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Motorcycle Accident- Insurance Questions


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My father fell off his motorcycle today and broke his shoulder. Needs an operation to install some hardware. Quote is in the neighborhood of 100k. Does Thai liability insurance cover any of this? It was my motorcycle, and I recently renewed coverage, but I failed to ask many questions about coverage ( I don't fall off my motorcycles)

Any Canadians out there know any thing about provincial medical coverage while overseas. He is a tourist, been here about a month, no extended health coverage. i did not ask him but I seriously doubt that he bought any kind of travel insurance.

Thanks for any information. I went through quite a few pages looking for old similar topics and did a search, but did not come up with much.

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It might depend on which Province he's from....

But I believe he can claim against his income tax, so should make sure to have all receipts...from the hospital..... to claim on his tax return.... ( of course depending on income level, he won't necessarily get full credit... but perhaps some )

Travel insurance always advisable!

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