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High Speed Crash In Siam Cc Road Demolishes Restaurant And Parked Cars


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Will Ian Authur Covill do it Again?

PATTAYA: -- An English man drink and drive in the wrong way, nearly lost his life and others, he successfully bailed himself out of the Banglamung police station on the next day.

Pattaya, on the 28th March[PDN] ,On Monday evening a Vigo driven by a Mr Ian Authur Covill, English national of S/P 3 soi siam country club was traveling at more than 130klm according to witnesses 1 being a police volunteer, towards lake Mapachan from the Pattaya direction on the wrong side of the road this resulted in a white D-Max & a motor-bike to be forced off the road onto a forecourt of a building suppliers opposite Route C.C. Restaurant , The driver a Mr Ian Authur Covill of the speeding Vigo then lost total control & veered to the left & straight into the rear of a stationary Mitsubishi G-Wagon parked outside Route C.C. the speed & impact moved the G-Wagon through the air 10 meters & sideways through the outside eating area of Route C.C. restaurant demolishing the whole area

Full story and pictures HERE

PATTAYA DAILY NEWS: -- 2011-03-30


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What ever the horror of this accident, I don't understand how this "newspaper" can keep publishing such garbled rubbish that doesn't come anywhere near being a news report - it sounds like both the reporter and the editor had a few too many. Its not even up to the standard of a kid's comic book.

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Went to Route CC yesterday and saw the damage, just pure luck no-one was sitting outside that night. From what staff members told me about Ian Arthur Covill's state of drunkeness and his attitude to those he nearly killed, this little a......e should have been locked up for a long time. But this is Thailand so how long before he does it again?

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This story was sent to all news organizations including Pattaya One News by a third party who witnessed the accident. None of the information can be verified and without any information available from the Police Report we decided not to publish it. This sort of poor reporting can lead to legal action from those involved. The title of the so-called news story is disgusting in my opinion as well.

If it is true then the driver should be ashamed of himself but that is the question....is the detail accurate or a slanted view from a member of the public?

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This story was sent to all news organizations including Pattaya One News by a third party who witnessed the accident. None of the information can be verified and without any information available from the Police Report we decided not to publish it. This sort of poor reporting can lead to legal action from those involved. The title of the so-called news story is disgusting in my opinion as well.

If it is true then the driver should be ashamed of himself but that is the question....is the detail accurate or a slanted view from a member of the public?

I saw the damage, photos taken at the time and a copy of the police report. As my Thai is not good enough for reading, it was translated for me. I believe that a copy is still available to be seen at Route CC.

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This story was sent to all news organizations including Pattaya One News by a third party who witnessed the accident. None of the information can be verified and without any information available from the Police Report we decided not to publish it. This sort of poor reporting can lead to legal action from those involved. The title of the so-called news story is disgusting in my opinion as well.

If it is true then the driver should be ashamed of himself but that is the question....is the detail accurate or a slanted view from a member of the public?

I saw the damage, photos taken at the time and a copy of the police report. As my Thai is not good enough for reading, it was translated for me. I believe that a copy is still available to be seen at Route CC.

Thanks for that.

We have a policy of never publishing crime news received from an outside source. Social stories are fine but we are very careful about this and will only publish the story if it is received through our normal sources.

A terrible accident though. All I can say is I truly hope that those who are found responsible for it are brought to justice.

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lol, advert on baht&sold

G-Wagon Oh sorry chaps it was as new , this is a newer version called a COVILL Intoxicated Model impact speed of 130klm, this flyes ! runs on Sam Migel & Gin & Tonic can generally be seen drunk in soi siam country club or golf club car parks to view! extremely bad attitude !

10,000baht, call james.

Clicky Clicky.

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2 recent, admittedly fatal accidents, by very young Thai drivers have brought out hundreds and hundreds of posters on many forums who show righteous anger at the wrongdoings. Here, we have an drunken idiot who should have ben locked up for a long time, and hardly any comment?????????????????????????????

I don't think I am flaming when I call him an out and out disgrace, but I cannot understand why there is no outrage at his total disregard for his and others safety. Mind you, I have no disregard for HIS safety either

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what he did was wrong if all is true, but is putting his picture and car number on here at this stage the right thing to do, or putting the link on. i agree totally with what HM is saying on this one, no evidence he was drunk as no posative test, libaless i would have thought. prsumably the witness's did not have a speed gun to determin the 130kmph speed claims

Prefabs cant really compare this with cutting a girl in half and doing a runner for 10kms getting changed and going to a festival. this is not a hit and run, had he killed somebody he would not like the young Thai that walk away scot free.

Edited by NALAK
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what he did was wrong if all is true, but is putting his picture and car number on here at this stage the right thing to do, or putting the link on. i agree totally with what HM is saying on this one, no evidence he was drunk as no posative test, libaless i would have thought. prsumably the witness's did not have a speed gun to determin the 130kmph speed claims

Prefabs cant really compare this with cutting a girl in half and doing a runner for 10kms getting changed and going to a festival. this is not a hit and run, had he killed somebody he would not like the young Thai that walk away scot free.

You may be right, maybe I can't compare it with the other 2 crashes. However, I have driven past that bar hunderds of times and never seen anyone come even close to destroying it. If he wasn't drunk, and in the absence of any other defined reasons, he at least should be taken off the road for being incapable of driving a high powered vehicle in a straight line. And yes, no one walks about with a speed gun in the off chance that we might want to check the speed of a vehicle sometimes, but he sure wasn't driving at normal speeds when he crashed. If we are to disbelieve the whole report, maybe he is a good guy???????? However, still seems a bit of a pr*ck to me

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I wonder what the post count would have been if he was say, Iranian, Nigerian or Russian.

Just from the damage sustained by the car on impact, he was speeding for starters. Driving on the wrong side of the road means he is either nuts or high on something.

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I have just been told that yesterday, Mr Covill went to Route CC and apologised for the incident and his behaviour afterwards. It doesn't excuse it in my opinion, but at least he is man enough to face up to it.

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It doesn't say if he was given the beer or G&T that he demanded but, if so, surely this would have made a breath/blood test taken afterwards to be very ambigious.

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I have just been told that yesterday, Mr Covill went to Route CC and apologized for the incident and his behavior afterward. It doesn't excuse it in my opinion, but at least he is man enough to face up to it.

You mean he was let of jail to go and apologize?

Would set a bad precedent if driving 130km/h on the wrong side of the road drunk, wiping out an outdoor cafe is OK If he just shows up a week later to apologize.

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