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Cambodia: No Pardon For Jailed Thai Pair Now

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Cambodia: no pardon for Thai pair now

By The Nation, Agencies


Jailed yellow shirt activists Veera, Ratree 'not qualified for amnesty'

Nationalist activists Veera Somkwamkid and Ratree Pipattanpaiboon might have to stay behind bars in Cambodia for possibly two-thirds of their jail term or longer, after the Cambodian government officially rejected their requests for a royal pardon.

"According to Cambodian law, whoever is convicted of a crime has to serve two-thirds of his or her jail term before being considered for a royal pardon," Foreign Minister Hor Namhong said at Phnom Penh International Airport before leaving for Indonesia to hold border meetings with Thailand. "So they [the two Thais] have not met the qualification for royal amnesty."

Veera and Ratree were arrested on December 29 together with five other Thai nationals, including Democrat Party MP Panich Vikitsreth, while inspecting a disputed border area near Sa Kaew province's Ban Nongchan.

The five were released following suspended prison terms on the charge of trespassing, but Veera and Ratree were convicted of additional charges of espionage, with eight- and six-year jail terms respectively.

Thailand's ambassador to Phnom Penh, Prasas Prasasvinitchai, submitted through the Cambodian Foreign Ministry their request for royal pardon in mid-March. Veera's family also sought assistance from the opposition Pheu Thai Party and former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra, who has close connections with Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen.

The current government under Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva failed in several attempts to secure freedom for Veera and Ratree because of sour relations between the Thailand and Cambodia.

Veera's younger brother Preecha Somkwamkid told The Nation that the family would make another attempt to request a royal pardon for him.

"I understand that the Cambodian government is sitting on the request and has not yet submitted it to the Cambodian king for political reasons," he said. "Unfortunately, his case is too much politicised."

Yellow-shirt activists Veera and Ratree were arrested when relations between Thailand and Cambodia had soured over their border conflict, notably in areas adjacent to the Hindu temple of Preah Vihear.

Veera and Ratree are among nationalist activists under the Thai Patriots Network that has campaigned against Cambodia's and Abhisit's stance on a boundary deal. The TPN and the People's Alliance for Democracy are now camping out near the Prime Minister's Office to put pressure on Abhisit to seek ways to help Veera and Ratree.

Royal pardons are known to be influenced mostly by the policy and position of the Cambodian government, rather than pure legal procedures.

Hun Sen had requested a royal pardon for Thai engineer Sivarak Chutipong in late 2009, securing his release from a seven-year sentence for the charge of espionage after only a month in prison. He had been accused of stealing flight information pertaining to Thaksin, who was then an adviser to Hun Sen. Thaksin requested Phnom Penh to free the engineer.

Former foreign minister Noppadon Pattama, a close aide to Thaksin, said earlier that he had conveyed the request of Veera's family to Thaksin, asking him to talk to Hun Sen about freeing the two activists.

However, Veera was not on good terms with Thaksin after participating in street protests of the yellow-shirt movement that eventually led to the prime minister being toppled from power by a coup in 2006.


-- The Nation 2011-04-07


"Yellow-shirt activists Veera and Ratree were arrested when relations between Thailand and Cambodia had soured over their border conflict"

no, they were arrested in december, for crossing the border.

the military conflict had place end of january/beginning of february

"Unfortunately, his case is too much politicised."

By these same two fools who are in jail.

Thaksin will milk his name in the papers from this,

and then do sod all for the PAD guys.


"Yellow-shirt activists Veera and Ratree were arrested when relations between Thailand and Cambodia had soured over their border conflict"

no, they were arrested in december, for crossing the border.

the military conflict had place end of january/beginning of february

And relations had already soured prior to their doing this,

partly from their and PAD/TPN's action about the border and temple issues.

"Unfortunately, his case is too much politicised."

By these same two fools who are in jail.

Thaksin will milk his name in the papers from this,

and then do sod all for the PAD guys.

Thaksin has had plenty of opportunity to "milk his name in the papers from this". Has he done so? No. What has Abhisit (who let's not forget, is the Thai PM and in a better position to do something than Thaksin who holds no official position of power in Thailand) done to aid their "plight"? To use your quote "Sod all".

This really isn't about Thaksin.


Cambodia: No Royal Pardons for Jailed Thais

The Cambodian government has rejected the request of royal pardons for the two Thai activists who were arrested in December 2010.

Cambodian Foreign Minister Hor Namhong said before leaving for the Joint Boundary Commission or JBC meeting in Indonesia that the Camboidan government will not grant the royal pardon requests for Veera Somkwankid and Ratree Pipattanpaiboon, who have been jailed in Cambodia since December of 2010.

The two activists were sentenced to jail for trespassing and espionage. Veera was sentenced to an 8-year jail term, while Ratree faces a 6-year jail sentence.

Hor Namhong said according to Cambodian law, those who are convicted of a crime must serve two-thirds of their jail term before they can be considered for a royal pardon.

Therefore, Veera must serve five years in jail, while Ratree must serve four years, before they can be considered for a royal pardon.

Thai Ambassador to Phnom Penh Prasas Prasasvinitchai said he submitted the royal pardon request to the Cambodian Foreign Ministry on March 16.

Veera and Ratree were arrested on December 29, together with five other Thai nationals, one of whom was Democrat MP Panich Vikritsreth.

The five were released on bail after being charged with tresspassing.


-- Tan Network 2011-04-07


"Unfortunately, his case is too much politicised."

By these same two fools who are in jail.

Thaksin will milk his name in the papers from this,

and then do sod all for the PAD guys.

Thaksin has had plenty of opportunity to "milk his name in the papers from this". Has he done so? No. What has Abhisit (who let's not forget, is the Thai PM and in a better position to do something than Thaksin who holds no official position of power in Thailand) done to aid their "plight"? To use your quote "Sod all".

In several other threads, people were complaining that the government was doing too much for the pair... Now you say they've done, sod all.

Which is it?

As a former Special Economic Adviser to Hun Sen, I could see why the family's may wish to seek his assistance because of his closeness to the Cambodian Premier, but I think there was virtually no chance that he would extend a helping hand to PAD members. Partially because they're PAD, but also because he's got his hands full trying to manipulate a general election that has bailed Red Shirt terrorist suspects in it as candidates. Spinning that one and cementing control of his political party are time-consuming.


"Unfortunately, his case is too much politicised."

By these same two fools who are in jail.

Thaksin will milk his name in the papers from this,

and then do sod all for the PAD guys.

I beg to differ. Yes, K. Thaksin will milk the situation for all it is worth. Who would not? However, with an election coming up, a discreet approach could be made to the Cambodian government which, if successful, would give a political advantage to Hun Sen and to K. Thaksin and also show the Thai govt in a bad light. That might be sufficient temptation for Hun Sen to find a formula for releasing the prisoners without a royal pardon.

"Unfortunately, his case is too much politicised."

By these same two fools who are in jail.

Thaksin will milk his name in the papers from this,

and then do sod all for the PAD guys.

Thaksin has had plenty of opportunity to "milk his name in the papers from this". Has he done so? No. What has Abhisit (who let's not forget, is the Thai PM and in a better position to do something than Thaksin who holds no official position of power in Thailand) done to aid their "plight"? To use your quote "Sod all".

In several other threads, people were complaining that the government was doing too much for the pair... Now you say they've done, sod all.

Which is it?

As a former Special Economic Adviser to Hun Sen, I could see why the family's may wish to seek his assistance because of his closeness to the Cambodian Premier, but I think there was virtually no chance that he would extend a helping hand to PAD members. Partially because they're PAD, but also because he's got his hands full trying to manipulate a general election that has bailed Red Shirt terrorist suspects in it as candidates. Spinning that one and cementing control of his political party are time-consuming.


I can honestly say that I cannot speak for those other people "complaining about the government doing too much for the pair" and as I have never stated this, I can quite happily say what I did and you have therefore no reason to claim that I changed my mind. As for the rest of your post, pure Bucholz.


Thaksin has had plenty of opportunity to "milk his name in the papers from this". Has he done so? No. What has Abhisit (who let's not forget, is the Thai PM and in a better position to do something than Thaksin who holds no official position of power in Thailand) done to aid their "plight"? To use your quote "Sod all".

In several other threads, people were complaining that the government was doing too much for the pair... Now you say they've done, sod all.

Which is it?

As a former Special Economic Adviser to Hun Sen, I could see why the family's may wish to seek his assistance because of his closeness to the Cambodian Premier, but I think there was virtually no chance that he would extend a helping hand to PAD members. Partially because they're PAD, but also because he's got his hands full trying to manipulate a general election that has bailed Red Shirt terrorist suspects in it as candidates. Spinning that one and cementing control of his political party are time-consuming.


I can honestly say that I cannot speak for those other people "complaining about the government doing too much for the pair" and as I have never stated this, I can quite happily say what I did and you have therefore no reason to claim that I changed my mind.

:blink: I never claimed you changed your mind.

The clue that I wasn't was referring to you is the bit about "people were complaining" and not "phiphidon was complaining" or "you" or some other pronoun that specifically referred to you.

My comment about which is it is based on many other posters were complaining in multiple posts in multiple threads (I think this about the ninth or tenth thread on this topic) that the government was doing much more for the pair than they would for others... and then you come along in this thread and say they haven't done anything at all.

Given that is the situation, I think that it's entirely natural to then wonder which polar opposite description is most accurate.

After laying the foundation that many others had said the opposite of you and then asking "which is it", than, ideally, you might have taken the opportunity to expound further on why your description is in such conflict to so many others or why it is the more accurate of two.

But alas, instead, all were get in response are protestations of being falsely accused (which never was done in the first place).


Hor Namhong said according to Cambodian law, those who are convicted of a crime must serve two-thirds of their jail term before they can be considered for a royal pardon.

The engineer Sivarak Chutipong who 'leaked' k. Thaksin's flight plan a 'long time ago' comes to mind:

Posted 2009-12-08 17:07:42

Cambodian Court Sentences Thai Engineer to 7 Years in Jail

UPDATE : 8 December 2009

Posted 2009-12-11 13:46:43

Thai engineer pardoned

Cambodia's king Friday pardoned a Thai engineer who had been sentenced to seven years in prison for spying on fugitive ex-Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra's flight scheduled, Associate Press reported.

Oh, that's why:

Thaksin has tete-a-tete with 'spy' in cambodia

By The Nation, Agencies

Published on December 14, 2009

Sivarak flies home today; ex-PM's second visit certain to stoke tension between neighbours

Fugitive ex-Thai prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra swooped into Phnom Penh yesterday and headed directly to the prison holding the Thai engineer convicted of spying, in a move destined to further strain ties with Cambodia.


Thaksin has had plenty of opportunity to "milk his name in the papers from this". Has he done so? No. What has Abhisit (who let's not forget, is the Thai PM and in a better position to do something than Thaksin who holds no official position of power in Thailand) done to aid their "plight"? To use your quote "Sod all".

In several other threads, people were complaining that the government was doing too much for the pair... Now you say they've done, sod all.

Which is it?

As a former Special Economic Adviser to Hun Sen, I could see why the family's may wish to seek his assistance because of his closeness to the Cambodian Premier, but I think there was virtually no chance that he would extend a helping hand to PAD members. Partially because they're PAD, but also because he's got his hands full trying to manipulate a general election that has bailed Red Shirt terrorist suspects in it as candidates. Spinning that one and cementing control of his political party are time-consuming.


I can honestly say that I cannot speak for those other people "complaining about the government doing too much for the pair" and as I have never stated this, I can quite happily say what I did and you have therefore no reason to claim that I changed my mind.

:blink: I never claimed you changed your mind.

The clue that I wasn't was referring to you is the bit about "people were complaining" and not "phiphidon was complaining" or "you" or some other pronoun that specifically referred to you.

My comment about which is it is based on many other posters were complaining in multiple posts in multiple threads (I think this about the ninth or tenth thread on this topic) that the government was doing much more for the pair than they would for others... and then you come along in this thread and say they haven't done anything at all.

Given that is the situation, I think that it's entirely natural to then wonder which polar opposite description is most accurate.

After laying the foundation that many others had said the opposite of you and then asking "which is it", than, ideally, you might have taken the opportunity to expound further on why your description is in such conflict to so many others or why it is the more accurate of two.

But alas, instead, all were get in response are protestations of being falsely accused (which never was done in the first place).


As I seem to remember you were replying to my post -the inference is there - in the meantime have you ever heard of the concept that not all people think alike? I think that Abhisit has done nothing positive to affect the release of the the people concerned. According to you many others have disagreed with that viewpoint. So you either agree with me or you don't - it really doesn't matter to me.

Edit to add: And if you're really that concerned why don't you ask the same question to all those "other posters in mutiple threads" that think otherwise - then you'll be happy that they were right and I am wrong - that's what you want isn't it?


Govt to plea for royal pardon again

By The Nation

Foreign Minster Kasit Piromya said yesterday the government would once again submit a request that activists Veera Somkwamkid and Ratree Pipattanapaiboon be allowed a royal pardon, even though the Cambodian government officially rejected their plea on Wednesday.

"Negotiating with Cambodia is the government's duty," Kasit said yesterday.

Democrat MP Charoen Khanthawong said that if the People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD) stopped attacking the Cambodian government, the two activists might be released on a royal pardon.

Veera and Ratree are part of the Thai Patriots Network that has been campaigning against Cambodia and the Abhisit Vejjajiva government's stance on the boundary deal. PAD is an ally of the Thai Patriots Network.


-- The Nation 2011-04-08


In several other threads, people were complaining that the government was doing too much for the pair... Now you say they've done, sod all.

Which is it?

As a former Special Economic Adviser to Hun Sen, I could see why the family's may wish to seek his assistance because of his closeness to the Cambodian Premier, but I think there was virtually no chance that he would extend a helping hand to PAD members. Partially because they're PAD, but also because he's got his hands full trying to manipulate a general election that has bailed Red Shirt terrorist suspects in it as candidates. Spinning that one and cementing control of his political party are time-consuming.


I can honestly say that I cannot speak for those other people "complaining about the government doing too much for the pair" and as I have never stated this, I can quite happily say what I did and you have therefore no reason to claim that I changed my mind.

:blink: I never claimed you changed your mind.

The clue that I wasn't was referring to you is the bit about "people were complaining" and not "phiphidon was complaining" or "you" or some other pronoun that specifically referred to you.

My comment about which is it is based on many other posters were complaining in multiple posts in multiple threads (I think this about the ninth or tenth thread on this topic) that the government was doing much more for the pair than they would for others... and then you come along in this thread and say they haven't done anything at all.

Given that is the situation, I think that it's entirely natural to then wonder which polar opposite description is most accurate.

After laying the foundation that many others had said the opposite of you and then asking "which is it", than, ideally, you might have taken the opportunity to expound further on why your description is in such conflict to so many others or why it is the more accurate of two.

But alas, instead, all were get in response are protestations of being falsely accused (which never was done in the first place).


As I seem to remember you were replying to my post -the inference is there - in the meantime have you ever heard of the concept that not all people think alike? I think that Abhisit has done nothing positive to affect the release of the the people concerned. According to you many others have disagreed with that viewpoint. So you either agree with me or you don't - it really doesn't matter to me.

Edit to add: And if you're really that concerned why don't you ask the same question to all those "other posters in mutiple threads" that think otherwise - then you'll be happy that they were right and I am wrong - that's what you want isn't it?

1. The inference exists only in your own mind. "People" indicates people. "phiphidon" or "you" indicates you.

2. I'm well aware that different people have different opinions. That's not the issue.

3. I'm not going to bump nine different threads because of a sole dissenting opinion in this one.

4. What I "want" or hoping for was for you to expound on why you think the government has done nothing at all... but yet again,

But alas, instead, all were get in response are protestations of being falsely accused (which never was done in the first place)



Govt to plea for royal pardon again

By The Nation

Foreign Minster Kasit Piromya said yesterday the government would once again submit a request that activists Veera Somkwamkid and Ratree Pipattanapaiboon be allowed a royal pardon, even though the Cambodian government officially rejected their plea on Wednesday.

gosh... look at that...

Yet another case of the government doing "sod all" according to phiphidon.


PM: Positive Atmosphere Needed to Facilitate Release of 2 Thai Detainees

The Prime Minister is asking all Thais to help build a positive atmosphere to facilitate the release of the two Thai activists detained in a Cambodian prison.

At Parliament, Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva said the government will continue its effort to help Veera Somkwamkid and Ratree Pipattanapaiboon, the two Thai activists who remain in a Cambodian jail for tresspassing and espionage, although no further correspondence has been issued by Phnom Penh.

He noted there were comments made by Cambodian Foreign Minister Hor Nam Hong through the Cambodian media.

Meanwhile, the premier affirmed that the government is still on good terms with both the families of Veera and Ratree, and that the families understand that the case in which the two are involved is complicated.

Responding to speculations that the Thai activists may have to serve two-thirds of their jail sentence before they are permitted to petition for amnesty, Abhisit said it will not necessarily be that way, though Thailand must respect the law of its neighboring country.

He agreed that there is a possibility that Veera and Ratee could be released for humanitarian reasons, as in the case involving Sivarak Chutiphong, the Thai engineer who was jailed on a charge of spying, then was given a royal pardon.

The Prime Minister called on all parties to help build a positive atmosphere to facilitate the release of the two Thai detainees.

On a separate matter, he said the government has yet to consider whether representatives from Indonesia will be allowed to observe the disputed area during the next field trip.


-- Tan Network 2011-04-08



Govt to plea for royal pardon again

By The Nation

Foreign Minster Kasit Piromya said yesterday the government would once again submit a request that activists Veera Somkwamkid and Ratree Pipattanapaiboon be allowed a royal pardon, even though the Cambodian government officially rejected their plea on Wednesday.

gosh... look at that...

Yet another case of the government doing "sod all" according to phiphidon.

Yes indeed, extremely proactive. A Royal Pardon was asked for. Cambodia eventually get round to officially rejecting it. So what does the Government do - they say they will try again. You're right Bucholz, I take it all back, the Government are pulling out all the stops on this.

Veera, Ratree families seek Thaksin help to get pair out of Cambodian jail

Mrs Wilaiwan said there has been no progress on the release of her son during the past four months and that she fell ill after she found out that Mr Veera was sick when she visited him.

Mr Veera's mother said she has no other choice but to try to secure the release of her son and decided to contact the Puea Thai spokesman to seek help on the case.

Mr Veera's brother Preecha said that the families of the two detainees have met Prime Minister Abhisit twice and handed a letter seeking clear help from the government for the two Thai nationals within seven days, but no progress has been made until now.



I expect them to be released much nearer the election, perhaps a few days before, with the glorious Mr Thaksin accepting their grateful wais outside the jail.


Theres no point in helping those two lowlifes out of Jailunsure.gif..... What they did was on purposelaugh.gif, they knew exactly where they were going and what they were doing.....NO need for pardons or even shortened sentences

It always has been and always will be Cambodian land!!

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