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Briton Beaten To Death By Motorcycle Gang In Thailand


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BTW, the PI in this case was hired due to the sheer ineptness and inability of the British Embassy to communicate and help the family. Because of the British Embassy the family felt there was no choice but to hire a PI.

The PI helped locate the poor Toby's body. From which point of course the Thai police took over to complete the investigation, and see that the murderers were brought justice under the Thai justice system. Life imprisonment.

Anything else I can help you with, just let me know. :)

The Thai Police were completely inept during this investigation, quite incredible that you are defending them on that particular occasion!

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I,m a new member to this site,but I have lived here for 9 years.In my opinion all the comment page answers should be blank.Reason as to why is really very simple,i.e. whatever goverment is in power they all have the same name (Dumb and Dumber) and they all have the same policies,Blind Leading the Blind.I have had personal experiences (apart from death,but that could have been possible because of an arguement with a Thai).These people are easy to work out,just think of some words from our language then look in a Thai dictionary for a translation i.e. COMMON SENSE,ETHICS,MORALS,if you still cannot work them out carry on banging your head against the brick wall.Comments welcome.P.S my username "bulekee" translates from the Thai and English,bule as in bull in English,kee,as in Thai s#^*.

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I,m a new member to this site,but I have lived here for 9 years.In my opinion all the comment page answers should be blank.Reason as to why is really very simple,i.e. whatever goverment is in power they all have the same name (Dumb and Dumber) and they all have the same policies,Blind Leading the Blind.I have had personal experiences (apart from death,but that could have been possible because of an arguement with a Thai).These people are easy to work out,just think of some words from our language then look in a Thai dictionary for a translation i.e. COMMON SENSE,ETHICS,MORALS,if you still cannot work them out carry on banging your head against the brick wall.Comments welcome.P.S my username "bulekee" translates from the Thai and English,bule as in bull in English,kee,as in Thai s#^*.

What a funny first post, calling for all pages to be blank! Buleskee sounds more like the name for a Russian male cow.

Anyway, the hard truth that needs come out of this tragic tale is that whatever happens on the roads, do your level best not to react. I used to press the horn all the time at the idiots in front and cutting me up. I have learned to give it up. A local was killed near bye here after beeping his horn at a biker and waving his fist. At the next traffic lights the biker took a gun out and shot the guy. Just breath deep and smile, don't give angry gesticulations, the offender normally nods to acknowledge their mistake and just move on and enjoy the day. There is almost no standard to driving in this country and the driving test for both bikes and cars is an absolute farce. Don't expect or try and impose our western driving standards (having said that whilst some of the young guys driving scooters appear to be totally reckless they possess massive amounts of skill).Stay chilled out guys.

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