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Law Prohibiting Marriage To Foreigners Over The Age Of 50 Proposed To Thai Cabinet

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:It is a good idea " Bulls#$% . It takes away the freedom of the individual to choose what they want to do - that is crap !

Well I would have to agree with you, however you know what the mighty thaier than thai farangs would say to you. If you don't like it why don't you leave.

After the "I don't respect farangs" comment by the deputy last week, some of these farangs in question have yet been served another plate of humble pie.

Enjoy and chok dee!!!


I knew that the Thai politicians are stupid but that they are so stupid I never imagined........

they are not stupid ............... Selfish is what we should say...

clearly the law is for themselves....

doesn't reflect the voices of the majority ...

somehow I don't think that it will be the Thai politicians who will be proven stupid in this case....

Just call it intuition.

Amazing Thai Visa posters.


Hi Readers,

This has been checked out and is against the International Court of Human rights ruling. "Members of all races, no matter what nationality shall have the right to be legally married and reside in a country of their choice providing the laws of Immigration rights allow"

What is this proposed Thai law trying to achieve? It is clearly rediculious and has no sound base. Luckily I've been married for many years to my Thai wife now 40 an I'm 62, but do not live in Thailand because of their stoneage thinking and regular introduction of measures to prevent foriegners from residing for any length of time in the country.

Much of which I understand, but it really does scew up the genuine couples, hence our children have British and Thia Citizenship and later in life can choose for themselves. We would like to live in Thailand, but as I said before it is far too restrictive if you want to stay with-in the ever changing laws and spend weeks at the end of each year trying to justify why you should be alloed to stay in Thailand with your family.

What is coming next?


replying to this thread is like shooting fish in a barrel.

Except that the majority of the fish actually think that they are the shooters.


So this law is due to come into effect on May 1st 2011 . . . we have our marriage booked on the 15th . . . I am 75 and she is 17, does this mean we won't be able to do this now?


Cambodia just passed the sale rule/law and has does the same in the past. So it would not surprise me if it is actually true.

Personally i am kind of split on the opinion.

One one hand its wrong of any government to impose age restrictions on peoples personal life

But on the other hand, i do see the logic.

I do not think anyone in their right mind marries only for the purpose of visa, so i would rule that out as a reason. Only because Thailand is not exactly USA,or other Western countries, being married does not give anything for a foreigner.

Yes perhaps less money to show, but lets be real, when a young girl marries a guy double or tripe her age most of the time its not the love motivator but rather the "support" so it cost the husband much more in support payments for the wife, her family and everyone else who can get a piece of the pie.

Personally besides physical attraction, i do not see how some guys can get married and stay with the girl 1/3 of his age as not only there is not much in common but also the energy levels are so far apart.

I am in mid 30's and can not stay with a girl 18-20, only because they drive me mental with the lack of common sense and a desire to be out all the time. I do not blame them, when i was same age i also had an energy to be out all night, then go to work in the morning and do this for few days straight.

Anyhow, if it is true, hopefully they will make clear regulations of the allowed age difference and consequences for breaching it. Also what happens to already married people.


I always ponder really if lots farangs overly outrage loudly sometimes. These types of rules come and go. I am sure next year we will see another one of these types of regulations. :whistling:


Has everyone missed what day it is today April 1st "April Fools Day". I thing it is just a big wind up. Which has worked and got everyone going!!! Maybe I am wrong but I don't think so.


I am sure some Thai men feel a loss of face seeing older Falangs with very pretty young girls.They see the many of us strutting around their country, with more money acting like we own the place....when they get older and in a position of power themselves, they are very happy to enact laws like this. In most countries in the world, marriage restrictions directed solely at non native born people are attributed to racist governments

If this had anything at all to do with the poor innocent Thai girls then education of risks could easily be done. I'm sorry for those who think it is a good idea to enact strict laws regarding marriage....these laws against personal freedoms only become more strict when otherwise good people feel it punishes someone else...wait until they start deciding who is Thai and who is not !!!! Maybe only people born in Bangkok should be able to vote !!!


I personally think it is disgusting, men over 50 with young <25 year old wives. It makes me feel sick.

Thailand is doing something RIGHT for once.

or envious, perhaps?

I remember seeing a David Letterman show, where Jack Lemmon was being interviewed. He was a popular and charming American actor. There was mention that he had just married a girl nearly 50 years his junior. They audience smiled and applauded heartily. That's because they liked Mr. Lemmon. If it was an 80-something guy who the audience didn't know, who wore baggy shorts and drove a junker car, they (and Murf) would likely think it was disgusting. We are an extremely subjective species. There's a world of difference in outlook, depending on whether or not we're familiar with someone in a particular scenario.

To take it to another level. If a beloved, always joking uncle was accused of having a 12 yr.old girl sit on his lap (while he was drunk at a Thanksgiving day party), and just happened to touch her sensitive spot - all his relatives would smirk and make light of it. If the exact same scenario were perpetrated by a man who was not familiar with the crowd, all h*ll would break loose. Am I right or an I right?


Hi Readers,

This has been checked out and is against the International Court of Human rights ruling. "Members of all races, no matter what nationality shall have the right to be legally married and reside in a country of their choice providing the laws of Immigration rights allow"

What is this proposed Thai law trying to achieve? It is clearly rediculious and has no sound base. Luckily I've been married for many years to my Thai wife now 40 an I'm 62, but do not live in Thailand because of their stoneage thinking and regular introduction of measures to prevent foriegners from residing for any length of time in the country.

Much of which I understand, but it really does scew up the genuine couples, hence our children have British and Thia Citizenship and later in life can choose for themselves. We would like to live in Thailand, but as I said before it is far too restrictive if you want to stay with-in the ever changing laws and spend weeks at the end of each year trying to justify why you should be alloed to stay in Thailand with your family.

What is coming next?

A bunch of us laughing at your expense!


Let's take it one step further and ban all single men over 50 from even visiting Thailand. These pathetic people are here for one thing only - GET RID OF THEM!

Your the biggest APRIL FOOL for posting that comment. and more sick than the comment. Step outside we need to have a word. and I know where your cars parked !!


Well this has certainly geed alot of people up.

Funny how this statement was released today........ My calendar says 1st of April.


This has been checked out and is against the International Court of Human rights ruling. "Members of all races, no matter what nationality shall have the right to be legally married and reside in a country of their choice providing the laws of Immigration rights allow"

What is this proposed Thai law trying to achieve? It is clearly rediculious and has no sound base. Luckily I've been married for many years to my Thai wife now 40 an I'm 62, but do not live in Thailand because of their stoneage thinking and regular introduction of measures to prevent foriegners from residing for any length of time in the country.

Much of which I understand, but it really does scew up the genuine couples, hence our children have British and Thia Citizenship and later in life can choose for themselves. We would like to live in Thailand, but as I said before it is far too restrictive if you want to stay with-in the ever changing laws and spend weeks at the end of each year trying to justify why you should be alloed to stay in Thailand with your family.

What is coming next?

Checked out by whom? You mean you've taken it upon yourself to do a Google search and in your opinion it is against the law?

Methinks a lot of poultry-based products are coming your way soon along with most other posters here <smiles>


Maybe a sliding scale would have been a better idea...

i.e at 50 you can only marry someone over 35

at 51 - 36

at 52 - 37

etc etc...

Never the less, this is a positive move by Thailand's government.

Copying Cambodia arnt they..............like someone would get married just so they only had to have 400K in the bank rather than 800K.......what utter carp.........the over 50s with their pensions keep the Thai economy going, especially the Issan provinces, talk about biting the hand that feeds


So this law is due to come into effect on May 1st 2011 . . . we have our marriage booked on the 15th . . . I am 75 and she is 17, does this mean we won't be able to do this now?

Has she a sister? Good luck.


Being 1st April, very hard to know if its true or not. However Cambodia just passed the same rule/law and has does the same in the past. So it would not surprise me if it is actually true.

Personally i am kind of split on the opinion.

One one hand its wrong of any government to impose age restrictions on peoples personal life

But on the other hand, i do see the logic.

I do not think anyone in their right mind marries only for the purpose of visa, so i would rule that out as a reason. Only because Thailand is not exactly USA,or other Western countries, being married does not give anything for a foreigner.

Yes perhaps less money to show, but lets be real, when a young girl marries a guy double or tripe her age most of the time its not the love motivator but rather the "support" so it cost the husband much more in support payments for the wife, her family and everyone else who can get a piece of the pie.

Personally besides physical attraction, i do not see how some guys can get married and stay with the girl 1/3 of his age as not only there is not much in common but also the energy levels are so far apart.

I am in mid 30's and can not stay with a girl 18-20, only because they drive me mental with the lack of common sense and a desire to be out all the time. I do not blame them, when i was same age i also had an energy to be out all night, then go to work in the morning and do this for few days straight.

Anyhow, if it is true, hopefully they will make clear regulations of the allowed age difference and consequences for breaching it. Also what happens to already married people.</div>


Filipinas are hotter, sexier and actually loyal to their husbands anyway. Just retire to the Philippines. Too bad Thailand. Cut your nose off to spite your face yet again....... :jap:

And you won't have to try to teach them English.............


I do find it strange that I know so many intelligent Thais, yet so few of the intelligent Thais seem to make a career of politics. They leave politics to the mentally challenged and laws such as this come about as a result.

It is a fact that there are at any given time 40,000 to 60,000 young Thai women advertizing their availability for marriage to Western men on the various Internet websites for couples to meeting on. Most of the profiles of these women read that they are seeking an older man, some even type in Western man over the age of 50 or even 60. So I do not think it is proper to call these ladies innocent victims, they know what they want and they actively seek the older man.

Now speaking of victims, almost all of the women who meet an older man on-line through these sites convince the man to come to Thailand to meet them. Once the new law is in place this could reverse because the women who do seek to be married will know they can't do it in Thailand. The result will be thousands of men who would have come to Thailand, spending an average of 100,000 baht each will not be coming here to bless Thailand with their money. Loss to the Thai economy would be in the billions of baht each year. Another loss will be to the Thai banking system where tens of thousands of Western men currently keep their 400,00 baht.

Next; young Thai women would be compelled to make an overseas trip to meet their beloved man because they can't be married here. Keep in mind that currently the man comes to Thailand and if that man turns out to be less than advertised or some sort of an abuser, the woman can walk away. But if she has been forced by her governments silly laws to take the risk of meeting a stranger overseas, the opportunity for walking away if very limited and the opportunity for unscrupulous men in foreign countries to force these ladies into something bad such as sex slavery or worse will be greatly increased.

Yes, it is sad that Thai women seem to want the older Western men for husbands but sadder still that the government wants to blunder in to legislation a law that will put these women at an even greater risk.

An unscientific opinion poll.

All the Thai women of different ages that I have met in this country in a 4 year span have a chief complaint about Thai men: they treat them as chattels.

The young Thais are the ones that are the most aggressive and uncaring.


Spot whats wrong with the following statement;

If these people don't have enough money to retire then they shouldn't be here and become a burden to Thailand," Tawatchai Suksoom of the Ministry of Interior stated.

Ahhh Thailand doesn't do ANYTHING financially for foreigners other than; rip them off, accept their money, fine them and collect taxes. Advice to da man from the ministry, learn to be original instead of cut and pasting rhetoric from pollies in countries that actually have a welfare system.


Yes, lets ban all over 50's men from even visiting Thailand!!

How would you feel about tens of thousands of geriatric Thais coming to your home town each year and making off with your wimmin!


I nearly throw upo when I read that we falang are being a burden to Thailand.... a burden?? They must be pure idiots here thgese politicians....

Oh I am laying here outside the hospital sik to death - OK where is your creditcard??? So Thailand not pay???

Oh, I have no money no food - everyone demands money/creditcard from me... So Thailand is not taking care???

Oh I have no money for paying my rent, everyone demands creditcard/cash!!! Oh! isn´t Thailand take care of me???

So what in hell is Thailand doing for a falang-, absolutely NOTHING. I am expecting nothing when I moved here, and I really got nothing.

So why talking about being a burden to this country... For gods sake I give them money every month - for free!!!!!!!



I would have thought that cloning a law nurtured in the bosom of Thailand's Wat thieving, MP imprisoning, fugitive PM sheltering,

Khmer rouge forgiving neighbours by this minister would be regarded as TREASON. At least it shows a sad and sorry lack of

originality and imagination by this ministry. Wages under false pretences.

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