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Thaksin Kicks Off Election Campaign In New Phone-In

Lite Beer

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Because he did good

Ask a Thai

I have spoken to MANY Thai people that state that Thaksin was divisive and caused a great deal of harm to Thailand, starting with his systematic destruction of the checks and balances required for a democracy to function.

Yes, this is a common refrain from the more aware Thais I speak with in several corners of the nation.

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How can anyone with a brain take this man seriously?

You just named the problem there is in Thailand and which Thaksin exploits.

Sigh.... It is rather sad to see such ignorances.

The people that Thaksin appeals to are not without brains. They may well be without education. There is a big difference.

It may be a good time to review your own education and why you hold such views.

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Much better resolution is his plane goes down at sea and is never found or specifically explained. Other wise his grave becomes a shrine for further burnishing to a demi-god status, demagoguery, and others will milk that for decades to come.

Do you honestly believe that calling for the death of Thaksin is a responsible statement? And yet you point your finger at various political groups in Thailand calling them violent thugs? You can dance around with semantics and claim oh, but it was just a hypothetical scenario and snicker. Sadly, the fact remains that you are calling for death. Did you think your statement through? If a plane goes down, and is never found or specifically explained, what happens to the crew, or does your sick fantasy only have Thaksin on board? Basically you are asking that the pilot, co-pilot and FAs die too. Nice. Would you like to have a super orgasm and have the privilige of telling the aircraft crew's family that their loved ones died? Would your joy go to a new height if you could laugh at a kid while saying, Guess what, your daddy died at sea, hahaha??

As his own press clippings show, a single-seat F-16 should relieve you of your concerns...


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Much better resolution is his plane goes down at sea and is never found or specifically explained. Other wise his grave becomes a shrine for further burnishing to a demi-god status, demagoguery, and others will milk that for decades to come.

Do you honestly believe that calling for the death of Thaksin is a responsible statement? And yet you point your finger at various political groups in Thailand calling them violent thugs? You can dance around with semantics and claim oh, but it was just a hypothetical scenario and snicker. Sadly, the fact remains that you are calling for death. Did you think your statement through? If a plane goes down, and is never found or specifically explained, what happens to the crew, or does your sick fantasy only have Thaksin on board? Basically you are asking that the pilot, co-pilot and FAs die too. Nice. Would you like to have a super orgasm and have the privilige of telling the aircraft crew's family that their loved ones died? Would your joy go to a new height if you could laugh at a kid while saying, Guess what, your daddy died at sea, hahaha??

As his own press clippings show, a single-seat F-16 should relieve you of your concerns...


Geriatric, where does it say I 'called for his death'?

Where does it say I 'called someone to do this'?

Or does it say the flight crew should die to further this?

Anywhere? No, it doesn't.

I just said it would be a "better resolution" of the political crisis, than most other possibilities. In reference to another statement you might have been more correct aiming your over heated and over wraught invective at.

While he is alive he is clearly obsessed with getting power back, and his recent past history shows he has no compunctions about how he does this. This weeks announcements show he is no more lucid than he was this time last year, and that is not totally, and as obsessed as ever. So yes, if he goes by Act of God or mechanical accident, it does pull the plug on much of Thailands current problems and political crisis.

Noting this, is not the same as calling for an assassination, is it? Oops. You just fell off your high horse.

Edited by animatic
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Sigh.... It is rather sad to see such ignorances.

The people that Thaksin appeals to are not without brains. They may well be without education. There is a big difference.

It may be a good time to review your own education and why you hold such views.

Wasn't Thaksin Minister of Education too? I would suggest that all people have brains but some people have basically been told lies so often that they believe them, and that is the case with many if not most Thaksin followers. Granted, the Thaksin followers that are the elite/rich/ruling class are following him for other reasons .... the foremost of which is $$$$$$.

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Thaksin kicks off election campaign in new phone in.

I love Thaksin, he knows how to stir you lot up? :clap2:

You can tell by the comments. :cheesy:

It seems to stir up his defenders the most:

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Oberkommando 9

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It appears the opposition is starting a strategy to win an election............................

The Government has the option to counter, with the achievements and fulfilled promises while in office, and further plans to improve Thailand, including actions which will improve rural areas...............should be no contest then?

So why the need to constantly berate the opposition.......and not promote the government?

Edit : spelling

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It appears the opposition is starting a strategy to win an election............................

The Government has the option to counter, with the achievements and fulfilled promises while in office, and further plans to improve Thailand, including actions which will improve rural areas...............should be no contest then?

So why the need to constantly berate the opposition.......and not promote the goverment?

In this case because the OP is based on a Opposition headline,

and specifically from Thaksin. Open season.

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But seriously ... Is he running for office? His statements seem to indicate HE HIMSELF is running for office but then he makes the comment of not announcing who he wants to be PM until the house is dissolved.

Being from the US, I really don't fully understand the process in a parliamentary government. How long before elections is the house dissolved? Isn't it only a matter of weeks or a month? This seems odd to me because it would give virtually no time for people to get to know this potential leader let alone have anybody really dig into their background.

Maybe it is just not trusting Thaksin but he seems to obsess about dissolving the house. Even back during the Red Uprising his mouth pieces were focused solely on house dissolution and didn't care about actual elections. I can't help but wondering if there is some legal thing he wants to exploit during this time that would lead to his coming back.

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But seriously ... Is he running for office? His statements seem to indicate HE HIMSELF is running for office but then he makes the comment of not announcing who he wants to be PM until the house is dissolved.

Being from the US, I really don't fully understand the process in a parliamentary government. How long before elections is the house dissolved? Isn't it only a matter of weeks or a month? This seems odd to me because it would give virtually no time for people to get to know this potential leader let alone have anybody really dig into their background.

Maybe it is just not trusting Thaksin but he seems to obsess about dissolving the house. Even back during the Red Uprising his mouth pieces were focused solely on house dissolution and didn't care about actual elections. I can't help but wondering if there is some legal thing he wants to exploit during this time that would lead to his coming back.

The EC must set the elections 45-60 days after dissolution. They have a 15 day window.

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It appears the opposition is starting a strategy to win an election............................

The Government has the option to counter, with the achievements and fulfilled promises while in office, and further plans to improve Thailand, including actions which will improve rural areas...............should be no contest then?

So why the need to constantly berate the opposition.......and not promote the government?

Edit : spelling

My question would be ... why hasn't "the opposition" done anything to HELP Thailand since they became the opposition? They haven't floated ideas, they haven't had a shadow government to point out flaws in the Dem's approach etc. Instead they are running behind the name of a convicted fugitive that according to the law of the kingdom may never become an MP (and thus PM) again. This thread is about Thaksin :)

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But seriously ... Is he running for office? His statements seem to indicate HE HIMSELF is running for office but then he makes the comment of not announcing who he wants to be PM until the house is dissolved.

Being from the US, I really don't fully understand the process in a parliamentary government. How long before elections is the house dissolved? Isn't it only a matter of weeks or a month?

In Thailand, once parliament has been dissolved, the Election Commission must have elections within 45 to 60 days. (similar rules in other parliamentary/westminster systems)

This seems odd to me because it would give virtually no time for people to get to know this potential leader let alone have anybody really dig into their background.

That's the whole idea of NOT naming him. So that people CAN'T look into his background. That's basically what they have said regarding the naming of the PM candidate - "We don't want to name him yet because he will just be attacked."

Maybe it is just not trusting Thaksin but he seems to obsess about dissolving the house. Even back during the Red Uprising his mouth pieces were focused solely on house dissolution and didn't care about actual elections. I can't help but wondering if there is some legal thing he wants to exploit during this time that would lead to his coming back.

Yes, during the protests, they were more worried about the exact date of dissolution, rather than the date of the election. I never understood that.

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It appears the opposition is starting a strategy to win an election............................

The Government has the option to counter, with the achievements and fulfilled promises while in office, and further plans to improve Thailand, including actions which will improve rural areas...............should be no contest then?

So why the need to constantly berate the opposition.......and not promote the government?

Edit : spelling

My question would be ... why hasn't "the opposition" done anything to HELP Thailand since they became the opposition? They haven't floated ideas, they haven't had a shadow government to point out flaws in the Dem's approach etc. Instead they are running behind the name of a convicted fugitive that according to the law of the kingdom may never become an MP (and thus PM) again. This thread is about Thaksin :)

I must have it wrong........it appears to me to be electioneering........an attempt to garner votes for the opposition party..........

I just hope that Abhisit has prepared a solid campaign for you to support............other wise your attempts to make the Thai vote about one man may well come true......:)

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I must have it wrong........it appears to me to be electioneering........an attempt to garner votes for the opposition party..........

I just hope that Abhisit has prepared a solid campaign for you to support............other wise your attempts to make the Thai vote about one man may well come true......:)

Campaigning right now wouldn't be legal, would it? :)

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It appears the opposition is starting a strategy to win an election............................

The Government has the option to counter, with the achievements and fulfilled promises while in office, and further plans to improve Thailand, including actions which will improve rural areas...............should be no contest then?

So why the need to constantly berate the opposition.......and not promote the government?

Edit : spelling

My question would be ... why hasn't "the opposition" done anything to HELP Thailand since they became the opposition? They haven't floated ideas, they haven't had a shadow government to point out flaws in the Dem's approach etc. Instead they are running behind the name of a convicted fugitive that according to the law of the kingdom may never become an MP (and thus PM) again. This thread is about Thaksin :)

Thank you for confirming your posting technique......:)

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It appears the opposition is starting a strategy to win an election............................

The Government has the option to counter, with the achievements and fulfilled promises while in office, and further plans to improve Thailand, including actions which will improve rural areas...............should be no contest then?

So why the need to constantly berate the opposition.......and not promote the government?

Edit : spelling

My question would be ... why hasn't "the opposition" done anything to HELP Thailand since they became the opposition? They haven't floated ideas, they haven't had a shadow government to point out flaws in the Dem's approach etc. Instead they are running behind the name of a convicted fugitive that according to the law of the kingdom may never become an MP (and thus PM) again. This thread is about Thaksin :)

Thank you for confirming your posting technique......:)

As noted at the end of my post ------ This thread is about Thaksin. Staying on topic with Thaksin and Thaksin's proxy party is the appropriate thing to do. I do note, however, that you do not address the issues in the thread. Like why is a man that is banned from politics, AND not able to run for MP in the future based upon the law of the land being followed by so many apparently brainwashed people :)

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So why the need to constantly berate the opposition.......and not promote the government?

Perhaps because berating the opposition doesn't necessarily equal supporting the government. It is possible to support neither.

Now my question to you: why does berating the opposition bother you? Are they not worthy of being berated?

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I must have it wrong........it appears to me to be electioneering........an attempt to garner votes for the opposition party..........

I just hope that Abhisit has prepared a solid campaign for you to support............other wise your attempts to make the Thai vote about one man may well come true......:)

Campaigning right now wouldn't be legal, would it? :)

It is what it is...........perhaps just a phone in to boost party morale........unexplicably picked up and reported on by news sources......:)

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"I will revive Thailand within six months. After the first three months, the headache will be gone. The following three months, people will have money to spend, lots of money in everybody's pocket..." he said.

I'm still waiting for him to fix the traffic. That was supposed to be easy too?

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He proposed that farmers should be issued "cash cards" to be used in buying production tools. "Farmers don't have to be in debt anymore. They can their own creditors..." he said, without elaborating.

One day, Thailand will have a government that got elected because it had good policies...

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So why the need to constantly berate the opposition.......and not promote the government?

Perhaps because berating the opposition doesn't necessarily equal supporting the government. It is possible to support neither.

Now my question to you: why does berating the opposition bother you? Are they not worthy of being berated?

I don't think the constant berating of the opposition is as productive as extolling the virtues of the current government

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Thanks (JD & Why) for the education and info on the election vs. house dissolution.

During the Red Uprising I was sure he was up to something by having his people only focus on House Dissolution date and completely not care about an Election date but people tole me everything actually operates normally during the time the house is dissolved with only limits on certain things such as possibly passing new laws. I cannot help believing that he intends to do something the minute the house is dissolved to try to take advantage of some perceived loop hole in the law. Is this a possibility?

Certainly it makes sense he wants to give less time for the opposition to scrutinize his pick for PM but again he is setting his terms around the house dissolution date instead of stating a period of time (6 to 8 weeks) before elections. I just don't get his focus with house dissolution instead of elections.

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So why the need to constantly berate the opposition.......and not promote the government?

Perhaps because berating the opposition doesn't necessarily equal supporting the government. It is possible to support neither.

Now my question to you: why does berating the opposition bother you? Are they not worthy of being berated?

I don't think the constant berating of the opposition is as productive as extolling the virtues of the current government

This thread isn't about the current government. This thread is about a Thaksin phone in to the PTP folks in Isaan :) If you would like to extoll the benefits of the current government please feel free to revive one of the older threads :)

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Thanks (JD & Why) for the education and info on the election vs. house dissolution.

During the Red Uprising I was sure he was up to something by having his people only focus on House Dissolution date and completely not care about an Election date but people tole me everything actually operates normally during the time the house is dissolved with only limits on certain things such as possibly passing new laws. I cannot help believing that he intends to do something the minute the house is dissolved to try to take advantage of some perceived loop hole in the law. Is this a possibility?

Certainly it makes sense he wants to give less time for the opposition to scrutinize his pick for PM but again he is setting his terms around the house dissolution date instead of stating a period of time (6 to 8 weeks) before elections. I just don't get his focus with house dissolution instead of elections.

Nisa, the reds didn't want the government to be in power on Oct1 when the military reshuffle took place. If they had wanted elections they could have agreed in March, before the first violence on the part of the reds took place (not counting all the grenade attacks) and had said elections before Dec 31st. Elections were never what they were after. Abhisit offered those elections publicly on national television and the offer was reported upon all over the world.

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So why the need to constantly berate the opposition.......and not promote the government?

Perhaps because berating the opposition doesn't necessarily equal supporting the government. It is possible to support neither.

Now my question to you: why does berating the opposition bother you? Are they not worthy of being berated?

I don't think the constant berating of the opposition is as productive as extolling the virtues of the current government

You presume those berating believe the virtues of the current government are worth extolling. Rather than telling others what they should be berating and what they should be extolling, why don't you do some of your own berating / extolling? Wouldn't that make more sense?

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Just did a quick internet search to see if any International news outlets picked up on this story in terms of maybe changing their tune about having any doubt about Thaksin's motives and being the leader of the opposition .. instead I found an interesting interview with Abhisit by Forbes from 2 days ago where he talks about Thaksin and the elections ... http://www.forbes.co...p-for-vote.html

Having finished reading yet but found this quote from him interesting ...

When I took over the party leadership in 2005, polls showed we had 7% support in the northeast, which has been a Thaksin stronghold. Now polls show we have 25% to 30%.

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It appears the opposition is starting a strategy to win an election............................

The Government has the option to counter, with the achievements and fulfilled promises while in office, and further plans to improve Thailand, including actions which will improve rural areas...............should be no contest then?

So why the need to constantly berate the opposition.......and not promote the government?

Edit : spelling

My question would be ... why hasn't "the opposition" done anything to HELP Thailand since they became the opposition? They haven't floated ideas, they haven't had a shadow government to point out flaws in the Dem's approach etc. Instead they are running behind the name of a convicted fugitive that according to the law of the kingdom may never become an MP (and thus PM) again. This thread is about Thaksin :)

Thank you for confirming your posting technique......:)

As noted at the end of my post ------ This thread is about Thaksin. Staying on topic with Thaksin and Thaksin's proxy party is the appropriate thing to do. I do note, however, that you do not address the issues in the thread. Like why is a man that is banned from politics, AND not able to run for MP in the future based upon the law of the land being followed by so many apparently brainwashed people :)

I guess people vote the way they feel.........and their beliefs will only be challenged when a better alternative is clearly visible...........so why don't you guys start working on that angle...............is that a good enough explanation..

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And there is the greater danger.

History tells us otherwise. 19 coups. 17 constitutions.

The military has a proven history of overthrowing elected governments and installing dictators and juntas.

And you're worried about Thaksin?

Good grief.

What was so bad about the last military coup? They said they will hold elections and they did. They said they will respect the outcome of the election and they did.

More than you can say about Thaksin.

So I guess is choosing the lesser of two evils and IMHO that's the present government.

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