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Orthodontics Clinic - Braces - Recs For Chiangmai


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Thanks kindly for your recs for orthodontics work - the thaigirl needs both upper and lower braces and has done her homework commendably. She reports to me her places that she found on her own and now I told her that before we commit the money to any one place let's get Thaivisa input.

I can't be much help to her locally as I'm at work stateside so cannot check out these places except for what I see on the Net.

The Damon Orthodontics method's link is below - looks good but if available in LOS, hopefully would not cost 2 arms and 4 legs.

Much appreciated :)


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You're going to pay for a Thai girl's orthodontics??? Maybe tell her to get a job and finance it herself? Sorry I know it's not what you want to hear but...sounds crazy to me.

Thanks electrified, don't worry if its not what I want to hear, any opinion is valid and all are read and considered.

Thai women are the absolute best when it comes to women - and this particular girl is no ordinary Thai girl - ordinary in the sense of "poor" yes, but in terms of "heart", "fidelity" and "taking care of her man" rich beyond measure. She's the first Thai girl I met 10 years ago, my first week in LOS - we've been together ever since for a straight 10 years of retirement bliss and will get married as soon as I replenish my sunken financial reserves. :)

For the fellows who've been unfortunate to have been caught up with the wrong women (and there are a multitude here) and been taken to the cleaners or whatever, that hurts me to hear these kinds of stories and I could very easily be one such individual, for you see, in the final analysis I know doodly about women.

And now is the final test for this woman - when I came to near brokedom after a looong decade's holiday and living a good lifestyle (not grand, but not wanting for anymore) - I'm back to work in a bazooka-ed economy and have no idea from where the next retirement cache will spring. :)

So against this backdrop, I most certainly will pay for her orthodontics treatment - and happily so.

And here's something else that might surprise you ... if I strike it rich and the cache is huge, there is nobody else in the universe that I'd give a rat's ass about sharing it with - she gets it all when the Man calls me up.

Thailand continues to be the best country I've ever lived in.

Appreciate all help with the orthodontics recs

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You're going to pay for a Thai girl's orthodontics??? Maybe tell her to get a job and finance it herself? Sorry I know it's not what you want to hear but...sounds crazy to me.

Thanks electrified, don't worry if its not what I want to hear, any opinion is valid and all are read and considered.

Thai women are the absolute best when it comes to women - and this particular girl is no ordinary Thai girl - ordinary in the sense of "poor" yes, but in terms of "heart", "fidelity" and "taking care of her man" rich beyond measure. She's the first Thai girl I met 10 years ago, my first week in LOS - we've been together ever since for a straight 10 years of retirement bliss and will get married as soon as I replenish my sunken financial reserves. :)

For the fellows who've been unfortunate to have been caught up with the wrong women (and there are a multitude here) and been taken to the cleaners or whatever, that hurts me to hear these kinds of stories and I could very easily be one such individual, for you see, in the final analysis I know doodly about women.

And now is the final test for this woman - when I came to near brokedom after a looong decade's holiday and living a good lifestyle (not grand, but not wanting for anymore) - I'm back to work in a bazooka-ed economy and have no idea from where the next retirement cache will spring. :)

So against this backdrop, I most certainly will pay for her orthodontics treatment - and happily so.

And here's something else that might surprise you ... if I strike it rich and the cache is huge, there is nobody else in the universe that I'd give a rat's ass about sharing it with - she gets it all when the Man calls me up.

Thailand continues to be the best country I've ever lived in.

Appreciate all help with the orthodontics recs

Good on you.

The one thing is that you were describing my wife of five years.:)

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Good on you, AfterLos. Orthodontia is a bargain in Thailand.

Thank you, Sir. I could not afford to pay for it stateside, not without insurance anyway. The money is coming in in droplets of blood and venom. :) As an aside, a few years back I was given a quote from my previous dentist for my own teeth - a complete job for approx. $85,000 (eighty-five thousand dollars) - got it done in LOS for 30k (thirty thousand)Thai Baht.

LOS - what a country. :)

If anybody else stumbles into this thread I want you to know how lucky you are to be living in such a beautiful, exotic country. I yearn for the moment when I'm on a plane again to get back to CM and leave this graveyard behind.

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You're going to pay for a Thai girl's orthodontics??? Maybe tell her to get a job and finance it herself? Sorry I know it's not what you want to hear but...sounds crazy to me.

Thai women are the absolute best when it comes to women - and this particular girl is no ordinary Thai girl...

I'll have to disagree (and in 20 years of visiting I've never been burned; financially or emotionally so no bitterness here). You see women are the same in every country of the world. Some are tall, others, short, some fat, thin, blond, brunette, Asian, Latina, etc., etc. They may look different, act different, speak different languages, but they are all the same. It just strikes me as funny that some men do things in Thailand that they would never think of doing in their home country or if say an American living as an expat in Europe would do.

Edited by elektrified
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