from the soap opera on channel 7.

Won't be long before somebody will start a new topic on this. :)

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That's OK ... lots of people DO lots of things and still watch movies ... If I ever wanted to learn about tying fly fishing lures -- instead of maybe watching James Stewart in Anatomy of a Murder -- you would be my guy... as far as the game of love goes I'll rely on the skills of The Ladies Man' (Leon Phelps) on SNL ...

I don't see how someone with 7000+ posts on ThaiVisa in a little over 2 years should talk about others getting off their butts and not sitting in front of a computer screen. My activities these days in helping disadvantaged persons around the world however requires my DOING just that.

I didn't direct my comment at you, jazzbo, just some people who like to criticize others without actually knowing them. And, I'm not questioning what you do or did, jazzbo. Everyone has their own reasons why they live their life like they do and I'm not going to question their motives. A person could be an invalid for all I know and aren't able to leave a computer screen. As I said, I can only comment on what I do. As a writer I have to sit for long hours in front of a computer. The rest of the time I'm off researching whatever I'm writing about. But, trying to be creative takes energy, and I can pop in and out of a few forums I'm active in and take a break from creating.

Unless you haven't noticed, I don't criticize others on any forum. But, I WILL reply to criticism directed at me by people who don't have a clue who I am or what I do. Like you I also try to help the poor folks in Thailand, but only the ones who are willing to help themselves if given a chance. There are too many who want to sit on their duff and have some dumb farang do all the work.

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Second....wrong time of month......few days and she'll be right.

That's the whole point you dumb prick. The time of the month DOESN'T matter.

And you don't just put your finger in. You warm her up first. Ever heard of foreplay? Ever heard of a rim job? Actually, you're so bloody naive that you probably haven't. Google it.

The main point of my comments was that Thai girls outside of the sex industry will generally not be game. That's not to say all non-pros won't accede; I'm talking primarily about the kind of professional, car-owning women that I personally choose to date.

Whores, on the other hand, will usually play along. Remember: foreplay; romance; intimacy; probing. Then, if you've done your job like a man, you should get to make that long-awaited odyssey to Venus.

Seriously bro, if you wanna get your dick wet then stop acting like a little phaggot and go and get some.

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