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Law Prohibiting Marriage To Foreigners Over The Age Of 50 Proposed To Thai Cabinet


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I am concerned that these people are attempting to circumvent the rules by marrying innocent Thai women.

Seems some people really do have their heads in the clouds.


Yes, innocent indeed... Thai can do no wrong. Why don't they go whole hog and forbid old boys fraternizing with younger girls.

/ On relflection, that 'innocent' should have given it away, though it wouldn't surprise me.

Just anothrr example of ab...turdity..by an old bloke from vested interested who needs to flexs his mouth sphicter instead of the other.

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Can they not think of any thing themselves for a change? They are lucky their great friend Cambodia is there to give them ideas.

Copy cats.

Big deal, as stated before at 50 you can get a retirement visa or just slip over a boarder and get married. Or will they not recognize marriages from a different country. Another all inspiring idea from the intellects that run this country.

Thai nationals cannot be prohibited from marrying older foreigners abroad, however Thai embassies will warn them of the possibility that Thailand will not recognize the marriage if they return to Thailand, he noted.

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As an over-50 falang with a Thai wife and daughter I am very concerned to hear of the proposal to prevent my spouse inheriting under my Will. Can someone please provide a link to enable people in my position to check the facts relating to this outrageous and discriminatory piece of legislation?

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I'm amazed that so many long-time sexpats here don't understand the following hard truths:

Just having to tolerate the presence of fat old bald sex-obsessed men chasing their young lovelies **is** a considerable burden, not only for the beautiful princesses we rent but for Thai society in general. As long as we we continue to pour substantial sums of our currency from outside the country into their coffers every month, it's (barely) worth putting up with us. As soon as our money runs out, we're no longer wanted - and IMO fair enough.

As the country grows in economic prosperity, the sums the pretty young girls can wheedle from their sugar daddies will continue to grow - not just farang, but all the candidates, including the now larger pool of non-poor (and non fat old bald sex-obsessed) Thais. So be prepared to at least pay your companion what a shop clerk or unskilled factory worker would get back home, and give her family and the government their fair commission, or else get the heck outta here.

And they have every right to run their business how they like - remember we're just the customer, and in this part of the world the only proper attitude is one of gratitude that they let us enter the shop at all!

</end rant>

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Im pretty sure the ones who realized it and posted it were deleted. When i saw it i knew it was an April fools day joke. I have however forwarded it to some Thai officials and told them that if they make this law there are more mia nois for the the Thais. That must be incentive enough.

Yes, there were a few that caught it early on but the posts were deleted to keep it going . . . but not that many considering how many were actually reading the thread and that are STILL even now not getting it . . . this was great to watch . . . lots of red faces and backtracking going on now . . . lol

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This law will never be passed. Like everything Thai, it's a whole big show for the coming elections. They are trying to mind-fornicate the Thai's to believing that they are looking out for the well being of the average Thai. These politicians are fully aware that all the investments and money brought in by foreigners over 50 that are married to Thai's will most likely never leave Thailand. The Thai's have too much to lose, but will never admit it.

I should not lose too much sleep over this law as it will never happen.

On a side note, if it does happen; the number of suicide cases among foreigners in Thailand will significantly drop. No younger Thai wife to inherit the old man's fortune. Should see a drastic decline in the Pattaya Flying Club membership.

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I am curious about the subject of "being a burden'....I am unaware of any benefits given to Farangs if married to a Thai and only needing 400,000 in a bank account. We farangs as far as I know, dont get any Government payments such as Social security (pension), Medical benefits etc. etc. Most Thai banks don't pay interest on our bank accounts....free money for the banks . can anyone tell me what benefits a Farang can get from the Thai Government???

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SO where does that leave me? i'm 54, she's 43? planned to marry this year. planned to work 8 months/year in australia (and she'll visit a couple of times during that 8 month period) and 4 months/year in thailand unitl retirement in about 11 years time. then work full time in thailand.

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I am curious about the subject of "being a burden'....I am unaware of any benefits given to Farangs if married to a Thai and only needing 400,000 in a bank account. We farangs as far as I know, dont get any Government payments such as Social security (pension), Medical benefits etc. etc. Most Thai banks don't pay interest on our bank accounts....free money for the banks . can anyone tell me what benefits a Farang can get from the Thai Government???

None, it was a joke . . . we foreigners are not entitled to anything.

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QUOTE : . I am concerned that these people are attempting to circumvent the rules by marrying innocent Thai women.

Where are all these innocent Thai women ?

I have not met any yet ha ha ha.

I think Tawatchai Suksoom should get his head out of his arse and see it is the Westerners who are naive and innocent when it comes to Thai marriages.

He should let Thai women run this country because they are so cold and calculating they can rule without emotion.

This will not affect many because they will just marry the girl outside Thailand.

Just think of the millions if not billions of Baht in lost revenue for Thai girls and their families

With the younger farangs who come here most do not want to marry anyway . They just come for a good time

It is not the Farangs who want to marry It is the Thai girls so they can get sin sod.

It is better for a farang NOT to marry a Money grabbing Thai girl anyway

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So let me see if I understand this one: you can't marry a Thai woman and share a good life. But, you can go to downtown Bangkok and watch Thai women rub their crotches on a pole, on your leg, on everyone in the place, etc., then rent a Thai woman and use her sexually for an hour, a day, or a week? That's alright.

Okay, got it.

Although it's hard to believe, but isn't that illegal ? But of course this proposal is to keep the poor in their place. In cheap massage parlours for the rich and not on their housing estates.

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Yes. Thailand should bring in this law to prohibit older Farangs and other foreigners from marrying very young women .

I have seen some farangs with young wives who could be their grand daughters!.

Laos and Cambodia have enacted these law: why not Thailand.

Wow! You must realy hate foriegners. What did one of your daughters marry an older man? or did you sell her to him?

What ever the reason if they are in love what is wrong?

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I will go out today and find a much younger "innocent Thai girl" and ask her to please take at least 1000 baht from me! I will be ashamed of myself for actions. :rolleyes::P I just hope I don't fall in love because I can't marry her! :cheesy:

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I'm amazed that so many long-time sexpats here don't understand the following hard truths:

Just having to tolerate the presence of fat old bald sex-obsessed men chasing their young lovelies **is** a considerable burden, not only for the beautiful princesses we rent but for Thai society in general. As long as we we continue to pour substantial sums of our currency from outside the country into their coffers every month, it's (barely) worth putting up with us. As soon as our money runs out, we're no longer wanted - and IMO fair enough.

As the country grows in economic prosperity, the sums the pretty young girls can wheedle from their sugar daddies will continue to grow - not just farang, but all the candidates, including the now larger pool of non-poor (and non fat old bald sex-obsessed) Thais. So be prepared to at least pay your companion what a shop clerk or unskilled factory worker would get back home, and give her family and the government their fair commission, or else get the heck outta here.

And they have every right to run their business how they like - remember we're just the customer, and in this part of the world the only proper attitude is one of gratitude that they let us enter the shop at all!

</end rant>

According to French and Portuguese sailing logs they have been doing the same thing since the 1500's. I don't see much changing. Given the state of hygiene on old sailing ships I imagine things have improved quite a bit.

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No can't be an April 1st joke. What if some poor Thai girl reads this and jumps off the balcony out of desperation? Who would want than on their conscience?

Nip out and buy a big blanket Mark, I'll give you a hand saving a couple.

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SO where does that leave me? i'm 54, she's 43? planned to marry this year. planned to work 8 months/year in australia (and she'll visit a couple of times during that 8 month period) and 4 months/year in thailand unitl retirement in about 11 years time. then work full time in thailand.

Marry in Australia. Come here on tourist visas until retirement.

Then either come here on a retirement visa with enough cash in the bank and don't work or come here and work on a business visa.

That's if the law gets passed. Probably won't.

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Yes. Thailand should bring in this law to prohibit older Farangs and other foreigners from marrying very young women .

I have seen some farangs with young wives who could be their grand daughters!.

Laos and Cambodia have enacted these law: why not Thailand.

In the report there is no mention of 'young girls' so it would seem it would apply to all ages so a foreign man 50+ could not marry a women of 49.

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I am 51, my fiancee is 25, we have been together 6 years, sailed round the world once and crossed the Pacific 3 times, we get along fantastic and are very much in love, i better hurry up and get married, although i do have the required 800,000 and do not have to get married so i can stay in Thailand cheap.<br>I have Been here 26 years, it seems to be getting more and more racist to wards farangs, this new stupid law will just make things worse for the girls who can not marry and when the man dies, will find it hard to get her untitled  inheritance, but it will not stop two people in love staying together.<br>expat<br>

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<br />
<br />So if you only have 400,000 in the bank, you are a burden on Thailand <img src='http://static.thaivisa.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':lol:' /> <br /><br />Looks like i am a BIG burden.<br />
<br /><br /><br />Amazing we foriegners are a burden with only 400,000 that's a joke. How many thai people do you know who make over 40,000 baht a month ( 40,000 x 12 = 480,000 - taxes of about 80,000) none the average salary here for a master's degreed professional if they are real fortunate is 20,000 most make about 12,000 to 18,000. So I guess all thai citizens are a burden on thier own country according to this article.<br />
<br /><br /><br />

Just to inform you, the average income for the approx. 6 million people living in Bangkok, is approximately 400,000 THB per year. Among the people I know (including my wife, her family and all our friends) I don't know a single one who earns less than 75,000 THB per month. So not all Thais are a burden, just the same way that not all foreigners are a burden.

Let's see some factual evidence for these rather amazing claims of untold wealth in Bkk.

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As much as I appreciate April Fool jokes; one shouldn't give the authorities ideas to follow through... :D

Nonetheless, I always wondered why married guys have to show 400,000 baht less than single retired guys? Do the officials perhaps calculate like this: 365 days X 1,000 baht for short time plus 365 X lady drinks at 100 baht each, minus 15 drinks for the occasional girl who isn't thirsty?? :whistling:

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We farangs as far as I know, dont get any Government payments such as Social security (pension), Medical benefits etc. etc. Most Thai banks don't pay interest on our bank accounts....free money for the banks . can anyone tell me what benefits a Farang can get from the Thai Government???

Just to educate you. I have social security, medical benefits from the government and interest on my bank accounts.

Probably the biggest benefit is that they let us stay here. ;)

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Well if this is an April one wind up, then its first class.

The response being so great, is generated not because people think it;s crazy but because people are nor suprised by it.

Enough to make your blood boil and generate a response but not suprising

Here we can expect anything from the Thai Government and the Establishment.

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Given the amount of simpletons, still replying to this in a serious manner, it is no wonder so many of you couldn't find a wife your own age in your own country in the first place.

It was a good joke, but the fact of the matter is, it would be a fantastic law.

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Yes. Thailand should bring in this law to prohibit older Farangs and other foreigners from marrying very young women .

I have seen some farangs with young wives who could be their grand daughters!.

Laos and Cambodia have enacted these law: why not Thailand.

Wow! You must realy hate foriegners. What did one of your daughters marry an older man? or did you sell her to him?

What ever the reason if they are in love what is wrong?

IF Laos and Cambodia hadn't come up with this law, Thailand wouldn't either. Just another classic example of how Thailand doesn't lead but merely 'follows' its supposed lower class neighbours.

How many MP's in Thailand have young mia nois?

Apart from that its a violation of human rights......Oh wait Thailand doesnt recognise human rights does it?

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