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Thai Private Eye Lifts Curtain On Cheating Spouses

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Thai private eye lifts curtain on cheating spouses

Feature by Janesara Fugal

BANGKOK, April 4, 2011 (AFP) - Amnuaiporn Maneewan imparts the wisdom of her more than 15 years working as a private detective in Thailand: "The only man you can trust is a dead one. If they're still alive, still breathing, then you can't trust them," she says.

With her James Bond-inspired gadgets including spy cameras and tapping devices, Amnuaiporn specialises in digging up evidence to expose cheating spouses for a law firm in Bangkok.

The 42-year-old has become a master at tailing the unfaithful, catching them in compromising situations with the use of tiny cameras and recording equipment hidden in pens, car keys, buttonholes and even calculators.

Her work has made her a minor celebrity in Thailand, where having a "mia noi" or "little wife" on the side of a marriage is seen almost as a right by some.

This "mistress detective" said there are more and more extra-curricular affairs in the country.

"It's just increasing the whole time; it's not slowing down at all. Now, they don't just have one mistress, they have two or three mistresses," Amnuaiporn said.

"It's like a fashion. It's normal. No man leaves the house without a mistress."

Unsurprisingly then, business has never been better.

Three or four new clients, mostly women between the ages of 20 and 60, contact her every day.

Government officials are apparently particularly likely to have mistresses, traditionally exploiting their positions to net minor wives.

"They have their status, they have power, they have money. It's quite easy for them to pay for another woman," said Ronnachai Kongsakol, psychiatry professor at Ramathibodi hospital in Bangkok.

His research on extramarital affairs by officials suggests that opportunity, intimacy and sympathy are the main motives for men to seek mistresses.

But it's not just Thai men who are tempted to stray.

Amnuaiporn estimates that three out of 10 calls are now from suspicious husbands.

Tales of infidelity abound in Thai society.

Panaa had been living with her partner for seven years when she found out he was secretly seeing another woman.

She tracked down the suspected mistress and confronted her, only to be faced with a surprising revelation.

Her rival produced a marriage certificate that proved she was actually married to Panaa's partner -- meaning Panaa was the mistress.

"I was shocked as I never thought that I would be the mistress. I never had any idea. I thought I was morally superior but it turned out I wasn't at all," said Panaa, whose asked that her real name be withheld.

While she did not need a detective to reveal the scandal, many people do seek help to find the truth.

"If there was no one like me, these people would have to suffer for a long time. Me, my job, helps people to open their eyes. I let them see the truth," said Amnuaiporn.

Her job has got her noticed in Thailand where her good looks, chatty demeanor and anecdotes of sordid transgressions have been lapped up on television and in print.

She has even produced her own book -- "The Private Eye: They ask me to investigate adultery" -- which is billed as the first in-depth account of the work of a female private detective.

Featuring images of her in various disguises she uses for work -- including a native American Indian outfit complete with feathered headdress -- the book includes true stories from her years tracking the unfaithful.

In one instance she was hired by a wealthy man who suspected his wife was straying.

When he pretended to go on a business trip, his wife lost no time in meeting a man and going with him to a "short stay hotel", with Amnuaiporn and the husband in hot pursuit.

He banged on the door of the illicit couple's room and confronted the wife's lover, who claimed to be alone.

After a search of several nearby rooms, Amnuaiporn and the husband found the wife stuck to the wall of an adjoining balcony "like a gecko".

The book also reveals basic tips on how to tell whether your partner is about to stray, such as a sudden upturn in their grooming and unexpected business trips to other parts of the country.

While Amnuaiporn's career has brought her renown and excitement, her constant exposure to infidelity has given her little desire to settle down.

"I am afraid that I will face the same problems I've seen. I think it's good to stay single," she said.


-- (c) Copyright AFP 2011-04-04

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My gosh I have been reading Thai Visa for years and by the tone of the posts here everyone is a faithful spouse. Gee the above article is news to me!


its the same every where......humans are not meant to be monogamous...tell me another mammal that is... some of us try but its always a test


I have a friend who is Thai who has been through several female maids. They have all had to quit even though the working conditions and pay are good. Each one has said that they were having to go home to live with their parents because their husbands have girlfriends and are spending all their time and money on them. So, I imagine business would really be booming is all these less fortunate ladies could afford private eye services and the courts would enforce support for wives and children left behind. I also found out from this friend that there is no such thing as "pro bono" (free) legal services available to these poor ladies in Thailand. Not good.

Wish there were a gutsy private detective who would investigate and report (perhaps to Richard Barrow who could publish it in the paper) on all the government employees and elected officials who benefit from their positions through graft. I was hit up the other day at the Immigration Office for information by someone whose job it was to provide such information free as part of his/her job. Sad.


So does this mean that Thailand is the "Mistress Hub" or "The only man you can trust is a dead one Hub" of Southeast Asia? :blink:

He's not dead, he's resting.

Norwegian Blues prefer sleeping like that...

:whistling: poor assistant of James Bond 007, maybe it happen to you that you was deceived by a man (Farang) and now you developpe allergie? What happen with the many hidden married Thai women working in the bar for the family and deceive men (Farangs)? I would say for this Thailand take 1st position in Asia, weekly we can read Farangs are cheating,killing (fall out by window), backstabbing and many more to get his fortune ??? I like say at both side can happen same, for this trust is good, controle is better.

Go to a massage club in Thailand and watch all the married men walk in with wedding rings still on.


Go to the bank and offer one of the female staff a dinner at an upmarket restaurant. Watch them pull the ring off there finger and hand you there mobile number.

Good giveaway's are...

2+ Mobile phones, Passwords on iPhones. Software on smart phones to delete all messages. Watch the phone bills stop coming and yet the phone remains connected. SMS messages after 11pm at night. Mobiles being turned off when they get home. Free holidays suddenly won and or supplied by work to Pattaya! New brand name clothing and or gifts that seem to be out of reach considering there income level. Also the soap used in short time hotels and or any hotels in Thailand are all cheap and easy to spot.

And the best one yet is the sudden arrival of condoms in there wallet and or bag.... when you know you have enough in the bedside draw! Why would you need this in your bag and or wallet at work or not at home?

Monogamy is not natural..


So men like to wet their dicks? Is this news, a story 100,000 years old. Perhaps if some of these overweight grump wives lost a few kilos, put on some make up and smiled occasionally, they would not be cheated on? Give me a break, is this the biggest problem Thailand has? No.


Why does Admin. continually run these ridiculous stories? When do I ever see anything positive come to my e-mail account. Nothing but crap.

Its because these sort of stories attract people, a bit like the tabloid press in the UK ( cant speak for anywhere else ) .

These 'controversial but real' stories cause people to stay longer on the site, which statistically means more clicks on adverts, so more revenue.


The only man you can trust is a dead one.

If your wife knows from the start, and knows that the mistress will never take you away from her, then she can trust you; trust you to be you and to come back to her and the kids and the house.


Stephen Leather's book "Private Dancer" - the book answers (and exposes) some of the tricks. The expose's in the book and the Private Eye industry is rife in Thailand but mostly many of them are scammers as well. There are rummers a film is due to be shot and released this year by Christmas. Local company supposed to be Location Thailand Co Limited. Anyway, this woman seems to be a professional but not so sure about the tradition American Indian get up. That can't be too covert LOL.


The problem is for every cheating man there is a cheating woman (whether she herself is single or not is immaterial as a consenting partner, for whatever reason, she is duplicitous), unless of course if he is gay, and then it is two men but this made up for by cheating women who are lesbian (happens far more often than you would believe). Thus to say the only man you can trust is a dead one (I would agree generally) but exactly the same must be said of women (generally).:ph34r:


Why does Admin. continually run these ridiculous stories? When do I ever see anything positive come to my e-mail account. Nothing but crap.

well, I guess you could have clicked on the flood story headline in the newsletter instead of this one to complain. Unless the flooding is crap too?


"The only man you can trust is a dead one. If they're still alive, still breathing, then you can't trust them," she says.

Geez she really hates her father. Thank god she didn't have a son or she would have eaten him at birth.:D


"native American Indian outfit complete with feathered headdress" is the outfit I always wear when I go deep undercover in Thailand and don't want to draw any attention to myself. It works every time!. :ph34r:


The problem is for every cheating man there is a cheating woman (whether she herself is single or not is immaterial as a consenting partner, for whatever reason, she is duplicitous), unless of course if he is gay, and then it is two men but this made up for by cheating women who are lesbian (happens far more often than you would believe). Thus to say the only man you can trust is a dead one (I would agree generally) but exactly the same must be said of women (generally).:ph34r:

I don't think my wife has ever cheated on me. Does that mean someone else's wife is cheating twice, to make up?

I can't believe that someone else's wife is cheating on me to compensate for my wife - that just doesn't seem right...




I wish this private detective would get pics of all these big mouth politicians with their pants down in a sleazy room with a slut. That would be Amazing Thaiman!!!


I agree with Dukeleto

Jealousy is a strange one for me:

I don't care what you are doing as long as you tell me the truth

Try telling em!

And watch a human explosion


very funny, and all those man are cheating their spouses with whom ? yes, more unreliable WOMEN ...

keep it in your pants and you will also keep your problems down

but hey, LOS is land of SEX


So men like to wet their dicks? Is this news, a story 100,000 years old. Perhaps if some of these overweight grump wives lost a few kilos, put on some make up and smiled occasionally, they would not be cheated on? Give me a break, is this the biggest problem Thailand has? No.

They should not wear the 'gawd awful' make up! Most Thais have a nice darker complection and no make up is needed. I dislike it when Thai women wear make up. It is nasty sh8t.


I have a friend who is Thai who has been through several female maids. They have all had to quit even though the working conditions and pay are good. Each one has said that they were having to go home to live with their parents because their husbands have girlfriends and are spending all their time and money on them. So, I imagine business would really be booming is all these less fortunate ladies could afford private eye services and the courts would enforce support for wives and children left behind. I also found out from this friend that there is no such thing as "pro bono" (free) legal services available to these poor ladies in Thailand. Not good.

I have a friend who is Thai who has been through several female maids.??????????????????????????????????? Should he be investigated????


Another approach :ph34r:


I clicked on one of the profiles. Here is what was written about him, "And his taste in women: as long as they are breathing, he is interested!" :lol:

And here is one written about a woman, "Louise is an equal opportunity cheater. She will bed your man and she will bed your woman." :lol:

Too bad if there was a Thai version of the site it would be taken down for liable or slander. But I bet it would be exciting while it lasted.


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