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Full prepared remarks of President Obama's Address to the Nation on Libya


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The guy is lying just like all his Administration does..

just like Ben Shalom Bernanke does every time he makes an appearance :bah:

Ben Shalom Bernanke

Ben Shalom Bernanke

Ben Shalom Bernanke

midas doesn't want us to forget the guy is a Jew. Interesting agenda, midas. 'Nuff said.

Well they run the banks you know, and the media. :whistling:

They run the entire country from the back seat. If they didn't then the Israeli- Palestinian conflict would have beed done and dusted a long time ago. B)

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They run the entire country from the back seat. If they didn't then the Israeli- Palestinian conflict would have beed done and dusted a long time ago. B)

No, they don't, buddy, and you have just voiced an example of classic antisemitism. Yes I am sure you can "prove" it with links to neo-Nazi websites and their far left equivalents.


Bullet item two.

Edited by Jingthing
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The guy is lying just like all his Administration does..

just like Ben Shalom Bernanke does every time he makes an appearance :bah:

Ben Shalom Bernanke

Ben Shalom Bernanke

Ben Shalom Bernanke

midas doesn't want us to forget the guy is a Jew. Interesting agenda, midas. 'Nuff said.

Well they run the banks you know, and the media. :whistling:

They run the entire country from the back seat. If they didn't then the Israeli- Palestinian conflict would have beed done and dusted a long time ago. B)

Yes indeed Coma :lol:

Otherwise you probably would not have seen a rather

peculiar sign of US vetoeing UN sanctions against

Israel 60 out of 63 times :whistling:

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Over 60 percent of Americans support Israel. 2 percent of Americans are Jews. If US governments have been supportive of Israel, they are reflecting the majority will of the American people, which is how it should be in a democracy.

Do Jewish Americans have a greater influence on American culture than you would expect from a group so small as 2 percent. Yes, absolutely. You would think that would be something to be admired and praised and a role model for other minority groups. But not the same thing as asserting American Jews are a single bloc, in some kind of Elders of Zion evil conspiracy, "controlling" everything. That's a hateful and false BIG LIE.

Next ...

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Obama in 2002: Toppling Brutal Dictator a ‘Dumb War’

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

By Matt Cover

(CNSNews.com) – President Barack Obama, as an Illinois state senator in 2002, said that using military force to topple a murderous dictator amounted to a “dumb war” and should be opposed.

Additionaly "candidate" Obama said he would get the approval of Congress prior to committing troops to this type of adventure.

Ooops. Still lying. O well the leopard can't change it's spots.

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They run the entire country from the back seat. If they didn't then the Israeli- Palestinian conflict would have beed done and dusted a long time ago. B)

No, they don't, buddy, and you have just voiced an example of classic antisemitism. Yes I am sure you can "prove" it with links to neo-Nazi websites and their far left equivalents.


Bullet item two.

I feel you are being nieve. All the rich Jewish business cats in the State invest large amounts of money putting powerful politicians in powerful positions in order to have influence on US policy when it comes to Israel. You can deny it if you like but it is true. And yes I could cut and paste lots of supporting evidence and yes it will not be enough to sway your opinion. Finally, I am not antisemetic.

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They run the entire country from the back seat. If they didn't then the Israeli- Palestinian conflict would have beed done and dusted a long time ago. B)

No, they don't, buddy, and you have just voiced an example of classic antisemitism. Yes I am sure you can "prove" it with links to neo-Nazi websites and their far left equivalents.


Bullet item two.

Nonsense Jingthing ....there are you are using the same old tactics that Shulamit Aloni has

already warned us about. :rolleyes:

Why is it anti-semetic to expose the power of the Jewish lobby in the USA ? :huh:

Edited by midas
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Finally, I am not antisemetic.

You may or may not be antisemitic but anyone who asserts the Jews control everything in the USA has made a classic hate speech antisemitic STATEMENT, and that is an undeniable fact. It is against forum rules for me to label YOU anyway, but I can characterize your STATEMENTS (and people are free to draw their own conclusions about exactly what you are).

Edited by Jingthing
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Obama in 2002: Toppling Brutal Dictator a 'Dumb War'

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

By Matt Cover

(CNSNews.com) – President Barack Obama, as an Illinois state senator in 2002, said that using military force to topple a murderous dictator amounted to a "dumb war" and should be opposed.

Additionaly "candidate" Obama said he would get the approval of Congress prior to committing troops to this type of adventure.

Ooops. Still lying. O well the leopard can't change it's spots.

He has obviously beed corrupted or is being heavily influence but others, both inside and outside the White House. ie He is now a puppet President. There can be no other way to explain his blatant numerous election promise back flips. My money is on the influencial people outside the White House. See previous post.

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Finally, I am not antisemetic.

You may or may not be antisemitic but anyone who asserts the Jews control everything in the USA has made a classic hate speech antisemitic STATEMENT, and that is an undeniable fact. It is against forum rules for me to label YOU anyway, but I can characterize your STATEMENTS (and people are free to draw their own conclusions about exactly what you are).

Or do you mean you prefer nobody to mention it..............

Like Basil Fawlty said " dont mention the war " !

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Finally, I am not antisemetic.

You may or may not be antisemitic but anyone who asserts the Jews control everything in the USA has made a classic hate speech antisemitic STATEMENT, and that is an undeniable fact. It is against forum rules for me to label YOU anyway, but I can characterize your STATEMENTS (and people are free to draw their own conclusions about exactly what you are).

Off topic a little but can you explain to me how, by me saying that rich Jewish business men run the US government, that it equates to hate???? I am extremely confused and also interested in how you come to that conclusion going on the information in my posts. :blink:

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Finally, I am not antisemetic.

You may or may not be antisemitic but anyone who asserts the Jews control everything in the USA has made a classic hate speech antisemitic STATEMENT, and that is an undeniable fact. It is against forum rules for me to label YOU anyway, but I can characterize your STATEMENTS (and people are free to draw their own conclusions about exactly what you are).

Off topic a little but can you explain to me how, by me saying that rich Jewish business men run the US government, that it equates to hate???? I am extremely confused and also interested in how you come to that conclusion going on the information in my posts. :blink:

Be careful now Coma. :unsure:

It is around about this point in a discussion that Jingthing has had several threads

closed down in the past where i have raised too many questions of who owns the USA Federal Reserve :ph34r:

He also said i was anti semetic just for asking that question :blink:

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Yes indeed Coma :lol:

Otherwise you probably would not have seen a rather

peculiar sign of US vetoeing UN sanctions against

Israel 60 out of 63 times :whistling:

Perhaps the U.S have sense to see the blatent antisemitism woven into various UN bodies such as the human rights council and thus veto accordingly.

The conspiracy you internet jihadists write about is real enough but is an Islamic one not a Jewish one.

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Finally, I am not antisemetic.

You may or may not be antisemitic but anyone who asserts the Jews control everything in the USA has made a classic hate speech antisemitic STATEMENT, and that is an undeniable fact. It is against forum rules for me to label YOU anyway, but I can characterize your STATEMENTS (and people are free to draw their own conclusions about exactly what you are).

Off topic a little but can you explain to me how, by me saying that rich Jewish business men run the US government, that it equates to hate???? I am extremely confused and also interested in how you come to that conclusion going on the information in my posts. :blink:

Dont worry about it Coma ...if you haven't seen this it will help to explain a lot ! :whistling:

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Finally, I am not antisemetic.

You may or may not be antisemitic but anyone who asserts the Jews control everything in the USA has made a classic hate speech antisemitic STATEMENT, and that is an undeniable fact. It is against forum rules for me to label YOU anyway, but I can characterize your STATEMENTS (and people are free to draw their own conclusions about exactly what you are).

Off topic a little but can you explain to me how, by me saying that rich Jewish business men run the US government, that it equates to hate???? I am extremely confused and also interested in how you come to that conclusion going on the information in my posts. :blink:

Dont worry about it Coma ...if you haven't seen this it will help to explain a lot ! :whistling:

I will take it by his sudden silence to my challenge that he indeed CANNOT find a link to hate from my posts.

That VDO is a great one and nobody can deny its authenticity.Former Israeli minister. Hahaha. Everything she is saying rings out the exact same tunes as was just posted by said member. Rather pathetic isn't it?

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They run the entire country from the back seat. If they didn't then the Israeli- Palestinian conflict would have beed done and dusted a long time ago. B)

Why not say what you mean - If they didn't then Israel would have been done and dusted a long time ago.

Your weasel words do give you away though. An idea, Company, invention or other human endevour takes on a life of it's own and does not belong forever solely to it's creator, You might as well argue that the atom bomb was a Jewish invention or refer to communism as a Jewish movement. Ironically trying to paint the FED as a Jewish agency forgets the fact that current Fed monetary policy is Keynesian invented by John Maynard Keynes, an Englishman, whereas it's antithesis is what's known as the Austrian school of economics, which Midas would no doubt refer to as the Jewish school of economics as it was invented by an Austrian of Jewish parents.

To claim Jews run American is just antisemitic nonsense, they may have been promenent in banking (One of the few jobs historically open to them) but the banks themselves are not of any religion any more than ideas or inventions are.

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Ron Paul is a radical extremist. Really, who cares what he says or thinks?

Ron Paul seems to have forgotten his vote on March 1st on a Senate resolution. "(7) urges the United Nations Security Council to take such further action as may be necessary to protect civilians in Libya from attack, including the possible imposition of a no-fly zone over Libyan territory;" You can read the entire rez here http://voices.washingtonpost.com/2chambers/2011/03/senate_passes_libya_resolution.html

Not sure I understand your post Dana?

Ron Paul is the Congressman from Texas

Rand Paul is his son & is a Senator from Kentucky

Rand Paul like his dad Ron voted no on the no fly zone as they would for any unprovoked attack.


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" Barack Obama was asked specifically in an interview whether US troops would be on the ground during the current situation in Libya. Obama emphatically stated that he had, "absolutely," ruled out ground troops. Yet even while the words were coming out of his deceptive mouth, 2400 US Marines were ALREADY on the ground protecting the people of a Libyan city.

According to report from Camp LeJuene, North Carolina where the 26th MEU is based, 2400 Marines are on the ground in the city of Ajdubiyah, :o "preserving the safety of the civilians," in this Libyan city who have been under attack from pro Qaddafi forces. Obama not only flat out lied about ground troops but in his lie neglected to inform the American people that our sons and daughters are in harms way under HIS ORDERS.

Adding to this lie is the fact that Obama has already relinquished leadership of American forces and within the next few days all US forces in the theatre will fall under foreign command. The last time our troops were under foreign command was in Bosnia and we were sent like cattle to the slaughter. We were also under foreign command in Somalia and who can forget the Black Hawk Down incident.

Lying to the American people in order to appease his leftist base when our sons and daughters are in harms way by his command is not only inexcusable but incomprehensible from a Commander in Chief. Then abandoning our troops to foreign command makes this CIC one who sends our troops to fight without a conscience as to whether they live or not as they defend our country."

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They run the entire country from the back seat. If they didn't then the Israeli- Palestinian conflict would have beed done and dusted a long time ago. B)

Why not say what you mean - If they didn't then Israel would have been done and dusted a long time ago.

The only individual weasaling words around here in you Sport. Read my post and then read your post that you cut up and re-worded to suit your own agenda. You posted that I said israel would be done and dusted. WRONG. Totally wrong. I said that the The conflict would be done and dusted. You are blatantly trying to inflame the vibe of the thread through posting blatant lies about other members and the views. Grow up will you please.

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They run the entire country from the back seat. If they didn't then the Israeli- Palestinian conflict would have beed done and dusted a long time ago. B)

Why not say what you mean - If they didn't then Israel would have been done and dusted a long time ago.

The only individual weasaling words around here in you Sport. Read my post and then read your post that you cut up and re-worded to suit your own agenda. You posted that I said israel would be done and dusted. WRONG. Totally wrong. I said that the The conflict would be done and dusted. You are blatantly trying to inflame the vibe of the thread through posting blatant lies about other members and the views. Grow up will you please.

Original topic Obama Address to the Nation on Libya - To which you go off on your usual tangent alledging Jews control the U.S and attacking Israel - Your agenda is there for all to see and it speaks for itself. :sick::ph34r: :jerk:

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They run the entire country from the back seat. If they didn't then the Israeli- Palestinian conflict would have beed done and dusted a long time ago. B)

Why not say what you mean - If they didn't then Israel would have been done and dusted a long time ago.

The only individual weasaling words around here in you Sport. Read my post and then read your post that you cut up and re-worded to suit your own agenda. You posted that I said israel would be done and dusted. WRONG. Totally wrong. I said that the The conflict would be done and dusted. You are blatantly trying to inflame the vibe of the thread through posting blatant lies about other members and the views. Grow up will you please.

Original topic Obama Address to the Nation on Libya - To which you go off on your usual tangent alledging Jews control the U.S and attacking Israel - Your agenda is there for all to see and it speaks for itself. :sick::ph34r: :jerk:

Hahahaha. Go away. Your killing me with laughter here with your over sensitivity. You don't mind going :offtopic: when you feel you have a good arguement going. Once you are shown that your argument is indeed an epic failure , you have a :passifier: spit. Hahaha. My agenda is there for all to see. Western countries should keep out of other countries affairs. Now I am going to bed so you have a good night now. Here is the worlds smallest :violin: and it is playing for you my friends. God loves you. :mfr_closed1:

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" Barack Obama was asked specifically in an interview whether US troops would be on the ground during the current situation in Libya. Obama emphatically stated that he had, "absolutely," ruled out ground troops. Yet even while the words were coming out of his deceptive mouth, 2400 US Marines were ALREADY on the ground protecting the people of a Libyan city.

According to report from Camp LeJuene, North Carolina where the 26th MEU is based, 2400 Marines are on the ground in the city of Ajdubiyah, :o "preserving the safety of the civilians," in this Libyan city who have been under attack from pro Qaddafi forces. Obama not only flat out lied about ground troops but in his lie neglected to inform the American people that our sons and daughters are in harms way under HIS ORDERS.

Adding to this lie is the fact that Obama has already relinquished leadership of American forces and within the next few days all US forces in the theatre will fall under foreign command. The last time our troops were under foreign command was in Bosnia and we were sent like cattle to the slaughter. We were also under foreign command in Somalia and who can forget the Black Hawk Down incident.

Lying to the American people in order to appease his leftist base when our sons and daughters are in harms way by his command is not only inexcusable but incomprehensible from a Commander in Chief. Then abandoning our troops to foreign command makes this CIC one who sends our troops to fight without a conscience as to whether they live or not as they defend our country."

How about a link to this remarkable information?

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Thanks for the links but I find it amazing that none of the major media outlets have reported this.

The article from the Telegraph, quoted verbatim and without credits by Midas, has no hard facts to support the allegations.

The other article claims the information comes from an ABC news station in New Bern, NC, yet it has not been picked up by Reuters, AP, CNN, et al, that I know about.

The last I heard was several hours ago and the Marines were in Crete on the ground and on board ships in the Mediterranean.

I am going to choose to disbelieve this until such time as it is verified by a little more reliable source.

I'm not saying Obama doesn't lie...just that this one doesn't seem to be his.

Edited by chuckd
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" Barack Obama was asked specifically in an interview whether US troops would be on the ground during the current situation in Libya. Obama emphatically stated that he had, "absolutely," ruled out ground troops. Yet even while the words were coming out of his deceptive mouth, 2400 US Marines were ALREADY on the ground protecting the people of a Libyan city.

According to report from Camp LeJuene, North Carolina where the 26th MEU is based, 2400 Marines are on the ground in the city of Ajdubiyah, :o "preserving the safety of the civilians," in this Libyan city who have been under attack from pro Qaddafi forces. Obama not only flat out lied about ground troops but in his lie neglected to inform the American people that our sons and daughters are in harms way under HIS ORDERS.

Adding to this lie is the fact that Obama has already relinquished leadership of American forces and within the next few days all US forces in the theatre will fall under foreign command. The last time our troops were under foreign command was in Bosnia and we were sent like cattle to the slaughter. We were also under foreign command in Somalia and who can forget the Black Hawk Down incident.

Lying to the American people in order to appease his leftist base when our sons and daughters are in harms way by his command is not only inexcusable but incomprehensible from a Commander in Chief. Then abandoning our troops to foreign command makes this CIC one who sends our troops to fight without a conscience as to whether they live or not as they defend our country."

Some strange facts here. We were led like "cattle to slaughter" in Bosnia? Well, there was one US combat death during the entire operation. That hardly seems to me to be being led like cattle. And in Somalia, we were under US command. That was part of Bush's requirement for the US to be involved in UNITAF. There were many other counties involved, but it was US led.

As far as the 26th MEU being on the ground, I will believe it when I see it, and no Marine Corps source has them on the ground at this time.

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Ron Paul is a radical extremist. Really, who cares what he says or thinks?

Ron Paul seems to have forgotten his vote on March 1st on a Senate resolution. "(7) urges the United Nations Security Council to take such further action as may be necessary to protect civilians in Libya from attack, including the possible imposition of a no-fly zone over Libyan territory;" You can read the entire rez here http://voices.washin...resolution.html

Not sure I understand your post Dana?

Ron Paul is the Congressman from Texas

Rand Paul is his son & is a Senator from Kentucky

Rand Paul like his dad Ron voted no on the no fly zone as they would for any unprovoked attack.


Thanks, as I was reffering to Rand. I am a huge fan of flat tax and term limits so I support that aspect. Very few politicans care about anything more than getting re-elected. I also realise this was a unamimous vote on a non-binding re asolution. But it was unamimous..Curious as to your thoughts of this vote and the self serving comments that followed 4 weeks later. Get rid of all lobbiest I say. Untill then, I remain a registered independent

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Thanks for the links but I find it amazing that none of the major media outlets have reported this.

The article from the Telegraph, quoted verbatim and without credits by Midas, has no hard facts to support the allegations.

The other article claims the information comes from an ABC news station in New Bern, NC, yet it has not been picked up by Reuters, AP, CNN, et al, that I know about.

The last I heard was several hours ago and the Marines were in Crete on the ground and on board ships in the Mediterranean.

I am going to choose to disbelieve this until such time as it is verified by a little more reliable source.

I'm not saying Obama doesn't lie...just that this one doesn't seem to be his.

Why do you do find this amazing ? :huh:

Why should the left wing media want to amplify his lies even further :whistling:

" I'm not saying Obama doesn't lie " :cheesy: :cheesy:

Its actually easier to believe the opposite of everything he says !

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