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Just Out Of Curiosity.....

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I'm a self-employed Durex quality control specialist. Right now I'm working in the hole, but if I work hard enough, I may be out of the hole by morning.

Any vacancies. :huh:

Are you still looking for a place to fill?

You'll need a good sense of humour. Can you put up with a gentle ribbing?


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har har har money money money is everything!!!!!!!11 iz that life line... u out u gone... i mean ur life ends... if im out of money i will jump down the bridge man... it wil feel soo gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood!!!

i will really love this part, im like bit alive, and i see beam of large truck coming to my way to finish me... ohhh yes... i will really love that party have wonder what life was all bout... generating those papers... so u could have a shelter and have some cowa7[at phat and leo every lunch and night and some snacks duk ring mid hours.... ooooh jeesus generating money is life then i gotta suck my self to get into those UNs that are oeprating in bkk right...??? ios it true they pay 200K salary??? man i really want that.... but ionalthe human resopuirce who leeches ust want poopies... man i should stalk them take them hostage in their homes... and starting cutting their fingers one by one with scalptor till they give me the REAL PIN NUMBERs.... wellht? monmey=life=surivial= ppl gotta do rig??? u dont wannt be in those hot sunnies begging as if u will generate income... got to monk churhc??? they will juhe hing st kick ur nuts and lock the door. how about educational instutute??? lol they earns heaps right???????ihtes?????????? univeristeties?? how much they earn in a month???be

what thai bachelor is like 40K pwer semister? and master is lke 250k per year??? wow... i see like 1000000000000000000 studnets rolling in including many doing masters for sake for their satus or something rich folks... wow 10 million in a day in

thats gonna last my entire life mate, but im just a poo on the street cuz i aint not vbalue to them right??? how much they pay their thai staff?? 10,000 baht for sitting in da office surfing net???? ok if they in some managerial day or some shit they may be 50k-100k... like they r just crusing on their cars, when in office having some coffee in airconded room and chitchatting busllshit??and ottht as?? lol...... i might as well do favour for those that feel depressed by working for 10K a month, waking up early every morning inc <deleted> satur bored at work, treated likture f...e a disposable razors... they ve got no future right man if they be women they gotta find husband fast,,, who generate money eomemeoemmemem.... <deleted>... just talkining ging bullshit and earning for what others have done... i dont mind cutting these geezes finger one by one with scalpers and distributting bonuses for the futurehood of these poor folks who deserve more

I don't have any eomemeoemmemem . :crying:

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