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Thai Private Eye Lifts Curtain On Cheating Spouses

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Having lived in Thailand for 16 years, I hardly find it surprising. More and more Thai women are not looking to be the spouse as they see more opportunity in being the mere noi to as many guys as they can schedule, one paying the rent, one paying for the car, one paying for their credit card bills and so on, as long as each one only wants to see them only one night per week, or with foreigners, one - four weeks per year. Marriage and collecting a dowry is just collecting as much as possible before the mere noi's get it and/or before they go back to being one themselves. Men don't have to look for mere nois, as "me mere noi, aow " is almost as common as "Sawadee kap" and "Sabai de mai" in day to day conversation.

Good business in Thailand, that's for sure!!


its the same every where......humans are not meant to be monogamous...tell me another mammal that is... some of us try but its always a test

tigers are monogomous



its the same every where......humans are not meant to be monogamous...tell me another mammal that is... some of us try but its always a test

Gibbon apes, wolves, termites, coyotes, barn owls, beavers, bald eagles, golden eagles, condors, swans, brolga cranes, French angel fish, sandhill cranes, pigeons, prions (a seabird), red-tailed hawks, anglerfish, ospreys, prairie voles (a rodent), and black vultures. Just to name a few that are monogamous :D


We're talking about men, NOT women. Women are designed to be monogomous, men aren't. There is a huge difference between men and women.

its the same every where......humans are not meant to be monogamous...tell me another mammal that is... some of us try but its always a test


its the same every where......humans are not meant to be monogamous...tell me another mammal that is... some of us try but its always a test

tigers are monogomous


Aren't bonobo monkeys a bit closer to us genetically?


Why does Admin. continually run these ridiculous stories? When do I ever see anything positive come to my e-mail account. Nothing but crap.

Crap. bad news. and rubbish sells.


its the same every where......humans are not meant to be monogamous...tell me another mammal that is... some of us try but its always a test

tigers are monogomous


Doves and pigeons are monogamous too. There's quite a few animals that stay with only one partner. Besides, we have a brain and can think and rationalize so comparing our habits to other mammals is pretty ridiculous.

"me mere noi, aow " is almost as common as "Sawadee kap" and "Sabai de mai" in day to day conversation.

It is? How odd -- after decades of living here and speaking the language, I have no recollection of having ever heard that nor do I have any idea what that means...


For those interested, an excellent 10 minute read by David P. Barash a professor of psychology at the University of Washington. Entitled DEFLATING THE MYTH OF MONOGAMY. It's an easy enjoyable read and seems like most people on here would learn a little if they read it. I think it should be mandatory reading for the Private Detective also!

Deflating The Myth of Monogamy


haha. Welcome to Thailand. This will be surprising news to some farangs but its business as usual to most Thais. Alot of Asia is like this, its not limited to Thailand. This stems from the old days where a man could have multiple wives (although there was always the 'major wife'). Partly status, partly a privilege to be enjoyed, depending on how rich you were. Think concubine...

I know a young Thai lady who specialises in entertaining Thai women who are left at home while hubby is out with the mia noi. Shoe on the other foot, so to speak. Alot of these older Thai wives keep a mia noi husband.

What I can never comprehend is that one gf/wife is enough hassle, never mind two or more. It causes alot of problems (been there done that). Bangkok condos are packed out with maintained mia nois :)


We're talking about men, NOT women. Women are designed to be monogomous, men aren't. There is a huge difference between men and women.

its the same every where......humans are not meant to be monogamous...tell me another mammal that is... some of us try but its always a test

The OP was talking about both men and women to be accurate. Also, one of the major differences between men and women went out the window with the introduction of birth control pills.

A woman now has control (at least in theory) over her reproductive rights.

I also think the reason more women cheat in Thailand is because so few have cats as pets.


We're talking about men, NOT women. Women are designed to be monogomous, men aren't. There is a huge difference between men and women.

its the same every where......humans are not meant to be monogamous...tell me another mammal that is... some of us try but its always a test

The OP was talking about both men and women to be accurate. Also, one of the major differences between men and women went out the window with the introduction of birth control pills.

A woman now has control (at least in theory) over her reproductive rights.

I also think the reason more women cheat in Thailand is because so few have cats as pets.

I am surprised that I have seen so few Siamese cats here



its the same every where......humans are not meant to be monogamous...tell me another mammal that is... some of us try but its always a test

tigers are monogomous


Doves and pigeons are monogamous too. There's quite a few animals that stay with only one partner. Besides, we have a brain and can think and rationalize so comparing our habits to other mammals is pretty ridiculous.

Pity we don't use our brains to work out that Doves and Pigeons are not mammals though isn't it. wink.gif

It seems there is social monogamy and sexual monogamy, there are many examples of the former in the animal kingdom, but very very few examples of the later. Freud said that civilizations can only be formed by suppressing instinct, seems he got that bit right.


The only man you can trust is a dead one.

If your wife knows from the start, and knows that the mistress will never take you away from her, then she can trust you; trust you to be you and to come back to her and the kids and the house.

Why take the chance, when the insurance will pay up promptly?

A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush...



This lady assumes everyone is tarred with the same brush but some of us simply don't cheat on our wives.

Jackanory Jackanory Jackanory :lol:


This is hardly unique to Thailand. Stories about the social risks inherent in studies of parent-child bloodtype are common in the medical community- there is always a scandalously high percentage of babies whose bloodtypes could not have come from their fathers. In Japan, there are not only agencies you can hire to find out if your spouse is cheating, but also agencies you can hire to *effect the breakup of the affair!!!* without it ever coming to a confrontation between the couple (yes, they have actors/actresses hired to seduce the spouse away from his/her lover and then dump 'em).


Why does Admin. continually run these ridiculous stories? When do I ever see anything positive come to my e-mail account. Nothing but crap.

well, I guess you could have clicked on the flood story headline in the newsletter instead of this one to complain. Unless the flooding is crap too?

No just this one is crap -- it also appears above the flood story as if to give it more credence / importance.

What's with the sexist generalization "The only "man" you can trust is a dead one" ?? Don't you think it should read "partner" as opposed to "man" ? But ok TV didn't write the piece, so for balance I'll keep an eye an out for a thread written by some burned farang entitled: "How to tell when a Thai woman is lying -- her lips are moving" or some other trite observation; it's never going to happen.


No, I'm talking about the psychological make-up of men and women. We ARE different, certainly not the same at all. For a start men see sex as a physical need, women see it as an emotional need. Sorry to burst your PC bubble.

We're talking about men, NOT women. Women are designed to be monogomous, men aren't. There is a huge difference between men and women.

its the same every where......humans are not meant to be monogamous...tell me another mammal that is... some of us try but its always a test

The OP was talking about both men and women to be accurate. Also, one of the major differences between men and women went out the window with the introduction of birth control pills.

A woman now has control (at least in theory) over her reproductive rights.

I also think the reason more women cheat in Thailand is because so few have cats as pets.


The only man you can trust is a dead one.

If your wife knows from the start, and knows that the mistress will never take you away from her, then she can trust you; trust you to be you and to come back to her and the kids and the house.

LMAO. So is that the voice of experience talking Andy? Seems something doesn't work. Here is your gem of a post from the April fools day thread

I was about 51 when I met a lady named "A" on Soi Cowboy. She was nineteen. I enticed her into coming to live with me. A few years later we were married. She became pregnant almost immediately and we had a son. A few years later we broke up and she want back to working in Bangkok. She asked for, and got, a divorce. But the son is a fine boy, still has my name, now nine years old and doing well. He still lives with his sister and grandma; I see him almost every month.

Our marriage had nothing to do with getting a visa. Indeed, when the immigration police revealed that I had to have an untouchable 300,000 baht in the bank I told them "I don't have it, and if I did I would give it to her and she would buy rice fields." You could argue that the reason I never saved 300,000 baht was because whatever came in went to her.

Our marriage did not last, but, proud of our son, I can not call it a "failure".

Later I had a son with another lady, named "C". She and I never married. I give whatever child support I can afford to both of them.

Which is better off; "A" the divorcee or "C" the never-married?

Nothing lasts forever.

Perhaps it may be more prudent not to heed your advice.


My gosh I have been reading Thai Visa for years and by the tone of the posts here everyone is a faithful spouse. Gee the above article is news to me!

Well what you have to remember is he is talking about ALL Thai men. They all have at least 3 mistresses. So now you know why they always ask us foriegners how many wives we have. 5555555555555 Because they have so many. And they will introduce them to you as maybe their grand child or their niece.


Because it's a well-known fact that men cheat more often than women. Anyway, the word "partner" is a boring, PC word thought up by loony lefties with ginger beards and leather patches on the elbows of their jackets. Sorry, not leather, they're all bloody vegans as well.

Why does Admin. continually run these ridiculous stories? When do I ever see anything positive come to my e-mail account. Nothing but crap.

well, I guess you could have clicked on the flood story headline in the newsletter instead of this one to complain. Unless the flooding is crap too?

No just this one is crap -- it also appears above the flood story as if to give it more credence / importance.

What's with the sexist generalization "The only "man" you can trust is a dead one" ?? Don't you think it should read "partner" as opposed to "man" ? But ok TV didn't write the piece, so for balance I'll keep an eye an out for a thread written by some burned farang entitled: "How to tell when a Thai woman is lying -- her lips are moving" or some other trite observation; it's never going to happen.


Go to a massage club in Thailand and watch all the married men walk in with wedding rings still on.


Go to the bank and offer one of the female staff a dinner at an upmarket restaurant. Watch them pull the ring off there finger and hand you there mobile number.

Good giveaway's are...

2+ Mobile phones, Passwords on iPhones. Software on smart phones to delete all messages. Watch the phone bills stop coming and yet the phone remains connected. SMS messages after 11pm at night. Mobiles being turned off when they get home. Free holidays suddenly won and or supplied by work to Pattaya! New brand name clothing and or gifts that seem to be out of reach considering there income level. Also the soap used in short time hotels and or any hotels in Thailand are all cheap and easy to spot.

And the best one yet is the sudden arrival of condoms in there wallet and or bag.... when you know you have enough in the bedside draw! Why would you need this in your bag and or wallet at work or not at home?

Monogamy is not natural..

and what about their white stains on their dresses?????????????????????????mMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM


:whistling: poor assistant of James Bond 007, maybe it happen to you that you was deceived by a man (Farang) and now you developpe allergie? What happen with the many hidden married Thai women working in the bar for the family and deceive men (Farangs)? I would say for this Thailand take 1st position in Asia, weekly we can read Farangs are cheating,killing (fall out by window), backstabbing and many more to get his fortune ??? I like say at both side can happen same, for this trust is good, controle is better.

A farang puts him/herself at risk by marrying someone from a relatively lower socio-economic level, especially a level where there often exists criminality already. These typically huge disparities in financial status can catalyze homicide.

If Thai wifes can hire a PI to track their husbands chances are they are middle class or above, and typically both husband AND wife are from comparable socio-economic levels.


its the same every where......humans are not meant to be monogamous...tell me another mammal that is... some of us try but its always a test

tigers are monogomous


Doves and pigeons are monogamous too. There's quite a few animals that stay with only one partner. Besides, we have a brain and can think and rationalize so comparing our habits to other mammals is pretty ridiculous.

Pity we don't use our brains to work out that Doves and Pigeons are not mammals though isn't it. wink.gif

It seems there is social monogamy and sexual monogamy, there are many examples of the former in the animal kingdom, but very very few examples of the later. Freud said that civilizations can only be formed by suppressing instinct, seems he got that bit right.

I read an interesting anthropology analysis of mammals and monogamy. Their conclusion was that the sexual promiscuity is related to testicle size. The smaller nutted mammals tend to be more monogamous. Humans in general have testicle size in the middle.

If this is true then Thai's tend to have big 'eggs.'

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